Zurich Herald, 1940-12-26, Page 4eSNAPSPOT GUILD *HOW -ENLARGEMENTS ARE MADE aA� tai - brings out detail you can't see , lEtilarging 9 ,:.•,.';s �a L4.,,,t, ,s„ • Both these prints were ..._ Yir r• :� Sao; a small print, Lo made from the same negative. Only part ;af the negative was used, with su:•plus background and foreground area masked --eseytta , , , can include, out. This is another advantage of the enlarging process—you just what you want, and omit excess material at the top, bottom, and sides of the picture. IG pictures are alwaes better By shoving the enlarger head up bud down, you can male> prints any sire up to the lizl +1 a .ens rot the euleiger, In. sore enlace: 1•', the bend can also be switne to a hori- zontal position, so that iln,e+ print'' may be projected on a le arty wall. One type of praeisiota enlarger i de 1 ucd so that it can also be u:.!4 as a ,: Ahern,., fortaking picttir s. The greet advantage of enlarg- ing. nlar•.in . in addition to big prints, is ti+•Ls you can try speciel c efeeta Fes ex- empla, t y a simple in'aeess ltttot:t. 'ct::d ing, you can ',ole l)„ e certain parts of the i and give more a coo e -re to n1- v; texts. Thus 1t tele slid' out v":-.`11 ter sits,. than small ones. Not only is a large picture more harteeeive, but also it shows more detail bri ling out features that can hardly be seen at all in the small print. -Therefore, every enthusiastic amateur nhetegranher has hie best pictures enlarged—and, usually, roa;ay forward to ale time eller, he ,.an 111E in enlarger r itisowt O' eeest se he can eaves. ilia ill rvele ient salergemenle f?•t m his l.t •'to- frnihe nt tlee genuine hobleist likes -the t o ti' t+ e pe 1 lr afroe, and making chi,, prints himself. li • ei h a modern preeieioneenilt en- ' largee,. it is easy to trot .en- largements. + - yi T.,.t it's ! ' t it) w t •PN,.t yea S,. i Tett, ::r :a se: a ent3, In seine 1st.' k t. - 1 e n n'aeo diffused ,t in eombime- eaat''dean i3a21t1.t 1' ilii Tl `i 1 j:,l tex- ts i E'" :.S'^ i 1 ,ply slipped in: t r'r lei( prints h' se 1 tune-,,..-. ,l t is of ewes'. . eeeet , t'd, la1•rer, 0.ir_,arho s T -i tt - 1 Of e•3_rse, forla tiliC.1.+.e- <eniargcr lamp house. else l$.lup. is turned on, en rid. eidaresel raphy, von don't 111 t • have an 1...-.l. eul gr e t e 1:., cam Own • image le p "+ C.al i 1 i Vest r 1 e +t e 1lves-ei e itloldf tl ;w t.4 11 t1 leas. ! :i n,l roe ran ear tee. l r`n i1ll�i'�t, ;Clip sheet o- eenei. i .i p`tm e1 inn 1 .,,,•, a ;i lilt 1':'St and cies , the paper hos t --r' s" 1 r tse le 1 develop the paper a'e to tee cauu l•a hobby. ,.; - ;a oil a con pr ;r. i. ?6v Sohn van Guilder ZURICH HES _ ceased was born in Guelph, the da- ' RECEIVES APPOII` TMIM Iotrol. • u ;hte r of liar sated Mrs, Fred. a ilson, I Dr. Ross P- Dougall, oe On. St. Patrick's Day, 1845' upon ;and son •of .Mr. and Mrs, William marrying W. Nat: el i 9 years a rs ago, I Dougall of 11e sa ll, and who had d She ted etaGodereelTwp. where �r d his services. en the seeped 'great ei t her husband &cd ,one year after they war, has been notitieithtWs 1 celebrated their 50th anniversary. plication has been accepted . and wi.l'l Mrs- Naftel later moved into God- have .chargeof beds,at Chatham military s' h her' son.. I vital with erleh to, live with At a Christmas darty sponsored by 1 xecently erected in connection with the Seaforth :Badminton. Club Miss) the Government training scheme. D. Ruth Thompson, bride -elect, was pre -1 Dougall has a distingutashecl mllitatee seated: with a gift from the, club.elisls eare0r• During 1917-17 he served Emily Lester made the address and with :the 18th Batallion in France few. - Miss, I. •Cruel' :made the presentation. 20 months and received his hon, disc charge as a Lieut. Born in Hcrrsall,. A NEGLECTED HIGHWAY The Queen Elizabeth Way',I he spent 'tire greater part of his time• Toronto; there-. A graduate of Western -Univ.- to Niagara Falls, recently opened to' ersity, Landon. traffics is said to have Dost nearly ten I, iseeerereeeeereeeesser•edef million dollars. It is .a de lux high- . � ..,..., ,,.w.. way, described as eme of the finest on the continent, and while million:; have been spent .on it the people of this d strict ale •comalelled to drive on a dusty, hole -strewn highway .that is a disgrace to the Provincial Department of Highways- A fraction of the amount spent on the Queen-Fli: abetl( Way, where there are several tzaralli.1 highways, would complete the paving of the Blue Water Highway, which asei• 1 ha o ee of the most heavily travelled roads in the Provrnce it itt were in. decent condition. Fe:r years vireitors front the States, who wealei uee this rotal extensively under pro-' per conditions, have compd+ainer.t bit- terly itterly bout it, and many who were once over it now avoid it whenever ' possible. Now that two airfieid; are to be situated beside it, the road will soon be almost impassalble if some- thing is noe done with it. The Da - 1.4 partmeant of Highways should realize that people up this way pay load d taxes just the same as the people of 1 the Hamilton -Toronto district—God"- rich Signal -Star. Tallier, ',o'r ort Wailers ;nlree • G. a 0,nl!'cus, died suddenly• from heart Westlake, Mee Hartald• Pe Menlo, ' Mr,, railure 'the other days oninhe• door - and Mrs. Mrs. ,E. Westlake and Mr, step of a hotel in Iain ar „ Rebel t Tc ' cnh ale. l:he ad sat down r for a rest, Death. at h. A large number of old friends if ensued before medical assistance he Township attended the funeral of, could reach her. The deceased, who the late Sol. Kipfer Monday last. 3.7. 'years of ag;,.+-ras. reputed at W. M.cam. Meet one time to have tipped the scales at Goshen. W.M.S. held their Decent- 500 lbs. lnspeckgic ber meeting in the ,ebur ch with a good Appointed attendance. The lxaeeting was in ch- W. J. Smith of Exeter received arge of Mrs. Perce Johiston's group. word froth the Civil Service Canon - The theme of the Meeting was "The ission at Ottawa that he had-been'ap- world church pays homage to •Christ" pointed Fruit and Vegetable Inspect- With Mr.;. Peck ;presiding .the meet- of for; the Dominion Dept. of Agric- ing opened, reading .first seven vers- ulture; He has .been acting as Feuld es of 2nd chap. Luke followed by Supervisor for Capt. Mason •of the hymn "Silent .Night" 'Tile Lord's Western Ont. •Crdit Bureau at Strat- prayer was repeated in unison. Mrs, ford for the past six months and will Peres johnston gave a reading. The eo ttinu with the collection •work. hymn, "While Shephaerd's • watch Observe 51st Anniversary. their flocks by might," was sung.Mrs, Mr, and Mee Andrew .Archibald, Peck conducted the study book as- Well known Seaforth residents, cei:e- sisted by a number of ladies. The off' brated the 5l st anniversary, of their ering was received followed by pra- wedding on "land=y, Dec. t1.9.1:11. Mr. yer. airs. Elmore ,Stephenson sang: arid M. Archibald were mahried at "Star of the East."' The roll tall was the home of her parents, the late Mr answered by the word "Peace". The and Mrs. Samuel Wallace, in Tucker - treasurer's report was given. Mrs. ,nnith on) De. 1889, ,t'thee Recr W. iobt. McKinley and Mrs. Elgin Mc- any being; performed leinlc•y w eee appointed auditors. The Graham. Their attendants were Mies • cl'ction of officers 'then took place, A:nrrie Wallace and Wm. R. Arclli- Mr:•n. Robert McKinley directing. They bald. )r' a:2 follows: Past President, Mrs. Roof Collapses R. M. Peck, hon. pre •ident, Mrs. R. •' The shed roof, covering the loading McKinley; preAdent, Mrs. Russell Er- platform and driveway at the Perie • att;let vice prey., Mese Elgin Me- choppire ,.hill Cli'. ton, collapsed with Kinley; 2nd Vice, L Mrs. Perce John- the weight of -snow while a customer stop; 3rd vice, Mrs. R. M. Peck;J4th with teem and sleigh was waiting for vice, airs. Ben Keys; treasurer, Mrs. his bag:, •of chopped grain. It ortunate Bruce McClinchey; corr. Secy., Mrs, ly the horses were not injured but Wm. Raster; press secy.., Mrs. R. M. badly frightened and would have run Peck; supply sec, Mrs. Rich. Robinson- away ci ly that the sleigh was held Iand Mrs. Wm. Hayter; Miss. monthly down by the weight of :,now and secy., Mre. George Anderson; strange timbere. The roof was wide and had ers ;ec., M. Robt. Robinson; mite no neve oris from the ground, but box secy., Mrs. Will Clark; supe. of Was .biased from the buildings y t:•matie giving, Mrs. Joan Anne Death of Mrs. Laidlaw etrong; temp., sec., Mrs. Henry Erratt Seafolth suffered tale lose of one Baby Band sec.. Mrs. Richard Robin- of its oldest residents as well as one I FORMS COMPANY1in' organist, Mrs. Will Clark, asst. of its most widely known and eat erned citizene on Dec. lath,- when Mr_ A private comrrany, the Huron Co- Jariles C.. Laidlaw pessed away at utrty Flying `Training Co., Ltd., with i her' horse on Goderich St. in her 92nd a capital stock. of e50,000 is in lro- y ear•• A year ago site suffered a gress of organization. It will operate confined • ,u d stroke Ind sine: had been cool . c the new Elementary Flying to bed, but riig::t to the close of her School (Nos 21) just north of Goes! long life retained all hr Mental tar fac- erich A block of the stock has been! ulties, Formerly Miss Jennie Price, allotted to the Kitchener -Waterloo she• was born in Toronto where shetFiling Clubs, which will provide the was m:111•ied over 50 yearn ago to practical peesonet 63 in number. Jas- C. Laidlaw, one of Seaforth's with wilier to train 48 pilots every most prominent businesi n; who will earliest and i o. p two months_ heron cense men. Following her marriage she' have control of the company will ih: o • came! to Seaforth where she resided vide the administrative civilian staff, r5aeP J 'S ofyitom' Ea v GAS yl� , �` C�''•1, 11 � A Gas known to every motorist. Why take chances in inferior Gas when you can buy Good Gas at Regular Prices. Engineered Lubrication At Klopp's you get Guaranteed Indiana Lubr:cation, using 7 kinds of Gr.::ase. We invite y)ta to watch us Lubricate your Car and see how Traded Attendants Grease Cars Lnpra't Repairing We .use the 1T:;G AN ALYSER to properly Tune; 1-p roue Motor. CLEAR GAS FOR YOUR LAMPS AND STOVES at ::5i. Gallon Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires Clean and Tidy hest 1uoorae. iuricb , Estee and Most Up-to-date Garage and Service Station. Drive in and let w. service and "Pep Up" your Car for the Colder Weather and Heavy Roads Mrs. Geo. Anderson; Mission Band leader Miss Norene Robinson; Reels - tart, Mr.;. Elmore Stephenson. Mrs Peck closed the meeting with the benediction. 1 H�,1\SALL Born—At Mrs. Suu'ldercick's Hos- pital, Hensall, on December 14th to Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Parker of Chisel- hurst, twins—a boy and girl. Dr. Smith and eon of St. Marys were recent v;sitoie with sale alrcl I continuously until her death. Mrs. Mrs. G. C. Petty. Mrs. Smith and neeseese was one of the oldest mem- daughter, who have been visiting ting her I bees of First Presbyterian church. parents returning to St. Marys. A Baliff Resigns Milton Ortwein of London, was a I John Earle, who since 1932. has recent visitor with his parents here. been balite for the .Seaforth division Harold Bell has left for London, { colo t, has resigned the position as of where he has accepted a position with Dec, 3rd. Mr. Earle, who =Las built up an extensive poultry business in addition to other employment, found he .did not have time to devote to the duties. Meanwhile Mr. J. M. Goven- lIrs, James MacMartin of Barrie lock is acting as :bailiff. was a recent visitor with her mother Mrs. Robt. Bonthron, and sister Mrs Lou Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett and Ross were visitors with firs, P. II. Devlin. Mr::. George Walker has returned home after visiting in Toronto. Lorne Manson. Mrs. Verne Smith of Exeter spent al a few days at the home of her mo- the): Mra. Annie Saundercock. HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE C. Fritz Si Son Lsed Car Lot in Connection The setup was gone into exhaustive];, at a largely attends d meeting held and attended by reeves of 20 diff- erent municipalities and pubic hien from ad pas,'ts of the county. Auth- ority le -one' the seem -Ries com"tission has been received to sell 185,000 preferred steels. bearing 5 per cent. interest pending the securing of a federal charter. Compound Fracture Harold Flynn, aged 30, •.eon of Mr. and Mrs George Flynn of Centralia, and former resident of Exeter, is in ` London Hospital suffering fr'orn a compound fracture of the right leg and head injuries. He and a fellow - Carey Joynt is assisting at the worker, tumbled about 18 feet oft local post office during the Christmasthe roof of a building now under construction at the site of the army season. truck •a tsen•lbly plant in London. Observes 87th Birtieday Is Mayor of London eirs. Robt. Bonthron, one of 1 -len- Col. W. J. Beaman, a former reeve ;all's oldest residents, celebrated her of Exeter, was recently eleetd :Mayor, Beth birthday at her home. She re. - of his native city of London. He had eived 1,•tany visitor; .during the o<Li- a majority of 5,109 votes oiste. hie 1 tel neon, wishing her many more hap- clearest •t'ival E. C. Killings -worth ane py birthdays. She also race -mad many 6,362 .over, Frank Grey or 3,282 studs, l 'tter • and gifts. Mrs. Mac- totMa, , ter 'over both. Mr. Hamar. for '1a tin her eldest d aug' to of Bar- many year.; cocnducted a hardware 1 rie, t f.cc•iv4 tl tee gue-t :, and her data bus:nese in Exeter, selling out in gilter, Mrs. Lau Simpson, v` -ho 1e-11928 and moving to London. sides with her, served a buffet lunch peer Caught in Fence eon. The home was beautifully decor- t James Golley, son of Mr. and Mrs. 3.ted with roses, mums and plants fort t'olrelrt collet''of Morris, recently ale oeea: ion Mrs. 11ant iron':; rihaul-� fond a door caught 111 a`yile fence .,lt lame was Melia White, and ehe en b:6 father's farm. The animal was was born at Ro:igereille, and has ac11t all her lire in the corinnuurt:�'. dead. Game warden Aryls was noti- lhe has three daughters, thee, eta; fid and looked after the disposal of the carcass aftero skinning the anim- 5t5 ,Joseph and Beaver T )W'1! ' Oesch. zrthur (Minas, Stanley Gin- gc•rich. These young people have , 'Mrs. Matilda. Roncl, au who has i much talent himusic and enging aux Bacon ill for the pest three months, were much enjoyed d by all After the Aare peacefully passed away on Thine- , p ay the kiddies were thrilled when slay last at the. age of 73 years, i ht, j e iota appeared and unloaded the .funeral was held on Saturday last in tree. St. Peter's cemetery and largely at- -;tended. Mr. John Charretl. e is now able to the about again, gradually .ecovering l this many friends wish him a speedy xecoveees Mr. Conzagne (Louis) Cantin left Dn Wednesday laet for' Montreal, `cohere he Will remain for seine time. Mr. Arthur Finlayson one of kip - pen's popular young then who teach- es school at Blake held 1114 Christmas Conct'i.', on Thuisday evening, T,he school was filled to capacity. many saw the concert Thursday through this windows of the school while oth- ers returned to their roll] e much dis- sapointed at not being able. to 'n'en loft :on Sunday i Ret' through the windows. We lend - 'Wire. Leon Jeffrey erstand Arta will preserve his concert for. Grand Bend, Where she will peal at a later date in flee, Town Hall in „n few weeks with' her dangh.tee. Jir.rich, Here's hoping he will. tri: Wilbur Dewey. •-. KIPPED NEWS Y.P.S. Hold Christmas Concert The annual Christmas concert was amid in the United church an Wed- rter.;d ny eve Dec. 18, A lovely tree bn,d'ert with gifts adorned the front of the ,church, A humorous play cntite fecal -"Aaron Slick .from Pumpkin Cre- kT'.Wo:s Nee—rested by safest of the K't i'»11 31:'e)q.ln w ,",11 Teen edeet$r,o ani, STANLEY TOWNSHIP Miss Mary Campbell Of Clappison's Corner is at present visiting her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. George Campbell. Mrs. Will Catnip received word that her nephew, Flight Lieut. W.N. R..•'t.F., has been <warded the Distinguished Flying Crr,se from his home in Ireland corers tit,, ,.«port The followirrg rt•lntives• who' at - 4" -e l tended the funeral of the, late M. II. �•,r� h•� �)ltc t. Music was t`ixriti:,l1 a t )lei .l c 1 d„semen be el.a e ••t' a.r Melee-'','elb'tl•• of St. Thenal.. Saterday last ct ,C. Feels esel 0')i:. and six 'W'1.tere: Mr. rind Mrs. T. _+,:, hios.'den.. tt .:t of ltl. ,. k i i ( oii:tlr,C' lendele flirt .y ” rens-)y.fary Snowden, Mrs. R. 'Grain' %ley Sieteia !fey,. Loren' and Voir: �.,;,au, i)Ii; Roc Snowden, Mrs.. 4. lle}'.artin, Ilarrie; it±r,.iar;_,•t)tret Vair, near Totonto, and Mrs. Lou Sinlpso:l, Hensall and three .rows: Wm. lionthron of Det.•oit now in California; James and cared Bonthron of Bewail, Has Gift Service A white gift service was held - in Hensel' United Church on Sunday morning. The church was decorated. in white with illuminated Christmas trees on each side of the altar. Joyce Broderick and Lenore Normington contributed readings. Gifts of ,honey the objective to be $100, were con- tributed toward the British War Vic tun's Fund to help bring the spirit of Christmas to Foam of the stric nut and distressed people of Britain. The pastor, Rev. R. A. Brook, conducted the services. The evening took the form of an illustrated study of Chr- istmas :carols, the choir nielnbers singing the special number from the gallery. COUNTY NEW al Deer are very plentiful in the dis- trict and daily they are seen on the road or &lda Golden Wedding Mr. 'and Mrs, Joshua I:leywood, residents of Exeter, uietly celebrated thiir golden wedding anniverse,ry re- cently Mrs. Heywood's 'maiden name wee Harriet Sanders. Following their meeriage they resided on a farm in Usborno and for 'almost 20 years have lived in Exeter. Their sons and fam- ily spent the day 'with the parents.11 Santa to Visit Exeter Santa Claris will visit Exeter on Saturday, Dec. 2'ist and a theatre party for the children will again be given but this time it will be on a somewhat different scale to that of last year. The theatre party is larg- ely suonsored by the Exeter-I-Irlsall Branch of the Canadian Legioe and it is now proposed to provide trans- portation and entertainment for the Hensall public school scholars along with the scholars from Exeter c std a few of the surrounding schools. Old Lady Passes The death of Alice Wilson, widow of the late C. 3. 5. Neftel, v:hiC took place irnt Goderich %lo•-•'itr'l, 1 rnnwid from deet town its clecet r • silent,. Mrs. Naftel - w)?4 )n i'.;'r 9eal Save. Loved ena r ee lee alt eel ,` i, 1rw sae., gevalore indiratic' ofeller n.•l.)","••'••1 nese until °a fall foil; her removal emoval to months ago -caused. the hospital, where in a :tato o.f i,) activity, she gradually declined. Dc Pleasant Surprise A number of friend= Wee 'antis surprised IVIr. and *Airs A. E. Weeita of Xxet;'t tar. oteer nipf'.i., it beetle their 25th wedding i'nnivevarv. 'I'hc evening wa's spent )1I1'1' ; NX .. her which a dainty 11111(111 q SCrVe`i !Artie 1Wn.inri tr', I,.i,;, Ilaite1 Wipp, who n; Bruce county's wei!r,btlest woman tomad the country for Borne time as are exhibit in 11 Y LESS ° SE LASS SURER RES US O GUILD OUTDOORS AT NIGHT „ Picfure the Christmas decorations on your door. With high speed films such pictures are easy—evert with a box camera, if it can be set for "time', exposures. Cx7'A:51' many of us take snap- -there is snow on the ground, 5 to 15':. shots indoors at night, using seconds will usually be ample. flood a'. Lr flash bulbs and high speed •Wy heli picturing illuminated ob- film. Nowadays, sueh shots are jeets—such as an outdoor Christmas:. about as easy as daytime pictures tree, or the decorated doorway,- outdoors; oorwa ,'outdoors; in fact, anybody can take above—expose for 10 to 60 seconds ahem with the most inexpensive box with a box camera or at f/11,., with . +camera,just by following simple the focusing type. If in doubt as• instructions. to the brightness of the light, make_ However, there's another field for three shots—giving say 16 second night photography with the new for one,45 seconds for (another, ante fast turns , .. briefly, night scenes 90 secods for the third. bins 11g1ii;- outdoors. These can be pictured zng, ar a dark subject, require, with any camera that can be set for much longer exposure thana bright a "tune" exposure. subject, or one that is brightly Takbirg the pictures is simplicity lighted. itself. Place the camera on a firm Floodlighted buildings can be pie- support, swill as a tripod, box, post, tared with in exposure of 10 to 4� or other solid object. Load with high seconds, usieg'a box camera loaded s ee:I film, of course, and tiine the with high speed filen. exposere ee'cai'd laser to the existing Try' taking number of outdoor Iinirt.: follows:shots at ai$.;ht this 'winter. Night. 'inn picturing street scenes, scenes produce tun.isual pictures, with street lights ofaverne4lr1mi7rh - vpill worth haven fe. in rite Piei.itls ,less, a time exposure of I0 to 30 co11ection. And with fast modem: + , give. Ox Catnera or at.her Vim, such sl1'ot areflet In .1 to tree. ..,a ev,lil ; with si,,b > eainei'n tat _fin, lens openingv. . 1 , ,,,,. Joon van (::udder: