HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-12-05, Page 4'PAGE +'O t1 i
A Gas known to every motorist. Why take chances in
inferior Gas when you can buy Good Gas at Regular
Engineered Lubrication
you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using 7 lcinds
We invite you to watch us Lubricate your and see
how Trained Attendants Grease Cars
At Klopp's
of Grease.
Expert Repairing
We use the KING AN ALYSER to properly Tune Up your Motor.
Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires
Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most Up-to-date
Garage and Service Station.
Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Car for
the Colder Weather and Heavy Roads
C. Fritz & Son Used Car Lot in Connection
" when the Rev. E F. Chandler united
Ina marriage Margaret Kathleen, only
daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs, Herbert
(Jonas to Janes Bernard, eldest son of
M. and 112xs: Art Keys of ;Stanley
Fi e, Auto, Casualty
Fidelity, Etc,
Andrew F. Hess, o Zurich
Local Representative - Zurich
1V Tr. James A. Pai<exson, Clerk ,of
Eensall received word .of the passing
y,f his sister, 'Mrs:. Andrew Murray,
formerly! Miss .Jessie Paterson, of
Regina, and daughter of .the late
143r.. and Mrs. Robert Paterson, of
.Hensall. Dorn in ?len: all she was in
iter 73rd year. :Surviving .are her
husband, two sons, three brothers,
John T,oronto; Hobert Calgary;
-James A. Paterson. .cic-ik of Hensall
two sisters; Mrs. Fred Bengough.and
Christena Dowell, of fiensall.
The funeral services were held an
lea County Court
One criminal and .four civil cases
tie listed for this week's County Cat.
and General Sessions of the Peace.,
which open before '.His Honor Judge
Costello nn December 3, at.2
m. In the only criminal jury case,
A. Garon, :manager eel silk hosiery
factory at Clinton, is charged with
alangerous driving. Tile prosecution
as the ainskoi ad ,a motor accident 01
o. 4 highway, south of Clinton,last
lelarch, sat ntxiiirl]..Frank ;Finland, K.
C. of Clinton, was severely injured,
�• '
the negligence e h enc
A g e of
accused, The nteditlent'hu rpened in a
h.ad snowstorm during which Mr. Fin -
gland had got -met of hi tsar to flag
traffic because there was an accident
=ahead and traffic was blocked. While
tatternptiiao; tto illtllr :the uaafc Mr.
ih'ingland was crushed between the
'rear of his sewn car ,and the ifront of
the Garon auto. As a resti'tt of a
fractured. leg and :otther'itijtrrhes re-
sceived Mt•. iiegland .ke still ten crut-
rctes and wee lia'hoyliiii%ol for•araatonth.
Mr. Hugh Lone ,mane ;a 'buSiesess
trip to London recently.
Henn threshing is the order of
the day in this ,etriernuri
Hhe recent snowstorm which has•
continued since cast Wectdr*sday has:
almost tied up the traffic, at timer
cf whiting it is ianpoeeible ifdyr• the
lairs to run.
1V1„r. John Baker is getting ready
•to chap at I4illsgreen for the reinter
Mr. Archie Parsons is wearing a
dig smile as a ,little boy has come to
” tis hos a '•to stay'.
Wt. are eateased to report that Mr,
-.Ross Love ie Able to be out again,
,after being rt:%aerirlxned 'to the house for
esornc time.
Municipal notniaations were hr,ld
'!11 the Town ,Hall, 'Varna, on Friday,
Nov, 22nd and resulted in ,the Mem-
nem-• xs 'of the .1940 e0u14 being, elect -i
ed by .acclamation, viz: Reeve, Fred
Watson; Councillors, J. Pepper, Wm
Falconer, Elmer Webster and Clare
enee Parkes
lIrs. Elmore Stephenson and Miss
.Phyllis Johnston wer recent visitors
with the former's parents, .Mr. and
Ml's. Thos. Robinson of Egmondville.
Mr,, W. MeClinchey of Holmes-
villc, spent a couple of days with Mrs
Harold Penhsle.
Mrs. T. M Snowden, who has
spent the past few weeks with friends
in Egmondville has retrunecl to her
home on the Blue Water Highway.
Mr. Joseph Wilds has taken a pos-
ition 'in Hamilton.
A number of young men frore the
Bronson 'line are away for a :month's
On Friday evening, Nov. 22nd due
friends and neighbors gathered at'.t'hie
'home of _Mae .and Mrs. E. F. Mermen,
Goshen Mine,. in 'honor of their dans!
.ghter Edith, .who :recently became the
-bride of Mr. .Grant 'Turner of God-;
Re ich, larch psreeertteii. then with a Mile-
ced lantous ehower. A very pleasant.
landitil•.averri]tg'wascenjoyed by all.
nYTrrs.Iferbeestatmes of Kippen en-
teeea iced at ;a trousseau tea on
'wad. safternouu ..and ceve.ning, Nov,
27th, honorieg her dg,ughter, ,Miss
Margaret Jones, whose marriage took
plsir, , ton al(;,. WANT. ;30,t)t. The guests
were welcomed , it the . doer by Mrs.
Jones and Miiss Margaret Jones,
whstne ',tahev evert tiitecteed .to see
the trousseau ley Jftiss Irma ,;E'r.-rguson
The ttrous,e au :was shown in ,the af-
ternoon by Miss Kathleen Jones, the
linens lbv :41iiias :Gltitljve . Jarrott, the
china, silver gifts by Miss Milian
Finkbeeper of Exeter; the guests we-
re then eltierciett j ;to %II arming tepee
where tete watts ;pourell shy Mrs. J.
Wein of •Cxetli<ttn and Mrs. A. Kers
of Varna. :Dices Helen •11 nk'beiner off
Exeter sereetd. i!in the lessening thel
guests were gjiytetsedl by Mice Bernice
Finkhiener deli 1'adre;t,;r; the itrouseau
WS shown by Micas l ltl'iauta }�itikbeiner
the linens by TiH e lame. Vler,gktxon-;the
cheese ,silver and Seiftsiby Miss Dor-
othe Munn of Hosea, Those ipeoring
tea were, Mrs. Rola. Munn of Hieresald
and Mrs. M. Finkbeiner of Exeter.
Miss IUeien ?Jnkbeiner eorvocc; the
dining room gable was centred with
the three ,story wedding ado and!
trade, of flowers; assisting were Miss.
S.Finkbeiner and Mrs. W. Horsley.
l'arsons.._At Mrs. OI'atterson's Hos-
pital on Thursday .Nov, 28th to Mr.
and Mrs, Archie Parsons of Kippen
a son.
A quiet but pretty wead,'ng was
solemnized at the United Church
manse, Kip'pepi, on Saturday, 'No,-. 30
Dep. The bride was lovely in a silk
sheer drape sky blue model, her only,
ornament was a gold brooch worn by
her grandmother on her wedding day
GO years ago, Miss Dorothy Munn of.
Hensall, cousin of the bride was
brides' maid wearing a .coral Jersey.
silk. The groom was attended by his
brother, Mr. John Keys.eel-lowing
the e remonya wedding 'dinner was
served at the home of the Bride's
parents to about twenty guests., Lat-
er the young couple left by motor for
Toronto and other points and 'on
their return will reside on the groom's
farm near Hayfield.
,...Pte. Ivan Jones and Mrs. Jone
(nee Mary Little) of London, wer
recent visitors with her mother, Mr
Mary Little.
Philip McKenzie of the West i
visiting with relatives here with hi
parents, '11/Ir. and Mrs. Win. McKen
Mr. Waghorn of Clinton Was re
lieving at the C.N.R. station the pas
week, owing to the absence of Mr
A. L. Case.
Miss Maud Bolton of London was
a recent visitor with her parents, M
and Mrs Go.rdon Bolton.
Msis Audrey 'Coshrane of Xippe
has accepted a position as assistan
operator with the Hensall branch o
the Bell Tlephone Company,
Miss Nellie Fee, who has been con
fined to her room for the past thre
months with a fractured leg, has re
covered sufficiently to ibe able to b
out with the aid of crutches and
now spending a few weeks in ,Londo
with her sister.
Miss Dorothy McQueen of Londe)]
was a visitor with her parents, M
and Mrs. Edgar McQueen,
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Green o
Grand Bend, were recent visitors wit
their daughter, Mrs. Jack Taylor an
sons, Freddie and Donald.
_Miss Edith Parkins of Exeter an
Murray Parkins of Zurich were vi
itors with their parents here.
Mr. Andrew McKenzie; of Kno
College, Toronto, spent the week
end with his parents, Mr. and Mr
Wm. McKenzie.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Glenn, Kippen
announce the engagement of thei
youngest daughter, Mona Stewart,t
Wm. W. Finch, son of Mr. and Mr
A. E. Finch, Clinton, the marriage t
take place this month.
Lloyd Dark, who was injured som
weeks ago by a fall while painting a
St. Andrew's Church, Wingham, an
who was under treatment in the Tor
onto General Hospital, has returne
to his home at Wingham. •
Mr. A. L. Case was at Toronto the
past week and was accompanied home
by Mrs. Case, who underwent an op-
eration in the hospital there recently.
Dr. W. T. Joynt has returned to
his position as dentist on the staff of
the Ontario Hospital, Toronto, hav-
ing spent two weeks' vacation at
his home here.
Mrs. Keeling and little naughter,
of London, are visiting Mrs ltading'.s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hudson.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Wiidfong, of
Hay Twp., recently celebrated their
golden anniversary, being the recip-
ients of many lovely and useful
gifts, many messages and felicitations
from their ifrien•ds and neighbors and
friends. Mrs. Wi+ldfong is the former
Miss Susan .Aldwotth.
Mrs. N .E. Cook, 'Miss Norma Cook
and Miss Dorothy D ti all .agent a
day recently 2t Petrolia.
Honor Newly --Weds
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Mousseau,
formerly Miss Dorothy Armstrong, a:
recent: bridal couple, were honored'
at a reception at 'Hensall town hall
During the course of the evening,
they were presented with a 'studio
muck and chsterlield. Jack ICorbett'
doing the honors. Music leas fei;r:rBish-
ed by the Murdock .orchestra for the
dancite'. The event was greatly en-
Drilling for oil is' sin lrrogreesrne )
In Tallett twp. east of teondesboro. a
The drillers are down 1400 :feet :bot o
h€>r0 not fittgck oil As yet, t
v G. M, Elliott -of Hentesettle has,
been elected president of the Western
Ontario Cheesenxakers' Association.
Premier -William Aberbart of Ed-
mantou, Alb., was a recent guest of
his brother, Charlc ,-tberhart, Sea -
berth, an his recent visit to Ontario
Underwent Operation
M. W. Telfer, of Crediton, under-
went an operation in St. Joseph Hos-
pital, 'London on Monday last and
reports are that his condition is fav-
Crashes Tree
James Robinson, merchant, Bay-
field, lost control of the truck he was
driving on Highway No. 21 neat
33ayfield and crashed into a tree. The
truck was almost a complete wreck,
but the driver escaped unhurt,
After Twenty -Eight Years
T, Kaitting has resigned his Po-
sition as engineer at the Codericb
Elevator Co. plant to take a position
at the Tort Albert Airport. He held
his job with the Elevator Co. for 28
years which is somewhat of a record.
Severs Little •Finger.
While cutting wood with a circular
sate at the home of Frank Wood,
Exeter, Wm. Cornish had the misfor-
tune to have his Ieft hand conte in
contact with the revolving saw. The
little finger was severed and the
thumb badly cut.
Moving East
Mr. and Mrs. H E Keddy and two
sons, of M.elfort, Sask., are visiting
with the former's brother and sister
W. C. and Miss Nettie Kedly, of
U'sborne. Mr. Keddy has disposed of
his interests in Mlfort and has de-
cided to Locate in the East although
his plans at present are indefinite.
Thumb Torn Off
When his glove caught in machin-
ery operating his electric plant, Gor-
don McGavin, widely known. McKillop
farmer and president of the North
Huron PPlowing Association, hadthe
thumb of his right hand torn off'.
With him at the timt was his young
son and accompanied by nam Mr.
McGavin made his way to his hone,
a short distance away, where he tel-
ephoned ,a neighbor, He was rushed
to Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth
for treatment, and has returned to
his home,
Receives Appointment
Mrs. Lydia Doig, of Kippen, has re-
ceived word that her son, John an
attorney of Detroit, has accepted art
appointment at Washington. Mr.
Doig is well known in the Kippen dis-
trict, having received his primary
education at IS.S. 2, Tuckersrnith,
under the tutorship of Wm. B. Strong
and the late Mrs. Basil Edwards. The
Doig family are prominent residents
and have owned their homestead since
Robert Pearson, Clinton, died in
his 83rd year. Before moving to Clin
.ton a few years ago deceased farmed
in Stanley and Godericlr townships.
Surviving are his wife, two sons and
a daughter, Mrs. Clifford Lobb -of
Elk Sighted
Duck hunters near Southampton
sighted a large bull elk in the bush .
The animal is believed to have stray-
ed from the herd which the depart-
ment of game and fisheries pieced on
the peninsula a few years ago.
Has 16 -ft. Fall
'Charles ,Hoggartlt, welI known Mul-
lett farmer, near Constance, had two
vertebrae in his back fractured when
he fell 13 feet from a ladder to- the i -
floor of his barn. Removed to Seaforth.
Hospital he was placed in a cast,
where he will be confined for three
Busy Harvesting Bents
• Su:gan• beets a few years ago were
unknown in the Exeter district. A
steady stream of farmers' wagons and
trucks .are drawing a valuable crop to
the railway station there and Cen-
tralia. Another recent industry, the
waxing of turnips for export trade
is in full swing and for the terse time
harvesting broom corn is under way.
A number of young men are making
satisfactory wages at $f0 per acre.
To Open New Store
The store which foe many years
has been occupied by Waike?s Furn-
iture Store, Seaforth, has been leased
by C. W. Tronside, of London, who
will shortly open a variety store. Mr.
and Mrs. Ironside will become resid-
ents of ISeaforth. .
A Generous Donation,
One of the most acceptable dona-
tions 'to the local branch of the, Red
Cross was received from Mrs. Adam
Foster, who sent in $50.00. This sum
was realized from the sale orf ,err eid-
erd-own quilt which Mrs. Foster had
made with the assistance, of her sis-
ter, Mrs, Cook. After the quilt was
finished, Mrs. Evans displayed' it in
one of the windows of her fancy go-
ods store and also assisted fn the sale
of tickets. The efforts of these three ,
ladies he ,behalf of the Red Cress are
greatly appreciated by the executive.
--Godericit Signal -,Star.
'To Erect Service Station
Workmen are moving the large bu-
riding on the corner of Victoria and
()deride Streets; to the rear of the
ot. The building, long a laiiumark, or
the corner, has recently ,been usedre
service station .and garage by Wm
. Wright. ;It originally was a dis•
Yaw building for J•eiiin Dorsey for
;,r. i ger and wagons; Ye its place the
3rftish Americart Oil Co. evil! deed
ntdern service station, whleli will he
coupled by 1S& riekj,,-x forth
won J)xpositoh
'Brire-Elect Honored
Mrs. Annie Berry of Hansen was
hostess to some 50 g:ue,tts to dol
honor to 'the bride -elect, 'Mss Mortal'
Glenn. The reception rooms of the l'
home were lovely The evening was
spent in music, speeches and singing,.The highlights of this most delightful
event was the presentation of a
shower of ,china. Lunch was served -
after which all joined "Far She's a
Jolly Good T"' 'low.
Late ,William Slavin
The death :occurred of Wm. Slavin
pprominentTseeksexsmith farmer. The
deceased wine 'ways in his 78th year,
died at the home sof Ids son, Glenn,
f+o!11owing an illness of a few weeks.
He was a eprosperoes farrier, :Ids sp-
eeh Ity being cattle anteing. He was
a member of C;'Inleeltnursr Visited
Chu,. Surviving are four sons,
Wm., tom, Fred and 'Glenn ofeTuck-
ersmith, near Insall Miss E.1ieabeth
Slavin of Hensall is a 61146r. The
public funeral was held from the
home of his son Glenn, on Nov. 29th G
with Rev, It. A. !;rook o,fi ciatina, 1
Burial took place in lifcTll , a,ist's
`"t'li:txsr4aya De c embe
166 :1;: ii [• .f1Flil
ale /IF
Erle gift could give him more
pride and pleasure than this
1iendsome 10k natural gold
signet ling with S8 95
white top at
What he has always wanted
— an electric Shaver. Choose
[from several leading makes
3'aicet9 as low as $15-.68
Choose this fine 15 jewel
Elco with smart chrome
with stainless back case.
Fully guaranteed.
Dainty and modern ..
Accurate and Dep'nda•
isle—She'll be delighted
with this 15 $1,7 5
jewellii CO. G3
So delicately beautiful she'll
be thrilled with this carved
cameo in dainty 10k gold
. , and sot
,P'iamonti )sitar
3 diamonds of guaranteed
perfection and flashing brilliance set
in exquisite band -carved setting. She
will always be proud of this ringi
$;r . ; t rs
It igT4111..
E1esAPs_1 CiD
Here, al! the light comes from the right. Try different lighting effects`
'with a subject sz:ch, as this. Use the diagrams below as guides in placings
your photo lights.
A'Ll~T� -
I,71t: Tum o€ taking snap-
" shots at night is in working
Drat novel lighting eilEects. You don't
need a lot of Bighting. equipment,
-+aftlter. Two photm, bulbs in card-
board r ectors. atndi a light -toned
Lull for a background— these
tenable you to evm sre• numerous in-
*westing Ilightingo that add value
to your pictures.
The diagrams Bellow sttow how
you oltange the position of yonr
line to obtain rife:rent effects,
$ ,stands for subject,. C tier camera,
ansi 13 for baekgrestne., The umber
1 indicates a No. 1 photo, bulb in
eesuadbeard reflector, wadi :3i v-ndicates
a No. 2 bulb, These two bulbs,
where An reflectors,. acre sufficient
for box -camera ana7pslliete set high
speed flan.
At left,, gist ratmr, its the regular,
45 -degree lighting Center; a mere
dramatic effect, with one fight di-
rected oa the background. Right,.
a still more striking effect, with a.
light on the subject from either
side. Second row, left, a silhouette:
effect, with one light behind the,
subject and turned toward the wall_
Center, backlighting,, with a light,
to the right 'beh ct the subject,
Note shield "X" which keeps light
from shining into the camera leas,.,
At sight, "halo" lighting, with one
light behind the subject, shining,
through the ]fair.
is taking these shots, keep the'
lights the right distance from the
+subject, and don't tet thein shine:
into the camera lens. You sltouId?
Then. get good pictures --and you'Ihl
and that careful arrangement dol:'
lights will make them more Intense-
ly :interesting.
26e John van Guilder