HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-01-16, Page 810. VAG'Ir.IC4HT 1 SC 7'14' CYS We ere agehe holding, our Annual Clealing Sale! Our Custornees knowfrom past experia.nce that .,a Sale here is always..a Real., Money Saving Event. We have a large .tock of Winter Goods on ..hand and many lines were bought before prices advanced So we are ready to supply you No. 1 quality Goode at Real Savings. DO NOT MISS THIS ONE! For • 10 Dar.$ only. ,Beginning FRIDAY, JAN:PRY 17th. Face Pries to Winners of Lucky Tickets given Customers. See us about it. Extra Specials in Groceries from Day. to Day!. to A C PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 58 -41 ZURICH HERALD lillililf1)101101.1Jileljililligillifin riltifill1110111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111(111J11110.11111411111111110 ZEJ Jews Grocery Store Mixed tea, good quality, half -lb. .. Lux Soap, .per cake ..,.,...,.., ............. Lifebuoy soap, 4 for . ........ . .... Chocolate mallow cookies, per lb. Grape fruit juice, 50 -oz can Old nippy cheese per lb. Sodas, 2 lbs: • .. ...5c .. ...25c "7:159 5c 2 20c Corn flakes, 3 pkgs with tumbler 4 • enno Sesch EGGS WANTED. 25c -...25c Zurich Phone 165 1111111H 1111111111111111111111)111111111.4,,DIMIl11l11111111111111111 1111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IWO 111111 JIIIIIFJIJ Mr. Tillie Allan of Hensall, ‘eal-' led on. Zurich frien.d*A. on Tuesday. -' !nosition as truck driver in Eckel's, E.,„ .,,,,aa ...,,..,.._ 20, 18, 'A, 14 1 !, Bakery. . .5w., •'..”-'. 1Dressed"chickens- ... ........ ...12-20 --. ; The. Haberer Brothers of town at- -I • ' Chickens live ...... ......... 10-14 tended the annual Beekeeper's Con - 1 ventiore. at Toronto- the past week. Wheat,:bushel; Oats, bUsh. ..,..., .. '1 A number a local hockey an 1 Barley,' linsh 111 attended the opening- xame at 'Sea- . i Buckwheat, bu.sh, • forth on Tuesday evening when the -1 - LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected' every Wednesday) Butter, creamery 40 Mr. Wilmer Snider has taken a Battar, Dairy, 35 70' 34. 42' 40t our, cwt.2.35-3.25 avistock team. defeated the home pastry_ fm,ar. cat train), 2,54tia,. 506 team score 54. .11 Messrs. Jacob Haberer and George Potatoes, 7-5.4.8:. bag ..',....... 1.10 Live hogs cwt.,: .... :'. .... • . . wg M wzmamm.ga ..,==iaamemkas ',.mava, SUR 1E0 u 3 ‘...) 3 ildrew F Hess Local Representative r 1-0 .i 1 1 A.. • "n JJr Zurich Zurich Deichert were at Creditor" on Mon" day of lastweek Ivhere they -audited the books of -the Flay .Mutual Fire I Insurance Company. ' Albert Smith of Crosswell, and his sister, Mrs. nAttar of Applegate, Mich., were .a week visitors with their•eister, Mr. and Mrs William Mr. and- Mrs. T. L. Williams ..of town attended the 25th anniversary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. William R, Dougall near .Hensall on Sunday. Alva:el:1da Peiecit,a7 Mr. l'..lbert Wetson c: 'Landon, and - who has been the -efficient teacher of ,1Yo. 12, Hay, (14th Gon. School) has, 1.,cently Leen appointed principal ot Board of-.'inalith,, Josiah Geiger; San- itary Inspectors, B. C. Edwards, J.P. Rau, C. F. Pile; School Attendance Offiters, W. R. -Dougall, E. B. Horner Caretaker ef hall, Henry Thiel.. .That salaries and allowanees to be paid* to Township Officials for 1941 be fixed as follows: Clerk aria- Treas., for $360; for telephone $350; for Twp, roads $75, payabFe quarterly Assessur $125; tax collector $100; - Road Supt. 85 -cents per- hr. including ranspoa;tation; Weed iospector,..35c. 1?.e.r r, ineluding transpoitation; care taker of hall $45; selecting of jurors, reeve $3, assessor $3', Clerk -$6; Brci. the Grani Bend School. -1Ii-. Watson' .°'f _Health $2 per meting. Sanitary. over tle position immediatelInspectors same as to 11940. And that teiliz y. at the beginning of the new year:. Musrs. - Johniton and Kalbiletsch - ing aear,, • 1.,e,- of the upitairs, which they rqtently hased from Mr.:.a;.e now in pose.,sion of the business. -. block occupied as the- hardware and i farniture store, also the part of the e.,1c o:Nnploc.1 by J. W. Merner's glereral store and the various dwell - • 1 ,7ia,,rc :,, -1-.. ixe I Melick. ii - MORZ A'...;:a TTL1DENTS .. About 1.00 R.-A.:P. students, accom- panied by some -officers, arrived re- that By --law be prepared for ,passing cently to begin study in, aeronautical at next meeting confirmingappoint- navigation at Port Albert school. zeents„ NightA'Inalsb-gan, in earnest,and That Clerk subscribe for nine cop - planes: have been heard at many po-; les -oft Municipal World for Twp. Co- ints in the district at -night. uncil and officials. g o c.' There was a keenly contested elec- 1 That tax collector be authorized to KEEN ELECTIONS i 7ctIlect 1940 unpaid taxes and shall .. 7g172m'am''"I'''''1423a5m7 tion for village trustees at Grand March. return his roll on first meeting in ' Bend on Monday last. The .61d trus- -That'Reev d Clerk 'be authoriz-- It_ foes v-er re-elec, .d the results behig I d o sign - • anci submit to Depai' e aiitment - -• • e t y -laws be prepared for passing' at next meeting adopting appointment ffi to office and salaries 'to be paid in 1941. • The following be -appointed nond- keepers for 19)41: J. F. Ingram, W. Alexander, S. Schroeder, 0 Greb., J Johnston, S. Hoffman, A. Weber, D. Swartzentruber, R. Merner, F. Turnbull, Filbert Denomme and Bert glopp as Stock Valuer; and following as fence Viewers, C. B. Blackwell, A Pfaff, j. ,Eckstein A,. HendrIck, and 4 * toit;Aioliimstsinitia c,,,z,iut)44,450"*044 wit00,6,..w4*,:g.,0,6414,04N.4,44,4,..0„014,4 as follows: Bruce Bossenberry 141; ' of Highways petition asking rm. sub-. loseph 13enner 113; R. Page 187. eidy on 1940 road expenditures ant - 1 HARDWARE - SEEDS Thero was also an electioe at Dash - FURNITURE I •vood with the following result: Dr. ozanting to $6432.33 according to and Act and am - 'Z. H. Tavla,- 125; NTalentine Becker QH11111111:aevItn4tYos nitt aentaity°:fint ee rn YOUR WIN TER Hardware Needs YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT - Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS 1t15; ,Milfred Muller 112. POST NUPTIAL SHOWER A post nuptial shower was held at the home of Mrs. Henry Fuss, Parr Line, Hay on Friday afternoon Mst, in honor of Mrs, Win. Blacker, (nee MiSs Mary Forrest) who was married on New Yea ' January 15th 1941 no meals be provided for trans- ients. That by-law. No. 1-1841 providing for continued expenditures on Twp. roads in 1941 not exceeding $6500. be Plumbing, Evetroughing and Tinsmitliing Our I Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hardware 'al- I ways on hand. Also a fine display of Furniture, Matt- I resses, Springs, Beds, 'Etc., in stock. SEEDS! SEEDS! We are in the Marketfor Good Quality Alsike, Timothy a Clover Seeds, Etc. YOUR WINTER'S FUEL - A Colder Days will soon be here which will demand the / Most suitable FUEL for Your Heating Equipment. Let 2 fill us your bin while prices are lowest. so 0 . E di WEI 0 i . ZURICH - ONT. (f. gl QUALITY ... PRICE . SERVICE 7. 60.0110.0.001.64140110411104004116411.61bierellieeeeismosser T s ay. About forty re- lative:, and f.v;•1 is of the bride were present. A mock wedding the high light of the event with Miss Marjorie Datars as bride, Miss Peggy Fuss groom, and Miss Lexy Testin flower g,irl. An address was read by Mrs, Wesley Aiehardson and the bride was directed by poetry to the beauti- ful and useful miscellaneous gifts displayed in different rooms. The bride thanked everyo-ie fo' the gift; itlfreshinents were served. • HAY . COUNCIL first meeting of the member of :the 13.41 Council of T4a7 was held at the Township Hall, Zur- i,:h at 11 o'clock in the for -noon 013 Monday January 13th. in accordanc:, with the pre.,-Isions of. The Munici"-p- al Act. The Declaration of Office via!. zigned by the rano-ming: Reeve. Geo. Arm .',rong; Councillors, Alex, tlrear.: R01. (;eige-r, Frerl abe rem em Wir Haugh. Thc-, council Cum became or- e'anized for the year.; 1941 and 194'2 he minutee 'of the meeti,-; 13c. 1.4.1th, 1040 were adopted a, • earl, .," read three times and finally passed and necessary copies be forwarded to Departineat of Highways. That annual meeting of subscribers of Hay Municipal Telephone System be held at Township Hall, Zurich on Monday, Feb. lOth at two o'clock in the afternoon, That General Supply Co., Toronto, be awarded contract for snow plow equipment at net price of -$870.00. as per signed tender. That. Wrn. F. Jennison be awarded contract of operating snow plow at- tached to his truck at $2.25 per hr, - That accounts covering payment en Hay Telephone, Relief and gener- l accounts ;be passed as per vouch, - Telephone System - tell Co, toll:. oy, to Dec. 197.84 Nor, Elec. Co -...:aterial 99.60 Dept. Highways, tra- 1'r license $2; Stromburg-Carlson Co ;applies 83.018, Relinf-D. Geiger rent $.5 ; H. Thiel transients 24.75; 3. ,SuPlat allowance General Account - Nomination. nenses $10: Bert RlOpp, wood for' ball $3: Treas. Huron hospital acct, 11 -41 -me -,o -us communications werel,e's bond $40; Toronto Stamp & rni after which the following re- Lia, 18,25; G. Armstrong, trips to County mit :ion: wen; d:omaiais 'I hat the following' r ",;(1davetnei'sryllimoesirtatlid Stencil Co., dog tags 18.3a; Mok ortAir;et$0"5,trri:attts:01.1 Township be re -appointed for 1941: gain on Monday, Feb. 10th at 1.20 Assessor, W. H.Edigho' lfer. Weed( o'cloek: inspector, John 'McBride; Member A. P. Ness, Clerk, 1 tliwilay, Abram, ,Ifith, 1041 7- • +44.094•444,4,..qp+.0*.c..*.++++++.4.4440. 4 UR YOUR, SEASON'S REQUIREMENTS We Always Carry a Full Line of the Best of both, Shelf and Heavy Stanle Hardware: Stovea. Furnaces, and all Heating Equipments. Let Us Offer You Good Suggestions along this Line. Some God Used Heaters at Very Reasonable Prices FURNITURE See Our Studio Couches and Dinraelte Suites A Fa Line of all the flealasa:Requikements "t` 4 nit .Aways keep a Good Stock of New and the very Latest in Furniture at Very Reasonable. Price. quality Con-. ideecl, • Let us show -you our Beds, Sprigs, Mattress, Diniraa Room Suites, Occasional' Chairs: Rockers, Etc., SLIGHTLY USED; FURNITURE it( Sii For the more consrvativepuachaaer we can save oa many a dollar as we have a fine assortment of Slighly.Ued tFurniture.that will. give yeti big value for your Lk/lmey. Drop in ancliook- thes.e,? over and get our Remarkable - Lw: Pliiee&• Jahlia0/1 Kaibfleisch •la ardware &Fran:Uzi-Ir.& Phone 63 •k+' 64.*******•+.1.+44+++ +tic.+++.1-1),4.+44 Dead and; eisaaled tZmeN REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collct: Exeter US Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. amiaaxaaaaa,aaa-aaaaaaaeeaaanaaaaaaaaeaaaaaa,amaaaaa, IIIIIIIHilililliaMMIRMIIIIIIIIItillI11(111111.1111611111Ellani1111111111011111Mi11111111111i111111M11111111111111111111111011i1111111111111111111111111MININIMPLiiiititi IS THE TIME TO ORDER Your Stove Wood. Good 4 -foot Body WOOd: -Very Rasonaby Priced. Let Us Have your Order!! We also Carry a Stock of Neav Brick and Tile, Let Us Supply Your Wants in these Linea.- ' Repair ]Y[a ++.14++++++++44.4++++++ -e -e 4.4..H.,031.4.4.+++++*++++++++.,§..t.t.6 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. F. _ Co KAI PHONE6Q ,,,mou-A•sconmoiro +++++++++++++++4++++4++ Cut Your Fuel in HALF! Bty Storm Windttws and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU!. Headquarters for Johns -Manville. Building Materials REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARQE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES... AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. FLE1S .zuRicH sossoossoserseiraes0iiseearsockeS1 przectts ocuweeposciwokto s As we have, re -arranged the proprietorship ot our NOTICE buines beginning January lst, 1941'; Mr. Louis Schilbe will maintain the 'Coal Business, while Mr., Z Ervin Schilhe wili take care at the Flour, Feed and Seed Business, including the Trucking work ' • in this new arrangement we feel we can serve our many patrons more efficiently than evr, and ask forNyour continued support and patronage. WE THANK YOU! Laa, LS 14: h e .st • ..,..goiss.48-0•0000.10twooltmozismotaisiumigioacissosoosolooll SOS