Zurich Herald, 1940-12-12, Page 5Thursday, Elecepeleer .112Ith., BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL DUDLEY E. HOLME$ SARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE—At Court House ' GODERICH — ONTARIO OPecial Attention to Councel and Court Work. ler. Holmes may be consulted at noderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DE1TZ BLOCK—ZURICH every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, D.ASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. VETERINAP.IA.N Dr, 'W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY 57,JRGE01•1 Office with ReSidellee, Main Stree,t, Opposite Drag Store Phorie--96. Zurich A. R. Campbell, V.S, I3.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All .eases of domestic animals treated by the most mode principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness seennels. Office 011 Main Street, opposite Town Hall. Phone 116. BENS.ALL. 10ENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and IVIiddlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless eie to size or article to sell. 1 solicit ;your business, and if not satisfied will mike no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER --Dashwood Plame 13-57. PRODUCE Put Your Want. For Sale Lost. Found, Etc, Ads. in this Column, THE. DEW DROP -.INN QUICK AND LIGHT LUNCHES Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Soft Drinks, Tobaccos, Cigarettes, Cigars, Etc. LICENSED FOOL ROOM HAROLD OVERHOLT NOTICE • LOST—In }Jensen a, considerable 'sum of paper money, finder kindly notify Herald Office, Zurich. Reward. Farm Produce WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES --FOR— CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. O'Brien ph.,. 101. Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the wery Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration t Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins 11. Yungblut & Sou INSURANCE Western FarmersMutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK FOUND 0 ,4.1(.4(1Ch Mrs, Mabel Snider spent a few flaYs at ;London the paet week. M. Ehner Willett of Grand Bend called on Zurich friends on TUeeday, Mrs. Harold Rader is at present spending some time with friends at London. Mr. Charles Hay of London, Spent the week -end at the home of his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs .Wm. Hay. Some of the .children of town are still confined to their homes with Chicken pox. Mr. Elgin Snyder of Windsor was a week -end visitor at the home of his mother, Mrs. Mabel .Snyder of town. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Turnbull of Grand Bend were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mousseau of town. On Saturday afternoon oZ thi,1 weelc, a real Santa Claus will visit the FOUND—Fountaid Syringe with General 'Store of J. Gaseho & Son of attachments. Left in car of finder by town and will present all the kiddies mistake. urich Drug Store. wilbh something or other. A real store Z of fun is awaiting all children who will be present at their store., COURT OF REVISION 1940 VOTERS LIST Township of Hay Public Notice is hereby given -that The. Court .of Revision to consider appeals of omission and correction of names in the 1940 Voter's List, Township of Hay, will be held at the Clerk's' Office, Zurich, on We.dnesclev December nth, at eleven o'clock, THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY ,CANAD1AN MUT- AL COMPANY DOING IJSINSS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec 31st, 1936, $22,391,527.09 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $2'73,613.47. Rates—$4.50 per $1,000 :for 3 Year E. F. KLOPP---ZURICH gent, also Dealer in Lightn inlz Rods and all kinds of Fir insurance 4146 ANDREW F. ,HESS, Clerk Township .of Hay. Engagement Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer of Shipka wish to announce the engage- ment of his youngest daughter, Ida Wilma to Harold Finnigan, eldest eon of Mr. and Mrs. John Finniga,n of London, the marriage to take place the middle of December. Mr. Frank Keegan, of tae Blue Water Highway, south at aeayfield, has disposed of his standard -bed colt Grattan Harvester to Mr. Launce Lavis of Clinton. This colt is a half- brothce to Bedford Grattan that won the futurity for Gid Litt in 1933. He is nominated in the '41 futurity and should make a mighty 'shifty wig- gler and give a good account of it- self. ij On Thursday evening, December 5 lrrs. Leesome Desjardine of Grand end„ . entertainedat a delightful irth.thay party for her daughter, Joy fter spending a jolly hour in games lie twelve -guests, playmates from -Line school, sat down to a table entred with the birthday ceei gaily ghted with 13 candles. Mrs. Maxim esjardine assisted the hostess in crying. Foot Minded THIS Christ as Your family and friends will appre- ciate a gift in Footwear and eve have a fine selection to choose from. We also carry a full Line in trav- elling goods—Club, bags, suit cases, music cases, etc. GIVE US A CALL E. J. DATARS Reliable Footwear and Shoe Repair- ing, Trunks, Club Bags, & Suitcases. ST. PETER'S evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. A Changeless Christ for a ing World. Friday, 8h—Luther League. Thursday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. ma --Divine Worship 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p. Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. TUERKHEIM, Pastor. Chang- EMMANUEI, EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Heckendorn, Minister. Mrs. H. G. Hess, Organist. 10 a.rn. Service 11 aan.—Sabbath School. 7.30 p.m. Service 8.30 p.m Fireside nice in of Mee; Shirley Krueger. "The most expenve piece of fur- niture in any church is an empty pew charge $3.30 A LB. ON HOOF t Chicago—Canada:in exhibitors sold1. he reserve grand champion steer andl he champion carload of lambs at the 1st International Livestock Exhib- tion. The University .of Alberta, Ed- enton, was paid $738 for Robinhood he 1,230 -pound red Shorthorn re- erve grand champion steer, by..Chic- go restaurant. The price was 60c. ib. 10c higher than for last year's eserve ehampioraThe 1,060 -ib. grand rampion steer, a Hereford, owned by 8 year old Evelyn Asay, of Mount arroll, Ill., brought $3.30 a lb,cam- ared with last year's price ot $1.35 pound. EXETER MAN SENTENCED Kitchener—An attempt to obtain money by soliciting funds far a non- x.isting 'tobacco fund" for soldiers' overseas resulted in Jason Bedford, 76, of Exeter, being sentenced to nine months determinate and three months indeterminate in the Guelph eformatory. He was charged •with raud. Inspecor Oliver said that Bed- ford dressed in the uniform of a Highland regiment with enich. lis had no association, was successful in obtaining donations in several towns and cities. Among tinplaces ment- ioned were Timmins, Sudbury, North Bay, Barrie, Owen Sound, Ripley, Kincardine and Exeter. It is claimed that he received a "large" check from a ]umber Co. in Sudbury. In County Court At the conclusion of the crown's case against Antoine Garon, 34, Clin ton, charged with dangerous delving Judge T.M. Costello, after hearing counsel argument on a motion for dismissal, took the case from the jury anti Instructed them to bring in a verdict of not guilty, which was promptly accomplished. His honor ruled that the crown had not pres- ented any evidence of criminal neg- ligence on the part of Garon. Neith- er was there any evidence of wanton misconduct, he found. If there was any blame attached to the drivertt Avm tat, Qi jRadvertance due to Tne stormy weather that prevailed at th0 time of the accident on highway Na 4, two miles south of Clinton, March 23, of their year. The speed of Gar, on's car was fixed at 25 miles per hr. and was withing 25 feet of Mr. Fingland's car !and who was standing behind his own car trying to stop the Garen car, which first, hit one car, swung around crosswise of the bond, its brakes on, pinning Mr. Fin - gland in between it and another ear standing al o n psi de .- —Because travel- ing was difficult and most inconven- ient Cr jurors, witnesses and litig- ants alike. the December sess:on of County dourt 'was brought to an abrupt close en Thursday morning' Goderich. Four (NM'S remained un- heard arid datee for these. were fixed for January. What jurors remained in town were told they might go home Judge Costello announced that more juries would be summoned W. M. S. MEET AG Order your bean knives and harvester repairs early as rerpair stock is hard to keep up owing to conditions beyond our control. FOR SALE CHEAP Two good Clyde Mares 8 and 14 years old; weight about 1400 -lbs. Tel. Shop 149 0. KLOPP & SONS Res. 67 111 1 1 1 111111111111 11111 11111111111111 III 1 111,111111111 11' 1111 11111111111111111111111111111:, P.4 Zurich Dru HUMID MIIIM11111111111111111111111I QUALITY DRUGS Store re -g= ro Buy any Pepsodent Product, mail the Catonand receive a Carnera for 15 Cents. SYNTONIA: One Bottle for Or 3 bottles for 1.0o $2.50 We Have a number of Library Bock: which we will lend out at 5c, per week, Etc. Dr. J. A. Addis -h, Pr( prietor 1111111111111111 1111111111111111 11111111M11$11111111111111111 LIMN Hill 11M1111111IIIIII The Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. of he Evangelical church, Zurich held t heir annual 'business meeting oni Thursday evening, December 5th with an attendance of 24. Mrs. Lloyd ! O'Brien Ind the devotional exercises :Its. C. Schoch read the scriptnre,1 relating the Christmas message and a reading entitled "Why should we i keep •Christmas? was given by Mrs. I. Lee Hoffman. 1ee It .was decided to again make box- es of Christmas Cheer for the sick and shatins and anyone wishing to ; send donation for this cause will! a pleaseleave it at the home of Mrs W. H. Hoffman before Saturday ev-1 ning, December 21st The President, Miss Olive O'Brien took charge of the moruthly business, also annual reports of the officers and convenors of the committees. The Treasurer of the L. Aid gave a favourable report showing neat TO PROCEED WITH BRiDGE balance On band. The W.IVIS treas- urer reported: Day of Prayer $t2.66; Ontario Department of Highways1 Anna Roliffe ;10; Taankomarate offficials raid the other day plans and! $34.92, total with fees $117.38. Th7 specifications for the new bridge at Exeter, have been prepared and ten - Service Com. reported : Sick vileitz dem for the contract are to be in a week from Tuesday. No delay hae arisen in preparing for the new bri- dge they said, since the other struct- ure eollapsed in November. The TRY ECE EL'S own Talk" Bread also CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE, PIES, AND SWEET GOODS.. All ingredients Used are of the Highest Quality ALL CONFECTIONS -- ICE CREAM Our Store will be closed each Wednesday Evening Eckel's Bakery — Zurich Telephone 100 4. 4. 4. 4. 1. 4. 4- 1* 4. 77C. •e++++++++++++++++.1.4-ee+++++ ++++4,++++++++++++++Ieee for .the year 590: Flowers sent to, 'the sick 95 bouquets; Treats to shut:ins given by members 274; Treats sent by the Aid 111, Cards sent 120; Birth- day treats to 3 of our members. ; 26 new bridge will be of concrete con - boxes of cheer were •sent to the sick and shutins last 'Christmas. The Dec- stfuction with two 45 -foot spans,and !, will cost about $30,000, of which the oration Committee leported decorat- province will pay the majority and in the church for 4 funerals during the yenr. The Parsonage COM, re- ported, redecorating the pastor's study with new linoleum on the floor and also in the hall, other repairs were also made to the upstairs. The Recording Secy., in her re - poet made mention of the quilting at the October meeting--colleeeem am- ounting to $5.85 which was used by the conmiotte in charge, to pay for the material of the quilt and also bought 8 pairs of children's etoeck- begs, all of which were donated to the local Red Cross. The Finance Com. reported the Baking and candy sale, held in Hoff- man's shop from which they realized a neat sum. The Mission band lead- ar repentOd inemborship of 2,4 wilt an average attendance 01 17 memb- ers. In June an offering of ;4.00 was given by the Mission Band hi aid of the Chinese Refugees. The Secy. of Literature reported: No. of books read by members 29; No. ot readers 20. The election of officers was in charge of the pastor, Rev. C. B. Heck endorn, and resulted as follows: Pres- ident, Miss Olive O'Brien; Vice Pres., Mrs, C B Reckendorn; Ree Secy, Mrs T. L. William's; Treas. of LA, Mre W D Bryce; Trees of WMS., Mrs. J. W. Mentor; Coracle Secy, Mrs. L, W. Hoffman; Organist Wire. W. Fritz the municipality part. DIES AT BAYFIELD The death occurred on Friday at Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, of Jennie Nicholson, daughter of the , late William Nicholson of Hayfield, in her 76th .yeler. She was born on the 4th concession of Tuckersmith. but spent most of her life in Hayfield. She was a member of Bayfield Pres- byterian Church. A brother, John Nicholson and a siker, Mrs. Bert Dick, both of Tuckeremith, survive. The funeral WaS held on Monday at 2 p.m. from the home of her brother John Nicholson on the Mill road.Ree Hugh Jack, of First Presbyterian Church, Seafottlat will officiate. In- terment was made in the Bayfield eemetery, In Police Court • Goderich—Military authorities want your uniform, you have no right to it" OrOW11 Attorney Holmes told 1'.. John Collingwood, Royal Hussars, N PAM, London, after he had boon sen- tenced to 30 days in jail for obtain- ing money by fiaud, be having repre- sented himself ae an agent for the Red Cross, "Tlrre's no excuse for -this" Mag. Makine commenleel itt passing sentence—Patrick Curtin blamed a broken jaw for hie plight. said he couldn't week, was out of Asst Wits A, Meliek: Auditors, Mrs funds, so he stole $10. A policeman M •Oeseli. Mrs Lloyd O'Brien; Libr- caught yith hirn, before be hal all the money spent, brat that did not 'WM hill) from a two-month term in jail. With busses running late, the rnagis. was only an hour in town. Wm. Tremblay and Lloyd Scho.,nals, Stailors, paid $10 and coets each for staging 0, brawl °UM& r; aliens, Mrs. C. Schoch, Mrs. M Brown at YIN c adviser MESS Ruby Church Mission Band Leader, Mrs, LW Hoff- man: Sec. of Literature, Mrs. M Brown: Prayer League Secy.. Mrs 0 13. lieckndorn, Miss Jane Lamont: See. of Stewsrdship, Miss Olive 0' during the remaining winter month: 13ricn., Ali other casts were 1 Come in See How the CASE Hits the Bull's Eye With Both Barrels ALVIN RAU, Agent Phouo 98r6 Zurich, Out, LOT • 1 A light truck chain between Zur- ich and W. Decker's. Finder return 1 to Prang's Garage. 1 t — I NOTICE 1 I HARNESS REPAIRING s All kinds of harness repairing done Leave your work at rny residence, 2 blacks south of Hotel at home of Miss L. Faust. t HENRY CLAUSIUS, Zurich i sometreamommer. LOST 3 i A terrier dog, white and brown : spotted, one ear missing, answers to name of Spotty. Finder notify Alb- ert Leibold, Phone 15-81, Zurich. LOST In Zurich on Nov. 21st a sum of ] money in bills. Finder kindly leave at Herald °Mete—Reward. : PIGS FOR SALE A limited number of yeatene, pigs for quick min. Apply to Jacob Gin- gerich, phone 84-2, Zurich. STRAYED From Lot 9, Con. 6, Hay Twp., a red yearling steer. Please notify John Gackstetter, Zurich, or phone 25 r 3, Dashwood. LOST A 2 -year-old Herford heifer, ring in left with name Joe Upshall. Fin- der kindly notify Arnold Merner, phone 81 r 20, Zurich. PRODUCE WANTED We pay Highest Cash Prices for Eggs and Poultry. Give us a trial! MEYERS PRODUCE, Phone 116 Zurich. pt4'39 WANTED - CASH for Dead Animals and Fox Hrses. Phone 47r15, Reverse all charges, jack Williams. 114$1.1.wind, R.R,3. 1 40.39 Zurich Garage - Come and purchase your Aut- )motive Requiremeuts from 7 ' , -unch s oldest Established garage and Service Station. We cat supply all your needs. :..xpert Autcimobite repairing, with the latest testing instrum- nts, Acytelene Welding Tires 3atteries, Oils, Greases and ,epairs. 13-A Gasoline in three Grades Give Us a Call! 11. MOUSSEAU none.: Day lea. Night! 41 ij On Thursday evening, December 5 lrrs. Leesome Desjardine of Grand end„ . entertainedat a delightful irth.thay party for her daughter, Joy fter spending a jolly hour in games lie twelve -guests, playmates from -Line school, sat down to a table entred with the birthday ceei gaily ghted with 13 candles. Mrs. Maxim esjardine assisted the hostess in crying. Foot Minded THIS Christ as Your family and friends will appre- ciate a gift in Footwear and eve have a fine selection to choose from. We also carry a full Line in trav- elling goods—Club, bags, suit cases, music cases, etc. GIVE US A CALL E. J. DATARS Reliable Footwear and Shoe Repair- ing, Trunks, Club Bags, & Suitcases. ST. PETER'S evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. A Changeless Christ for a ing World. Friday, 8h—Luther League. Thursday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. ma --Divine Worship 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p. Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. TUERKHEIM, Pastor. Chang- EMMANUEI, EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Heckendorn, Minister. Mrs. H. G. Hess, Organist. 10 a.rn. Service 11 aan.—Sabbath School. 7.30 p.m. Service 8.30 p.m Fireside nice in of Mee; Shirley Krueger. "The most expenve piece of fur- niture in any church is an empty pew charge $3.30 A LB. ON HOOF t Chicago—Canada:in exhibitors sold1. he reserve grand champion steer andl he champion carload of lambs at the 1st International Livestock Exhib- tion. The University .of Alberta, Ed- enton, was paid $738 for Robinhood he 1,230 -pound red Shorthorn re- erve grand champion steer, by..Chic- go restaurant. The price was 60c. ib. 10c higher than for last year's eserve ehampioraThe 1,060 -ib. grand rampion steer, a Hereford, owned by 8 year old Evelyn Asay, of Mount arroll, Ill., brought $3.30 a lb,cam- ared with last year's price ot $1.35 pound. EXETER MAN SENTENCED Kitchener—An attempt to obtain money by soliciting funds far a non- x.isting 'tobacco fund" for soldiers' overseas resulted in Jason Bedford, 76, of Exeter, being sentenced to nine months determinate and three months indeterminate in the Guelph eformatory. He was charged •with raud. Inspecor Oliver said that Bed- ford dressed in the uniform of a Highland regiment with enich. lis had no association, was successful in obtaining donations in several towns and cities. Among tinplaces ment- ioned were Timmins, Sudbury, North Bay, Barrie, Owen Sound, Ripley, Kincardine and Exeter. It is claimed that he received a "large" check from a ]umber Co. in Sudbury. In County Court At the conclusion of the crown's case against Antoine Garon, 34, Clin ton, charged with dangerous delving Judge T.M. Costello, after hearing counsel argument on a motion for dismissal, took the case from the jury anti Instructed them to bring in a verdict of not guilty, which was promptly accomplished. His honor ruled that the crown had not pres- ented any evidence of criminal neg- ligence on the part of Garon. Neith- er was there any evidence of wanton misconduct, he found. If there was any blame attached to the drivertt Avm tat, Qi jRadvertance due to Tne stormy weather that prevailed at th0 time of the accident on highway Na 4, two miles south of Clinton, March 23, of their year. The speed of Gar, on's car was fixed at 25 miles per hr. and was withing 25 feet of Mr. Fingland's car !and who was standing behind his own car trying to stop the Garen car, which first, hit one car, swung around crosswise of the bond, its brakes on, pinning Mr. Fin - gland in between it and another ear standing al o n psi de .- —Because travel- ing was difficult and most inconven- ient Cr jurors, witnesses and litig- ants alike. the December sess:on of County dourt 'was brought to an abrupt close en Thursday morning' Goderich. Four (NM'S remained un- heard arid datee for these. were fixed for January. What jurors remained in town were told they might go home Judge Costello announced that more juries would be summoned W. M. S. MEET AG Order your bean knives and harvester repairs early as rerpair stock is hard to keep up owing to conditions beyond our control. FOR SALE CHEAP Two good Clyde Mares 8 and 14 years old; weight about 1400 -lbs. Tel. Shop 149 0. KLOPP & SONS Res. 67 111 1 1 1 111111111111 11111 11111111111111 III 1 111,111111111 11' 1111 11111111111111111111111111111:, P.4 Zurich Dru HUMID MIIIM11111111111111111111111I QUALITY DRUGS Store re -g= ro Buy any Pepsodent Product, mail the Catonand receive a Carnera for 15 Cents. SYNTONIA: One Bottle for Or 3 bottles for 1.0o $2.50 We Have a number of Library Bock: which we will lend out at 5c, per week, Etc. Dr. J. A. Addis -h, Pr( prietor 1111111111111111 1111111111111111 11111111M11$11111111111111111 LIMN Hill 11M1111111IIIIII The Ladies' Aid and W. M. S. of he Evangelical church, Zurich held t heir annual 'business meeting oni Thursday evening, December 5th with an attendance of 24. Mrs. Lloyd ! O'Brien Ind the devotional exercises :Its. C. Schoch read the scriptnre,1 relating the Christmas message and a reading entitled "Why should we i keep •Christmas? was given by Mrs. I. Lee Hoffman. 1ee It .was decided to again make box- es of Christmas Cheer for the sick and shatins and anyone wishing to ; send donation for this cause will! a pleaseleave it at the home of Mrs W. H. Hoffman before Saturday ev-1 ning, December 21st The President, Miss Olive O'Brien took charge of the moruthly business, also annual reports of the officers and convenors of the committees. The Treasurer of the L. Aid gave a favourable report showing neat TO PROCEED WITH BRiDGE balance On band. The W.IVIS treas- urer reported: Day of Prayer $t2.66; Ontario Department of Highways1 Anna Roliffe ;10; Taankomarate offficials raid the other day plans and! $34.92, total with fees $117.38. Th7 specifications for the new bridge at Exeter, have been prepared and ten - Service Com. reported : Sick vileitz dem for the contract are to be in a week from Tuesday. No delay hae arisen in preparing for the new bri- dge they said, since the other struct- ure eollapsed in November. The TRY ECE EL'S own Talk" Bread also CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE, PIES, AND SWEET GOODS.. All ingredients Used are of the Highest Quality ALL CONFECTIONS -- ICE CREAM Our Store will be closed each Wednesday Evening Eckel's Bakery — Zurich Telephone 100 4. 4. 4. 4. 1. 4. 4- 1* 4. 77C. •e++++++++++++++++.1.4-ee+++++ ++++4,++++++++++++++Ieee for .the year 590: Flowers sent to, 'the sick 95 bouquets; Treats to shut:ins given by members 274; Treats sent by the Aid 111, Cards sent 120; Birth- day treats to 3 of our members. ; 26 new bridge will be of concrete con - boxes of cheer were •sent to the sick and shutins last 'Christmas. The Dec- stfuction with two 45 -foot spans,and !, will cost about $30,000, of which the oration Committee leported decorat- province will pay the majority and in the church for 4 funerals during the yenr. The Parsonage COM, re- ported, redecorating the pastor's study with new linoleum on the floor and also in the hall, other repairs were also made to the upstairs. The Recording Secy., in her re - poet made mention of the quilting at the October meeting--colleeeem am- ounting to $5.85 which was used by the conmiotte in charge, to pay for the material of the quilt and also bought 8 pairs of children's etoeck- begs, all of which were donated to the local Red Cross. The Finance Com. reported the Baking and candy sale, held in Hoff- man's shop from which they realized a neat sum. The Mission band lead- ar repentOd inemborship of 2,4 wilt an average attendance 01 17 memb- ers. In June an offering of ;4.00 was given by the Mission Band hi aid of the Chinese Refugees. The Secy. of Literature reported: No. of books read by members 29; No. ot readers 20. The election of officers was in charge of the pastor, Rev. C. B. Heck endorn, and resulted as follows: Pres- ident, Miss Olive O'Brien; Vice Pres., Mrs, C B Reckendorn; Ree Secy, Mrs T. L. William's; Treas. of LA, Mre W D Bryce; Trees of WMS., Mrs. J. W. Mentor; Coracle Secy, Mrs. L, W. Hoffman; Organist Wire. W. Fritz the municipality part. DIES AT BAYFIELD The death occurred on Friday at Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, of Jennie Nicholson, daughter of the , late William Nicholson of Hayfield, in her 76th .yeler. She was born on the 4th concession of Tuckersmith. but spent most of her life in Hayfield. She was a member of Bayfield Pres- byterian Church. A brother, John Nicholson and a siker, Mrs. Bert Dick, both of Tuckeremith, survive. The funeral WaS held on Monday at 2 p.m. from the home of her brother John Nicholson on the Mill road.Ree Hugh Jack, of First Presbyterian Church, Seafottlat will officiate. In- terment was made in the Bayfield eemetery, In Police Court • Goderich—Military authorities want your uniform, you have no right to it" OrOW11 Attorney Holmes told 1'.. John Collingwood, Royal Hussars, N PAM, London, after he had boon sen- tenced to 30 days in jail for obtain- ing money by fiaud, be having repre- sented himself ae an agent for the Red Cross, "Tlrre's no excuse for -this" Mag. Makine commenleel itt passing sentence—Patrick Curtin blamed a broken jaw for hie plight. said he couldn't week, was out of Asst Wits A, Meliek: Auditors, Mrs funds, so he stole $10. A policeman M •Oeseli. Mrs Lloyd O'Brien; Libr- caught yith hirn, before be hal all the money spent, brat that did not 'WM hill) from a two-month term in jail. With busses running late, the rnagis. was only an hour in town. Wm. Tremblay and Lloyd Scho.,nals, Stailors, paid $10 and coets each for staging 0, brawl °UM& r; aliens, Mrs. C. Schoch, Mrs. M Brown at YIN c adviser MESS Ruby Church Mission Band Leader, Mrs, LW Hoff- man: Sec. of Literature, Mrs. M Brown: Prayer League Secy.. Mrs 0 13. lieckndorn, Miss Jane Lamont: See. of Stewsrdship, Miss Olive 0' during the remaining winter month: 13ricn., Ali other casts were 1 Come in See How the CASE Hits the Bull's Eye With Both Barrels ALVIN RAU, Agent Phouo 98r6 Zurich, Out,