HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-12-19, Page 1rty-First Year. j ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING DECEMBER 19, i944, Patronizo your THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING Visit Our Salon far your CHRISTIVIAS SPECLBILS Tet us quote ,you. ort the very best nd latest Permanent; treat are pleas - mg and satisfactory and that Will "drive you personality. I-Iaftressiug Salon at rear of Stare. For a:pspoint- ents ball us by plume- I912, Zurich. 'MRS: FRED DEIELl1,r Proprietress lE 6Lt'YSE.iIDeaH®WOY ' COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRPCES E. Z rbr1g vr_'.D. {':: • OPTOMETRIST at EXETER[ 111,'e Newest. Approved. a' etticxct wf Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wetheesday. Rates; $1.2. in Canada, in advazu 14#, ;1.50 iu U.S.A., in .acivanoar CHESTER L. SMITH, Palk -sheet. ocal Merchant for your Ohristmas Purchases (14 Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods anctEquipment at A. L. COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERICII% ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices -----ss GREETINGS We take this medium in exten- ding to our many Customers and Friends our most hearty Season's Greetings THE BETTY ANNE BEAUTY - SHOPPZ+ . Mrs. Ed. Gascho (Prop.) YSt THE LOWEST PRICES PO e Sales Prove I,t.---No SalMs ren Co nisaions to pay. No Finance Charges to Pay. one'ieft;at the•old Price, New 1941 Dodge. Purchased before tax raise 1939 Chev. Coach. like new ....,. 1940 Dodge coach, choice ................... 1939 .Dodge. De Lux coach ........ 1940 Pontiac. Coach, like New .... 1931 Ford Coach., newly painted ...,. 1 929 .Ford coat, repainted 1929 Ford Coupe $85. 1932 ,$685 ..............755 $695 $785 ............ $190 $125 Chev. Sedan WA _. FRITZ We give you Wm. Rogers -Guaranteed Silverware at a small additional cost to you... Beautilaal. and EXelusiveCounters Pattern with all cash purchases -A Aso. on. all Accounts Paid in 'ill. (Christmas doe& on:nisp1ay ,a:t,Merners. For your Christmas Cake: Raisins,, Seedless, Lexas seede dand with seeds, walnuts and: almonds, Maraschino Cherries in syrup ,or bottles, Muted Peel all flavors in F. tracts. Bake your own cake with Swansdown Cake Flour and Calu net I c ing Pevvcler. We have Gilchrists Cakes. Try. a Clnristrnas Cake made by Gilchr sts.. We have a wonderful Display of Christmas Candies and Nuts erne the price :is mot any higher than they were last year. D01.1 S. AND TOYS GALORE Christmas Gifts are also shown in a lot of mew ..Styles in fans yGarAg. ,Remember, .:?nristrnas will soon be here. Do yours'. SIs s; t ing Early. Phase MO f'. Leavitt's Theatre Exeter, Ont. Phone 135 The management and Staff of Leavitt's Theatre wish all our Pat- rons: Health enough to banish care, Wealth enough to give and spare, Friends enough sincere and true, May this glad season :bring to you. A Merry Chrstmas 1940. Thurs., Friday, Saturday Two Features Stage to Chino With George O'Brien Dancing on a Dime Starring Robert Paige, An .all Star Cast. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday It's In The Air A British Picture starring George Formby, England's ace Comedian SPECIALS FOR CHRISTMAS SEASON 'Gem and Abner in "Dreaming Out Loud." "I Married Adventure';' An Animal Thriller" starring Mrs. Mor - tin Johnston; "Moon Over Burma"; Dorothy Lamour, Preston Foster and Robt. Preston. GREETINGS At this glad festive season saddened though it is by war, let us hear again the herald of the first Christmas Day "Behold I bring you tidings of great joy, which shall be to all peoples, On Earth Peace, good will toward men." And may it soon be within Our Masters ,r a ria to,_ bring fulfillment of the Promise for a. ins£`areceras•az,s Pee.ce. A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year T. HARRY HOFFMAN Funeral and Ambulance Service Phone 70 Dashwood AcisamssainsoloceumecrawasarasuraMa NOTICE LOCAL DANCERS ARE NOT ALWAYS CARNY! Come and see for your.-.alf what a really swell time you can have on Friday Evening, Deeembce, 27th ata the Zurich Town I1a11. There vvi11 be novelty dancer ,incl prizes. _Music by Jut:+ Box's Orchestra. This is the chance for all you Lassies and Laddies to do your 1,1t to help keep our Red Cross out of the red. Dancing begins at nine. Admission 15c. Dancing 5c. There will be gallery seats for you oldsters who wish to watch the fru:. :io clon't miss this evening! FIRESIDE SERVICE The monthly Fireside `3 rvice ties held after the evening Sele ae in tl+ Evangelical Church on Sunday tight. Approximately forty persona remain- ed for this informal meeting. Miss Shirley Krueger led the group in .t pleasant song service. The en ging of hymns and Christmas Carols was i+ joy to everyone. The Sunday Ss!u>ol Room, where the meeting Was held was beautifully decorated with Chr- istmas lights, making the spirit of the Christmas season very manifest. Miss Mergaret Hey played for the singing and Mrs. Harry Hess assisted in making the room attractive, Miss Myrtle Hay read a beautiful poem and a Christmas story was given by the Pastor, Presentation Mr. and Mrs. Alfred :Hulick were pleasantly surprised one evens::; re- cently when the members of Rev. C. I3. Iieekendorn's and Mr. Geiger's classes, along with a few neighbour: called .nt their home and spent a very p> l.,ant evening. Mr,. Melt't was asked to take her place in an arm- chair, in the archway leading to t1) livinroom, •A. shower of lovely g fts was pteseeted, after Miss Pearl F'Vurte in her usual pleasing manner gave a humorous reading Mr:. Metier vc.'ry fittingly replied after the gifts had hen p' tyc ci. A dainty ;tntl very rrtlateeble lunch was 1la'n served by she coenne,ttee tri charsee a, li .It' re- turned home leaven; ,the'r het wish- ee to Mr. and 11es. is ;c for. a form; and happy life I,rYlc together. ,117 ogolt Mr. A. A. Weber of Sebringville, was a visitor in town on Frtcray last. ' Rev. H. E. Roppel of Dashwood was: a business caller in town on Monday M. Harry Hoffman of Dashwood was a business visitor in town on Monday. 1VLg. and Mrs Wm. F. Braun and family of Fprest were Sunday visit- ors at - the home of Miss Jane La- mont'.! and other friend.. Ma. end Mr,. E. F. Klapp were at Woodstock last Thursday where the former attended the annual meet- ing of the Western Farmer's Insur- ance Company. The- date for the nomination for reeve and councilors will be Monday November 80th this year, and should an. election be caused it will be a Week 'later. Mr. Teddy Klopp had tee misfor- tune on Friday la •t to hav,. his hand injured at the sa.ndi>tg machine in the IKalbfleisch i, aning mills. Al- though the halm:: ware not so bad, yet they requinei medical attention, which was admin?:.^red by Dr. J. A. Addison. 1VIr. Harry G. }':ess anti his staff yp_���•4••ooe••�epp�raQ®-•eo••••••o•• c�+•ma<Sv04t>v^Cb0e most attract -1 • ive Christmas tree on the main square • fir: The GIFT that will always be 'e iemb. ' ed c CREDIT TERMS CREDIT TERMS HESS, THE JEWELER PHONE YOUR O'W WISHING ALL Oi$ CUS-w TOMERS AND FRIENDS A VERY MERRY any Nisi! W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid fee .Eggs on a graded basis., Pone 10 - Hensall coming into town. In the evening it makes- a lovely picture with the var- ious' colored lights, and one cannot help but get the real Christmas spir- 1r lliueT j t`for d — • Almost daily airplanes are roaring •over Zurich and district and it makes one realize that our connrty is at war, and in the corning summer we are expecting that more air activity will be seen in these parts, as the big .airpoat at Port Albert will be in full swing . then. OBITUARY Late Solomn Kipfer • • • • • The death of Salome Kipfer a high- ly esteemed resident of' IlruceFeld, occurred at his home on Friday ev- enie. Deceinb:. 131:11, after > Creek's illne with a heart attack. Mr. Kip - ter, the son of the late itlr. and sirs :1,:;'rew L. Iiipfer, way: born in Hay Township in June 1871. Ht, Was iner- >iod to Rachel Swartzentrubee also o Hay Tor, n:=hip where they carried l u• en Tar't11_17+., for a i'C'N' years 1>e'for+'. Toting to Zurich where he had at eefectionery store foe ,four years. i1,. then learned the: trade of barb - ring which he has since followed. Tee years ago he moved with his oily to fl. t:c l t l.1. His quiet, pi e- :>r,>:>t manner won for him many fri- ends. Ile is survived by his wife, one ;laughter, .lIrs. Andrew Sturgeon >nli one soil Lee o St. Thomas; 3 brothers, Rev. 11enito Kipfer, Tav- istock; Jacob Kipfer and Moses Kip - fen Kitchener and two sisters, Mrs. ram Schrag. Leonardville, N.Y., and' Mrs. Sate Nafziger, Vulcan, Alberta. 1'he funeral was held on Monday af- ternoon, private service at the home end at public service in the United ,hurch. Rev. H. Wright, officiating, assisted by Rev. W. A. Bremner, Sea - forth, a former pastor. Mr. Bremner paid high tribute to the character of the deceased. Mr. Wright preached front the teat; "Therefore we are al- ways confident knowing that whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord; for we walk by faith not by sight) ; We are con- . tident, •I say and willing rather to be „ bsent from. the body to be present. with the Lord. 2 Corr. 5-+8. The hymns used were "'The Lord's my ° Irepl e d, I'll not v:-unt and `Jesus lover of my Soul" Mr. Sam rtenn ie of Tlensali sang. ',rhe Old huger 1' Int:'rmrat took place in Bay- I h Id cen> tory. The pill bearer, ware; Ross Scott. Hugh Berry. Joe ` eCullea t aeil O'ltoeirlk,', John Cor- nish and John Snider. The tlowur bearers were, Wiil Sa. tt, Aleut, :Mus- t cid, Jim "McCully and Glen Swan. Ilelatiws and f:icutis from at di.•tanco atUnding the funeral were from'" i-toclk, Kitclarner, furich, 13r.tstre . Darghwoodr Tal°na g>d, tl:ensall. • • • • e • • 4' 4 • 4 • • 0 • • • ,p ea a * '4;7'4• • EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS • %' a•i $b•QWlb§�•¢0+&bA �+Pus.R? tEla9CbGDGIt�#,$�A�E��[a ti �1�:c�+2e•ixura3�m- 1' Se WE WISH EVERYBODY s 11 s Greetings And Take This Medium in Greatly Thanking . 4 You for your Kind and Patronage in the f' ast. M t„ /411 tkVerseral bfsi- ck Christma ews Visit our Store: from now till Christmas for selecting your Gifts, and other Shopping All kinds of Decorations, Toys, Suitable Gifts for every member of the Family. Fresh supply of Fruits, Peels, and Nuts for the Christmas. Cake, Also Candies, Nuts, Etc., in stock and all Fresh. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR EGGS r !(13 .a 'Edmund Swartzentruber, Pro?. n'uAt II'^ .141