Zurich Herald, 1940-12-26, Page 5• BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL • DUDLEY E. HULMES • $AIRRISTER, SOIJICITOR, . NOT- ARY PPUBLiC, ETC. i Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Soft brinks, OFFICE—At Court House i Tobaccos, Cigarettes, Cigars, Etc. LICENSED POOL ROOM HAROLD OVERHOLT Put Your Want, For Sale Lost Found, Etc. Ads. in this Column. THE DEW - DROP INN QUICK. AND LIGHT LUNCHES GODERICH — ONTARIO 18 ecial Attention to Councel and Court Work. Marr. Holmes may hone and consulted hone 1loderich by charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK --ZURICH very Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At iBARTLEIB' S BLOCK, DASHW OOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. VETERINARIAN t„Dr_ . W. B. COXON, B.V. . Sc. VETERINARY SU R4 EOin N Office 'with Residence, Opposite Drug Store Zurich Phone --96. .+ Campbell, V.S, B. �I.Sc. A. Graduate of Ontario Veterinaryl College, University of Toronto. alseases of domestic anima rrt glee by the most modern . Day or relit Charges reasonable.so Bre- ederpromptly attended to. Al of Scottish terriers. Inv ea Elennels. Office ea Main Street, opposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSALL. NOTICE LOST—In Hensall a considerable sum of paper money, ' finder kindly notify Herald Office, Zurich. Reward. FOiUND FOUND—Fountain • 'Syringe with attachments. L' eft'in car of finder by mistake. Zurich Drug Store. LOCAL NEWS ZURICH _ kERA1,1 BE Miss Mary Almoner of Elmira is holidaying at her home here. Miss Meda Suxerus of the Toronto teaohing staff is spending the boli days at her home here. Miss Mae Smith who is attending Webtern University, London, is a holiday visitor at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Westlake of Bayfield gave Zurich a friendly .call on Friday. Mrs. Theo. McAdams who has been staying at the home of Mrs. C. Either for some weeks, has returned to her home on the Bronson line. NOTICE HARNESS REPAIRING All kinds of harness; repairing done Leave your work at spy residence; 2 blocks south of hotel at home of Miss L. Faust. HENRY CLA USIUS, Zurich • PRODUCE WANTED We pay Highest Cash Prices for Eggs and Poultry. Give us a trial! MEYERS PRODUCE, Phone 116 Zurich. pt4'39 WANTED CASH for Dead Animals and Fox Hrses. Phone 47r15, Reverse all charges. Jack Williams, Dashwebd, IR.R.3. -50,39 LICENSED AUCTIONEER Vey Huron aid Middlesex 1 Alli DJ A POSITION TOaC s- Ree*;any .Auction Sale, reg as to size or article to sell. 1 solictit vein* business, and if not satisfied will wake no charges for Services Ren- TRIfiR WEBER—Dash-wood Phone 38-57. PRODUCE arm rod:viCC ANTE HIGHEST CASI4 PRICES -_FOR-- CEAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Res. 94, Zurich Fhor-te ? oi, Zurioh G Corrie and purchase your Aut- • Tons of Poultry are leaving these parts daily for to graze the table and make others happy over the Christ- mas season. Miss Greta Haberer who is a stud- ent of Westervelt Business College, Lo:,do.i, is holidaying :at her .tonne • PA.G1� FIV Foot Minded Your family and friends will appre- ciate a gift in Footwear and we have a 'fine selection to choose from. Wo also carry a full Line in trav- elling goods --Club bags, suit eases, music Cages, etc, GIVE L'S A CALL E. J. DATARS Reliable Footwear and Shoe Repair- ing, Trunks, Club Bags, & Suitcases. Many Decorations • Hensel' streets and houses" are_bea- utifully dice' ated for the festive ,a.? =on. A Christmas tn.?, in front of the town hall has more than 100 'c. etrie bulbs on it, The C'•trsiitmas entertainment of the Evangelical Sunday School was held oil Sunday evening, with the church filled almost to capacity, and a very good appropr'te program was. rendered. The proceeds were also - encouraging. Engagement Mr. and Mrs. William .3anders of wish to announce ;he. engage- ment of thein only daughter, Bernice Sx. PETER'S :1 vangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. A Changeless Christ for a ing World. Friday, 8h—Luther League. Thursday—Choir Practice, SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. m.—Divine Worship 114.5 awn.—Sunday School. 7,30 p. m. --Divine Worship. Everybozly V•?,icome to all Services. E. TUERKHEIM, Pastor. Chang- 31.333,13 MASSE.Y-HAREIBNEWS Season's 6reetin�s Good Wishes for. a joyous Christmas and a Pros- perous New Year to our numerous Friends and Customers. In a world clouded by war, may 1941 bring you Serenity, Health and Good Fortune. -CANADIAN FARM IMPLEMENTS Tel. Shop 149 O.!CLOP?€ Res. 67 .EM.MANUEL to Mr. Howead C. Truemner, son of :lee Dan i i•uemnee or C etti'ton and the late Mrs. Truemnee, the mar- riage to take place quietly In Dec- ember. GRANT IS REDUCED Ottawa --Regret was exp;.es:;ed by Rerourc;•s Minister Crerar in the House of Commons that "urgent need for economy" h'.s made it necessa.Yi to reduce the married grant to Jack Miner to aid in operation of his bird sanctuary at Kingsville. Mr. Crerar said it wag generally reco•"i'ed thr- oughout Canada that Mr. Miner had performed a splendid service to Can- maoti've Requirements from ada. The vote last year was $4,000 ?urich's oldest Established and is now reduced to $2.500, Alt. Crerar said Mr. Miner received, i„- ..arage • and Service Station. \X7e can supply all your needs. :,xpert Automobile repairing, evith the latest testing instrum- nts, Acytelene 'Welding Tires meeting held in the Township Hall, addiion to his grant, a . a Lary of $750 a year as game warden. MET AT VARNA At a largely attended Community 3atteries, Oils, Greases and 'tepairs. B -A Gasoline in three Grades Give/��Us a Call! 1L, MOUSSEATJ Phone: Day 103. Night, 47 BUTCHERS Zu rich s' Popular MEAT T MARKET C. B. Iiecl:e:ldo n, Minister. Mrs. -I, G. Hess, Organist. 10 a.rn. Service 11 a.m.—Sabbath School. 7.30 p.m. Service . ZURICH RED CROSS 1940 DONATIONS Total Subscriptione to date amounted to Mti.;, . (Continued fr'am last week) The following gave $2.00 Mr Jacob Balmer Mr, 'Nin. Trt,cenner Mr. Roy 7.derner Mr. Alb . e . Watson • Mr. Beton Truemner Mr. Whitney Broken hire Mrs. I"e:nny Bender Mrs. Ivan Yung lust Air. William O'Brien Miss J. Johnston Mrs. C. 7 1bei' Mr. and Mrs. L. Willert Mr. and Mrs L Schiibe Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Sehilbe Dr. and Mrs. W. P. Coxon Mr and Mrs C L S.mith Mr. Earl Thiel Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tuerlcheim Mr. Henry Steinbach Mr. Win. Alen. Mrs Mary Miller Mrs, 1Whitsel '1.. Geo, Farnell :Jr. Wim. Tiny Iars. Mabel Sunder Miss Dora .Standing llrs. Lee Iio4 'pan Mr and Mee o Fib �T, i dell li i'let'e't' M , i, t t Mr. len Deown Itegitr Mr. Roland C ,.r r Ale.. Ali. Meliek 71:e Wm. Inc';+ .rich Mr. Atgu:t. Koehler . l'Ir. Pot'•• Al.r, Meilen S. i't ,.".lc. Mr. Ed. J. Det tis Mrs. Eel D..1t ers Mrs Ivan 1.ai' d tell Mr. David Schwa.rtss:ntrueer Varna, on December 17th, it wits de- cided to conduct a farm and home improvement contest in Stanley Tp. in 1941. Reeve Fred Watson pee- :cnted and with him on tate platform were members of the Council. The guest speaker \vas Mr'. C. Itr Editor . of the Farmer's Ma< ..zine. Toronto, who told of the sncee-; o° 1 similar contests throughout Cleit:'*In' in 1938 and 1940, He emphasized the value of attractive home, and farm lay -outs, not only in the satisfaction .to the owner,, and in keeping 1 ing tin i young people cf the family happy and contented aith fuel life, but el attractive farni. i 7r 1 .<t'' in vnlie. to prospective petro t- r; of t'i' f:''I l e 1 Huron Con sty $o fat lies i a, firm <:n i lee me imp. Lyee m 1 Co test althoueei many iP•I':' 1' -tis 1, i.. . improved their home, and farms with- out the force, of community , et 1 is expected that tht' entheed:.een red . friendly rivalry gen r rc:t d ' contest will provide the ;p'ik t., in- terest the .whole family tt rt: the project. The Stanley, Town ' Farm and Home Improvement Cee - test ,•.test will be in charge of Peeve I• ne Watson, Bayfield, and. C'oueeillnrs FAST PLANE Vancouver—Expected to be eon!, i Mr . E. Clarko 1.75 pleted by December 15, the first ; \7i, and Mr. Lloyd O'Brien 1..5 plastic warplane of a fleet of them A1 Chri4 Dietrich 1.50 visualized by two men in Vancauv,,i 11 r. I d t.'clt r; Son 3.00 Mr. Jno Merrier 1.50 will .. -.t:'* i ?•d air- ,1 Fuss 1.5 po i�,•cl by :t . tt a The ' lr and 'MI1 : David craft e'7+; n, for test pt:',rt,c::. i ', ' The rnliowing gave $1.00: Ali. Jiro. 'Soldan Wilf. Woido ical a new inexpensive give r OC Mics Mary Magan icdesign, to give a speed o. C NIr. Wm. Davidson utile, an hour. The promoters toplanMr. Robin McAllister ?rake the plane available to the Can NIr, Hector Laporte adian and 13ritish governments. T1t': Mr. Philip D Laporte men behind the new warplane arc Mr. Jos. Duchnomc Harry. N. Atwood, veteran flier and Itt.MisEmily 'harrne ne scientist of Greenfield, N.H., and =�' Father Martin Mr. Jos, Corriveau. Mr. John Laporte Will. Corriveau Wm. Duchar•nte Chas. Bedard Wm, Ducharnicr, Jr. Win. Gentili Albi.rt Hendrick Donald Hendrick Emil Hendrick Mr. ,Sam Deslardile Mr. Wit. Jennison Mr. Leri Sararas Mr. C. 0, Smith. Me. Wm. •14offntan Mr. Conrad Sienron Mrs, E. C'�tbca M 't l war Thiel AUCTION SALE Of FARM PROPERTY At Dominion House, Zurich, op SATURDAY, JANUARY 4th, 191 At 12.00 "o'clock, p.m. Consisting of 37lee acres of land, more or less, being west part Lot 18, North Boundary, Hay Township. There is on the premises a frame barn 22x38 feet, ..table attached 12x16 feet. Also a house 10x10 ft. Farm has an acre of Landing popuar bush; is well drained, all in cultiv- ation, and is a good grass farm. TERMS -10 per cent. on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Will be sold subject to a reserved bid. Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. Sol. Beehler, Edmund Desch, Exec- utors, John Hechler Estate. l� you with the Let Us supply very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, 1Ect., slays on hand. �rKept .'fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices tor Wool, Hides and Skins �Y-raigb1Utt & S0-13 • INSURANCE. Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Ca. OF WOODSTOCK AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects at Brucefield On ' TUESDAY, DEGLM:13E11 31st, 11340 At 1.30 o'clock the following: Sewing machine, godd condition; Spartan radia, 3 rockers, Hydro lamp, 2 beds, dresser, washstand, pictures and frames, extension table, kitchen table, glass cupboard, sink, home made carpets, small table, chairs couch, paper rack, electric iron, wringer, linoleum, 3 coal heaters, 1 nearly new, cook stove, electric range ette, '2 coal oil heaters, dishes, cook- ing utensils, crockery, sealers, boiler, meat grinder, lawn mower, garden tools, scales, scythe, buck saw, quan- tity of sealers, pots, pans, lamps; clocks, bread box, cabbage cutter, tub., quantity of wood and 'numerous other articles. ' ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN 1VI J'T- Mrs. ;801 I Toms—Cash Proprietress. IAi, COMPANY DOING BUSINESS Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. '211F LARGEST RESERVE BAI,- 1cii t 1 ' C= Lli I OF 'THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Aniouirt of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 8lst, 1936, 322,391,527.00 Total Cash in Bank and .3o tds $273,613,47. es --$4.50 per $1,000 for 9, Years Fe X"f LOPPwu.r, W✓JL'i.A'4..,H nt, also Dealer :lin Lighti- Rods and all kinds of Fire insurance • scheme provides ler the eventu:? powering of the p1a tic: fighting craft by engine of rad Johnston of Vancouver. They an progressing with plans to turn out. the planes and motors. RETIRED DENTIST HONORED e On 94th Birthday Twenty -Four relatives and friends of Dr. Francis E. Meant, Ridgway, Ont., the oldest practicing mechanical dentist until two months ago, in Can - da or the United States, gathered at his Koine to felicitate him on his 94th birthday anniversary. The party as- sembled on the lawn and 1•arehed to. the beautifully decorated diningroorn with two large tables tastefully alp- pointed and centred by a huge birth - c, cal t , ;n41011)04 wilt tri retic TRIPS OVER CAT When she tripped on a cat while descending the stairs of her home at (k,.,eric°I. : r ;. fir• 't:l Carpenter, was the plunged Alexandra headlongto theX-ray rev- ealed a ieractui ad collar bone and fractured tib» Although badly shaken 117 hitt pat,ialtt;'s Clir'ia;B reds is '1-avt)t•- w, , , Mr. Mr. M7•. Mr. Mrs. Mr. ' Ir. Mr. , ,1 , r 11)11 i,e>•, le ses ahonored gne.t A, 'rhos. -iYo•, v et itr .011 1:' 0,`1'1 'e \ 'Pi . Tit,..•$ ' S', . ori ct:•? t ,)l :lend a relat,ve of „ Ile •11:1 an 44-o-t<;ti, tti:7 the heralds pi..1 l ter, Lel ,, 1 t . 4_ ;crt , :-...n11 € f3 1, '1".!':1'). r, ',.';'..,.,'...!--• .i ".Vii . 1'„.. 1 ,hn c.,1, t, ,oil? -'11 IHHHHBI.l' ' MHO IHIHHIHIHHH �..s�.li' 1..!i1�1• HHI1111I 11111111 HH IlifiBr urich I)rug Store .. QUALITY z� DRUGS zee, E . Buy any Pepsodent Product, Face•...:$ the Carton and receive a Camera for 15 Cc:ti'(s. SYNTONIA: One Bottle for Or 3 bottles for 1.00 $2.50 We Have a $i' mer of Libr,vey ' °�' which we wa lend out at 5c. per ��*r �_. Etc. D1<. X70 A. Adds o ii, 1� HHIIIIIHH� t. _ OUR s9tr 7"�°;Ft3"' oN'i-; <l. WE., W13111 4. 4 s• 7 d• •, «; •r e 4.;.:,..., b``2• 2<ti.2 2..1....1..1..,?.., .;..}.,iti ;..e. 1.4-1+•.,`..l..t�.`,. ;..v2>,.2 ir',-•i�•1•+ oi2..ioe i�o:�r``a•.1 0 0 ,rl FRIENDS A VERY AND D A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS a+ New Y ar r-� o Ltt Telephone 100 Mrs. John Fuse Mrs. 3. Block. Ili. Lloyd Iacpp Miss Ethel Fir Ale. David D t t .rims' Aim David D c ,,bine I1iss E. Voll. d 'sirs. Wm. 11 \1 r Norm. ' ie 'Barris•. M. DI GagFcrAter Mr. Jno. Ehlers Mr Jno Gallman Mr. Simon Gin,•eric':t Caro St1 Miss Ethel W il?'ams Mr. Robt. Wil.r..i•i Art•, Gus Ile. nomt•tt Mrs. Chas. S'•i' ee A'ir. Clarence i•:ars t,''ttt (,•, Nix Jacob Rc gii r Air. D.,nni I:,rci, Jr. Mrs. Herb t ttley Mr. Harry Ro-<' Kir. Ed. Miller 1.1r Geo. 11 Mrs, Wn'i Siebert Al... Beni,' Thiel Mr. Art EdighofTer Air. -Henry C,allmau Mrs. Henry ilowalt:l Nir. Jake Hol:ald Mr. Louis Weber Mr. Sol Zimmerman Mr. Wm. Siehov't Mr. Allan G:ascho Air. Earl Flaxbarcl. 'Mr. Jas. Ardlcr•on Mr. Ted .Smith 11:Ir. Harold Joh a Ston Miss Anna Daters Mrs. Lizetta Deters Mr. and Mrs. Jun. Brenner Mr. Ted, Mit.tleholtz Mrs, Wm. O'Brien. Mr. and Mrs. Claude (Minas Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rau. Mr Len Rota Mr. Sam Dietz Mr. Orville Witmer Air. and Mrs. Aill. ()Hell AIr. and Mr4. '_d. Relieve Mi, ?lilt lie 1,.. Mr 14c•'h 1(e.u' r :Mrs. IlflOr;, I.o,e + Mr. Lee 1 a; Mn L. Pi:ntf 1 CJ L ;• G. Eit mil rbr.7.4 P;+ d . •;1 1 si5':3 Et:`~ i fffl S.. y • •.•.•; e; e 19,1 ITISI mnlilI�A!,,* i-•'Ij lila • ;