Zurich Herald, 1940-12-12, Page 7Sky Scanners of the Desert These soldiers of an Indian division serving with the British com- mand in the Middle East brush up on their anti-aircraft training at a base depot in the western desert. They answered 'Britain's call for aid frond her subjects in the far-flung corners of the earth although. India herself is trying to •obtain independence from Britain. These sturdy desert warriors undoubtedly have played an important role in stalling the Italian drive into Egypt. Bankers Urge Preparation For Post -War Adjustments Bank of Montreal Officials See Need For Prudence and Protec- tions Against Inflation and Speculation The need for Canada, in the midst et the prosperity occasioned by war- time Industrial activity, to prepare for the post-war adjustment was stressed at the 123rd annual meet- ing of the Bank of Montreal by Enntly R, Drummond, the presi- dent. He warned against the dang- ers of price inflation and urged the exercise of economy and prudence by individuals, corporations •and governments. Mr. Drummoud expressed salis- laction at the extent to which the war effort of the Dominion had been carried during the past .year and said that, extensive as it was, it was only just beginning. Produc- tion of war supplies, he said, will be immensely greater next year and, :'of business generally, it is eufficient to say that practically every phase of industrial and com- mercial activity is reflecting the in- tensity of our war programme." Value of Wheat Crop He asked that more thought be given to the great potential value of our bumper wheat crop of this year rather than to the immediate embarrassment involved in the handling at it. Employment is at -such a. high level, he said, that we are approaching the point where it may be necessary., as in Great Bri- tain, to "curtail peace -time activ- ities for the purpose of furthering the war effort," Stability in prices, !Jr.. Drummond said, is being sought through the efforts of the .Price Control Board, and company prof- its are being largely eliminated by the Excess Profits Tax. It is, there - foss, he submitted, the duty of the Government 'to see that wages, which form the major part of the cost of manufacturing, see not un- duly inflated, The duties of the banks towards the maintenance of business and industrial stability and the preven- tion of excessive speculation were emphasized by G. W. Spinney, joint general manager, in his address. Mr. .Spinney stated that the con- traction shown in. the bank's hold- ings of government securities on the balance sheet should not be misinterpreted in the light of the war financing programme of the 'Government. The fact that security holdings of the Bank had declined was actually, he pointed out, a healthy sign indicating, as it does, that war loans are really being subscribed to from the savings of ,the people. Profits Satisfactory Although. profits of the bank were somewhat lower for the past year, Mr. Spinney said that the results were not unsatisfactory in view of the large increase in taxes paid. Revenues, he continued, had been augmented as a result, principally, of an expansion in commercial loans which averaged about 22 per cent higher. Drawing attention to the high level of industrial activity, occa- sioned largely by the demands of war, Mr. Spinney remarked that "It is clear that we are rapidly ap- proaching a position in which, by contrast with the past ten years, olu' principal problem will he the adequacy- of 'the means of produc- 11 tion.' The bank, he said, was deter- mined to 'play its full part in the national effort, looking forward with confidence to the achievement of vie;tori. HAVE s YOU HEARD? The absent-minded professor came home one evening, to be accused by his wife of sore ne- glect. "You have not kissed ,me for two whole days", was her sad complaint. "Indeed, my dear!" exclaimed i1 to professor. "Then whom have II been kissing?" First Pickpocket: "What ere you reading that fashion hook for?" Second Pickpocket: "Well, we've got to know where all the pockets are, haven't we?" A special constable had been told to stop a ear which was tra- veiling fast in his direction. Ten minutes later he rang up to re- It "The car was being driven stn actress," he said. "1 stops Iter, pulls out my notebook, she hatches it, writes her autograph in, it, and then array she goal" Salesman: "I say, sonny, is, your mother at home?" Small Boy: "Yes, 'sirs" Salesman ,rafter 3cnocking in vain): 'I thought you said she was at home?" "Yes, sir, but I cloa'.t live here." The old lady, buying sortie seeds, was being rather trouble- some to the department store clerk. "You're quite sure these seeds will come up very quickly?" she persisters. "I've left it very late, you see, and I want to be cer- tain that they will come up at once." "Madam," was the clerk's re- ply, "plant those seeds, and then jump out of the way if you value your safety!" He is so practical that he uses the skelton in his family . closet for a coat hanger, , Canadian National Railways Revenues The gross revenues of the all- inclusive Canadian National Railways System. for the Neck ending November 21, 10 4 0 were $5,114,656 as compared with 4,888,150 - for the corresponding period of 1939, an in- crease of $ 276,506 or li, 77a Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1. Is it necessary for an em- ployer to say "Good morning" to any employees he passes on the way to his office? 2. Isn't it all right to nse slang in conversation? 3. What is a suitable tip to: give a taxi driver for a short ride? 4. What is the meaning of a "cover charge" in a diningroont of any kind? 5. When meeting a friend on the street, isn't it poor form to begin enumerating one's troubles? 6. Is it all right to ask a friend what his salary is? Answers 1. It may not be necessary, but it is certainly unkind if he does not extend a simple greet- ing to those who are serving him. 2. Yes, if used sparingly, but it should never be overdone. It is not good form to use a slang word or phrase with every sent- ence. 3, If the fare is fifty cents or less, ten cents is suf- ficient, 4. A charge for the pri- vilege of enjoying the entertain- ment, such as music and dancing.. This is in addition to the price of the food. 5. Yes. Relating one's troubles constantly only magnifies them. 6. Never. Only a very tactless person would ask this. .114.4- .0-1,11-.4.40 ..-o.0- -'...,... o. What Sciences Is Doing 4,0 ICE CREAM FOR DIABETICS.. A new ice cream for diabetics has been produced at the Uni versity of Illinois containing about 40 per cent as much sugar at the standard product. —0— 'T.B. REMEDY? Mayo Foundation doctors have under investigation a new drug of the sulfanilamide group, called promin, as a possible tuberculosis remedy. Two Mayo doctors reported that guinea pigs with experiment- al tuberculosis lived when 'treat- ed with promin while all of the 20 untreated animals were -dead in 82 days. Thirteen of the 29 animals treated with promin were living after 164 days. The Mayo doctors said this fact s:1 cgestecl htat the drug was o1 value as a remedy. —0 --- WILL CUT CASUALITIES Thousands of lives will be saved in this war and other thous- ands will be saved from perman- ent disability due to two major advances in medical science sine the last war, it is estimated by McGill University medical re- search workers. 'Che alreaay widespread use of sulfanilamide and its eonipountis will be a tremendous aid h fighting infections among sol- diers, it was stated last week. This was estimated to be :i•ie greatest single advance in inc li- eine from a point of view of t:e number of soldiers who may treated and also from the point of view of its effectiveness. Another advance, described as a radical change in the treatment of compound fa•actures, will sass many lives and many others from permanent disability. By this new treatment the antiseptics, after the area involved has been ease- fully cleaned, are done away with entirely. Instead, petrol- eum jelly packs are inserters ill the wounds and the whole area bound up in a plaster cast after the bones have been properly set. 300 Kinds of White One of the most difficult peo- fession in the world is that of matching colours and tints. it cannot be taught like an exact science, for one must be born with a sense of colour. This, of: course, improves with practice. One of the biggest colour firms has a huge laboratory stock 'd with special instruments for mak- ing and testing colours, but the final test of matching lies with the eye, and a well-trained snatcher can detect no fewer than 100,000 hues and tints. If, for instance, one twenty -thousand Ili part of an ounce of red is added to an .ounce of yellow, and the whole well )nixed, the expert e:yo tan see the difference between the mixture and pure yellow. The key ]nen of this profession can detect the difference iii more than 300 shades of white and al - Most as many of black ! .444-\ Slaw Burning . G ETTE PAPERS 1AR fit•. 'NONE FINER MADE DOUBLE AUTOMATIC Wife Rescues Mate Nailed to Flooring Turning carpenter, a Memphis, Tenn:, husband found himself with double tt:ouble on his hands. After nailing down the floor- ing in his garage he discovered his trousers had been caught un- der a board and nailed fast. Not only did he have to decide whether to cut himself loose from the trousers or to tear up the flooring, but he also had to fig- ure out how to get enough free- dom to pry the troublesome plank or to reach for his scissors. His wife came to the rescue with a crowbar. •w.�-m-.-..+�•e o -a -.o•.. -e-. • e Can 1? BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I patch woollen cloth more effectively?" A. Use a thin sheet of gutta percha, which can be purchased especially for tailors' use. Place. a piece of the tissue between the layers of cloth to be cemented, and then press with a hot iron. Q. How can I make a good sandwich filling? A. Add to 1 cup of chopped ham enough vinegar to moisten, and 1 tablespoon of peanut but- ter. Add celery salt and pepper as seasoning. Mix well before spreading between slices of bread. Q. How can I make a plant tonic?' A. The water in which beef. Canadian Controller Of Ship -Building D. B. Carswell, director-gener- al of naval construction, who has been appointed controller of ship construction and ship re- pairs in the department of mu- nitions and supply, with powers to expand ship -building in Cana- da to its maximum of production and efficiency. has been washed is an excellent tonic treatment for plants, and especially for roses and gerani- bbeed? Q. How can I check nose - A. Pressing on the upper lip at the outer edge of each nos- tril often stops bleeding of the nose, A piece of ice rolled in cotton, or cotton soaked in ice water, may be inserted in the nostril and pressure applied from the outside. Another method is to sit erect with arms raised above the head, and the head thrown back slightly. Q. How can I remove a grease spot from the kitchen wall paper? A. As soon a5 you notice a fresh grease spot on the paper, apply some cornstarch to it im- mediately. Work it in lightly with the fingers. Brush off and repeat until the cornstarch has absorbed the grease. N-a'F-0'VfY.1'O-Yr.f J. /,-iv 4.6--OIf4••�•T�-�'�• HEALTH TOPICS 6•V -f -6 tl-F<r-O-4o•1'•0 0-8.6.3 Keep Colds Away From Your Baby The Health League of Canada has issued a warning to mothers that this is a°° season of special clanger to infants. • For this reason, the mother who gets a call from a friend who is suffering from a cold should not take baby with her if she visits the sufferer. Neither should she allow anyone suffer- ing from a cold to come too near baby. Baby should not be fed with spoons ,or cups which have been used by any of his brothers or sisters — or any other person --- until the spoons or cups have been thoroughly washed. This is the time, too, to give baby cod liver oil daily. The doc- tor should be consulted as to the right quantity. Orange juice is e•sential to baby, also. FOR A HEALTHY HOME The following are ten essentials for a healthy home: I. A pure and sufficient water supply. 2. A safe milk and food sup- ply. 3. Sanitary- refuse and sew- age disposal. 4. Sufficient ventilation, heat and light. 5. Space sufficient for ordin- ary family demands. (1, Absence of excessive dampness. 7. Screening against flies and mosquitoes. S. Protection against other.' insects and rodents. 0. Protection against fire hazards and other accident risks. 10. Adequate play space and sunshine for children. A healthful home improvement is interpreted by health experts to be one affording freedom from disease and the prevention of STOCKING UP WITH iGDEWS-f ® Santa will be stocking up a lot of roll -your -owners with Oglden'e this Christmas. As a gift, it's fops because it makes milder, smoother, more mellow cigarettes. / ib. tin 8O¢ in a sally coloured Christmas carton. premature death and is associate -di with conifort, decency, conveni- ence, and even joy in the daily routine. Angler's (True) Tale When J. Elmer Anderson caught two big fish near Win- chester, New Hampshire, he took his catch and the scales to a no- tary public and obtained a legal document testifying that those two fiah did in fact weigh seven pounds, four ounces, and six pounds, two ounces, respectively. Dog's 70 -Day Trip Missing after a picnic at Green Cove Springs, 30 miles away, Monk, a bulldog, found his way home to Jacksonville, Florida. It took him 70 days. FARIS S WANTED List your farm or suburban property with our real estate department for sale, as ivt: have buyers waiting for the right place. Guaranty Trust Company of Canada :0 Richmond St. W. AIM. 3351 - Toronto. STOPPED QUICKLY qulcktdlelirom atchingoloctomt,rasfies andotterezlorn U1 cansndskinkouh{as 35c Bottle, of druggists prover Our money back ...CLASSIFIED ADVERTISETtIENTS... AU'TOJMOTIVE I'AR'L'S Car and Tractor Parts N1.11' AN 0 USED '1'I' t-O\V EST prices. Used electric motors all sizes. Satisfaction or money re- funded. tieneral Auto Supply, Kit- chener. 1111.13Y CUICKS l33RAY — THE CHICK BUY -WORD for 1941. January delivery ,hicks should be ordered now. Limited number December. Write for list of Daily specials, Bray hatchery, 1000 John North, Hamilton. "YOU JDON',i' HAV): TO PAY MORE fol' Tweddle Chicks and von can't get more for your money, Ask your neighbours and compare with other chicks. Send for our car1}- order booking 1941 price list just off the press. You will save sev- eral dollars per hundred by book- ing your chicks and taking them early and it is the early chick that snake the extra money. Tweddle Chick Hatcherir.s 1.intit- eti, Fergus, Ontrato. • SEND TODAY FOR. OUR EARLY* order booking price list, Our low prices for our high-quality Gov- ernment Approved chicks all front blood -tested breeders will please you. Baden Electric Chick Hatch- ery Ltd., Baden, Ontario, TO -DAY AS ALWAYOi. CANADA gets its greatest chick value from Top Notch. All chicks from eur,•- fully selected blood -tested stool:. Send for new price list. Top Notch Chickerles, Guelph, Ontario DEALL:RS WANTED DISTRIBUTE 200 FAM1LEX NEC.- essities from door to door. There is a big• demand for toilet articles, medicines, alimentary products, cleaners, etc. Sell for guaranteed satisfaction or Money refunded. Reap profits with your first sales, Increase your list of customers every day. Try this independent business without RISK. FOR DE- GAI.LS, communicate with G. tit, eorge, 570 St. Clement Street. Montreal Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used --- New SPECI,1.T,IZIN(i IN 1tEI1t1ILT MO- TonS, I"OtWt1It-UNITS. Hydraulic 0 1' 1 t • . Whacked. Generator*, Starters, hingnctos, 8iarburet0T8, muttutors --�• Iuachaange Ser+,icc, Glans ..:. Sntlsfaactten or 'retook, Loy Auto Porto, Hoot, li., Toronto.. PANUS toOlt SALE,: SEVERAL CED1t'1, STOCK FARMS, near London, Ontario. S. Coote, Barrister, 1053 Dundas Street, London, Ontario, • DtJL'LSC'L'LVEES AMBITIOUS MEN SEVENTEEN and over wanted immediately for secret -service and detective work. Complete training course by cor- respoudenoe. Free information, write to C. M. Julien, Box 25, Sta- tion T. Montreal. TttJS1C SCHOOL LEARN TO PLAY MUSIC, WRITE for musical quiz sheet, sample lesson. Name instrument. Corl'es- pondence -Conservatory of Musk, 867 Broadview Ave., Toronto. 31E1:HUA.I, NATUItE'S RFLP — DIXON'S REM- edy for Rheumatic Pains, Neuritis. Thousands praising; it. Munro's Drug Store. 332 Elgin, Ottawa, 21.00 Postpaid. G 0 I.1) E N HEALING OIL — A proton remedy for skin ailments. Obstinate cases of eczema com- pletely relieved. Try this home treatment. A. trial will convince. Six. ounce bottle mailed, One Dol- lar. Lir. W. Price. 67 Carlton St., .Toronto. OPPORTUNITY EAIIN MONEY AT HOME. SEND 25e for full particulars, address M. Ignash 385 Selkirk Ave., Winni- peg;, Manitoba. PHOTO FJNi5IIING FREE! You Can Now Own complete set or beautiful silver- ware absolutely without cost, manufactured and guaranteed by International Sliver Company. You may have this complete 'set absolutely free by sending your films to Imperial. Send an order now and receive complete partic- nlars of this amazing otter. Six or eight exposure flints developed and printed 25c, or 8 reprints 25e, plus your choice of a tree enlarge- ment in easel mount or tree silver- ware. To get the best In quality and service send yotlr films to Imperial Photo Service Station 3 Toronto. ISSUE 50-----'40 OFI•'I.R TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO .OVERT INVItINTr.'l: List of inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co.. Registered, Patent Attorneys, 2::3 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. PON Ib,S TWENTY-FIVE SHETLAND PON- ies, a)1 Piebalds, well marked. All ages. W. Matthews, Danville, Que- bec. PULLETS FREE RANGE PULLETS. CASH INT now on the high egg: prices. We have several real choice laying pullets and pullets just ready to lay. Tweddle Chick Hatche•rle, Limited, Fergus, Ontario. PULLETS FOR SALT: FREE RANGE PULLETS WE HAVE two thousand real choice laying and ready to lay pullets to choose from. Our low price for these high quality pullets will please you, Barred Rocks, White Leghorne, New Hampshires, White Reeks. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limit- ed, Fergus, Ontario. RHEUMATISM 51-1•'J'IDItb1ItS GOOD RESOLT3TION — E V Ell Y sufferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Mnnro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, $1.00 Postpaid. STAi1II' COLLE(TORS WANTED, USED STAMPS, COLLEC- tions, accumulations, all descrip- tions, Best prices paid. Our book- let (Free for stamp) means money.. for you. Purki•s, 6070 'West Boule- vard, Vancouver. SMALLS'ARES AGENTS, JO1313]OR$, l ANVASSEIti, Storekeepers, write for new price list. Smallwares, Novelties, Prtnt- lums, Toiletries, Leather Goods. Pipes, Carded Goods. Hundreds of new fast selling items. Free of- fers. Universal Jobbers, 751 Vic- toria Square. Montreal, Quebec. HEN! LOOK $1.00 LAI)IES1 XMAS GIFT PACTKAGI I LADIES,' lovely silk stockings 50; pair silk bloomers 50c; 0 Dainty handker- chiefs 50e; beautiful pearl neck- lace 50r. All these exquisite art- icles for 31.00 plus 10c postage. Avoid the Christmas rush, order nowl Thrift Sales, i3ox '121, Sta- tion E. Montreal,