HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-12-19, Page 5'Thur aye Depember 1p#11„..1940 ZURICH I-Iki BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL DUDLEY.i.HOLMES $BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE—At Court' House GODERICH — ONTARIO pecial Attention to Councel and Court Work. tHr. Holmes may be consulted at tGoderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL. SURGEON At DEM ;BLOCK --ZURICH 1verr Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and 'Wednesday. VETERINARIA.N Or. W. B. COXON, l3.V. Se VETERINARY SURGEON n;atreet. Office with Residence, Opposite Drug Store Zurich 'hone -96. A. R. Campbell, V.S, 18.V.Sc• Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. Al] teases of domestic animals treated by the most modern principles, r Iirxrges reasonable. Day or eight :ills promptly attended to. Also Bre- adee of Scottish terriers. Inverness lifelines. Office on Main Street, apposite Town Hall, Phone 116. EENSALL., LICENSED AUCTIONEER, for Huron and Middlesex ANI IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solie.t sour business, and if not satisfied will inmate no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER --Dashwood ';Plane 13-57. PRODUCE .Farm Produce WANTED IiIHEST CASH PRICES CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. 'O'Brien Phone x101, Res. 34, Zurich BUTCHERS LIZurichs' Popular MEAT AR, KE T Let Us supply you with the very . Choice of Fresh and Cur- d meats, Bo1ognas, Sausages, Ect., always and hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest .,.Cash Prices tor Wool, Hides and Skins & Sot INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Sather Insurance Co. r OF WOODSTOCi THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- VAL COMPANY DOING ,BUSINESS OF THHIS KIND IN ONTARIO atmonnt oe Insurance cit Risk on Dee. 31st, 1936, $22,391,627,00 Vaal Cash in Bank and Bonds $273,613.47. atee---•$4.5O per $1,000 far 3 Year, F.. F. KLOPP—ZURICH int, also Dealer in Lightn- Put Your Want, Fur Sale Lost, Found, Etc, ML in this Column. THE DEW - DROP INN QUJOK AND HLUNCHES Hot Dogs, HamburgersLIGT, Soft Drinks Tobaccos, Cigarettes, Cigars, Etc LICENSED POO7., .ROOM HAROLD OVERHOLT NOTICE • LOST—In Hensel] a considerable sum of paper money, tinder kindly notify Herald Office, Zurich. Reward.' FOUND FOUND—Fountain Syringe with attachments. Left in car of finder by. mistake, Zurich Drug Store. " LOST A light truck chain .between Zur- ich and W. Decker's. Finder return to Prang's Garage. NOTICEoanomezmatammammartragassesermarommenintamermeramon HARNESS REE.AIRlNc All kinds of harness repairing done Leave your work at my residence, 2 blocks south of Hotel at home at Miss L, Faust, HENRY 'CL AUSIUS, Zurich PIOSIGIMOINIIMINIIMIMIL,Zirlizaftskrar.4111.69.1011MIMOMMairilamiam, WANTED We pay Highest Cash Prices for Eggs and Poultry. Give us a trial! ME 'ERS PRODUCE, Phone 116 Zurich. pt4'39 CASH Hrses. charges, R.R.3. WANTED for Dead Animals and Fox Phone 47r15, Reverse all .rack Williams, Dashwood, -50,39 istalleiosinganath Zurich Garag Colne and purchase your Aut-. )motive Requirements from Zurich's oldest Established garage and Service Station. ale can supply all your needs. xpert Automobile repairing, with the latest testing instrum- nts, Acyfelene Welding Tires 3atteries, Oils, Greases and repairs. B -A Gasoline in three Grades Give Us a Cali! �. .MOTJSS1 ATJ Phone: Day 103. Night, 47 STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Scotchmer-and Miss Rose acotchmer motored to Woodstock to visit their brothers in the training camp. Messrs. Henry, Menno Dan anti Menno Jr. Steckle attended the fun- eral of a cousin in Waterloo county on Monday hat. Randolph Sarnmet has returned to ilio home in London after spending a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Westlake. Mrs, Gilbert Freckleton of Port l t .Elgin spent the past week at the home of her sister and brother -In-law Ms. and Mrs. George Campbell, Mrs. Freckicton was helping to nurse Mrs Madge. Late Mrs, Madge LOCAL NWS Mr. and Mrs, Menne Oese'h were Sunday visitors .at Brimfield and Clinton. Mr, Wilfred Klopp who is in train- ing' at Woodstock was a recent Vis- itor at his home here. Don't forget the annual .concert of the • pupils of Zurich public school in the local town hall, on Friday evening December 20th, plan of • hall and Your family sale of tickets at George Deicheet's and friends will appre- r'op date a gift in Footwear and we have Oor local poultry and produce men a fine selection to choose from. are qCuiirtnbivass y rtushhese days twheithbhel Wesalso carry a full Line in tray Silverwoads plant here tons of Poul. elling goods—Club bags, suit cases, try are going out daily which will rubricic cases, ete. help to furnish the main menu of the 'Christmas .dinner plate, ,fowl. GIVE 'US A CALL • Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Decker, just east of town, have recently oceapied E. •I• DATARS and moved in their new hv;:ne :ocated Reliable Footwear and Shoe Repair - cm fife+.7: beai,tifel farm. alas is ing, Trunks, Club Bags, & Suitcases. the be^t appearing farm house -be- tween St. Joseph and Hensall, an l -- .-�._. is modernly equipped." We wish Mr. PETER'S and Mrs. Decker and son Carl many years of good health to enjoy this lovely new dwelling they have so ..`angelical Lutheran Church carefully planned and erected. ZURICH .— ONT. A highly respected resident of St- A Changeless Christ for a Chang- anley Township passed away last Tu- ing Wo:ru, esday in the per son •of Mrs, Walter Friday, 8h—Luthdr League. Madge e who had passed the unusua Thursday—Choir Practice. old age of 98 years, and was the old- SUNDAY SERVICES eat resident of Stanley Township. For 10 a. rn.—Divine Worship a number of recent years Mrs. Madge 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. had been living with Mr. and Mrs' 7 30 p. m.- Divine Worship. George Campbell of Stanley, north of Everybody Welcome to all Services. Blake. Mrs. Madge knew all the E. TCJERYITEi7v1, Pastor. hardships and pleaseres of pioneer life and posemed a keen meneay of t W,e golden days. Mother and exon Injured ;EVANGELICAL CHURCH Mee. W. F. Oimond of Ba.:field, • • THIS Christmas EMMANUEL re.. •r .':1 lt.cerations about the head C. B. Heckendorn, Minister. Mrs. 11. G. Mess, Organist. ; 10 a.m.—Chri.;tmas Sermon. 11 a.m.—Sabbath School. 7.80 p.m—Christmas Tree Program by the Sunday School, and tete, and her son, Arthur C. Osmond, cuts on the forehead, when their car was in collision in a sxroW- stornr. last Thursday night, some miles north of Bayfield an the- Blue Water Highway, with another cee driven by Daniel .Loin, R.R. q. God- erich Twp. Other occupants of both coal;, real cold weather visited u autos, which were extensively damag- last Friday and Saturday an.< ed, escaped uranjured. realized that winter is jest around DISTRICT SHAKEN the corns, that is the waiter eetean The Grand Bend and othe.- sure- which officially opens on December ounding district withal 15 miles a- 21st, Saturday of tris week. round was :-hnkon by an une-:n 1ained The recent little thaws have g: e tt earth tremor about 1.30 hat Theirs- ly helped the icy road which, day morning when windows and doors very tr•ccherous, the Zurich road shook end dila s rattled althougnno now mostly down on the gravel a:i' damage resulted. The tremor seemed the No, 4 Highway is a, bar as in to follow a dull boom as of a heavy the .,umme e explosion in the distance. The shock Next \.Vedne day will be oboe ved was felt at Exeter," Dashwood and a citizeii in iiui ieh advises us that he noticed things out of place in his kitchen around the stove. The possibility is that a meteorite hitting the ground- smnewher e in the vicinity was considered. Citizens at the Bend said the quake followed what anal - ed like a dull thud that shook the ~round and houses for just a few seconds. Thera was. no repetition of the tremor. PAG FX " MASSEY4IABJIST 'Y :S Season's Good Wishes for a Joyous Christmas and a Pros- perous New Year to our numerous Friends and Customers. In a world clouded by war, may 1941 bring you' Serenity, Health and Good Fortune. --CANADIAN FARM IMPLEMENTS-- Tcl. Shop 149 0. KLOPP SUDS Res. 67 HYMENEAL Taylor—Jervis A pretty wedding was solemnized at "Iliad Crest", the home of the bride's parent,, at noon, Dec: 7th, when Willa Fern, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jervis became the bride of Robert Douglas Taylor, youngest son of Mr. William J. Tay- lor and the late Mrs. Taylcs of Varna The Rev. G. G. Burton offreiat*edwr Tli^ Rea G. G. Bruton of Canton officiated M.rs. J. Wilton of Brussels sister of the groom, played ter wed- ding music. An unusual feature of VIII II 11 MIl IHi HIIIIIIHIIIH li11 H HHHI1II H IIIIIIIIIiiH iillHflillill!UJIIfiIil(IIiit I III MHO I Hal IlIMNlilltll!!1!IIlj11Ill M1111 Ip! ipp Zurich I)rug Store QUALITY DRUGS Froo Free Buy any Pepsodent Product, mail. the Carton and receive a Camera for IS Cents. SYNTONIA: One Bottle for $ L00 Or 3 bottles for $2.50 We Have a number of Lti.hrary Bo -.k- wl:iich we will lend out at 5c. per woek. Etc. Dr. J. A. Ac�11, Pr, "'F7(=tOr ! •° t 1. 11 11 I real' ' til, laiTh 'IIJdiii! i,ll,f,ar Lu � . 1 •ale,(1 uj:i 1t: i , ,a�,�.,lA eae7 _ ��' fail ,'r3••§••p••4••:•d-'-•; : •�.• r.:.,..l,.r ;..r.�..,, i••: , ..: •)••:.: , d°•. , : d• :.: •k�••. •.i..g..r•yw:. •;-.� +3• 4. , WE WISH ALL OUR CUSTOM .RS AND' FRIENDS A. VERY as Christmas Day throughout the ; e christen world, and by many who do j + nont profess chr;;tinnity, but it irr 3 a very nice time to think of the rig -1 nifance of it all. i ,t. Owing to Chr .,turas being on Wed- nesday, our publishing day, the Her-' alt. will be a day late next week.Ne 1 r Santa Visits Town • Great excitement and enjoymc •r' ; prevailed at the front of Ga-;chu's general store on Saturday afternoor erry Christmas AND A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS when at about three o'clock, tee well groomed and trained team of blacks, owned and driven by Mr. George Thiel of town, pulled up with the big double cutter which oiso con- tained old Santa with all his usual equipment, and soon the e ererime bers of children which had gathered, were jubilant and hacl n rear l;ee•' time, as ho handed nut the goo•Ii,•s Meng with the usual entertaining. It was a great event and went over big. ZURICH RED CROSS 1940 DONATIONS the event was that the bride>'.. pat Total Subscriptions to date amounted ents were celebrating the fortieth th anniversary of their wedding. A to 508. i,i. } wedding trip to Toronto, Port Nope, Hensall-Zurich War Titus. Citizens' Burlington and other paints, after Corn..10.00 which they will reside on th groom's C. Fritz & Son $15.00 farm in Gode.rich Town: hip. (yue:ts 11Ir. and Mes. E. M. Dagg ....24.00 were present from Tnron o, Burling- The following have contributed $10. Dr. and Mrs. P. J. O'Dwyer, Zurich. Dr. and Mrs W D Bryce W. M. S. MEET Mr and .l.Irs. Jiro. Gascho Mr. Jack Johnston. The December meeting of the lir. Theodore Haberer Women's Missionary Society of S. alr. Albert Kalbfleisch Peter's Lutheran 'church, Zurich was Mr. Fred l+albileiech held Thursday evening Dec, 126, in Ala. Susan Haberer the church basement. Mrs. J. II:darer Mr. Roy Lamont was in the chair and led the devot- Mr. Elgin McKinley ions, and took charge of the Christ- Rev. and Mrs. C. B. Heckendorn tris, topic. "Our Lord .Emmanuel" and Lois ' 'r 00 After the singing of several Christ- $5.00 Contributions: mas Carols, and the reading of the Dr. J. A. Adisor), scripture lesson the pastor, Rev. E. Mrs, Matilda MacKinnon Tuerkhcim lett in prayer. The mis Mr. Wm, S. Johnston sionary topic was outlined and dis- Mr. and Mrs. E. Heideman cussed under the following headings, Mr, and Mrs W. Eckel Christmas in the Homeland, ,n China Mr and Mrs. 11 Yungblut 'id hi far-off India, The devotional Mr, and Mas. R, Stade 'tart.' of the programme was concluded Miss Olive O'Brien with a prayer by the prayer partner Mr, and Mrs. Earl Weido for the month, Mrs. Geo,gc Deicheit, Miss ,pane Lamont . in which she offered prayer for our Rev, Father L. W. Power children. The monthly and annual Mr. and MTS. «id. KorhIt'r business meeting was conducted by Mr. and Mrs, Les 'Williams the president, Mrs. Geo. ei)icheet. Mr. Howard Eilopp The result of the election of officers Mr. lima Mousseau for the. following year is as follows: Mr. J. W. }laborer President, IIr's. E. J. Data's, a; Vice 1tlr. Andrew Hess Ptsident, Mrs. E. Turkhoinr; Secret- Mr. Harry Hess ary, Miss Anna Deters; Treasurer, Mr. Win. Dowson Miss Martha .Heideman; Padniste Mrs Mrs. Fred lCelbfleisch Clarence Deters and 14Irs. Herb. Kale Mr, Geo. Deichert ^mer. Magazine secy., for Lutheran Room No. 2, Zurich School Women's Work, Miss Inez ?ungbiut; Me, W. 1-1..l±dighoff'or. . Thankof1'ering .Secy., IVIes. J. 'laborer Me. Wm. II Haug.li Membenliip Committee, Mrs, E. Mr. Henry Brown leloep, Mrs. H. Moueseau and Mrs, Mr, Orville Smith . E. Gaseho; Programme eonirittee, • P. and 1). Hagan. Mars, Clarence Datars and Mrs. is. Mr, Goalie Love ang; Auditors, Mrs. E. Tuerkhoim Ma•, Thos. Dirr,rnere d Um, E. Klopp. The meeting was Mr. Richard Robinson sed with Doxology. MT,. 11 McKinley t I Stanley'; oldest resident, in the person of Mrs. Walter Madge, passed away on Tuesday morning, Dec. 10th at the home of her niece, Hrs. 'Geo, Campbell where she had maze her home for some years. On the 4ihof this month Mrs. Madge passed her 98th birthday. She had been enjoy- ing; her usual health until a month ago. Before her marriage she was Mary Quance Waird •and was born in Devon•shire, Eng, She was married on March- 15, 1876 . to- Wafer Madge at Exbournc', Devonshi3e. -It being e, double wedding, her husband's sister becoming the hide of R. W. Turner The two 'couples carne togther to Canada a month later and carne to Bayfield where other Devonshire pe- ople were Iiving. Mr. and Mrs.Madge resided near Bayfield on a farm on the Sauble Line, Stanley and later on the Bronson line. Mr. Madge pre- deceased her 22 years ago. The late Mrs. Madge was of a bright and che- erful disposition and had interesting recollections of pioneer days, was the only member of the Ward family to come to Canada. The funeral was told ;on Thur •daty afternoon at 1.30 n'clock from the residence. •to ty Anglican church, Bayfield. The rectos', Rev. John Graliain officiated • on, atratford, Brttcsels, Stalre and 4:4Rods and all i s s of Fire Interment was made in the hayfield Pr t comet er six nephews .aaettng as Tra1i an r_ et, iirl8Ur x ,.: 11 11 btarcrs cio Eckel's Bakery -- Zurich Telephone 100 ++4++++++++4+4.$++++++4'+++ +++4.4+44 4.4.1.+++++++++4.4÷F:74;'. Mr. Jae. Armst: o:ag Mr. Wesley Merner Mee J. Douglas Misys Ernma Dinsmore S. M, Ander sen Geo. Thiel (had cartage .of R. Supple; s. $3.00 Contributions Mr. Fred Ker, M:. Ivan Yungblut Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gascho lIf. Menne Oesch ales and Mrs. ;lliirred Schilbe fir. Marl Yen 1rlut iiIr. Feed Hata, er Mr. Elmore Klopp Mr. Leroy O'Brien Mrs. John Engleail $2.00 Chit's. 1Tr. U_ban P'rile Mr. Milne Railer • Mrs. i4My.ele Krueger Mr. Blake Horner Mr, jai. Dui Mr, Hare. Coienran Goaton Py buss LTi, Pence Wr'.i:et Anson Coleman Mr. Fred Brock, Me. Hugh Love Mr, Jos. Bedard Sr. i4Tr, Nam Hendrick Mr. Jake C, twein ide. Sant McBride Mr. Fred Haberer. Me. Peter Neueohwariger Mr. Rebt. McBride Mr. 13:ruce MccCliechey 'NTir. J. Manson 411'. ealaience Parke vii', Simon Hoffman Mr, Lennis O'Brien :Mies 8, Johnson Mies M. Johnson Miss A. Johnson Mr. Wear '[{lope Rev. E. Tuerkheiin 144rs. E. Klopp Mr. Jake Deichert Me. 1iena'y Eickineicr Miss Inez Yungblnt Mr, Chas 'Thiel Mr. Henry Gaoketeiter Mr. Herb Desjardnne Mi'. Wm. Decker Ma, Philip +"iionbaeh flee, Jas Rennie re W'V'ni. Bev Il, Arnold hit.rn 'i C. Come in See Now the El a, MS t'! Feed Saver 'Els 1'a. trji 1=; yr', vJv,'9 & t�4 It Bog;? 6t7i'a eves^ ti ALVIN RA II, Agent Phone 98r15 / ur Bch.