Zurich Herald, 1941-01-16, Page 14arty-First Year U13 ICX1-1n THURSDAY tail0f N1NO, JANUARY UARY 16, ,tronize your 194 1 s mai Merchant for .your THE LOWEST PRICES Sales Prove Lt, ---o Salesmen Commissions to pay. No Finance Charges to Pay SPECIAL -_00.y one left at the old Price, New 1941 Dodge.. Purchased before tax raise 1939 Chev.. Coach like new $685 1940 Dodge coach, choice 1939 Dodge De Lux coach $695 1940 Pontiac Coach, like .New $785 1931 Ford Coach, newly painted .. ............. $ 1 90 1929 Ford Coach, repainted . $125 1929 Ford Coupe $85. 1932 Chev.. Sedan - WARD F RITZ e7 Weare: offering our Winter Merchandise at educed Prices Such as Sweater Coats, Underwear, Hosiery, MEWS .DEPARTMENT Men's jumbo, Knit -Sweaters, all wool ..,_`. e ..Men's Pullover Sweaters, Reg. 2.50.for ` 1.75' Men's allwool Wrridbreakers, Reg. $5.00 for 595 Men's allwool Winclbreakers, rey. 3.50 for. •_..2.69 Men's Fleece Pullovers.with zipper at: t. 98c. Men's checked. Shirts_, heavy, 'reg. 1.354.5D. .5LI at 119 Men's felt Hats.,, new style reg. 2.25. Sale ...1.59 • Ladies' white Flannelette night gowns G'al's. flanneletteiele�t� •.P, >•i auras, Reg. $1, at... n9c..49c Ladies Vests, axad Bloomers at ...-........... �,-<� . Ladies Silk Skips; rose or white - , 79c Ladies House. Dresses all Sizes prices from. $1.00 to 1.75. Sale price .. 89c o pei yard 1 8e Broad Cloth all.c . � lois Flannelette:Bli kets Ibex,. grey and white ....2.19 Pure linen Toweling per yard 25c 4 Turkish Towehin; reg. 30c,2c , yd. at' Light: Striped „Flannelette per'yard..19c These are. ani a few Items .,listed which we are selling at reamed prices, you willsee what we 'rave to offer when;youvisit oaalr Store., This SALE Starts SATURDAY, JANUAR-1 18th. An& fox t a e . iliac .come early we are Selling a .mediurn.weight Tiroom at 19c. Only fry's dozen ;at 'this Price. , We ,also, hav '. .8 BOXES at 25c., Some Real •Bargains REM.E.4111BER, SATURDAY. JAN 18th, oupc�xis� grin= wi: air L all Goods ,purchased' at 'Our Store. Leavitt's Theatre Exeter, Ont. Phone 135 Thurs., Friday, Saturday TWO MATURES A Girl Must Live A British feature Comedy, ,starring, 1v1ARGA12;ET B:LACK.WOOD • Arid ' England's poular 'Comedian, :Gf:CiO'ThGE ROBBY This picture had a seven weeks ,run in Toronto. rhe Ranger and the Lady With Roy Rogers and George (Gaby) Hayes. Patronise British Pictures! Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday • The Doctor Takes a Wife A feature Comedy Starring LANRETTA YOUNG and . RAY MILLAND• ADDED—"Community Sing" Andy Clyde ,Comedy" Mr. Clyde goes to Broadway. This Theatre will continue the''Sale of War 'Saving Stamps.. Take your change in Stariips! , mxcxsrmiPs �came� Mr. . William .Davidson of the' Goshen line south was on Thursdaly rushed to London Hospital ,and oper- ated on for appendicitis and is im- proving nicely. ZURICH RED CROSS • Rates $1.25 in Canada, in advanAlt $1.5Q in U.S,A. , `ln advance CHESTER L. SMITH, Publ;sh': 941 Purahases Mr. 'Wxn. O'Brien. :made a business trip to London on Saturday. Mr. Harry Howard ' of I3ez:sall,was. a business 'visitor : in town," on Tues- day,' Mrs. Milton McAdams of the Bron - .ion line is visiting at present with :ter father, Mr. Alex. Neeb near Dashwood. Mr and Mrs Herbert Mousseau roy- ally • entertained two members of the Port Albert Flying Char., they were: Corp. Latchford and Corp. Reily. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Melick, of Flint, Mich., 'were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. O'- Brien of'town. Mrs. Melic;i being a sister to Mr. O'Brien. Mr. and Mrs. George Deichert have occupied part of their new home which adjoins their new place of bus- iness, while workmc.; are - : iii cage ;- ed in finishing lir the interior. Mr. Harry McA-)ams, Romand Mei- linger, and Ada'--: Masse of the Br- onson line left Mc iday for ls:tchenei The former visitl..; et Galt with Mr and Mrs. Duller whose daughter 'Lucile had her finer amputated in a press. Harry. returning Tuesday, vv.rare theoa.aier rem..aned at Kit- hener. The Zurich and District Branch of lie Canadian Red Cross Society held its first •aria al rneetiirg on:.Monday •evening in the Ideal town hall with an fairly well representation in at- tendance • And- with; .splendid ,elft ,,~s- iasm: The reports from the 'vaxiou eornniittees were very encouraging. and, cliu:ing . the past year, a total of 3,872 articles were made, and for- warded to headquarters, cons;sting of knitted :goods, hospital supplies, and refugee clothing. The treasurer reported, that since organization, we have received through subscriptions, donations, and funds from other ev ata, a total of "2,401,22, and. during that time, we have purchased $1; .i).C,,O of wool and other matex- eis and remitted to divisional head- qua7tais ;582., leaving .4 balance on hand to start the new year's work of $574.88.- In addition to this there are :;applies or m at rials on haac:c approx- imately to the value of $209. The election of officers then look place, rtl the following were elected for the nsuing year: ' President --Mr. E. 111 Dagg Vies President— Clergymen of Dist. Secretary: Mr. V. Dinnin, Assist. Secy.—Mr. F S err Trea o "—I)r. P. T. O'Dwyer Assistant Treas.—Mi; s Ruby Church Committees; Convenars `— . • • • • • Finance -3,/h. George Deichert. Work—Mrs. George Farwell Sewing Mks Matilda Johnson Secy. of Sewing Coan.—Mrs. G. Koehler. Cutting—Miss A. Datars. ,Surgical Su plies --Mrs. O'Dwyer. Knitting- =Miss Alice Johnson Thspecitioli Mrs. Louis Prang. ,Shipping—Mr. A. Ralbflceisch. At the annual meeting of St. Pet= sir's congregation on Tuesday evening Mr. George Hess was re-elected as. ; r a -ch elder for• a term of thrre yrs. Two new members were elected for ptn-iod, namely Ferdinand Haberer, and Harry Gallnian who filled the vacancies of • George Dei - chert and Elmer Elopp, resigned. . Mr. and Mrs. 'Edward Haberer are now very comfortably occupying their new residence -just eat of the vill- age. Mr. and Mrs. John Turkheim have taken possession of the home vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Haberer. This is another addition to the many homes in and around Zurich: ANNUM-, Insurance Meeting The Vieth Annual. Meeting of the Policyholders of THE HAY TOWNSHIP FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE -COMPANY Will he held in the TOWN HALL - ZURICH On i'iOONDA•Y, JANUARY 27th, 1941 At two o'clock, r.rn. .Laid to Rest The- remains of the late Frank O'Brien were laid to rest last Wed- nesday afternoon in L'aird's cemetery Brucefield. Rev. W. E. Aidworth of Starfa officiated. The late Mr. O'- Brien was .a son of the late Mr. and 1VIrs. Roswell O'Brien of the Sauble line, Hay Township. and was married with Miss Margaret Treffry. on Dec- inbe 24th; 1890. He fas a former member of the TOOF and a member of the United Church at Steil -A, being a member of the board for many ye- rrs• and former treasurer of the church, was a great sunday school \corker, also took an active part in the Presbytery conference. Surviv- ing besides his Wife and sons are three , b.rothers, William of Zurich, John of Manitoba, Roswell of Sask- atoon; two .sisters, Mrs. Alonza Mel - i& of Flint, Mich.; Mrs, Daniel Mc- Phail of Manitoba • and four grand- children. Womens.' Institute On Monday evening, January Gth, the Women's Institute of 'Zurich met in the. council chambers of the town hall 'for (their monthly meeting. The meeting was opene i by singing the Institute Ode, followed by Lord's Prayer. The guest i p: Aker for the evening was Mr. V Dinnin, principal of Zurich Public School who spoke veryably on health and education, TheInstitute sang "Jingle Bells." A 'ano duet was given by Margaret Hey and Ruth Johnston, followed by a poem by Nola Krueger. A player,I MIS given by Mrs. P. Haberer, "Hit- ler's Prayer," A duet was rendered by Shirley .Draeger and Belva True - inner assisted by Mrs. Hess at the piano "Juanitia." Mrs. Hess -than gave a po'em "The Sorry -IHTostc ss" by "7.-A. Guest. The Instltrte sang "The CREDIT TERMS CREDIT TERMS Fox positive identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ak for BLUE COAL Also Rosedale Alberta, Semet-Solvay Coke Miller Creek. Glen Rodger's Brique The Roe Farms Milling Glh - Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON 1 Highest Cash Prices paid fog .Eggs on a graded basis. Pone 10 - Hensall HESS, THE JEWELER W6.4...e...44.14aG6ab<5-'vva•+1v.o4-e• OttavhC+96°Fvq,)•:>AL*+.'°,V ,94q)<“,• 4D4a 4 4 a 4 t i- USINFSS: church in the Wildwooi;." .Mrs. B Receiving Reports r Picea' an;l Rose then conducted the business tr dent. Secretary - a. Auditors. 2 --Election of Directors anal Anditors 3 ---The Discussion of other re ate in the interest of the Company. meeting which closed by singing, "God Save the Kin ." A dainty lvv�ich was served by thi• cot ntr:rttee rn charge. Mrs. ;)avid D c , ,min; ;lis. Ililtorr r ue•,rn r, Mrs, 1 ' tint e i Thomas Webb, President.IC,ue;;c'i Mrs, P. Haberer, Mrs Iferbert E., Either, Se rntar'y', ' 3ohiistt+r'te Mrs, Geo. Duebar e, Regular $3OOO Suits M -to Meas re for 41,1 4t1 c ig WV r rirIgf ," Asaawa‘„, „4 em,eo* 0 .1'j e, .4***l04,000. ►•....... **0* **** ***9000aa044,4,;,, c� .. 4. W4t2E15 EMBALMERS AND FUNERA+1. DIRECTORS Evertti We are Happy to Saine r Sri be Doing Business at the: Old Stand During this Cold Winter Weather you will need good warm Underwear, Overalls, Smocks, Wind - breakers, Mitts, Socks, Heavy Rubbers, Etc., Etc., Let Us Supply You With these Essentials.! FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND HIGHEST MARKET PRI CES PAID FOR. EGGS 'rill IFtIcY t'irrIMEL Lai Ek}'t'Prop. Poxep 114 tostembutmogassroromgeraha