HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-01-09, Page 7How Con 1. BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I prevent woolen garments from scratching the skin? A. This can be prevented by add- ing a few tablespoons of glycerine to the last rinse when washing 131013. Also be cure that each water is the same temperature whole washing woolens, as it is the change from warm to cold water that shrinks them, Q. How can 1 relieve toothache? A. One remedy which has often proved very effective is as follows: Take a fresh Cabbage leaf and roll it with the rolling -pin to crush all the veins. Then hold it to the fire Until it is as hot as can be borne. Tie to the face before retiring. Q. ;Flow can 1 retnove old stains from leather furniture? A. Coat the stain, with a mixture of powdered pipe clay and water mixed to a paste, Allo,v this to remain for several hours, and then brush off and repeat the process if necessary. Q. How can I wash corduroys successfully. A. Wash the corduroys care- fully, then rinse until the water to clear. Do not squeeze out the water at the last rinsing, but throw the garment over the line In a vhady place while dripping wet. This Keeps the Material soft and fluffy. Q. What can 1 use instead of a trowel when digging into small flower pots? • A. A metal shoe horn can be used to better advantage than a trowel when dipping into small flower pots. It has much the sante shape as a trowel and will snake • less dirt in a small space. Climate Gives Canadians Pep Hollywood Photographer is Impressed by Canadian -born Stars ' Stanley Cortez, a director of photography in Hollywood, said in a newspaper interview at Toron- to recently that the Canadian clim- ate may have something to (Io with the success of Canadian screen stars. After sniffing the cold, clear air on leaving his train Mr. Cor- tez said the atmosphere in Can- ada accounted for the fact that, such stars as Norma Shearer, Deanna Durbin, Gloria Jean and Mary Pickford were not temper - mental and. that "they seem to have so much more pep." The director was accompanied by his wife, the former Mildred Rehn of Vancouver, whom he met when she was in pictures in Hol- lywood. THE ROYAL ANK OF CANADA General Statement, 30th November, 1940 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid up .,.. $ 35,000,oce.se Reserve fund $ 20,000,000:00 Balance of profits carried forward as per Profit and Loss Account 3,198,146.37 Dividends unclaimed Dividend No. 213 (at 8;'a per annum), payable 1st December, 1940 $ 23,198,146.37 29,000.19 700,000.00 23,927,146.56 Deposits by and balances due to Dominion Govern- ment $ 20,462,766.89 Deposits by and balances dote to Provincial Govern- ments 15,065,374.51 Deposits by the public not bearing interest 399,085,358.54 Deposits by the public bearing interest, including interest accrued to date of statement 405,521,189.16 Deposits by and balances due to other chartered banks In Canada 215,956.83 Aleposits by and balances due to banks and banking correspondents in the i]adted Kingdom and • foreign countries 12,047,550.38 Notes of the bank in circulation Bins payable Acceptances and letters of credit outstanding liabilities to the public not included under the fore- going heads Gold held itt Canada Subsidiary coin held in Canada Gold held elsewhere ....... «. Subsidiary coin held elsewhere Notes of Bank of Canada Deposita with Bank of Canada Notes of other chartered banks Government and bank notes other than Canadian... ASSETS 58,937,546.86 852,398,196.31 25,103,351.69 43,013.95 18,003,678.07 1,094,939.72 $955,570,326.25 $ 1740,027.5544 336,173.74 2,011,482.62 17,066,558.25 65,020,12537 774,987.70 20,078,000.42 $107,027,366,30 Cheques on other banks $ 29,171,678.96 Deposits with and balances due by other chartered banks in Canada 2,832.62 Ante by banks and banking correspondents elsewhere than in Canada 70,389,511.25 Dominion and Provincial Government direct and guaranteed securities maturing within two years, not exceeding market value Other Dominion and Provincial Government direct and guaranteed securities, not exceeding market value.... Canadian municipal securities, not exceeding market value Public securities other than Canadian, not exceeding market value Other bonds, debentures and stocks, not exceeding market value Call and short (not exceeding 30 days) Loans in Canada on bonds, debentures. stocks and other securities of a sufficient marketable value to cover can and short (not exceeding 30 days) loans else- where than in Canada on bonds, debentures, stocks and other securities of a sufficient market- able value to cover 99,564,022.78 201,132,212.09 110,700,896.65 7,314,592.51 9,421,620.56 32,155,514.15 10,243,943.49 7,394,239.19 $584,954,407.72 in to da not other- wiseloans and discounts Ca a 0 1 wise included, estimated loss provided for $229,451,217,53 Loans to Provincial Governments 999,795.25 Loans to cities, towns, municipalities and school districts 18,374,596.54 Current loans and discounts elsewhere than in Canada, not otherwise included, estimated loss proeided for 79,277,395.82 Non-current loans, estimated loss provided for 1,783,249.36 329,886,254.50 Bank premises, at not more than cost, less amounts written off 14,446,007.98 Real estate other than bank premises 2,109,633.74 Mortgages on real estate sold by the bank 717,489,46 Liabilities of customers under acceptances and letters of credit as per contra Shares of and loans to controlled companies Alepiitt with the Minister of Rinance fpr the security of note circula- tion 1,340,000.00 Other assets not included under the foregoing heads 629,989.58 18,003,678.07 3,482,865.20 $955,570,326.25 NOTEt—The assets and liabilities of The Royal Banc of Canada (France) arc not !minded in the above General Statemcst. M. W. WILSON, S. G. D©BSO1V, President and Managing Director. Genrtul Meleager, p AUDITORS' REPORT 5 6a Us UAEEaOLTOR9, Tari ROYAL BANK OP CA'tAOA i We have examined the above Statement of Liabilities and Assets as at 30th Norenbcr, 1940, with the books and accounts of The Royal Bank of Canada at Bead Office and with the certified returns from the branches. We have cheekcd the cash and the securities representing the hank's lave,tments held et the Bead Mire et the close of the fiscal tear, and at various dates during the year have also checked the cash and investment securities at several of tic important branches. We have obtained all the information and explanations that tit have required, attain our opinion tho transactions of the Bank, which have come under our entire, have been within the powers of the 'flank. The nbove statement is in our opinion properly drawn up so as TO disclose the true condition et the Bank as at 30th Novernber, 1940, and it is as shown by the hocks of the Bank. JASG.ROSS, R S .C.A., of P. S. Ross tit Sons W. GARTH THOMSON, C.A.. of Peat, biarwiel., Mitchell a Co. 9Sertseed, Catuada, December 23,1910. } Auditors. PetOJ!IT AND LOSS ACCOUNT 8lalance of Profit and Loss Account, 30th November, 1939 5 3,096,252.21 4'rrollts for the veer ended 30th November, 1940, after providing trot Dominion and Provincial Govern- inent taxes amounting to $1,823,950.19 and after snaking appropriations to Continency Reserves, asst of which Reserves provision for all bad and doubtful debts has been rondo.. , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 3,526,894;16 w $ 6,62 ,146.37 AIPPROPRIATEI) AS FOLLOWS; E ryt10,000 00 dcnd No. 210 at 8rj per roartunt, , , , .. , , , ldendNo,211et8r perattnum ,,,,,.,,.,, 700,000.00 mDividend No. 212 at 8 9 per annum 700,000,00 vidend No. 213 at 8,o per anntun ,, , , , , ,, , ,, , ,,, , , , 700, 000.00 2;800,000.00 tCantribution to the pension Fund Society $ 325,000.00 ��i;��,,yy��oprit<tion for Back Prctai;scs 300,000.00 k8a ante of Profit and Loss carried forward 3;198,146.37 -- --- # 6,623,146.37 M. W. WILSON, President end ivlaneging Director. Ahireitxeal, December 23, 1940 5, 0. l)Of9SON General Manager. ,tr.•P,+►• E 4.4^r -w•14 44''44'"�"�'9 •q„y4 hat Science' ti Is Doing t`Pw`••"'-'.' 4•: s. v h'M•u ..r.,, *-i•s, 4 4 M 444 4-4e0^' NEW WO01 MOULDING PROCESS A. new method of treating wood has :made it possible to mould oak, and even to weld two pieces of this, of other kinds of timber, to- gether, The wood is soaked for a week in a concentrated water sol- ution of urea. At any time later the wood can be moulded under preee- ure at a temperature of 176 de- g1'ees, Fahrenheit. W. K. Lough.- borongli, of the United States For- estry Produets Laboratory, develop- ed the process. COLUMBIUM IN NEW ALLOY A new alloy which possesses great strength at..high temperature has been developed at the Genera. Electric Research i.aboratllries by Dr.'E. R. Parker. It consists of iron with a small amount of Columbium, a relatively rare element for 'which but few uses have been found: Modern Etiquette BY ROBER FA LEE 1. If a person asks you how oid you are, or what your salary is, or some such personal question, what should you reply? 2. When a man has taken a girl to the theater, should she thank him? 3. When invited for a. week -end visti, isn't it all right for a guest to take his dog along? 4. When mailing wedding Invi- tations nvitations to a man and wife, two sons and two daughters, may one invi- tation be addressed to Mr. and Mrs. James R. Taylor and Family? 5. What should a girl steno- grapher say or do *hen her em- ployer shows her an error she has made in typing a letter? 6. Who is really the'"heat." of the table, the host or the hostess? Answers 1. "There are some questions that I prefer not to answer." It is only a very rude, tactless person who would ask such questions. 2. No; but she should tell him how much she has enjoyed the evening. 3. Not unless the clog ts-as also invited. 4. Not unless the chil- dren are very young. Each adult member of the family should re- ceive a separate invitation, 5. mere- ly say, "I am sorry," and offer to rewrite it. 6. The hostess. - ...o-9••w+-11-*.+,-V.....y-•4..ry.4.e-e-e.ay-t.....y.« o.Od•h HEALTH TOPICS THE FOOD DOLLAR The Quebec Provincial Health Department recently turned budget - maker and advised housewives of the province seeking balanced diet for their families that each dollar for food purchases should be spent as follows: Milk and cheese, 20 cents; fruits and vegetables, 20 cents; meat, fish and eggs, 20 cents; bread and cereals, 20 'cents; and sweet foods and butter and other fats, 20 cents. —o— PERiODICAL EXAMINATIONS Periodical medical examinations are urged by the Health League of Canada for persons who believe they have a tendency to diabetes. Prompt control of the disease by means of diet and insulin may be imposed if the condition is dis- covered early, it was stated. Fat people especially are subject to diabetes, acocrding to recogniz- ed experts, and usually between the ages of 40 and 60 years. More women than men are affected by the disease, Early symptoms of diabetes were said to be excessive hunger and thirst with loss of Weight. Accom- panying these usually are irritabil- ity rritability and tiredness. Older sufferers often are trouble' with boils and carbuncles. There is• no fruit richer in vita- min and mineral content than the Canadian apple. FEATJ-IERS WANTED GOOSE AND DUCK Ilig kern Prices Paid Immediate Item it (ancc CANADA COM PORTER 'CO. rat; tea nales St. i:. Toronto MIDDLE -AGE WOMEN HEED THIS, ADVICE!: Thousands of women gosmiling thru"trying times" with Lydia E. Pinkbam's 'Vegetable Compound—famotts for over 60 years in re- lieving female func- tional troubles. Try it! Competition For Musical Scholars Young Canadian Composers Are Afforded Opportunity to Piave Their Ability --Top Scholarship Award $750 The nationwide interest in the annual competition for young Canadian composers drew more entries in 1940 than at any time during the history of the contests and prompted the addition of a junior division with an additional eeries of • prizes for youngsters whose work was not of a quality to compete with the works sub- niitted for the $750 scholarship which is top award, 11. T. Jamies- on, president of the society which sponsors the contest said in an- nouncing that the competition would be held again this year. Conditions of competition are the same as last year, he eontin-` tied, except that contestants in the junior division must be under 16 years of age at the date the contest closes, March 1, 1941. Senior contestants trust be under 22 years of age at that date. OTHER CASH AWARDS In addition to the major award, there will be three cash awards in the senior division and three cash awards in the junior divis- ion. The Board of Adjudicators in - eludes Sir Ernest MacMillan, conductor of the Toronto Sym- phony Orchestra; Prof. Leo Smith of the Faculty of Music in the University of Toronto; Capt. J. J. Gagnier, leader of His Ma- jesty's Guards band, Montreal; Godfrey Hewitt, organist Christ . Church Cathedral, Ottawa; Hec- tor Charlesworth, well known critic and journalist; and H. T. Jamieson, president of the Can- adian Performing Right Society, Royal Bank Building, Toronto, to whom applications for entry forms should be addressed. Steady Eyes Mean Deceit, Is Clain. Old Theory About Shifty - Eyed Creeks Has Now to Be Revised in Light of Latest Experiments In the next poker game, try being suspicious of the player with the steady -looking eyes. He is likely to be the fellow who is bluffing, Or., in the more serious game of life, look for that kind of eye in the person you suspect of deceit- fulness and lying. This goes contrary to the come ]non belief that a deceitful person has shifty eyes. The belief may be true for professional crooks, but some new eye tests by Dr. Freder- ick Ii, 13errien, Colgate University psychologist, show that about 75 per cent of ordinary persons steady their eyes when trying to deceive. Forty persons have taken the tests, Half of them committed a "laboratory crime." The other half were innocent. The crime consist- ed either of killing a rat in the laboratory or sneaking out to cora- mit fictitious burglary. Both guilty and innocent' were questioned as suspects in one or the other of misdeeds. They were quizzed while in front of an oph- thalmograph, an instrument which makes a photographic record of eye 'movement. • Electric railways in Canada carried a total of 632,533,152 passengers in 1939 compared with 629,778,738 in the preced- ing year. • 1IAV tXDU HEARD? A little girl wee put into an supper berth in s Pullman fee the Met timer, She kept whimpering until _ her mother told her not to be afraid because the angels would wateh over her, "Mother, are you there?" she cried, plaintively. "Yes, dear." And a few minp.tes later, "Daddy, are you there?" "Yeah?" A fellow passenger lost all patience after so long a time,,and bellowed forth: "We are all here. Your daddy and mother and bro- thers and sisters and aunts and uncles and cousins. A.11 here; now go to sleep, iittle one!" There was a pause, then very softly: "Mother." "Well?" "Was that one of the angels?" —0— Visitor: So you run a duck farm. Business picking up? Farmer: No, picking down. —o— An elderly lady living in the country had a son in the Navy. On one of her rare visits to a neigh- boring town she saw a sailor. Trembling with excitement she -asked him if he knew her boy. She told him his name. "Well, what ship is he on?" ask- ed the sailor. "What ship?" exclaimed the old lady. "Are, there two?" —0— Teacher: "Now, Freddy, why does a polar bear wear a fur coat?" Freddy: "Oh-er, i suppose he would look funny in a tweed one." —o— Traveler: "Which platform for the New York train?" Station Attendant: "Turn to the left and you'll be right." Traveler: "Don't be impertinent, my man." Station Attendant: "All right, then, turn to your right and you'll be Ieft. Mother (reprovingly): "When 1 was young, girls never thought of doing the things they do today." Daughter; "That's why they didn't do therm" HAW TO RELIEVE PILE TORTURE QUICKLY & EASILY of you are troubled with itching piles or rectal soreness, do not delay; treatment and run the risk of letting this •'midltion become chronic. Any; eschew or .soreness or painful pa•ss+, age of stool is nature's warning that proper treatment should be secured at once. For this purpose get a package of Hem -Roil from your drwtgist• and use as • .directed, This teem -fiat formula: which is 'steed internally in the form of a small, easy to take tablet, will quickly relieve the Itch- ing and soreness and aid in healing the sore tender spots, Flom-l?oid is pleasant to use, is highly recom- mended and it seems the height of folly for any one to risk a palatal; and chronic Pile Condition when such. a fine remedy may be had at so reasonable a cost. If you try Idem -Raid and are not entirely pleased with the results, Your druggist will gladly return yoter money. Canadian National Railways Revenues The gross revenues of the all- inclusive Canadian National Railways System for the week ending December 21, 1940. were $5,584,110' as compared with 4,475,346 for the corresponding period of 1939, an in- crease of $1,108,764 or 25' Wearability MAI rks Midseason Mode A retrospective glance over the mid-season collections shown in the custom-made department of seven of New York's special- ty shops reveals that while each developed individual characteris- tics, all kept within the frame- work of thorough wearability. DETAIL, DESIGN, FABRIC, COLOR No exaggeration of silhouette emerged from the collections. New York's designers have not felt that the hour has struck to ring in any important change. They have exhibited an infinite amount of good taste and crea- tive ability in the evolving of de- tails, the encouraging of design in fabrics and the endorsing of colors. Gun Replaces Boxing Champ's Fists Aircraftsman H. Lacelle of the Royal Canadian Air Force, fired a burst from the cockpit of an army co-operation aircraft. Winner of 275 out of 300 boxing contests, Lacelle, then amateur bantam-.'e'ght °halnpion of Canada, represented his country in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin. ...CLdiS IFIHD ADVERTISEMENTS... AGENTS WANTED LOCAL, MAN - GOOD PAI' WE17K.- ly. lull or spare time. Book orders for Canada's finest tree, plants. Experience unnecessary. s:ties out- fit free. E. D. SMITH'S NURSI'.R. IES, -Winona, Ont. ,t(1'I'Oti1OTIVie vamps Car and Tractor Parts NEW ANL) US1}.t AT LUWI$S'1 prices. Wed electric motors all sixes. Satisfaction or money re- funded. General Auto Supply. F,1t• choler, BABY CHICKS YOU CAN SAVE :HONEY r3'i OR- dering your Baden Government Approved Chicks from blood- ' sted breeders now. Liberal dis- count for early delivery. Also older pullets. Baden Electric Mirk Slatebery Limited, Baden, Ontario. GOOD NEWS FOR F()ULTRYIMIEN. On December 1st there wore ap- proximately 30,000 dozen less fresh eggs available than a month ago. A third lass storage eggs, s hair fess broilers, a half less chickens and a third less dressed poultry than i. year ago. Nearly 8,000,000 dozen Canadian eggs were exported during the first nine months of 1940 compared to 703,000 dozen the corresponding !line months of 1838. This all spells extra poultry and egg prof- its for 1941, and especially 1f you start with good Tweddle Chicks. Discounts up to 83.00 Per lawn- aired for early booking and early delivery. Huy now before prices Cdvance. free catalogue. Tweddla hick Hatcheries I'.ilnited, Fergus, Ontario. TOP NOTCH CI3ICICB AltE RIGHT at the top when it comes to qual- ity and a t the bottom when it Coarses to price. Free oatalogur. Top No eh 011irlteries, C.uniph, Ontario. OFF TO A GOOD START —. WITH Bray (hick's. Order this month and get Bray free Chick Guard. List of Daily Specials is interest- ing. Catalogue. Bray Flatchery, 130 John St„ Hamilton, Ont, JOn oeeoRT(7N(TIF,5 WE COACH FOR GOVERNMENT positions on deferred payment, - paying after appointment, List of openings, particulars free. Rodd Training School, 582 Burrows. Winnipeg, fan. LEGAL J. N. LINDSAY, LAW OFFICE, CAP- itol '.theatre Building, St. "Phomas. Ontario, Special Department for farmers collections. MAC'IIIINC(tY FOR SALE I'LANF1t EQUALIZER CORNER Rounder and Table Saw for manu- facturing basket bottoms, also tWo sawmills, for sale cheap. David 13. Ritchie, Parry Sound, Onterio. SAEDIOAL S T I) le SUFFERING; CANCER, Rheumatle n, Paralysis, Consump- • tion, Heart Trouble, other ail- ments relieved. Particulars stamp- ed envelope. Box 303, ndm.onton. v. NEURITIS SUPFEitED5 SATISFY YOURSELF -- EVERY sufferer of Rheumatic Palos or Neuritis should ti'y Dixon's Rent- edY, Sold only at Munro's Drug Store, 333 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid 51.00. OS'Fi ll TO INVENTORS. AN Otet"lift TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infor- mation sent fret,. The Ramsay Co., Registered, Patent Attorneys. 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. TRY IMPERIAL POR PINE QUALITY PHOTO 0'IN- ishing. Any 6 or 8 Exposure film developed and printed, with en- largement, 25c, Careful proof ing by experts who know how. es ares satisfaction. Imperial Photo Ser- vice, Dept. A., Station J., Toronto.. PULLETS TREE RANGE PULLETS. CASH IN now on the high egg price- We have several real choice laving pullets and pullets Just ready to lay. Tweddle Chick Hntoheries Limited. Fergus, Ontario. RISEIJMATIC SIJI+FEREES IT'S PROVEN — EVERY SUTTER. er of Rheumatic Pains or Nour- ritis should try Dixon'S Remedy. Sold only at Munroe Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid $1.00. SHINGLE MILL SAW FIRST CLASS SHINGLES. Build Shingle Mill, Small cost. Stamped envelope for particulars. I. Lundy, New Saropta, Alberta. SKATING OCTFITS SEATING OUTFITS, NIOW YOUTHS 52.85; Adults, 53.30; Reconditioned Youths, 51.85, $2.15; Adults, 52.35, 52.85. Send money order plus 90c Postage. Sport Centre, Xing & East Ave., Hamilton, Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used New SPECIALIZING 11N Ill'lt(ii5Jr MO- '!toltS, POWICR-1IN1TS. Hydraulic tH o l s t s Winches. Generators, Starter, Mrtgnetos, t;ar}ittretort, llatllatorsa — tixebange Servire, ';lass — 'Satisfrietion or refund. t,et3' Auto earls, Dees. .1., Toronto.