HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-12-05, Page 5Thureday, December 5t,les 19 1/ BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL DUDLEY E.HoLmEs II.SeRRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE—At Court Howe GODERICH — ONTARIO Special Attention to Conned and' Court Work. r. Holmes may be consulted at reoclerich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. usraugemanassasaasseauersaMmarrmatmassmax.....womagssmapisaannamsr. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK— very Thursday, Friday, Saturday, At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Youl........1.090.0111Mar•••INIMVOIRM...............0.11.' VETERINARlA.N Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. • VETERINARY SURGEON Vice with Residence., Main Street, Opposite Drug Store Thone-96. Zeal& A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. ,Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All ells eases of domestic animals treated 'by the most raodern principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Also Bre- esder of Scottish terriers. Inverness Rennels. Office on Main Street, opposite Town Elan. Phone 116. HENSALL. LICENSED AUCTIONEER f or Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - dud any Auction Sale, regardless so to size or article to sell. 1 soliect your business, and if not satisfied will imnke no charges foe Services Ren- eliered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone 13-57. PRODUCE 'Farm FrOdUCC WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES —FOR— ' CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wrn. O'Brien none 101. Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS 'ut Your Want, For Sale ..ost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this x Column. ____ _......... _ t THE DEW - DROP - INN 49 1.)101K. AND LIGHT :LUNCHES Iot Dogs, Hamburgers, Soft Drinks, f robaccos, Cigarettes, Cigars, Etc. s LICENSED POOL ROOM HAROLD OVERHOLT AUCTION SALE OF 20 HEAD OF SCOTCH -SHORT- 1 HORNS i On TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10th A.11 approved and. Blood Tested. rERms—Cash, or arrangements for ( 80 days •as cash. ELMANDORPH STOCK FARMS Varna — Oat. Duncan BrOW11, Harold Jackson, Auctioneers. Clifford H. Keys, Proprietor, Varna. . MI& 41=1111.091.0111.111110" , , LOST A light truck chain between Zur- ich. and W. Decker's. Finder return to Prang's Garage. I ...... . : NOTICE HARNESS REPAIRING All kinds of harness repairing done Leave your work at my residence, 2 blocks south of Hotel at home of Miss L. Faut.. HENRY CLAUSIUS, Zurich LOST A terrier dog, white and brown spotted, one ear missing, answers to name of Spotty. Finder notify Alb- ert Leibold, Phone 15-8:1, Zurich. LOST In Zurich on. Nov. 2.1st a sum of money in bills. Finder kindly leave at Herald Office.—Reward. ........, PIGS FOR SALE A limited ntunber of YVISItg pigs for quick sale. Apply to Jacob Gin- gerieh, phone 84-2, Zurich. STRAYED From Lot 9, Con. 6, Hay Twp., a red yearling steer. Please notify John Gaekstetter, Zurich, or phone 25 r 3, Dashwood. LOST A 2 -year-old Herford heifer, ring in left with name Joe Upshall. Fin- der kindly notify Arnold Merrier, phone 81 r 2(1, Zurich. .--,...e..---_. PRODUCE WANTED We pay Higheit Cash Prices for Eggs and Poultry. Give us a trial! MEYERS PRODUCE, Phone 116 Zurich. pt4'39 WANTED CASH for Dead Animals and Fox Hrses. Phone 47r15, Reverse al: charges. Jack Williams, Dashwood R.R.3. -50,31 , ,...... Zurich Garage Come and purchase your Aut. unotive Requirements from Zurich's oldest Established t 7..arage and Service Station 1 A/c can supply all. your needs 7..xpert Automobile repairing vith the latest testing instrum nts, Acytelene Welding Tire: 1 3atteries, Oils, greasel an tepairs. - B -A Gasoline in three Grade 1 Giye_ Us a Call' ...... -,...--wirclecrii alt 4 uriehs' Popula MEAT MARNE Let Us supply you with th very Choice of Fresh and Cur ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages Ect., always on hand. Kep fresh in Electric Refrigeratio Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins 11. Yupghlut & So INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK 'THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk an Dec. 31st, 1936, $22,391,527.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds 4278,613.4'7. Rates -44.50 per $1,000 for 3 Years E. F. KLOPP—ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- •AU1'1C1 Hi' 4A LOCAL NEWS Mr. 1iarry Yunglolut has returned one a visit in Kitehener. Miss Louie ROSS has returned af- er visiting some of her friends at ebringville. Rev. E. Tuerkheim is spending a ew days in Kitchener this week on °me business of the chureh, Mrs. Dan. ,Gingerich of the Beonson inc has recently returned from a ieit with friends at Kitchener and Waterloo. The children of S. S, No. 12 Hay, 4th concession, are holding a con- ert in the school house on the even - ng of December 13th. • Mr. Thomas Me ers, one of our local produce dealers wishes to ad vise that he is taking orders for the hristmas trade and will prepare your 'owl ready for the oven if you so lesit e. - To Celebrate 'Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wurm of the village will celebrate their Diamond (60th) wedding anniversary on Sat- rday, December 7th. Mr. Wurm was 87 years of age on December th and Mrs. Wurm will he 78 on December 15th; they are both en- joying good health. Mr, Wurm ifted with a wonderful memory of incidents and conditions of the past and is very interesting to listen to being one of the pioneers of the vil- age. The Herald joins, their many friends in extending congratulations to this happy old couple. Dies in Detroit Word has been received hen in Zurich of the passing in Detroit of a well known and highly esteemed Pastor of St. Peter's Lutheran church in the .person of Rev. C. C. J. Maass, who died at the home of his dein hter Mrs. Schildroth en Monday evening, December 2nd in his 79th year. Having been ailing for the past year or so. The late Rev. Mr. Maass was pastor of St. Peter's Con- gregation at Zurich from 1908 to 1913 and was of a nice mild and loving disposition and has many warm friends in Zurich and district Re- tiring from the ministry about eleven years ago, and for the last while had lived with his daughter who survives and also a granddaughter. Foot BE PAGE FIVE bad THIS Christma.s 4 Your family and friends will appre- ciate a gift in Footwear and we have a fine selection to choose from. We also carry a full Line in trav- elling goods—Club bags, suit cases, music cases, etc. GIVE US A CALL E. 1 DATARS Reliable Footwear and Shoe RePair- ing, Trunks, Club Bags, & Suitcases. ST. PETER'S vangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. A Changeless Christ for a Chang- ing World. Frialay, 8h—Luther League. Thursday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. ne—Divine 'Worship 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. '/.30 p. Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Se E. TUERKHEIM, Pastor THIRD WAR LOAN Ottawa — An "excessive and dan- gerous'" optimism as to the outcome of the war exists in Canada, Finance Minister Isley warned. "Instead of being conscious, every waking mom- ent, of the deadly pril of a powerful enmy, many of us have a feeling that the Battle of Britain is won, that all is -well." The minister annaunced to the House that the third war loan would be floated next summer • OBITUARY Late Mrs. Prouty Mrs. Samuel Prouty passed away on Nov. 20th, at her home in the south -astern part of Hay Township, following a stroke in her 82nd year. Born in Stephen Township, her maid- en name was Laura Green. lin 1883 she was united in marriage with Mr Prouty who predeceased her 14 years. They lived in Stephen until abaft 20 years ago, lived in Usborne 3 yrs, and finall ytook up residence in Hay Township. She is survived by one brother, Mr James Green or Exeter, and a former resident of the Parr Line, Hay, and five children. The funeral took place from her late re- rvices. • EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Heckendorn, Mrs. H. G. Hess, 10 a.m. Service 11 a.m.—Sabbath School. 7.30 p.m. Service "God. will not examine us for medals or emblems but for scars." Elbert Hubbard. Minister. Organist. Niuswiterossemacc,... M ASSIA - HARR EBNEWS Order your bean knives and harvester repairs early as rerpair stock is hard to keep up owing to conditions beyond our control. FOR SALE CHEAP Two good Clyde Mares 8 and 14 years old; weight about 1400 -lbs. Tel. Shop 149 O. KLOPP & SONS Res. 67 vember 16th, when Martha Catherine daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mar - tem, became the bride of Eben Law- rence, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weigand of Hay Township. Rev. Theo Luft performed the ceremony. The bride entered th living -room on the arm of her father. She wore a iloor-length gown of white sheer with long sleeves, sweetheart necking and a string of ,pearls, the gift of the groom. Her finger-tip veil was caught with a halo of orange blossoms and she carried a bouquet of roses and white mums. -She was attended by her sister Edna as bridesmaia, wear- ing a gown of queen's bine taffeta with a bandeau of pink rosebuds and a bouquet of white baby num, Bri- arcliff° roses and maidenhair teen The groom was attended by his bro- ther, Lewis 1Weigand, of Hay. Mrs. Edgar Restemeyer, of Dashwood, played the wedding march and also during the signing of the register. Following the ceremony a reception was held, after which Mr. and Mrs. Weigand left on a short motor trip. Jacob—Mutch A pretty wedding was sosernnized at the home of the bride's parents, Clinton on Nov. 20th when Jean Sara Mutch, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mutch, became the bride of Ervin John Jacob, son of Mrs. Martha E. Jacob and the late John sidence, Co. 2, on Nov. 22, conducted Jacob. Rev. B. F Andree- oseciated -by Elder Houser of London. Friends and the wedding march was played were present from Toronto, Seaforth, by the bride's two brthers, Jack of Parkhill and Exeter. Detroit and Frank of Clinton on the bagpipes. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely hi a street -length dress of Queen's blue with black accessories and a Colonel bouquet of Talisman roses. She was attended by Miss Norma Streets,who wore airforce blue with black acces- sories. Wrn. J. Mutch, the bride's bro- ther, was best man. A reception foll- owed, when Mrs. Mutch was assisted in receiving by the ,groom's mother. Mrs. Jacob. The groom's gift to the bride was a gold compact and to the best man an English leather billfold. The bride's gift, to the maid of honor was a white and gold manicure eet. The bridal couple left on a short Metter trip. and are residing on No. 4 Highway, Clinton. Guests were present from Detroit, Mich; Milford Hensall Council Minutes The regular meeting of the Vilage Council was held on the eve of -Dec- ember 2 at 8 p.m. in the Council Chamber with all members preeent. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted W 0. Goodwin and G M Case ap- peared as delegates from the Cham- ber of ,Commerce re a grant fey the Christmas Tree. Motion, that we grant the Chamber of ,Commerce. the sum of $2,5 towards the Christmas tree. R Paterson, tax collector report- ed having received 3312.41 cash' and $1480 in payments to date on the 1940 fax roll. V 111111111111111111=111111LIWAIMai'i MH MI druLTZilLtiL Zurich Drug Store QUALITY DRUGS 1111111111111111111111111111H1 ree r cl2 ree Buy any Pepsodent Product, mail the Carton and receive a Camera for 15 Cents. SYNTONIA: On z Bottle for $1.00 Or 3 bottles for $2.5 0 We Have a number of Library BoDlv-, which we will lend out at Sc. per week. Etc. Dr. J. A. Addist,u, Prcrrietor 11111111111111111111111111111111111=1111W1110111MME1111111111MMIMMMEHE NOM 1111111111111111 i I Motion, that the Constable be in Exeter Auburn, Goderich and ntrileted to cellect the Poll Taxes at OTICO. Correspondence read:—Flight Li- DASHWOOD eut, t, M. Roberts RCAF re use of i 4. 6 4 rtr, 4:\ 1.) ..}. 44, .. also . $ CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE, PIES, AND SWEET GOODS. 4. .1. I. All Ingredients Used are of the Highest Quality • ALL CONFECTIONS -- ICE CREAM .i. .1. 4. .:, TRY ECREI:S Te -11 " , 11. read Our Store will be closed each Wednesday Evening Eckel's Bakery — Zurich .1- ... Telephone 1 00 -: + 4.+++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4•4•3•÷+++++++++++++++++414.44 Red Cross The Dashwood unit of the Red Cross held their annual meeting. in the Red Cross room last Monday ev- ening with a fair attendance Mr E. Nadiger chairman of the town trus- tees brought the meeting to order. Rev. T. Luft was appointed chairman The president Mrs. R. H. Taylor gave a short talk commending the Indies on the fine response they have given the Red Cross. The treasurer, Mr. E, Nadiger repined the unit had raised approximately .$750 during the past year. The secretary, Mrs. J. .M Tiernan reported a summary of the year's work as follows: 405 prs. of socks, 75 sweaters, ell. bed gowns, 60 prs. pyjamas, 53 quilts 10 abdominal bandages, 16 slings, 11 Hospital gowns, 21 prs. wristlets, 12 childrens slips, 3 prs, childrens panties, 33 wash cloths, 2 scarfs, 8 surgeons gowns, 3 surgeons caps, 7 prs. broad- cast wristlets, 6 bed jackets, 12 childrens night gowns, 1 personal property bag, 1 :childe pyjamas, 20 blankets, 1 girl's shirt, G girls sweat- ers, 5 prs. half mitts„ 1 eh- cap, 1pr plain helmet, 1 Quebec helmet, 1 Bal- aclava helmet; 11 pneumonia jackets 2 prs. two-way mitts, pr. seamans stockings, 2 prs. children's mitts, 2 prs., sea boots, 7 ladies night gowns, 7 girls dresses, 2 ladies dresses. In addition to this a refugee shower was held when 250 articles of clothing was brought in. Mrs Geo. Link donet- ed two beutiful quilts which were disposed of by the Exeter branch.The elution of officers resulted as M- ows: Pres., Mrs, R. H Taylor, Vice pees Mrs H Wein; Secy Mis M Tiernan; Tins Mr, E. Dadiger; Mess- rs J. M. Tienian, Mar -tie Laub andi Edgar Restemeyer we i e appointed filed ' ' ' Sunday evening the W.M.S. society IIp of the Evangelical church will hold tilU and A.ecounti; read:—.Hensall grant streets $4; 'T. Kyle salary $55 their annual thank offering. Rev. Ernest Grigg of Exeter, returned Hydro, hall 8.85; H. T. Cudinore, Missionary from Burma will be the D. Robison, salary councillor $22; R. VACATION J. Comecon do $28; P. 'Moir and II Mrs George Link vieited a few guest speaker. W. Horton, do, R. E. Shaddick reeve $42; D. L G Smillie 11101.1 $90; 11...1 days with relatives in Cromarty. Paterson, salary and postage 53.61; Miss Cole spent the week -end with her parents at Russeldale. R J. Paterson revising voters list. $5; Mr Ervin IVIcIssac and family of J. A Paterson, salary and rev voters 'Windsor and Willis McIsaac of lists 154.95; W. R Davidson, coal hall De - 36.60, GR Hess printing '$38; Chem- troit spent the weekend here Mrs ber of Commerce grant $25. • Lucinda McIsaae returning to Detroit with them where she will spend sev- Motion, that bills and accounts be paid as read, that Council adjurn till Dec 16th at 8 p.m. . James A Paterson, Clerk. HYMENEAL A pretty wedding took place at Phone: Day 1.08. Night, 47 LONGER XMAS. The longest Christmas vacation possible under regulations of the Department of Education will be given school children this season. School will close on December 20, and open January fith. The official date for the Christmas holiday period in the Christmas holiday period in the schools of Ontario is from Dec- ember 22 to Jartuar:e 3. But .if January 3 is an a Friday, opening s postponed until -the following Monday This year December 22 is Sunday. ' e shortest v se a ti possible is ‘g Rods and all kinds of Fire -ye leas, lean this. years holiday ......L.Annn insurance eriod. to Act as a committee to stimulate in- terest among the nice. The :rolowing committees were appointed by the eral months executive: Sewing cont, Mrs H. Wein Mr Wilfred Stein and Miss Lois ' con., Mrs E. Nediger, M' it Marie Atkinson of Galt spent the, week -end Kraft Miss Ida &immer, MTS. Jack Mrs Atkinson and Jessie Wein; inspector corn., Mrs. 1) Tie - Miss' Hope Roppel and Donald Oes- man con., Miss Beatrice Graybeil, treleher of London spent the weeks:Mrs. Wm Kleieetiver, Miss Susan Wil end with their sweets lest; Quilt corn., Mrs, P. Melseme, ALVIN RAU, Miss Ruth 'rriPman of London spent con., Mrs. H. Hoffman, Mrs 3 Baker Sunday with her parents. Mrs. M. Bender, Mr. Ur Phone 98r6 Zurich, Ont. the home of the bride's parents in Stephen Township on $aturday, No. Hits the Bull's Eye With Both Barrels O 115lit41111*'111.:111:Elift 5 MORE D Per Horse Povier Agent