HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-01-02, Page 8ZURICH HERALD "iglitlll!]ll]IINIMlllli411� 11' Mit IIi1111111111111� � t� iiiitlllllll I lflil Maim lilll l�llli llllp lli 1111, ll tll1,�{IIII1 Jt, Another Year of Happy Business and Personal Relations is drawing to a close. May we express to you Our Sincere Thanks for the good will you have shown to us and for the Confidence in our lines. Our Sincere Wish for you: A HEALTHY, HAPPY and PROSPEROUS New YYear 3. GSCH� max. SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 Is} GENERAL ANCE EXCEPT LIFE Fire, Auto, Casualty Fidelity, Etc, Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Local Representative - Zurich 1 1 saars eea+a aaaaa4•s aesaaaaam o • HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE a allil!l1114l1i11111i11i, u asp „' r ` "'.�h-�..- �'� Ili I + fila +1 qtr. f U 1!z 11}flll'3��1�'.' , ,_ { �s ! )1o1(� cl)1iaai�, , I TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS WE WISH TO EXTEND Season's Greetings AND MAY THE NEW YEAR BRING US ALL PROSPERITY AND HAPPINESS, AND A CON- TINUANCE OF OUR FRIENDLY BUSINESS RELATIONS Simus ZURiCH ... N T. QUALITY — PRICE SERVICE ii4r11i;i;wi1M 1 a • • 5 • 1 1 1 • • a • zu " iei-i's Grocery Store At this time of Year we can give no greater or more impressive mess- age to our Many Customers thars by Extending a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR 111111 11114111 Menno Oesch - Zurich EGGS WANTED. FAD Phone 165. Illlll111111llll 111411111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111f111111111111111111111RII8111111iII111111 Hi111111i111111111111111111111111 II IA 1111111111111111111111M ITEMS OF LOCAL iNTMES1 Mr. R. J. Kalbfleisch of Detroit, spent Christmas with his parents here We wish all ooux readers and fri- ends during 1941 the Very Best of everything. Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Koehler spent 'fiel d.Chr'stmas Day with relatives at Bay - Winter has again arrived after the unusual mild spell and the ground has a light blanket of snow. Mrs. C. Kalbfleisch of Detroit was a visitor for a few days at the home of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. 1 Stade of town last week. Mrs. Elgin, Johnston, Lauretta and Jack of Goderi.ch were week -end vis- ite s with Miss Lizzie Volland of town. (Mrs. George Brock of Hensall, pic- ked a bouquet of pansies of many colors in her garden over the week- end. Misses Cora Streets and Edien Fremlin are enjoying New Year's Day at their homes in Clinton. Miss Shirley Southcott of London was a holiday guest of Miss Mae Smith, Pt the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. .Smith. Rev. L. H. Kalbfleisch and family of Elmira spent a few days with their parents and relatives here during the past week. Mrs. Minnie Weido of London, vis- ited a few days last ween, with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bedard who have moved in their re- cently renovated apartment. Mr. Norman C. - -r of Byron San. London, spent Christmas at his home also at:e•'ding the dinner at the home of his parents, :,:,• and Mrs. Joseph Gascho. The firm of L Schilbe and Son of Zurich has partially dissolved and under the new arrangement Mr. Louis ;gchilbe will maintain the coal end of the business while the son, Mr. Ervin 1 Schilbe takes over the flour and,feed,' seeds 'and trucking end of the bus- s iness. Mr. Sehilbe advises that in future the .business -will be run on a cash system basis. We wish this new arrangement every success for the future. TO MAKE US INVISIBLE' IN WAR An article—in The American We- ekly with the January 5 issue of The Detroit Sunday Times—will tell how the best brain of the nation anion architects, artist,, philosophers, eng•- in.eers and other technicians are non being trained to turn out new trick, for hiding America from an enemy. Be sure to get The Detroit Sunday Timees, From Overseas Mrs, Thomas Meyers, president of the local Womens Institute, •.,elves' a very interesting letter from Mr Stuart Wright who formerly held e position at the Prang Garage, Zurich. and realizing the need of his coun- try, and. is now overseas. His letter -.rw reads as follows: Dear Mrs. Meyers:— I received the lovely parcel that you people sent me and with to thank you and the committer; for your very thoughtful parcel which I have received 1 wise to take this opportunity to wi h yea. one and ''1 a Very Merry Chri'turas and a Happy New Year. Well, I guess 1 :uatc shall close, again thanking you veru '"' Tha'sci#ty, ,1 lrtrar,' :') 104t ,1, 4 t +t 4 4 +. I III RIIIIMIIIH)I I11pMHINIItu1 If LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Dressed chicks , . 18, Deeks„ M. 1:6C• Geese, 11Fx. Turkeys.Ib. 15, Wheat, 'bushel . 70, ; + Oats,. bush , 3,2' i + Barley, bush. 2. , + $%u¢ lat;at uurn ........ 4'Oe Flour:; cwt. 2;3b-312'5. Potatoes, 75 -lb. bag . 11.310. Live Hogs cwt. 10:00' Councillors: W. H. Haugh, F. Haberer, A. Crerar and R. Cel After this declaration the_ mee became organized and the 'Clerk, A- P. Hess was appointed as cl and the following• gave add es, expressing• appreciation: fax re -nomination and election: George Armstrong, reeve; has served on the council fox .seven y and is one of the 'Good. Roads C. rnittee of the County Council, beelected for three years and one y of this term has now expired. Armstrong said, thatt 1940 .etas \ i+b ;ang crops, there is the great an off year, farmers had diffi'cu;Z, amity in Europe, and hopes for pe within the coming year, while we maintain freedom and love. Critic is the fundamental principal of system and heaps us to be more ca full and efficient. Huron County be 100 years old in 1941 and celebration ii .being arranged. In f the Iast debts of the County w all paid up since its organization years ago. Me referred to the r oads as being now 4.00 miles, which 70 miles is hard surfaced. own our equipment, have five sn lows, mail road routes are first lo d after, have own .machine shop Auburn, with large storage shed. hildren's Shelter at Godericic wh ost about $5,000 a year to run. losed down owing to lack of inma 0 acres more Iand was purchased he County Home. Co. Administrate f Justice cost over $23,000, whi eems too much and needs housed ng. Half mill of Co. rate was f atriotic purposes. Am looking fo Wer Co. rate next year. F. J. Haberer, Councillor,—Rat yers must have confidence in 194 uncil for 'their re-election, and w ecl to do the best we could. R. Geiger, 'Councillor=ale 194 until worked in co-operation, spen s on Township roads than p:•eviou ar• Some discussion followed o wnship adopting a snow plowing tem. Alex. .Creaser, Councillor—Another r has rolled around, our work was stly routine business, we had e it of $6,000 for road expenditures on by Prov. Government, still e a law suit on hand; farmers 'had culty with crops, enjoyed sating ows. Y94t0 counciil, were all good fell- Wm. Haugh, Councillor—There is little left to say. Dark war clouch are hanging about us, conscription is, fere, taxes +a+te higher, but keep up J. ger:. ting Mr. hair- less - their, now ears am- ien Mr. eene cal- ace still ism our will big 940 ere 100 Co. of We ow ok- at The i�ch vas tes for on ch e - 01'r c- 0 e 0 t s p e C 5 t 0 0 •o ri les 20 To sys yea mo lim put '.lav '1ifn mi tourage and keep singing "There'd' ays be an England," Less gray- ... Was put on roads owing to the low- -1.• grant and higher rate or gravel. weed cutting lower; Council is think- ing of doingsoiree spraying for weeds i'hanks for confidence. XT.... Armstrong .again took the plat- form and discussed the weed .spray - fl' system, stating that the County all this equipment and .old the 'rials can be purchased at cost and for a small rental of the equip- ment. Mr, John Mcl3ricrc., Weed :nspecto- —I em not at platform talker, but $400 was spent on weeds on the . roads, and half that amour' t on spraying would do severer as much good, am a strong; acl• r of spraying; In many carer arc weeds creeping from road' rams and these farmers arc r1 to kill these weeds. e and all the hliest r cel ours Sr Crrely, Stewart Wright. THE NOMINATION :rtTw r r Hay Council nomination ••',.' held ,pen assording to St atut,e ; on Monc af- tune ternoon in the township Hall, 'Zurich vocto with the smallest attendance in years, there„ .As there were no new nam o -a the 1,a1 nomination list, the .1940 Councila.,.,c. was declared by the Clerk, Mr. A.. F.' Af Heal. as r Yected for the yearn 1941-42' man, as follows: Reeve Geo,rgc Armstrong ,. close ( P. t(,1' a few rerr ,r'.. • by the chair - Mr. A. 1? Ttos:, the meeting 1 with the National Anthem, + +1+ We are Happy to take this Opportunity of Expressing our Appreciation, at the Patronage that has been accorded us dur- ing the past Year and Wish one and all for A Merry Christmas A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS; New Year Johnston & Kalbfiejsch ardware & Furniture. Phone 63 4 ++++4++++++++++++44+44004414++++++++++++++++++++.4 +++4+++++++++++ 44+440E"j;+7114++++ +++++++++i++++++..i Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 23S. Seaforth 15 ©ARLIIG and CO. Of CANADA LTD. 11111111111111i1tli+iidiiuillpillUll(lifL9u'r.,'llilllilllGBlIMI11iN11f111111111plilllllillll111111(1'1IIIBIIIINIIIHIinilifilif11gi1111i111f111111111u10111111lI 1111Ili1111111111111111 7111111111111 1111lfll11111111111111 , NOW! IS THE TIME TO ORDER Your Stove Wood. Good 4 -foot Body WOOd Very Reasonably Priced. Let Us Have your Order! We also carry a Stock of New Brick and Tile Let Us Supply Your Wants in these Lines! USS, the Itepair M . J IIIIIilllllllal.IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiIIiIIIIII1111111UiUlII11111111111ll1111ll11111„,„„I1i1111IIUIIIRIHN181 Nillli111111NIldlil1111111IIIIIiI„„„„itilllilfllllligllllllllllllllllllll111111111111111111;jiI{,IIIIIIa11111111111111 + + + + + + + +s WAIT. •It ! e. 3kAL ti PHONE 60 4 Cut Your Fuel Bill In HALF! Buy Storm Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU IN ZURICH ++lam!'++++++++++++++++i +++*4.++,ii'M” ++d++'i'e;,FII+•3++F++b +,N++i+++i•+F++F+P+++i++ ++ 1 •4••1111• • •••••99111Et11®1A10016Jo0.41.Pa0900l;g90110”.0 1114 D *: . NOTICE 4 Tie As we have re -arranged the proprietorship oI our business, beginning January 1st, 1941; Mr. Louis Schilbe will maintain the Coal Business, while Mr. Ervin Schilbe will take care of the Hour, Feed and. Seed Business, including the Trucking work. 1 •s i • 1 1 In this new arrangement we feel we can serve our many patrons more efficiently thanever, and ask for your continued support and patronage. WE THANK YOU! L 1 r«•M•�Ma••s+stpalu s 1 a er • •