HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-01-16, Page 5'Itursday, Jeotaanr i1.64h, 1941 ZURIC.F1 HER Al" f BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc, Ads. in this HOLMES Column. THE DEW DROP ANN IIARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT• QUICK AND LIGHT LUNCHES ARY PPUBLIC, ETC. IIlot Dogs, Hamburgers, Soft Drinks, OFFICE --At Court House Tobaccos, Cigarettes, Cigars, Etc. GODERICH — ONTARIO LICENSED POOL ROOM Special Attention to ° Councel and HAROLD OVERHOLT ' Court Work. Holmes. may be consulted at ' Sodericb, by . Phone, and Phone Charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK -ZURICH Avery Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWO'OD Every Monday, 'Tuesday and Wednesday. VETERINARIAN, Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office with Residence, Main Street. Opposite Drug Store Zurich Phone -96. A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc.. Graduate of , Ontario Veterinary College; University of Toronto. All diseases of domestic animalsr epee, ted by the most mode Day @r night Tharges reasonable.Also Bre- nails promptly attended to :wed of Scottish ffice onrieMain Street, . Inverness l$ennels. Hall. posits Town Phone 116. HENSALL• 'SED AUCTIONEER for Huron and Middlesex 1 Am IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless your size ora d f note to e ] ies satiefied will jour bnsitieaess, =Ake no chargesfor Services Ren- dered. enutered• Dashvrood ARTHUR WEBEii�-- . None 18-67. PRODUCE aTU1 Produce A T E HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR -- CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 34, Zurich BUTCHERS urichs' Popular MEAT MAR]iE T Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Noel, HI& and Skins Yungblut & Sot INSURANCE. Western Farniets' Mutual Weather insurance Co. FOR QUICK SALE Two Collie Dog pups for immediate sale. Apply to Joseph Druar, .'hone 85 r 7. FOR QUICK SALE • COAL COAL A carload of Iitberta Coal arriving at about January 10th. Get in touch with the Seeretai if. Farmers' Co - Operative, 'Hensall. MAID WANED General Maid—Experienced pre- ferred, wanted attar January 1st. Apply 201 Bridport Street, London, Ont. FARM FOR SALE - Consisting of 133 acres, ]Son. 12, Lot 12, Hay Township. There is on the premises 6' acres of bush, good bank barn, straw shed, driving shed, hen house, pig pen, two houses, one new house, one older house, farm is well drained and well fenced. For further particulars apply to Propri- etor—Christ Zirk. Meeting of The Huron County -!:tuned The • next 'meeting o'? the Huron County Council will he held in the Council Chambers,' Court Itc use, God- erich, commencing Tuesday January, 21st at 2 p.m. All accounts, notices of • deputat- ions and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, January. 18th_ N. W. Miller, County Clerk, - Goderich, Ontario. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the Council of Hay Township up to 12 o'clock, noon, on January 13th, 1941, for operation of .snow plow attached to truck. Council will supply equ- ipment, Contractor to supply aruck. At rate per hour. A. F. HESS, Clerk Township of Hay Dated December 30th, 1940. FOUND FOUND --Fountain Syringe with attachments. Left in car of finder by mistake_ Zurich Drug Store. NOTICE HARNESS REPAIRING. All kinds of harness repairing done Leave your work at my residence, 2 blocks south of :Hotel at home of Miss L. Faust. HENRY CLAUSIUS, Zurich 4•11721MINIIIMMIt=921=01=MIEP fa/10~. PRODUCE WANTED - - We pay Highest Cash Prices for. Eggs and Poultry. Give us a trial! MEYERS PRODUCE, Phone 116 Zurich. • pt4'$9 CASH for Hrses. Phone charges. Jaitk R,R.3, ANTED 1� Dead Animals 47r15, �it>aa2ptts, . OF WOODSTOCK vat LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN,.MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUlSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of .Insurance at Risk on Dec, 81st, 1936, $22,391,527.00 Total Cash in Bank' and Bonds $273,613.47. afor 3 Year t-$ Rates -44.50 per $1,000 F. K..OPPr---ZURICH ent, also Dealer in L.ightn- Rods arid all kinds of Fire •:40.4111114- bl$1,1karica ',:.:tm.:.'. ki -. and Fog Reverse all Dashwood, Misaionarjos are accomplishing to , -,50,39 China. Tho following participated in nl?' the xoom s farm Desi e,urtch. Y.ree ler, Jack 03Brien, as oris Hoif-1 than, Mrs. Lloyd O Brien, The Ilay Township Farmers' Mutual Hay, Mrs. Bryce. The business meet Fire Insurance +Company for the year ing was in charge of the president. ending, Decetnher. 31st, 1940 has A special installation service was just been printed and is being mailed held in the Evangelical Sunday School o the various policyholders. The lae�t Sunday morning. The new otii Company for the past year pan an curs and teachers were commissioned unusual large number of claims, but to take their sacred tasks for the only a few heavyones. The total of New Year. The adults,. particularly y the parents were asked to express 67 claims. amounted to $11,lUL.Sri. their loyalty to these voluntary sure -A large number of losses we az from ants in the school. Awards were al - The causes, other than lightning• so handed out to those pupils who The total receipts including the bank had handereceivd :a sufficient number of deposits from the previous year were points to entitle thein to special re- expen26,8s2,5fi, while the management cognition. ' expenses were only $3,095.31. The g'. ,Company has a good surplus end HYMENEAL the; assets show m bonds and deben– tures $53,857.34 and in banks $1I,- Jeffeey---Siemon 835.77. The number of policies in On January lsst the wedding tools : force are .2098 carrying an insurance place at Drysdale R. C. Church whe.r. of $8,834,120.00., The annual meet - Rev '0 A. Martin united in marriage- - ing of the Company will be held in LIAL, news Mr. and Mrs. Dan Oswald, Mrs. Alfred Meidinger, all neighbors vis. iced last Wednesday with Mas, T. McAdams and sons Harry and Milton Mr, Quimby Hess, son o1 rIr. and Mgrs. Andrew Hess' of town, and Who ;,pent a .few holidays at • ,his home here, leaving Sunday last to .resume iris duties as an, employee of the Ontario Forestry 'Branch anez r.� sta- tioned at Kapluskasing, nalcnee• the trip as far as Toronto by plane, and returning the same way of trans- portation. The work Mr. Hess is do- ing is in. the forest, and he auvises that the climate in that port of Ont- ario is much colder than here in the Huron County belt, ' NEW COUNCIL MEMBERS Four new faces will appear at the council board of Huron County when it ,convenes on January 21st. The new ere: William Thorn, Colborne "ry ,sip; deputy reeve W. J. Baker Go 'eel7h; Fred Livermore, Clinton; and W. H. Morritt, of Blyth. RED CROSS MET Mrs. F .W. Morlock was elected president, Mrs. Wilfred Peace:, vice- president, 'Miss Ella Morlock, secret- ary and M. W. Telfer. tie^sir'-' the annual meeting of the Crediton Red Cross. H. K. Eilber, Frazer Brown, F. W. Morlock; Francis 'Clark and Alonzo McCann were named campaign committee, HAD BiG O?ENING Friday and Saturday were the op- ening days of the new Zurich •Locke. Service and approximately 350 peo- ple were through the plant, and all speak loudly of their praises of this wonderful invention. and of what a ^n^--^-iienem it will be to the people of the community. Over three tons. of meats are now already in storage. Therise guessing contest was an intereetino; affair and yips wo•i by lst, f1:li inne 11'ties'; '-nd Howard(!;hrrch on Janusry 1�., w'iich unitee Klopn: Rrd Mervyn ,Stelck, 4th Sam'. in marriage Elda, daughter of Mt. a� e. ;,ire. .Sol. .sing: r ch, am/ lir Elton Bender, of near Kitchener. MI and Mrs: Bender will reside -on the Babylon line, Hay township. Blacker—Forrest A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Baptist church manse, Clinton, at 10 a.m. on New Year's Day. whet, Mary Catherine, -daughter of 113r. B. Forrest and the late Mrs. PODIA was united in marriage to William son of Mr.- and Mrs. Ernest Blacker of Clinton. The bride wore a street length dress of robin's egg blue crepe A wedding dinner was ser.ed at the home of the groom's parents. Ther • �,iill reside on the groom's farm near Clinton. . Gascho—Cressman. • A quiet^wedding• took -place in Kit- chener -'on Saturday, Jan. 11t.i, woe~: Rota Irene, daughter of Mr. and 2,1is Isiah Cressman of Genman Mills be- came the bride of Alvin, only sot •of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gascho o.c Zurich. Rev. U. Weber of ee itchener officiated. The bride was lovely in a street length dress of rose and wore a corsage of white carnations. The couple were unattended. After a short honeymoon the happ;, couple will reside in IPreston. • Etue—Melyneaux A pretty wedding was solemnized at St. Patrick's church, Dubin, on Tuesday morning last when vorothy 1, second daughter of Mr. -and Mrs. Thos J. Molyneaux; became the bride of Mr. Lloyd Etue, son. of Mr. Edward Etue of Drysdale. The bride was giv- en in marriage by her father and looked charming in a floor length gown of white silk marquisette traced with gold chrysantheums. She wore a gold pendant and carried. a bou- quet of bronze carnations. The bride was attended by her sister -Miss Ver- onica, while the groom..was supported by his brother Kenneth. The wedding •music was played by Miss Mary Beale and John,.Molyneaux of Toronto sang° at the offertory. The wedding break- fast was served at the home of the bride's parents to the immediate bri- dal families. Telegrams and congratu latione were read from friend?. Gu- ests were present from ,Detroit, Kit- chener, Go.lerich, Seaforte., Zurich, and Niagara Falls. The happy co- uple,.left on a motor trip to •Mont- real, and on their return will reside To Our Many Customers And Friends We Wish to Extend A THAM YOU.! and BEST WISHES For the New Year! E. J. DATARS Reliable Footwear and Shoe Repair- ing, Trunks, Club Bags, & Suitcases. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church .ZURICH —.ONT. A Changeless Christ for a ing. World. Friday, 8h—Luther League. Thursday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES • 10 a. m.—Divine Worship 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p. m,—Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. TUERKHEIM, Pastor. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH Chang - C. B. •Heckendorn, Minister. Mrs.. H. G. Hess, ; Organist. 0:45-5•acrament of the Lord's; Supper 11 a.m.--Sabbath School. 7.30 p.m. Service 8..80 p m.—Firesi'e Service Featuring, "An Informal Song Ser- vice, Reading of Letters from London England„ Revealing the • Spirit of Britain." - Hendrick. - • TRUE14NER—SANDERS: A quiet but pretty wedding Was soleinnized at -the Trivitt Memorial rectory. Exeter when. Mies Bernice Isabel Sanders, only dareehter of Mr and Mrs. Wm. Sanders. Stenhen Twp. became the bride of Howard w-rirem- nP�^ �f ('v rlito`+. The ceremonv was performed by R. Hunt, of Exeter. and the couple weee unattended, af- ter the ceremony they left on -a trio to Toronto and other points. On their return 'they will vesicle 'in Crediton. They have best wishes of their many friends. • Active Old Lady , ' •Mrs. Wm. Bassow of the Bronson line who is past her 85th birthday, does all her:own housework'' dor' four people, also takes care of her invalid daughter Minnie on her farm. She is an active member of the Ladies Aid and W.M.S. of the Zurich Evan- gelical church, a member. of the Women's Institute and attends the meetings when able, and for a num- ber of years did not miss a meeting. Mrs. Bassow is very active and goes about her work.like a young person. Master Norman Miller is back with his grandma Mrs. Wm. Bassoav on.the Bronson line where he is attending school where Mrs. Menne Desch is teacher; sorry Mrs. Oesch is ill at present. Evangelical Church • • ACTIVITIES The first meeting of the Ladies' Aid and W.M.S. for the year 1941 was held in the Evangelical Church on Thursday night,:, January, 9. The meeting was presented by the follow- ing committee: Miss O. O'Brien, Mrs M. Brown, Mrs. Wm. O'Brien, Miss L. Ross. The program proved to be very interesting and helpful. Miss Pearl Wurtz read a paper on 'Tith- ing." The book study was taken by Miss 0. O'Brien who very effect- ively made everyone conscious of the magnificent spirit of which the mod- ern Chinese are meeting the hardships and sufferings occasioned by this war. Bobbie Bryce and r illie 0'- Brien sang two duets. A Missionary Play revealed what our present day • MASSEY-HARRIS NEWS Season's Greetings Good Wishes for a Joyous Christina's and a Pros- perous New Year to our numerous Friends and, Customers. In a world clouded by war, "may .1941 bring you Serenity, Health and Good Fortune. , --CANADIAN FARM IMPLEMENTS— Tel. Shop 149 O. LOP SONS Res. 67 J011111111111 1111118111I8181IU 11 III II 1 AI81I818fl8 8811811U111818118118ID1 Fes - E Zurich Dru 888 888111188111118118►188811111111UII1818111UIIIll81111 QUALITY DRUGS Yree store 1ree Buy any Pepsodent Product, mail the Carton receive a Camera for 15 Cents. and SYNTONIA: One Bottle for $ T .00 Or 3 bottles for $2.50 We Have a number of Library Books which we will lend out at 5c. per week, Etc. Dr. J. A. Addison, .Prs'pi�ietor 18111811111111111111188111111111UII81110111111811118UIIhH888118181181111IIhBIHI8811111181118888ll8111 81188188 6.711101 rb++ .14++'r.I,•II�a:••t•3••3••i• •.I.•€ g•a,••g.•3.•fi•.i••S .k,I••'rr-A•I••s 'r•�•f•.4•:g..,.°I••�•'rdr ��•§�•I••i•.4•.i..:•.i••g 1 1 • fi • • TRY ECKELa'S • `4Towu Taik" BIre also .. - • CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE, 4. . SWEET GOODS. + 4. 4, • 4.4. Eckel's. Bakery — Zurich 4. PIES, AND All Ingredients Used are of the Highest Quality ALL CONFECTIONS -- ICE CREAM Our Store will be closed each Wednesday Evening * 4. ++++++++++.5+++++++++++++++ +++-e-:.++++ti-e+'++++++++++4..+•+', Telephone 100 + i 1 the play, Mr;, TVI Brown Mrs; r' ANNUAL REPORT Zurich Garage "-ome and purchase your Aut- omotive Requirements from ?urich's oldest Established garage and Service Station. J 1e can supply all your needs. Expert Automobile repairing, with the latest testing instrum- nts, Acytelene Welding Tires 3atteries, Oils, Greases and ?epairs. B -A Gasoline in three Grades Give Us a Call! y� ,^■ �w-y�� .RJ..♦ MOUSSEAU Phone: Day 103. :Nigh$,• 47 Mr, Daniel 1-lenhefl'er ,of tne•14.th. 10 has proven to be a rien, j r� panes The Sixty -Sixth Annual Report of Thelma, daughter of Ms. and 'Mee. the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday Fred Sietnon,of St. Joseph and I)om• January 27th. in .he afte�tnoon ton -cession tivi . inie Jeffrey of the satne place, They Mr. Orval ,Stephenson and sister, raratherhet. unique , • i ue character, was taken will reside in :St. Joseph. Mrs. A° Wylie, of Marlette, Mich., lby the authorities to Goderich. Mr. Bender.:--Gingerich spent •t pheasant week: end with their Ilenhe ffer has of late not been en-. Rev. S. M. 1?eaclioy performed the joy:Mg his usttal health, ^ y�•eironv at the local .Mennonite Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. C. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E tluroi'igg OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open' every Week Day Except Wednesday. rHIEL'S HAIRDRESSING Visit Our Salon for your LATEST CONTOURS Let us quote you on the very best and latest Permanents, that are pleas- ing and satisfactory and that will give you personality. Hairdressing Salon at rear of Store. For appoint- nonts call u: by phone 102, Zurich. MRS. FRED THIELE, Proprietress ACTION PICTURES OF THE WAR Nov, each we6k with Thi' 'Detroit Sunday .Gimes, is the War „icturial, a special added section with action pictures. The War l'ic�torial is one of malty-attracti:one which make The Detroit Sunday Tunes, "Miehiga.n'e t Most interesting New:;pala.•*•.' Bel uncles,' Mr. David J. Stephen -ori 1' -. l acre: to get The Detroit •t nii,I<iy Tim -1 5i. Ralph Stephenson of taim^• I eve?y. week. Come in See How the CAME tied Saver Hits tb £tsttl's Eye ItIfith Both &wre!s -^..miHBlll0ll1001�" It ALVIN RAU, Agelat P}v ne. 98r6