HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-01-16, Page 3w Modeui diodess
INTO THE SUNSET By Jackson Gregory
Barry Haveril goes hunting for a
cousin of his, Jesse Conroy, known
as the Laredo Kid, who murdered
his brother, Robert. Barry is be-
friended by Judge Blue and his
daughter Lucy. The Judge turns
out to be a friend of Laredo's and
a bad aotor. Barry escapes, how•
ever, and meets an old man named
Timberline, who also is gunning
for the Laredo Kid, After several
years of searching, Barry returns.
to Judge Blue's house. where he
meets a man called Tom Haveril
whom he accuses of being his cous-
in, Jesse, in disguise. Barry be-
comes convinced of this later and
they have a gun battle, both get-
ting hurt. Recovered, Barry dis-
covers Tom Haverit has married
Lucy, whom he loves. Barry kid-
naps Lucy and takes her to his cab-
in in the mountains, where they
find ttie real Laredo Kid wounded
and dying, There Lucy learns she
is not Judge Blue's daughter .but
a wealthy heiress whose parents
were slain when she was a little
girl. Meantime Timberline brings
news of pursuit by Tom Haveril
and Judge Blue and their men.
Lucy is sent on to Barry's ranch.
Barry and Timberline take to the
hills with the dying Laredo.
A sigh escaped the girl. That was
when, after a few minutes of rid-
ing, she experienced a sensation of
relief, of escape. At the same in-
stant Barry spoke,
Barry said, "You know I love
you, Lucy."
And Lucy, her voice hushed like
the breath of night air 1:hroug,h the
pines, answered him with the ques-
tiyn, "Do you, Barry?"
"And you, Lucy---doww in your,
"Don't Barry! "
Presently she said: "Barry, life is
terrible, ]su't it? It isn't fair! ,It
doesn't give us a chance, If one
"Why didn't I take you away
with me that time from Tylers-
vIlle?" he exclaimed bitterly,
Judge Blue and Tom
She didn't answer, but in her
heart she whispered despairingly,
"Oh, why didn't you, Barry?"
"Tonight I'm going to take you to
Tex Tumphrey'•s ranch," said Barry.
"It's not far; we'll be there in an
hour or an hour and a half—"
"St!" whispered Lucy, and
reached out to catch his sleeve,
"I hear someone coming!"
He, too, heard horses' hoofs on a
bit of rocky trail in the distance.
and a moment hater there were
faint, faraway voices.
They had scarcely drawu aside
from the trail when a dozenmen
went riding by. Two of•tliose men
were Judge Blue and Tom Haveril.
The riders passed on.
When they drew near Tex Hum.
phrey's cabin in his clearing among
the pines Barry aid, "Wait here
a minute; I'll go ahead and make
,sure it's all right," and swung down
and left her holding his horse.
A slim little figure started up
before him, materializing out: of
the blackest of the shadows,
"Jesse! So you did come back
to me!" said a soft voice murmur-
"Molly!" exclaimed Barry, "It's
you, Isn't it, 11Io11y?"
She drew back, poised for flight.
"You—Who are you?' She sounded
He Killed Robert
"I am 13arry. Don't you remember
if you :arc troubled with it, hind:
piles or rectal soreness do not dela;
treatment and run the risk of letting
this collettion become chronic. Ani
itching' or sor000es o1' manful eaee-
ape of stool is nature's warming
that proper treatment should be
secured at once.
For this ptirpose get a Package
of }nem -hold from your druggist
and iise as directed. This Iiem-ltoid
formula Which is used Internally
the form of a small, easy to take
tablet, will quickly relieve tine itch-
ing and soreness and aid in heat-
ing the sore tender spots. Hem -Haid
is pleasant to use, is highly reeotn-
mended and it seems the height of
folly for any one to risk a painful
and chronic pile eondition when such
a tine temedy may be had et :so
reasonable a cost,
If you try Idem-Ti'k1 anti, ore not
entirely pleased to ilh rile 1.P$1111 $.,
yoatr c1iugl;asl. will gladly return
Your money.
Barry Haveril, Robert's brother?'
"Oil!" She gasped out the one
syllable and drew still farther back
from him,
"You thought I was Jesse," he
said, "What Jesse? Who is the
Jesse you looked for?"
1,fo11y was trying to bite his Band
but suddenly froze still.
"It's Jesse Conroy, isn't it?"
Barry persisted, still gripping her
arm, "You're waiting 'here for hind.
And lie is the man who murdered
"You did love Robert, didn't you,
Mara' he said gently.
She nodded miserably. She said
faintly: "Robert, gone now. His
ghost walks at night." •
"And then Jesse Conroy cane!"
"J was so sad," she said, "And
Jesse—He looked like Robert, just
a little. And—and--"
"And so you loved him, too,
She grew fierce, stamping pass-
ionately. "No! You tell me he kill-
ed Robert? That is true! I know.
One time Jesse asks me about Rob-
ert—and when I cry he laughs. And
he says something then I can't
understand until now! He says, `If
I hadn't come,' your Robert
wouldn't be gone, huh?" And he
laughs some more, like a bad joke."
Then she sped away, running off
int the forest.
"I Think I Love You"
Barry went on slowly toward the
dark cabin. When he rapped lightly
there was no answer.
He stepped into the house.
The empty house afforded no
answer. Puzzled, he went back for
The fire on Tex Humphrey's long
cord hearth, build up afresh by
Barry, blared cheerily. Lucy
crouched close to it, warming her
"You are the best, the finest man
1 ever know, Barry."
He demanded, sounding stern,
not at all loverlike, "Do you love
me, Lucy?"
"I—I think I do, Barry."
There came a sort scratching
sound at a window which made
theni start erect,
"It's all right," said Barry.
It was Molly. She said: "I want -
to talk with her, Barry. The girl.
You. Girl, come out here."
"I'm going!" said Lucy, drawn
by Molly's voice.
Barry went with her to the door,
lifting down the bar. At the last
minute he snipped his belt gun into
her hand.
Barry returned to his task of pre-
paring beds for the night on Tex
Humphrey's sitting room floor. Out-
side he heard the girls talking.
He was just straightening up
when he heard a voice speaking
drawingly close behind hini.
ou woman -stealer!" said the
ae, Barry pivoted to face Tom
Handl. "I'm going to kill you this
time, Sundown Haveril, just as me
as you're a foot high."
"Lucy Isn't Here"
Barry did notfor a second expect
anything but sudden death. Ile had
given Lucy his gun.
"Rill and be damned to yon," he
said, and sounded merely disgust-
"So you're going to face it like a
little man, taking it stauding op,
are you?" jeered Tom Haveril,
"You Gant run away and you can't
grab a gun, so like any cornered
coyote you'll look it in the fare,
will you?"
Barry wasn't listening, The great-
est rage of Barry's entire life flame
ed up within Minn the.u. Yet some-
how he must warn Lucy,
"What's ?"
ltat's that. he demanded.
"What did yoti say?"
Tom TTavel'il 'alighted at him,
thinking kiln gripped by terror.
"You yellow dog.," he said.
A Young Hostess
Prepares A
Het'e Are Some Venable
suggestions to eon* 1 d e v
When Entertaining First
Guests For Dinner
1. Ask too Mena or too particular
2. Plan too many other activi-
ties for the day,
3. Tackle any fancy dishes which
you haven't previously practised.
4. Arrange a menu, which: re-
quires too imteh last nebente atten-
5, Use your very best equipment
for the first venture,
1. Plan your time with railway
2. Have a few standard and ' ac-
ceptable menus on hand, •
3. Remember. the "extras" Which
•add festivity.
4. Remember the final checkup..
5. Act as though there was noth-
ing to it, and this, •says Beetle, is
'hardest of all.
Scientist Urges
"Brain Banks"
Esablishm.ent of a "brain bane"
In the 'United States to preserve
the world's learning during the
present "dark age" of civilization
is urged by an Amerioan scientist.
In an address before the Ameri-
can Association of the Advance-
ment of Science, Dr, X. A. C. El-
liott of the Institute of the Penn-
sylvania Hospital declared that the
United States and other countries
of the Western. Hemisphere are
faced with the responsibility of
carryi..g on the work of European
and Asiatic scientists.
Marriage Age, 25
Most popular age for marrying is
25. ramous men *leo chose it in-
clude Lloyd George, Henry Ford,
Lord Baldwin, Gordon. Selfridge,
and the late John D. Rockefeller.
Lord Nuffield married at 27, Lord
Ashfield at 30. Winston Churchill
was 34. Neville Chamberlain and
George Bernard Shaw were 42.
Request Recipes
For some weeks 1 have been
accumulating request recipes, The
holiday season and other topics
delayed these so here awe .go—as
a grand start for the New Year,
2 cups sifted flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
aa teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons sugar
4 tablespoons shortening
1 beaten egg yolk
y cupful cream
Sift together flour, salt, bak-
ing powder and sugar, Cut in fat
finely, or rub in lightly with finger-
tips. Add cream to the beaten egg
yolk. Lightly mix cream and egg
yolk with dough to make a soft
batter. Roll lightly to a Ye inch
thiokness. Cut iu squares. Place
an greased baking sheet. Bake 15
minutes in a hot oven.
3 cups whole wheat flour
i/4, cup walnuts '
1 lb. dates
2 cups sour milk
ye teaspoon salt
Ye teaspoon soda (mixed in sour
Ye teaspoon baking powder
2 cups brown sugar
Add soda and salt to raw milk.
Mix thoroughly into flour; add
sugar, then add dates and nuts.
Lastly add the baking powder.
1 cup mashed cooked potato
Yee teaspoon salt
teaspoon ginger
teaspoon cloves
2 teaspoons cinnamon
3 eggs
1 cup sweetened condensed milk
1 cup water
uncooked pie crust
Mix ingredients in the order giv-
en. Pour into pan lined with un -
baked pie crust. Bake in a hot
oven 450 degrees for 10 minutes.
Then reduce the temperature to
moderate 350 degrees and bake for
Warm woolie slippers are. always a comfort. Both are knitted.
One is trimmed with large rosettes, the other is called a slipper boot
with turned back lapels at the instep. Pattern No. 891 contains com-
plete instruetions for making both.
To order this pattern, send 15 }its in coin or stamps to Carol
.dories, Room 42:1) 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto.
"you're scared; lhet's what's the
matter with you."
"So you're .going 1.o murder me,
are you? No killing fore yon in fair
"Shut up! Where's Lucy?"
"She isn't here," said Barry.
Tom Baveril mocked hien. ''Well,
as my wife she won't last long, but
as Colonel Remit ton's heiress,
that's different!'"
.fust then Barry heard a. quiet.
footfall and Luoy's valve at the -
same instant.
(To Be Continued)
Central electric stations ill
Canada produced 24,971,047,000
kilowatt hours during the first
ten mouths of the current year as
against 23,213,736,000 kilowatt
hours in the coi,'esponding period
of last year.
1Icnaholatum on
• tentplesandbrow
brings quick re-
lief, Mao for nen,
ralgia, bead
colds, cuts and
eltafiping Ja1's
and tubes IlOe. iln
ISSUE 3—•'41
Oires toM 01 Dolly
"Eat Carrots",
Britons Urged
Vegetable Supplies Vitamin
A, Needed to Offset Night
To cure "blackout blindness" the
British Ministry of _agriculture has
recommended the suggestions of
Dr. Gaylord,.H:awser dietetic beauty
expert aitd friend of Greta Garbo,
that, Londoners eat lots of carrots.
"If we included a sufficient quau•
tity of carrots in our diet," a Min,
istry statement said, "we should
overcame the fairly prevalent mal-
ady cit .biaokout blindness."
Blackout blindness is the same
as common light hliedness, or in•
ability to see well after dark, It
has been attributed fo vltam in A
deficiency and carrots have been
re coin mended for nigh t-11i'tving mo-
torists because of their vitamin
t'i'n l fn t.
Po tatoes conilemu id as being
unfit for human consumption are
now hoiug smllverted into feed-
ing-stuffs for animals.
about 35 minutes or 'ntil filling
has set.
6 sweet potatoes
2 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon salt
Slice of one orange
1,/,e cup chopped nuts
1 cup crushed pineapple,
Bake sweet potatoes; cut itt
halves lengthwise and scoop out
most of contents, Mash thoroughly;
season with butter, salt and orange
juice, Beat up chopped outs and
crushed pineapple, Fill potato
shells. Place marshmallows on t1
of each filled shell and brown un-
der the broiler flame.
3 cups cabbage shredded finely
Ye cup vinegar
2 taiespoons sugar
Dash of pepper and paprika
3!, cup mayonnaise
% cup cream 'whipped
Crisp the cabbage by letting it
stand in ice water. Drain on ab-
sorbent paper and dry. Add vine-
gar, sugar and seasonings. Just 10
minutes before serving, drain
again. Tose lightly together with
the dressing made by folding the
mayonnaise into the whipped
cream, Arrange on crisp lettuce.
Bliss Chambers 'tiveleonrex persouel
letters front interested readers. She
is pleased to receive suggestions
Oil - topics for her column, and is
even ready to listen to your “pet
peei-es." Requests tor recipes or
speel al menus are in order. Address
your letters to ' 5fis, Sadie Ii. Choln-
bers, 5'S West Adelaide Street, '!'o-
ronto." Send stumped, self-addressed
envelope if you 'wish a reply.
Can Be Smart
On Slim Purse
Here Are Some Little Tips
to Help You To Economy
If you can't afford new clothes,
do "gay up" your frocks even if it
is only for the sake of morale.
Have a clean-up. Get out your
handbags. Make a mixture of am-
monia and soapy water and sponge
out the linings, Clean leather out-
sides with white shoe cream. Buy
new initials if they are needed.
Clean up your gloves, see they
are complete with buttons and are
not starting holes. Dingy old
white or fawn ones dye beauti-
fully and save getting new ones.
Titivate them. A mixture of color•
ed sequins arr<auged in small dia-
mond patterns and sawn on the
back, -make cheap gloves look like
expensive ones. Black suede gloves
with b'laok seclutns sewed up the
backs of all the fingers and the
thumbs give the loveliest effect. ,
Re -trim your hats. Brush them
thoroughly, have the ones which
need re -blocking re -blocked, be-
cause it Is money well laid out.
Brighten last winter's dull woolly
frock. Because there is a war on
you needn't go dowdy. That won't
help u$ to victory. Ever thought
of re -lining a coat that has gone
clingy? It's worth considering,
Discard lingerie which is tired,
or turn it into somethin, else. 33e
sure your brassiere and your sus-
pender belt are in tip-top condi-
tion, because on these foundations
the whole line of your figure dee
Mature Women
Better Dressed
Than They Used to be; Now
Can Wear All Colors and
Styles; Smart Hats Noted
Maturity has kicked over the
fashion traces.
No more does the woman with
oollege-age children think she must
wear nothing but dresses with drape
ed bosoms, or deep V -necklines dis-
creetly edged in white,
If her :figure is reasonably good,
the mature woman can wear the
high round necklines of youth, and
the sharp colors she used to avoid
as too gay for her age.
Good shops rout middle-aged
dowdiness with entire departments
devoted to dressing size 16 and Itis.
An example of spanking smart'
ness for the forty-ish woman is a
two-piece dress made of very sheer
black wool, with the high neck -
lice and bodice embroidered in jet.
The hat is ageless, gay. Not, for
once, an off -the -facer, it's topped
With a huge red. rose. A costume
to wear with satisfaction to teas.
bridge parties, club meetings,
My Snowman
Once I built a snowman
Upon a winter's day,
He tried to get into the House,
But the door was in the way.
Then he tried the window,
But that was locked;
Ho tried to conte in by the canal.,
But that was blocked.
He leaned against the chimney,
And what do you suppose?
There soon was nothing left of
But the tint, of his toes.
—Lois Shirley Weston in
Christian Science Monitor.
Long .Ja xlrnoy
Axel Gorm Anderson is au,
American boy, 5, who was strand.
ed in Norway when the -Axis took
over. He had been visiting his
grandparents. Here we see hint
arriving on the Siboney front
Lisbon, but the label around' his
neck shows that he first had to
go through Oslo, Malmye, Trelie-
bong, Sassnitz and Berlin. Tho
young globetrotter was glad to
get back. His home is in Wood-
side, Queen's, N.Y. With tag and
bag, he smiles for the camera-
Pearly Teeth
Decay Faster
Dental Research Showa Vital
Facts About Tooth Deterior.
Flashing white teeth may have
more appeal, but mottled chalky --
appearing ones require far fewer
trips to the dentist, according to
Dr. Wallace D. Armstrong, pro-
fessor of physiological chemistry,
and dentistry at the University of
Mottled teeth, Dr. Armstrong
said, show a greater resistance to
Data obtained from seven
years of research in a hitherto
neglected field show promise of
devloping an effective technique
in the prevention of tooth decay
--an affliction affecting more
people than any other chronic
Dr. Armstrong's, experiments
have revolved around the theory
that the cause of dental caries --
decay — lies in, a deficiency of
fluorine, an extremely active
chemical substance when present
as a gas in the enamel of teeth.
High fluorine content, Dr, Arm-
strong said, tends to mottle the
Citing the work of H. T. Triad»
ley Dean, dental surgeon of U.S.
Public Health Service, in proving
the direct relationship between
mottled teeth and resistance to
decay, Dr. Armstrong said his
experiments conclusievly demon-
strated that the amount of fluor-
ine in sound teeth is greater than
amount in carious teeth.
"We have examined so many
specimens," he said, "that the
probability of error is about one
in five million."
Controlled administration of
fluorine in childhood would "vir-
tualIy eliminate" tooth decay,
Dr. Armstrong believes.
When yor:(e'•eyes are Tie•ed
Save Eye Strain and Money
Every household is entitled to modern light
especially when beautiful, Aladdin white
light actually 'pays for itself, in economy and
added comfort over old-style lamps,
The Aladdin burns 94% air and only 6%1
oil. 5e hours o! room-Alling light on a sthgle
gallon of kerosene (coal oil) Makes reading,
studying, sewing, etc a pleasure instead of tk :.
tiresome task,
You'll be proud of modern Aladdin -light..;
unsurpassed by electricity for quality anis.
steadiness. Safe to use...a child can operate.,
No pumping; no noise: no smell or smoke.
Visit your dealer, and see the
beautiful nett' Aladdins and the
colorful shades. If you dont
'mow him, write and we'll
send his name, our newest
folder of Aladdin lamps
and shades and FREE
Mantle Lamp +i rpany
40$ t bgan Ova„ torcritd(dl00t.