HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-12-19, Page 3SERIAL STORY,
By Jackson Gregory
Barry Haveril goes bunting for a
cousin of his, Jesse Conroy, known
as the Laredo Kld, who rnurdereu
lits . brother, Robert. Barry is be.
fri.ended by Judge Blue and his
daughter, Lucy. The Judge turns
out to be a friend of Laredo's and
E1 bad actor. Barry escapes, how-
ever, and meets an old man named
Timberline, who also is gunning
for the Laredo Kid. After several
Years .. of searching, Barry returns
to Judge Blue's house,where he
Meets a man called Tom Haveril
whom he accuses of being his cous-
in, Jesse, in disguise. Barry be-
comes convinced of this later and
they have a gun battle, both get-
ting hurt. Recovered, Harry discov-
ers Tom Haveril has married Lucy
whom he loves, Barry, the night
they are married, kidnaps Lucy,
and tells her he loves her. Judge
Blue is not her father, he, tells her,
' and Tom Haveril is the Laredo Kid.
On the way to Barry's hideout, Lar-
edo's men capture Barry. Lucy
plays up to Laredo's foreman, Jake
They rode for hours, so long and
up and down such trailless slopes
that Lucy \\']S, drooping wearily in
the saddle tong before Barry caned
a 'halt. And when at last they stop-
ped and she. slid down stiffly, she
bald not the vaguest idea of het
evhe,':'ahouts. Beery had brought
there to his old, tit•st cabin, or
rather into the grove just behind
i r.
T 0 It44 G 11 If
IC •God 1104 blc:. a you ',jilt a little
child, tiptoe to the bed -side to-
night. Study the expression on the
little lace. Sec the Sleeting flicker
of a smile of content ... and con-
fidence. Little ones sense safety in
.the protective care of sympathetic.
'loving parents,
Such contentment e oes to chil-
dren billy when they are warm,
well-fed and free front the ailments
and misfortunes which harass so
nut there are outer less fortunate
little ones and it i. Tor these that
we appeal.
Raeh year the Hospital for Skit
Children provides medical attention
and hospital care Lor thousands oP
children ... last year 9,030 occupier'
cots in the Rospital and 79,410 treal -
moats and examinations were give.'
in the Out -Patient Department.
Most of these youngsters aro from
the homes of parents tinable to pay
for proper medical and hospital at-
tention. They are treated in our
Pubiio Wards, where the average
cost per child per day is $1.00 MORE
than the revenue received front
Government and Municipalities.
plus all payments made by parents
who can afford to pay.
Thus WO render efficient hospital
service, yet do it below cost . .
and that is why we must ask gen-
erous citizens to help make up an
unavoidable deficit each year,
Won't you please send a donation
to help us u1 this great crusade •
M this fight to provide sick and
-tippled children wit., a fair chance
inr a healthy and happy future!
This hospital does NOT share In the
'funds collected by the Toronto
7±edoration for Cent, mn ty Service
because, rattents are serval from
all Ontario.
"where No Child binnrka in t•ui,t"
(Space denatr:rl ;Fran by this
Slow Burning
ISSUE 51—'40
"Barry." said Lucy 1a1nt1y,"
"Well?" he demanded coldly, star-
ing up at her.
"1 had planned—You see, 1
c'ouldtt't guess you had worked tete
('opts oft----"
"S' shoe's work, They'd had trite
tied an hour; he worked fret;, got
rue free,,,
"Would you believe me," allied
Lucy, -and 'braced herstail and un-
consciously hardened her voice, "if
I told you that 1 was -grin, to try
to get you free?"
"No," he said promptly. "Maybe
I've ;trust got to knowing you to-
night Lady Laredo! I saw you on
that log with Jake Goodby--"
Suddenly, without finishing what
11e was going to say, lie moved off
through the grove, lost to thein be-
fore he had taken 0 dozen of his
long strides, Ile saw the cabin look-
ing dark among the, trees, its rear
wall almost indistinguishable in
the shadows.
A Man Asleep?
tinder tate closed door he saw a
thin thread at wall light.
He stepped softly to the door and
lifted the latch slowly, Then he
began shoving the door open. Open-
ed an inch it gave hint a glimpse
of the cabiu's interior.
He could see the foot of the hunk
another inch and saw a man's boot-
ed feet. Some fellow asleep, jnii
as h0 had. thought likely—
He threw the door wide open.
The man on the bunk did not stir,
Barry stepped into the room, mak-
ing sure with a quirk glance about
item that there were no other Wren
concealed in the shadows. Then he
called out:
"You., there! Who are you?"
Still the elan did not move.
Barry saw a small ragged pile. of
wood by the fireplace and threw
some scraps of pitchy pine on the -
coals. Then alt last the men on the
bunk 'did stir,
The pine flared up into higher.
brighter flame: the cadaverous face
of the man ou the bunk seemed to
start forward out of the dare: into
the light. Barry Haveril, spell-
bound, slack -jawed in amazement,
stood staring back into those star-
ing eyes.
The man, looking ready to drop
dead, laughed instead. Thea he said
thickly, speaking with difficulty:
"So it's Cousin Barry, hull? Make
yultse'f tub home, Sundown!" and
flopped over on his back again. oue
lax band hanging to the floor.
Yes, it was Cousin Jesse,
It \vas Jesse (jemmy.
It was the Laredo Kin.
And it was not Tom Havetit.
To Lucy, beginning to shiver with
cold as the night wind stiffened and
as an utter weariness bore her
down, it seemed that Barry Haveril
was never coating back.
Then at long last Harry stepped
out of the shadows.
"There's water right over there,
Sarboe." he said. "Give the horses
ii drink, then unsaddle autl nut them
on their tie ropes the outer sidle
the water Hole, Then come along 10
the cabin."
When he spoke Itis voice was
gentler than when lie had stalked
away from her.
Tired out, Lucy? Well, it's been
hell foe you, hasn't it? 'Want to
walk a hundred yards - to shelter
and sleep?"
The Laredo Kid Again
"I want to lie here and die," sairi.
Lucy miserably. "I hate everything;
I hale living. Leave ore alone."
So hc' gathered her tii> into his
arms. She struck at him but he did
not seem to notice, and certainly
dial not mind,
'Mien she saw the bunk and the
man On it, a white-faced, dead look-
iu;g man, all the peacefulness of
Barry's cradling. arms and of this
quiet, simple places were' wiped out
by °resit stark reality.
That's why I had to keep you
waiting," said Barry. "I thought for
a while he was dyiug, 1 had to mid
where he was hurt and bandage
111111 up. I'm not going to let 11i111
T-uvy looked at Barry, no innger
heavy -eyed but with 1•;x0ited inter-
est. Ile said, talking distinctly and
slowly and somehow altogether like-
a:mau at the end of his tether:
'He is Jesse C'ourrly. The Laredo
'Cid, And he isn't Tom TTnvcl'il
rued I've been 0 fool."
"You shot him?"
"1 wish I had," be tum tere d 50111-
berlcy. "No, 1 found hitt. like that."
' gad v
told vitt ah 4 -
I've been a fool? I1't and Tont Hay -
ern were as alike as two shells
dult of the 1411111.•. ;1111, except I:ot.
Tow's little devil -beard, And except
that 'P0m gull-, different• - Not itis
voice just his way of saying Ibiegs,
t tltottgitt beet rlianged with 11n'ee
`ears, that was all. Well, 1 was
".Didn't l tell you (Ili along that
you w'er'e w'roug?" she exulted. 11111,
shout to speak, she frit &tient,
"1C it Was11'it so late, and y'Otl 5o
tired," he said. "i'd tow you right
111!rkhere 1 got you, back 10 Ton(
1.avei.w'il- W'e`ll 10tve to 110 lite 1IOSI
we eau for tonight,,,
Sifts 10ok1 d 'tearfully at the bran
out the bunk, "111 is dyiits now. 11.'
10nke.illtra -.,'
Heat Expense
Is Reducible .
Size of Fuel BII1 Lowered by
Proper Care of Systern,
With the relentless harrying of
winter, 'bort'• owners again ;Lind
themselves facing the climate'
[.There are several effective
ways of reducing winter beating
costs, the Plumbing and Heating
industries Bureau advises.
increasing the efficiency of
the heating plant, eliminating
the possibilities of heat - 10esc14
from the house, lowering ti
comfort zone temperature range,
and batter control of combustion
are among, the most important
methods of effecting the desired
For efficient operation, boilers
and furnaces must be clean -and
free from accumulations of oil,
sludge, scale and sediment. Every
heating plant, new- or old, re-
quires at leitst one thorough
cleaning; a year, after which 1:
may readily be kept in good con-
dition with little effort or ex-
pense. (pense.
While some plants may on1ye•
need a thorough cleaning and
checking of the controls, burn -
era, oil supply line, grates and
smoke pipe, others may be in
need of a new boiler or additiotlal
Reap Divorces
Like „Asparagus'
.1)ivot'cos i11 New 131'unswic':�
are being "worked as a rack: -
et," Chief Justice J, 13, 111,
Baxter said at Fredericton i'e•
cently, while presiding in the
N6w Iltunswick Court of o;-
vorce and Matrimonial Cause::.
More than thirty cases, the
largest number yet scheduled
for one sitting, were on the
docket when the court's Oc-
tobel' term opened,
'Several solicitors are going
about the Province reaping (1i-
voices like a field of aspar,(•
gus" :said the Chief Justice.
:radiation. There are cases in
which hone owners cannot afford
not to have a new Boller installed.
New betters built especially for
the combustion of either oil, gas
- of stoker -fed coal may effect Ceti -
ninnies of as much as 83 1-3 per
The circulation of gravity hot
water can be speeded up by
pti,-ilps and new air valves
improve the operation of slett'r
heating plants,
"1f der people don't stop ells
worldwide monkey business, w'e'll
soon al] be back in (1e1' trees."
—Lew Lehr.
I l
,. • 4.4.;44:1::14!..'....•
iii t6 :".1- 1:.: 4(}01'
A dainty design you will enjoy Making for it is easy to eroehe't
and develops the ever popular butterfly pattern. Pattern No. 827 con-
tains list of materials needed, working graph and complete instruction:.
To order this pattern, send 15 cents in coin or stanmps to Carol
Aimes, Room 421., 73 West Adelaide St,, Toronto.
"I Found Him Like That"
"No, 1 tell you! I won't let him
die! Not now. I've been looking
for that man for three years. I've
sworn I'd kill hint if 1: never did
another thing."
"Why don't you kill him now?"
she said bitterly, "It would he sr.
rosy! He's half dead anyhow, 11•
you're, 1•o fond of killing, what are
yon waiting for? You'll never hove
a better chance—"
He glared at her, then muttered
something under his breath and
went out. •
When he came back Stl bog, c1111'?
with him, and both men were e car,'3-
ing armfuls of pine tips for beg
coin tort,
, Sarboe's 0y(11 flashed from the
gauni. palsied form on the hank to
I3 trry, &ema11ding ealtltulationts
• T4nt'l'y's answer WAS a mere: "I
don't 1(11011•, 1 found 11in1 Tike 111x1,
'He's had a bullet through hila."
(To Be Continued)
Why nor "chit, together" and brty au Aladdin for
the house Or give it to mother or dad. llnw tf:.ar
deur eyes tw(11 shine with appreciation. And UPON
often they'll rementher yarn girt as they 0111P(9
modern Ii5ht. and 990 strain 19 leaned.
Costs SO Little to Operate
Aladdin gives modern white light. 'Unsurpassed by
electricity for steadiness and quality. Burns only bl l
oil and 94' , air 1:ca(1a111ir9L safe, dependable. One
gallon tofi ke 1 s tli
gives 50 hours of beautiful white.
Visit yogi dearer, and ser: the beau
tilul new,\1adr1!ns and the colorful
shades. If You 11011'1 know hint,ivrite
and wall send his glume, our newest
folder of Aladdin lamps and shades
Montt* Lamp Company
406 Logan Avo.,Toront. (al Oat.
Common' -sense
Helps Beauty
Water is One of the Best Aids
To Your "omplexion
There's much cumutnu-seese tc1
beauty, Personally we will give
loud hurrahs to creams. and w•Iten
p(rsistingly used they do bring
I•Iowever, there are times Schen
we need special jobs done to our
feces and few. of us can afford
regular salon treatments over a
period, But that's no reason why
we should simply' throw up 0111'
hands and bemoan the state 01 our
If your skin stems lifeless and
muddy. just on general principles,
.why not try an orange and grape-
fruit diet for one clay a week.
If you need a little bleaching,
try the lowly cucumber. Press the
juice f1'oln tint cucumber, pat on
your skin and allow to remain for
lineeu or twenty minutes, Repent
foe a few applications and you
should get resnit9..teemoll juice di-
luted in Muter is also a bleaching.
MINK I'Lbl:N'L'3 OF 11'
And foremost among all emu -
111011 -sense beauty aitls is wake --
good, old, tap water. Drink plenty
of it. it you aren't a water imbiber
wake it your business to drink at
l7, i
least two cluatt 0 e y J
week mid you 0011 gun7antE.e 3'011t'
slit will Initlrove. Water is espec-
ial1y necessary if you have any
vinyls of an acne condition--wieettl'
er actual eruptions, blemish( a or
simply blackheads.
Polar Bear Really
Doesn't Like Coll
'.l'he polar beta' doer( net like
cold weather, Edward W. Clark
of • -the Monlain loo, Colorado
$prit'gs, reports. The warrael
It is the bettor the polar bears
like it if they have plenty of
water, Clark says.
Tabk Tal
Grapefruit and Grape Juice ('acktail
Roast Tinley, Savoury Dressing, Giblet Gravy
Creamy Mashed 1'0taloes • Scalloped Sweet Potatoes
Cranberry Sauce
C'ar'rot and Ceder:" Setae
t'al'ker Bourse bolls
Plum Pudding Butterscotch Sallee
Grapes I•'udge, Salted Almonds
Grapefruit and Grape Juice Cocktail
Peel grapefruit, break ,n quarters
removing all white membrane. Then
cut i11 uniform pieces, sprinkle with
fruit, sugar and a little chopped
candied ginger. Set away to cool.
When ready to serve, place in Ether -
bot glasses and cover with grape'
juice•. Oue good. sized grapefruit
s110111(1 serve e.
Scalloped Sweet Potatoes
Bake sweet potatoes, being sure
t(1 prick skies with fork before
placing in oven. 'When well baked
'remove 1r0111 oven, removiag skins.
placiug sweet potato iu bowl, Mash
adding butter, salt an11. pepper ttnu
s tablespoons of brown sugar 1e
each cup ot potato, In buttered ea9•
serole place one layer of potato
and then one layer of nutrair-
mallows. Alternate potato and
marshmallow until dish is three-
quarters full, placing a layer of
marshmallows on top.
-Grated Carrot and Celery Salad
Grated earrot
Chopped celery
Chopped stuffed olives
To every cup of grated carrot
(tdd 1. tablespoon dropped olives.
Adel to the above preparations one -
hall cup thick salad dressing. Serve
on shredded lettuce and d'e'corate
t u.
Butterscotch Sauce
Having bad several requests for
Butterscotch Sauce of two year;
ago, I give it as your padding sauce.
flakes 1 -ii (111119,
whit(:; corn syrup, 11._ cups
medium brown sugar, a . cup seater.
4 tablespoons butter, la, teaspoon
vanilla, e t:thleepocnas it 4) 14 03'
Boil the Best four ingredients
mail sauce reaches heavy syrup
-consistency. Cool. Acid vaailla and
cream, If consistency is a little too
heavy add more cream.
Plum Pudding
11a cults flour, ?e teasnoo 1 salt,
i.y teaspoon easel of allspice, nut-
meg, cinnamon, 1 cup stale bread
crumbs, 1 cup broken sugar, 3 eggs.
1 cup seeded raisins, 1j cup each
o1 chopped figs, dotes and of cua'-
rants..1 cup chopped mixed peel, 1
cup chopped suet, grated rind ot .1
1001011, ria clip grape juice,
Combine ingredients, turn into
buttered mOuld•s or mould. ('over,
leave space tO expand i;: its vol.
ume, Stoann for 5 hours,
Miss Chambers welcomes per-
sonal Tetters from interested
readers, She is pleased to receive
suggestions on topics for tier
column, and is even ready to lir
ten to your "pet peeves." Re-
quests for recipes or special
menus are in order, Address your
letters to "Miss Sadie B. Cham-,
era, 73 West Adelai:.c Street,
Toronto." Send stamped, se;f-
addressed envelope if you wish
a reply.
Girl Weds Redskin
Walking Sky, 24, son of Pok-
ing Fire, Chief of the Caughna-
waga Mohawk reservation, has
n.ar.ied a white girl, aged 16.
The ceremony at a Catholic
church wm. preceded by a tradi-
tional Red Indian tribal celebra-
e,... 4 01•4141r0
u.kdlFl a@r ttiEt'
People la•h0 know good food
and excellent cooking, and who
appreciate skilful, courteous
service, sal: "want to eat well?'
Then go to the Mount Royal!"
The Mount Royal 11(lteel table
compares iavotn•ably with that
of the finest hotels in the world.
Came to the
, " ,,..s M,[��y; +"��,,s[[��_�rryyn {{ ,�"�k,:y�{: h ike w % i(1ev "� U >1 1e >r
4q+:n4ttt>.��it.•P4�Wt(>:d V V,G, V V
20 % Greater
Power, with
t. 11111 '1 ' int
5 -Tube Bakelite Model ligt,:t,
,ar< O AWCi1 r."