Zurich Herald, 1941-01-30, Page 1••••••••••..,..merar...1 Forty -First Year ZURICH, THURSDAY MOHNiNO, JANUARY 30, 1941. Rates: $1..25 in Canada, in advaro, $1,50 in ILS,A., in advan4:4 CHESTER L. SMITH, Publisher Patronize your Local erchant for your 1941 Purchases 1 L JLJ rtg A THE LOWEST PRICES Sales Prove ft.. ---No Salesmen Commissions to pay. Na Finance Charges to Pay SPECIAL -Only one left at the old Price, New 1941 Dodge., Purchased before tax raise 1939 Chev. Coach like new $685 1940 Dodge coach, choice .385 1939 Dodge De Lux coach $695 1940 Pontiac Coach, like New $785 1931 Ford Coach, newly painted $190 1929 Ford Coach, repainted $125 1929 Ford Coupe $85. 1932 Chev. Sedan W RD FRiTZ -......r......amasmamccratcavam.m..........,.....r-.......no.nar..xamaramasszsaansammanwAraacassurrwaseemaagr.11 •;" OF • Eer Merchandise We are offering our Winter Merchandise at ,• • educed Prices .Such .as Sweater Coats, Underwear, Hosiery, Etc. MEN'S DEPARTMENT .Men's Jumbo Knit Sweaters, all wool ........2.29 ....Men's Pullover Sweaters, Reg. 2.50 for ........ 1.75 Men's allwool Windbreakers, Reg. $5.00 for 3 95 Men's allwool Windbreakers, .rey. 3.50 for ...... 2.69 Men's Fleece Pullovers with zipper at 98c Men's checked Shirts, heavy, reg. 1.35-1.50 at 1.19 Men's felt Hats., 33ew style reg-. 2.25. Sale.....1.59 Ladies' white flannelette night gowns 49c Girl's flannelette Pyjamas., .Reg. $1, at 69c Ladies Vests and Bloomers at 49c La,clies Silk Slips, rose or -white 79c Ladies House Dresses all:Sizes prices from $1.00 :to 1.75. Sale price 89c• Broad Cloth all colors per yard 18c Flannelette Blankets ibex, grey and white ....2.19 Pure linen Toweling per yard 25c Turkish Toweling reg. 30c. yd. at .. . .... 24c Light Striped Flannelette per yard 19c These are only •a few Items listed which we are selling at rethmed prices, :you will see what we have to offer when: you visit our Store. This. SALE Starts SATURDAY, JANUARY It 81h. And for those that come early we are Setting a medium weight Broom at 1,9c. Only five dozen at this Price. We also have GRAB BOXES at 25c. Some Real .Bargains REMEMBER, SATURDAY JAN. 18th. Coupons given With all Goods purchased e Our je Store. IE NE Phone 140 iZ.' ......eprmairreatr.s.*Iamiata vavrotailito.....* Javritt's heatre --- - ---,-,---7---- Exeter, Ont. Phone 135 Thurs., Friday, Saturday Two Features Lone Wolfe Meets a Lady Starring Waran Williams Military Academy With Tom Kelly and The Dead End Kids Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday FLOWING GOLD Starring Pat O'Brien and John Garfield COMING -The Ramparts we Watch. Thief of Bagdad. Son of Monte Cristo The Westerner. Northwest Mounted Police. YOUR CHANCE To See a BROADCAST The "CKNX" BARN DANCE Will be put on the Stage of CLINTON TOWN HALL .Where you may come and watch it - SAT. FEB. lst. Starting 7.30 Adults 25c. Children 10c IALISMAXWOWCP...0SeSICSAMI.ZC0110, CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our neighbors and friends for the kind as;iStaice and sympathy shown to us during the ill- ness and passim°. of Addie. Special thanks to Rev. Heckendorn and the choir. -Surerus Family HENSALL Mr. .Allen Davidson is very much 'improved after his recent inners. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Drysdale have returned home after •spendne; some time in Mt. Clemens and Detroit. D:es in West The death occurred in hospital in Regina of D. M. Buchanan, a former wellknown Hensall resident. Pul.lai took place. in Moose Jaw. Andrei Buchanan, of Hensall, is a In othev. and the late Alex. Buchanan, .of this village, was also a brother. He i ur- rived by two sons and one daugh4.:er. Library Board Mets The first meeting ef the 1.94I pub- lic library board was held in tho Co uncil Chamber with tho following mo mbers present: Reeve R. 1;1. ..'•11•1ck; Mrs. E. Norminton, Mrs. W. 0. Goo.] win, Miss Maattie Ellis, 'Rev. Weir, S. G. Rennie and Robt. Moore. The minutes of the previous meeting were mad and adopted. Motion that Reeve Shadick be chairman Reports for 1940 were: total circulation 5.7(g• books and total „for December 406. The librarian reported re the check- ing over of books 1.1 a.:1 eight aro missing. The treasurer •rcported a cash balance - of $174.2S for the year Motion that Rev. eWir, Mrs. Norminten Mrs. •Goodn win and librarian Mrs. !Cannel= be the book committee That J. A. Paterson be soc.etary and treasurer and Mrs. Cameron be lib- rarian at the same salaries. liaiiiiitirrrtgairda,vfarridaharanaorksiscrami.rarimaerearmast.aaamscaraVerr. ..... _ NOTICE The Annual Meeting of tee ZURICH AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich On • RFIDAY, JANUARY 31st 1941 At Two o'clock, p.m For its General lin' Your ;Helpful Preserace will be Appreciated Win. Decker, E. F. Klapp, President. Secy-Treas. 4 - Mr. }Iarrison School is away to Kitchener for a few weeks. .A11. Ale" Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith motored to London on Tuesday. Mr. Ward Fritz was on a business t.rip to Toronto early in the week. Mrs. Vincent Rush of Victoria, B. C., was a -visitor with her aunt, Mrs. S. Hey a few weeks. Mr. !George Kibbler of Mliton,vis- itd at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz for a few days last week. Mr. Menno Oesch, and Mrs. Norman GaschO and family motored to Byron on Sunday afterneon. Corporal Reiley an officer of the Port Albert Air Force Training scho- ol spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mousseau.. The Zurich Womens' Institute will meet Monday eve 1v 3, in the town hal! for their ngular monthly meeting. The ans,ver to the roll call is ."My avourite Hymn and Composer." A, ,chicken pieL g machine --as be- ing demonstrated 7n the local Silver - woods station on 'Monday afternoon, I and we are advised that one of these machines :bas been iistalled•which wffl save a l'ot4f picking work. , . Miss 10t4 TArkheim,..gormeily of Montreal, has been Spending week at her home here, prior to her mar- riage on Friday to Mr. Arthur Flem- ing Neve of Royal Oak, Michigan. Both bride and groom are graduates of Wittenberg College, Springfield. Ohio, where. the groom's father was formerly a professor of theology in the Divinity School. Miss Ruth is also a graduate of Waterloo College. while the groom has studied abroad and has done graduate work at Wes- tern Reserve and Ohio State Univ- ersities. Married 50 Years We join the many frierurs of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Keller of town who on Monday Jam. 27th celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. They were marrid in Hay Township, by Pastor Strnempfer, the bride being Kathern Elsie before marriage. After reeraing 16th concession for 24 years, they moved to Zurich 26 years ago. This happy couple seem to be enjoy- ing fairly good health and ahve iy of three children, Mrs. Wm. RAharrnel-, of Merriton; Theodore Of cit and Aarson of Proston. Become Organized Tile trustee board of Zurich held :ii r inaugural meeting on Monday foi•enoon last. 11;:,.. T. C. 'laborer was ,:•apI:ointed as vhairman of the board Other officials appointed were: Con- A:IL'e, Earl Thiel; water system, C. L. Satith; fire fighting equipment, Le Prang; secretary, A. F. Hess. The village now has over 55 consum- or,: connected with the water system and more are in prospect Arrang- m?nts are under way to secure a larg- r upply of water at the well by .4 fire hall so the supply willy will i.dequateTest of the water by the Department of health has shown that it is absolutely pure. Why send your Broken Spect- acles, Lens .or Lenses Larger centres. to the can duplicate them accurately and save yo money; 48 hour Service rrf OBITUARY Late Ernest L. Denornme Mr. Ernest Denomme passed away at the Ontario Hospital, London on Toesday, January 21st following a lengthy illness in his 50th year. The deceased' was bora at Drysdale and was a member of $t. Peter's church, French Settlement. He is survived by his sorrowing widow formerly \fatal - file Bedard, five daughters, Mrs. Ed. 1.obsinger, Mrs, Andrew Voisin, and Thesav all of Kitchener, Grace of Drysdale and Theresa at home; two sena, Elmore and Kenneth of Kitch- ener, also five sisters, IN,Irs. Melvin ov- emit, Mrs. Bert Bedard, Mrs. Geo. Jeffrey, Mrs. Peter Corriveau and Mrs. Chas. Bedard; four brothers, John Denomme of Blake, Maxim af Toronto, George of Sask„ and Arm- and of Drysdale. The funeral, took place on Friday morning to St. Pet- er's R. C. Cemetery; Rev, Father 0‘ 4. Martin, officiated, Let us make up a new pair of Glasses from oyur next pre- cription. A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. For positive identification o the World's Finest Anthracit ak for BLUE COAL Also Rosedale Alberta, Sernet-Solvay Coke Miller Creek. Glen Rodger's Briquets The Roe Farms Milling Cam Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid fat .Eggs on a graded betsis. Pone 10 - Hensall "4> 400.. 6400004)4.4 rep6r.4,4:)44GO • its * 9 • 9 t 4 0 0• • e 9 2 4. • 4 4. • • • 4.• 4. 4. e • 4.e 4.4.0 4. 4. 9 EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS • 4. • 96430,90.0449.409;;Are-4,04.0904,094090094,9000,990.0,9*.ew.1144,9,t, j 0.454,04044,044900,Z,•00041r4.41.1)4400t 40,5 Iv( 0.; Rep ar $30,00 Suits Macle-to-Measure for evJU jx, , tr ri AN& 5,011 •`>)i ;MILIFIVriltaMAVAMERTIM=Va"MilMIA=MERM,IMilL It Yaw wilvi We are Happy to be Doing Business at the Same Old Stand During this Cold Winter Weather you will need good warm Underwear, Overalls, Smocks, \Vinci:. breakers, Mitts, Socks, Heavy Rubbers, Etc., Etc. Let Us Supply You With these Essentials! FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND 'HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR EGOS rril!i' BLAKE k,itTC Edmund Swaxtzentruber, Prop. Phone: 11-97 .44 4 a A