HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-01-09, Page 8• PAGE EIGHT ZURICH HERALD D N'T MS'S THESE k dA • Ms Wear 10 Only Men's Winter Overcoats. 4 Only Horsolide Coats, with Marmot Collars, 3 Fine Ponyhide Windbreakers. • 4 Only Pigtex Windbreakers. We offer all of above lines at Reduced Prices to Clear GROCERY SPECIALS Cookies, per lb. 15c Chipso, large package 21c Sodas, per lb. 14c Palmolive Soap at 5c Camey Soap at 5c Mixed Tea, at half. ib. 33c Strawberry jam at 29c P and G. Soap, 6 for 25c Baking Bran, per pkg. 10c Macroni, per lb 5c Tomato Juice 25 -oz. at 10c J . GASC PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 i 403,5'40704•6,24 `•;:: ‘-'3,..qiNilaina•MiniCSSZinnaligalgiganS4 T.PRAL OE EXCEPT LIFE Au. -,o, Casualty- ti.;iL/01.1u(1 (11 f Et ,) 3 ATArew F. He, Zurich Local Representative Zurich 'mauser...wr-nzz,. 1••••.••••••••• sigh0000a00000000008,000,00004000000000,08,0000&0004-4410011 1 HARDWARE SEEDS ..I4' .-it:4010#2 .0:41hAtk- 1111111111M1111111111 and FURNITURE Vafee=5"reffr, 0 a • a TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS WE WISH TO ENTEND Season's Greetings AND MAY THE NEW YEAR BRING US ALL PROSPERITY . AND HAPPINESS, AND A CON- TINUANCE OF OUR FRIENDLY BUSINESS RELATIONS #310 ti ef,WRICH . ONT. 4 1 I 1. I QUALITY -.. 'PRICE . SERVICE • 41414111.6.4141410401441114114411411141.111411.10/4041.0.1064040444141141/11.186104 e'''11[111))11,M11))il It J 1t1411 tiIitm iiiimummoppRi ••°' • • zume rocery t re At this time of Year we can give no greater 6r, more impressive mess- age to our Many, Customers than by Extending a MERRY CHRISTMAS and al HAPPY NEW YEAR Menna Oesch - Zurich EGGS WANTED. Phone 165 MI MHO BIM NEM IIIHMIIHMIMIE11111111111111111 ITEMS' OF .f).tAg., 1111110)111141,i 1111111011M 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111MI ..,111111,1,111101111.51,114, Mr. Kenneth Brakey had a pleasant visit at. the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. T, Corless of Clinton recently. Mr. Archie Mackinnon returned to Duckse lb. Turkeys; lb. ''''' his studies at .Guelph Vetenary Geese; I'Wheat; buslie.P lb. .... egn, after spending holidays with his Oats, bush .. mother, Mrs. M. MacKinnon. Turkhethl of Toon-' Barley; bush..... ...; .. . ..... Miss Gertrude Buckwheat,. bush ..... to was a New Year guest at the home 2.35-3 Turkheim. of her parents, Rv. and Mrs. E. Flour, cwt.. Potatoes; 75--Ibte bag , 1 Miss Dora :Standing has returnee to Livc Irtms cwt. 10 iher duties as teacher of Z.P.S., after 0 pleasantly spending the holidays at 72.1."'"I're'mee•-...e.eeeeeeeeeeetee.'"e°"- . her home in Paisley. Born --At Detroit, on Decembee 31st to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mein- eIntened tor last week ineerer (nee Lillian Weseloh) (Tommy.) a son, Mr: A. O. Becktr of Kitchener it Miss Gladys Gingerich of the Gos- :spending; theholidays . with his pare hen line south has takena position as erite. teacher in one of the Stanley Town - Miss Catherine Finkheiner is vie - ship schools. iting with her sister, Mrs. Humble in During the month./of January WIT, jskzatt. Hoffman & Son are having a specie sale of made to measure Suits, Reg: Nes.. Mathews of Dorchester• apent. $30 for $24.95. This mice good oray, the. holidays with her mother, Mrs. .Wnt Szie.11. for January. - and Mrs. KOessel and family alareled-On New Year's Day, XiSs of Lansing, Mich., visited with her Elda Gingerich; daughter of 1VIr. and ma Mr. .and 1V1rs. John/ Kuntz. Mee. Gingerich, Hay Township, Mies' Oneda Restemeyer, MN. and, to Mr. Eldon Bender of New Ham- Trubert of London, spent the holiday burg, by Rev. Stephen Peachey. with their parents, Mr. and., Mrs. Otto, Miss Romaine Geiger and Doreen 'R!estenaeyer. Gingerich have ',resumed their 'studies Mr. and Mrs. Mosher e Pontiac, at Clinton Collegiate. • *neat a few days witht her mother,. Mr. Garfield Witmer of the Baby- 1VIrs. Neeb: lon line was a visitor with MS eister, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bender and Mr. and Mrs. -Wilfred Jervis at gine Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Zimmer of Tor- onto spent the holidays with their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. 1tarold Kellerman, spent Xmas. witth her parents in Fergus. -,Donald Harris of Sarnia spent Christmas holidays with relatives here Mr. A. Philips of Detroit spent the holiday the guest •of Miss Rose Gu- enther. • Carl Oestreicher left last week for Guelph- where he will take a course in. the 0.A.C. Collage. 'Mr. and Mrs. Henry -Hoffman and Mr. Quimby Hess, who is employed Gertrude; Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Tie- in forrestry work up in tyre cold! man and Nancy Anne were Sunday northlands, spent New Year's at his' visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Normaan home here. He returned Sunday by' Evans in Kitchener, train and was accompanied as farl :Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Miles of Sar - as Toronto by his brother Paul who !Ma were visitors with Mr. John Ben - is taking an Arts course at the Uni-'der. Mrs. Miles Sr., who has been versify. staying with Mr. Bender returned to ' Sarnia with them for the hoIglays. The annual meeting of the Dash- wood public School was held in the school 'on, Thursday morning, when Dr. Taylor was re-elected trustee for a three year term. The caretaking was awarded to Mr, Fred Genttner. 4. good crowd. attended the Xmas. entertainment in the school. There BLAKE was a good prograrn consisting of songs, recitations, dialogues and Those visiting during the holiday drills, Mr. W.. R. .Golding musical in - week were: Mr. and Mrs. Stewart structor assisted with the program. Beattie of Varna; Mr. and Mrs.. W. Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner spent Chr- McBride of 'Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. istanas in Sarnia. A. McBride and Mr. and Mrs, E. Mr. arid Mrs, George Link visited McBride of Icippen at the home of with Mrs. J. -A. Manson and daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Robert and Mr. and tei. Beatrice of Zurich on Friday last. Mrs. E. McBride; Mr, and Mrs. C. Dr. and Mrs. Taylor spent Christ -- Parke and family with IVir. and Mrs mess fith friends in London. R. McAlister at Hillsgreen ; Mr, and Murray Wolfe. of. Fort Erie visited Mrs. Walter McBride and ramily at with his parents over the holidays', the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Chute/. Mr. and Mre. Harold Swartzentru- of Varna; 3.1r. and Mrs. Lloyd Mc- Lei' have moved in the house ,of the Bride of 'Windsor • with Mr. Samuel 'atp Ma' Geo, Stire. McBride; Mr. and MrS. Donald Tu r- Bori:--0e. Dec; 22nd to Mr. and neriand son of London with Mr and Ws. Melton Walper, a daughter. Mrs, Russel Heard; Mr, Gus Clark daughter with their mother, l'ars. E. DoV,enaeville pont And Mrs. Norman .Scott of of Ottawa and Mrs. Finnigae and Clarke; IVIr. and 1VIrs. Febe Mei. and Mre, Wm. Kleinstiver. the holidays with I Fred Hoperoft who has joined the LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesdav) Dressed! chielia: 12-18 16c .. 20' 70 32" 42' 40c .25- .30' .00 DASHWOOD ton last week, Miss Dorothy Corliss, sareszady of the Zurica Drag Store has returned Ito her duties aitee enjoying holiday's Itt the home of her parents, at Clin- ton. Mr. Dennis Denomme who has been a continuous employee at Eckel's I Bakery for the past ten years, has severed his connection there and has left for Windsor where he has a position with the Chrysler Co. Mr, Albert Watson of London, who leee been public sehool teacher at No. 12, Hay, 14th con, for the past few years will be greatly missed by his scholars as he has accepxd a position as teacher .of the Grand Rena school. Mrs. Delbert Geiger has been eng- aged as teacher of the No. 12 school fermly with Mr. and M. Redy Oese.b Navy as a seaman, left an Friday of London and Miss Elva Hey of Michigan with Mr. fArtd Mrs. 5, Hey, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ducharme and son of Forest with Me, and Mrs. Paul Dm:henna and family, New Year's visitors were: Me end Mrs, and daeghtee vert Wm, Virility with Mr. Alan end Miss Misees Mildred, .1an, Kathleen Ile for Halifax, Mr. and Mrs. floperoft accompanied him to London before leaving, Miss Laved a Hartleib spent the holiday in Landon where she. visited her s'eter, Mrs. lVfeerburg in tam hos pital who underwent an operation. Mr. Meerburg and twins of Port Prank spent Xmas with Mr. jonas end Mrs. M. Fahey and femily of Mrs. Chrietenit Hartleib eof London, Heneell %%t3i Mr. end Mee. 5 Oree,l ept ntling the holidays with relatie .Wrn. Oesch and Ws mother Iklee. vee here. Rudiv Neeh spent a few days visit. Mrs. Reid of Thedfoed spent a.few ing relatives at Tavistock and othee days with her daughter the. A. poiets. Goett, 441ratiTy 041) I:4104,000.04446.400,4,,444+44+4+4044+0+++++44. ' : + + 4, 4, 4- 4 4,- 44. al 0 4, 4. 4. 4. 4. 4,- • 4.4. .4* - 41r 4.* 4. 4. 4. , 4. 4. 4. T.4.4.4. We are Happy to take this I,pportunity of Expressing Our Appreciation at the Patronage that has been accorded uss, dur- ing the past Year and Wish one, and all for A HAPPY AND PROSPEROU5 ew Year Job.uston Kalbileisch Hardware & Furniture Phone 63 4 4. 4 4. 4,44,4,i-4,,E,+++++÷+++++04.044,04.0+440+4,03.44.0+++4,44,44•404t4.40. • ..sq. ny.,e . , )0211:11111111011M Dead and Prigabled REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect.: Exeter 235. Seaford', 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. ..agingnatemseng,,,,,,,w„,,..;,,,,,,,,;„Asmommusamenamv NUMIIIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIN11111111111111111n1111111iilid1111111tliriiiinlilltiliffliflillinlidn1111111n11111111111111111M11111111111111110 NOW! IS. THE. TIME TO ORDER Your Stove Wood. Good 4 -foot Body WOOd Very Reasonably Priced. Let Us Have your Order! We also carry a Stock of New Brick and Tile Let Us Supply Your ,Wants in these LineSi ESSJ the Repair Man 1111111111111111111111111101111111(1111111141111M1111111111111111111111E111111111111111111111111)1111)1111111111111111111111111E111111111111111110111111111M111011/11111E1111111111E111111i1N111111111111111111110111111111115 +4.+4.4.+++++++++++++++++++4 Cut Your Fuel Bill in HALF! Duy Storm Windows and Doors • LET US QUOTE YOU! Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials + REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A 4. LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES..v. 4$ 4t C.3.1 LBFLEISC $ PHONE 60 - ZURICH +444$.4.4$44+4.4i+++++++++++++++ +++++++++4.+44++++4..4.+$444.$$ AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. 110 /A Tr• • 0101146110100410000000000000000 1100000000040000001000060111141, NOTICE • As we have r•e-arranged the proprietorship ot our - business, beginning January ist, 1941; Mr. Louis Schilhe will rnaiittain the Coal Business, ''while Ervin Schilbe will take care of the Flour, Feed and Seed Business, including the Trucking work. • le In this new arrangement we feel we can serve our many patrons more efficiently than ever, and ask for your continued support and. patronge. . WE THANK YOU! Se, I e It) 1 ft;