HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-12-26, Page 1tl L<. Forty -First Yea I ��i ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 26, 1940s ize your THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING Visit Our Saloon for your CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Let us quote you on the very best and latest Permanents, that are pleas- ing and satisfactory and that will give you personality. Hairdressing Salon at rear of Store. For appoint- ments call us by phone Dna Zurich. MRS. FRED THIELE,. Preprietiress • xmStla csmar eavrenraWcuurwvwr.�nmwula COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRACES v..1a E, '-E.rbrtg"'S ,a.o. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest. App•ro e.el Meth -A of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Weelc Day Except W'ecriere sass*. r- ocai Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. OE OPTOMETRIST to OPTICIAN GODER+IOH -- ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices GREETINGS iVe take this medium in exten- ding to our many Customers and Friends our most hearty Season's Greetings TIME BETTY ANNE 33EAUTY SHQPPE. Mrs. Ed. Gascl co (Prop.) t LOWEST P R ICES 4.20 52 (1 Sales Prove It. No Sal- men Commissions to pay. No Finance Charg,es to Pay SPECIAL--bbly one left at the old Price; New 1941. Dodge_' Purchased before tax raise tl 1939 Cheu. Coach like new $685 1940 Dodge coach, choice 785 1939 Dodge De Lnx ; coach $ 95685 1940 Pontiac Coach, like .New 5 1931 Ford Coach, newly painted $ 11890 1929 Ford Coach,, repainted .. _ 1932 Chen. Sedan 1929 Ford Coupe $85. + �D F ITZ Rates; $11.25 in Canada, in $1+50 in U.S.A., in CHESTER L. SMVIITH, PubtlZ eroi ant for your Ohritmas Purchases NOTICE LOCAL DANCERS ; ARE NOT ALWAYS CARNY! Caine and see for yourself what .a really swell time you can have on Friday itlay Evening, December 27th at the `ehriell Town Hall. There will he et eVelty Glance; and prizes. Music ir,, •,Jute Box's Orchestra. This is thec•.hnxice for all you Lassies and Laddie to do your bit to help keep out 1.1:ij. Cross out of the red. Dancing ';:same at nine. Admission 15e. Dancing 5c. There will be gallery seats fol .you oldsters who wish to watch the fact. So don't miss this evening! KING WILL BROADCAST Mis Majesty, the King..will be heard on Christmas Day, speaking to the British nation and the at 3 p.m. (9 a.m. E.S.T.) The I(ing's Christmas Day message Will come at the End of a-.1 hour's Christmas bro- adcast that will link the empire crn�' eselelitee Miss Standing of the Zurich teach- ing staff is holidaying at her home in Paisley. Judge T. M. Costello. of Goderich, was in town one day last week re- vising the voters' lists. Mr. Archie 'MacI~iinnon who is tending the Veterinary College Guelph, is spending the 'holidays his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dinnin motor- ed to Seaforth recently where they were entertained to dinner with tri- ode.. Mrs. C. Eilber is leaving on Wed- nesday to be a Christmas guest at the home of her niece, Mr. and Mrs Melvin Traclehar, near Hensel!. The malty friends of Mr. Leonard ;'Ierere of the 14th con., are sorry to !tell o1 hi:: midi.:"' eee ealt'" 'lnlr while walking ac, o th0 house floor he slipped fractu ing one of his fin- iiees in the left h .ud, Messrs. Bruce el Harold Koehler and Mr. Ray Oe, . 1 motored to Tor- onto for the week- nd, they were ac- companied home by their mother, Mrs. Oscar Koehle e who had been spending some. time with her daugh- ter and other relati ees of that city. Mrs. Clara Decker i:; at present spending some time at th home of her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wit- mer at Detroit. Mis. Winner was recently operated on for gall blad- ,t. i ecrrlew. and her. ,many friends are pleased to hear that she is gett- ing along so well. • The annual entertainment of Zurich OFFERED HOL IDAY HOMES Hundreds of homes in Huron and 1 adjoining counties will be thrown open on Christmas Day to the heel of the R.A.F. at Poit' Albert Navigation Srhool and to student pilots of the Elenfintary Flying Training School at Sky harbor, Goderich. The star at Port Albert, had been deluged with invitations from citizens of towns and villages from Goderich to Stratford, inclusive and elsewhere 1.1 Huron, Bruce and Perth counties;: ofie :i:. ; to play host to one o1 more iii nen wiio face the prospect of spending Chr- istmas Day 5,000 miles from their Old Country homes, 1nt4y of thein for the first time. U' E WISH YOU ALL A Merry Christmas AND A'HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS - Nem 1( .r at - at at A red fox and a ground hog, con- trary to usual procedure at this time of year, both made their appearance in the district last week. While Wm. public school was g t.en in the town and Art Leybourne and Jack Doig hall, laft Friday evening and was :vete cutting wood in wllreat's bosh well attended. the program was of o near :eaforth,'tbc dog 'ai:aed a gra- a very good standard and was indeed laid hog which it soon killed. It is a much r i�loy.t.I by the large attend - most unusual thing for a ground hog ince. i}''1r. R.: M. Golding, the music 4, to be out at this time of year. Hunt- instructor of Exeter took charge of i:ig .t 11 Hill"groen, Reeve R E Siiatt- the piano, while Mr. 'V'ictor Dinnin, tl; l Rials ill and Edward Merry and ;a.• tl: a tits K. C. of Windsor, e- eer, .l 17 jack rabbits. But the unus- ual feature of the trial, was a reel fox "'.lr, Berry shot. Red roses are ,'arciy scan in this district, accurding 9 WISHING ALL OUR TOMERS AND FRIE1�' A MOST PROSPEROUS CREDIT TERMS CREDIT TERMS W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid f' .Eggs on a graded basis.; Pone 10 Hensail HESS, THE JEWELER. 004,0000440.00 *00©0000 00'; ®0600.4066006000•`. 644,00'60 44 0 9 0 4 e 0 A 0 3 0 0 Li to Reeve S l ii 'fck. In ;,!even , ti'. of dist :let Shad- ]itiIitillg' In the ttl�ulet I�e,avi: .dick has not before seed. a fox. co ?too ile 140 y sg, HAY COUNCIL 'On, final session Slav Coun- cil J;;' . held on I-.. ]`'.'c, 11, with nil naenbt re i : eau;- The 'r the ,!. oat.:l+il ttt:::: t" meeting NWT." tdti,. I tl. Att,t rd -'iiil , :; ith ti's' Ci atln- unic::t'oits the frtl't!'.,.',toT ons were wer parsed: 'I'lc.tt transients la provided with •acc0modat°on upon same 0011;r:- bus 01 7itus as la t ::.t1 the pro- vision that each transient shall produce a National Registration Card, th principal of the school, ected as n.• chairman. Misses Olive 0 l.ii ennc :Miss Standin in their Helpful way assisted in bringing oat the talent of the .scholars who took part. It was a fine success. Board of Health Meet At a recent meeting of the local BoaAl Health the folloa'•ing reco- mnitrul,:tioe8 were adopted: 'that talc Council of Hay Township take t' e .)_.c.'a:y proceeding, to have tho iC it D!:tin South improved tot ;fila :'tP tit:• h •'tit•i Ging in the vicin.ty of the drain. cows wivcit are tir'2d to 4111:1)1Y i1 ttl' tits ;t'a'int for .4L.1e t0 the puL:lic e .11 be tested foe 'blood ca and tah.'t't;ulo;is tv,'tC.. a year. 'he F'ailitar. :.t0to' author- ized to prohibit the sale of milk and am where produce) . i not .apply the test certilicatr•s until sate:,.actcry ceet'ficates can be produced. It was also r.cimmended that all cases or chickenpox be isolated so that other in,mbeis of a family will :at t be exposed to the «;;case. War Service Board Meets That at , by-law e -'i1)40 prov iding for nomination i.e t election be t'eatl three tithes :arra lin'aily pas- sed. That Fidelity Boni re treasurer of Township of lily b.e renewed fol 1941. That plan in•t p 11 t •1 by S. W. Arch; ibald, 0 L.ii., of lake .` harr . 14s own- ed by Mt Aquila.; roved by the council. That wt ncee a`+ reembere of the: Canadian Active S4-trvice Form now own h ith.l,tsr Fara' have to pay ;'tell' �• in travelling to and 1'roni then homes And Wh'rea: the co Flirt of the Township of Hay feel that this is an unnecessary btrd.•n piaeed on such men, causing there to h'ch-1,il on air 1 0ator p events them the' highways , list• f l,niltes from visiting Fore be it le,iol:ad tint the. Federal Governnte'nt, be pt' 1L1One'.d to surmly all meinbcre of the Canadian Active. Service Fco'ce while on official leae with pa. seas free of charge ' to travel on the Canadian isletional A goodly .nitmbee of gee:.ortn , weree passed and the Council adiouree 1 sine tlict A,. F. Fess, Clet.l , • 4. A 4. s 4. 0 0• 0 d 0 0 4. Q• 4, 0 0 0 4. 4. 4 0 The Hensall-Zurich War Service Committee inet in the town hall, Zur- ich, last Thursday evening t Cad was presided over by t) , number i vital tic' pr ,id'nt. subjects were up for discussion, a- tnong which were : Co it et t and efor the for raising funds the winter months; the ent:rta1ning >.l avi eters at Goderich and Port t ;lbert during week -ends, of these t '.toys who are in -.ti nuous O.:doing and thousand, of tyle, from their� homes: Anyon wit hi^.g; to entertain e' ;e of these boy.: are retrained 10 get in touch with the local clergy who ell :WC that ynnl' rr u!' t is placed before the right authorities. was also decided that as many local citizens as can should wvite letters of cheer ami courage to the bots over -i sons or ill tvai v11t1a '.l, o .:i tale can be had from the local nostniastat Mr. Victor Edithofer 1, assiscinf;' :41 •. Will Siebert at the local .tins;' office ttul'ity the, big rush, And 06 0,0 AVE WISH EVERYBODY ell" s Take This eeting Mediuns in Greatly Thanking. ' You for your Kind and Cosasidnrte Patronage in the Past. a xaTa�dEt.i-r.�..aoalua�.r • Siw �>sJtM •'�'" k�e:>,n�>>r•;suzi To • WE TAKE THIS OPF'ORTUP41ITY TO EXTEND TO OUR GUSTO - l' I ERS AND FRIENDS, OUR HEARTY Season's ��r�'�a {> reetbgs IES ALWAYS ON HAS FRESHG]I�.00�R HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR. EGGS FA 172 :rrr Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop.