Zurich Herald, 1940-11-28, Page 7They're Enjoying A Canoe Trip in Winter Boating does not come to an end with the beginning of winter on Vancouver Island, Canada's Evergreen Playground. These visitors to the Empress Hotel at Victoria, B.C., find the mild climate permits enjoyable canoeing even in wintertime.—C,P.R. Photo. How Can Irk BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I make a good furniture polish? A. Mix equal parts of turpen- tine, spirits of wine, vinegar, and linseed oil. Shake well, and use sparingly. Q. How can I shaapen a ilreeif e ? A. Fold a piece of emery paper in the center and draw the :knife blade back and forth sev- •eral times inside this. Q. How can I remove soot from a light bat? A. Do not attempt to rub soot off a light hat, or wet it. Just cover it thoroughly with dry salt, and then brush off with a stiff brush. This will avoid any smear 'which results from other methods. Q. How can I make mucilage? A. Mix equal parts of gum arabic and tragacanth. Dissolve' in hot water to the proper con- 9istency. Q. How can I prevent rugs from curling at the corners? A. Sew a piece of haireloth about eight inches square to the underside of each corner. Q. How can I take the shine out of a silk garment? A. La.y the garment on a table and with a flannel wet in eider vinegar rub the shiny place until it disappears. Hang the garment in a shady place and it will look like new when dry. Freight Traffic Manager F. P. Nelson., recently appoint- ied C.N.R. Freight Traffic Man- ager, Central Region, Toronto. e-..o-oe .Oro-are.a• a. - . a-.. ow•y-a:.ow-a-•re• E aA L T ll TOPICS Health: Conservation in War and Peace Why should we wait until we are faced with a serious war be- fore we begin to take stock of our human assets? This challenging question is asked in an editorial in the our - rent issue of the magazipa "Health", a Canadian publica- tion. "Why is the health and welfare of the average young man and Boman not an essential objective in peace -tine as well as in war- time?" the editorial asks. Wlien the suggestion was made Si1I peace time to examine the young men of the nation to de - tontine their fitness or their un- rr fiti. "im- possible". the.r was raised m Cy possible". Today, with a war on, the edi- torial states, 'Poetical examiXne- tdon of Candaa's young men is proc-eeding apaee. Every doctor Tin Canada is a medical examiner o he paid by the government, Maintains 'Health Services. What was once eonsldered im- possible is note being done, the editorial says. The editorial goes on: "When one considers that in war the fit are sacrifices on the altars of Mars and the unfit left at home a situation is discovered which should demand the attention of all political leaders." The editorial commends a re- cent statement of Hon. Harold Kirby, Minister of Health for On- tario, who called attention to the importance of a concerted health program if Canada is to prose- cute the war efficiently. "One wishes that other minis- ters of health might present the case with equal vigor", states the editorial. 'This journal is of the opinion that if health conserva- tion is logical in peace -time it is essential in war -time, and health service is war service. If civilian morale is to be kept at a high revel all health services must be maintained and indeed im.prove(l. Education of the public to this end should proceed forthwith." Modern Etiquette BY ROBE`: 1 A LEE 1. When a husband and wife are calling on friends, which one should suggest leaving? 2. Isn't it poor manners for a person to take hold of another person while talking to hint? 3.. .Should one finish a sent- ence for another person, or sup- ply a word, when this person seems to grope for the right phrase or ward? 4. "What is the proper way for :a hostess to serve tea? 5.. When in company and a person is seized with a fit of coughing, .ehould be apologize? - 6. What kind of coat should a man wear to the theatre., in the evening'? .Answers 1.. Either •one may •cio so by merely asking th.e other, "Don't you think we had better be leav- ing?" 2. Yea. The habit of touching, nudging, or patting, is frequently very annoying. 3. No. 4. The Hostess should remain seated while pouring the tea, then hand the culls, saucers, atad plates to the guests. They may help themselves to sugar, cream, and lemon, as well as to sand- wiches and cakes. 5. Ne. When the coughing spell has ceased one array say "I am sorry." 6. A tuxedo. Bees As Messengers The Chinese have made use of the knowledge that as long as the same queen bee rules the hive it can be moved a distance of miles, and all the bees will return to it. This has led to the introduction of the "bee mail," in areas oc- cupied by the enemy. With the help of microphotography, plans and messages can be transcribed on tiny pieces of paper and sent through enemy territory attached to the leg or wing of a bee. The message or plan is photographed and reduced in size, and when it gets to its destination is decipher- ed with the aid of a microscope. "Bee mail" is highly successful, for these insects travel at from thirty to forty miles an hour and, being almost invisible, are far safer than pigeons. The native queen of the Ton- ga Islands, a British protectorate o Pacific e in the South h acif c Oc an be- , longs to a dynasty that came to the throne, in 1064. c ScratchiNv.iJL a Po. amok relief from itching of memo, pimples, ails late 1 foot, scales, i rabies, rallies and other externally tamed skta troubles eso world -lemon, colitis, mite Neptio, liquid D. 3 , D. Proscription, Graceless, 'delnless. Soothes irritation and quickly stops intend Roiling. Abs trial bottle Droves i t, or money back. Ask your druggist today for 0.O.0. PRESCRIPTION. •I•-..,f•a +.,-41,-.4-40 •.410'0'41. What Science' h Doing• 1 ►.r.e . •,.., .. , ...may. r.y 1-P•K+ K 4:4 'MP a'.'�•4- VITAMINS CLOT BLOOD It is predicted that the lives of thousands of persons, particu- larly mothers and their new-bo3'n babies, will be saved in future years by using a vitamin liquid which Iooks like eod liver oil, it is vitamin K, WIC of the newest of the vitamin family, or- iginally found in putrid fish and alfalfa meal but now made syn- thetically, which stimulates elot- ting of the blood. LIGHT TURNS CORNERS American scientific wizardry which produced a glass -like sub- stance to make light turn corners is declared to be saving the lives of thousands of Londoners dur- ing the current night bombings. The material, made out of coal, water and air, is synthetic glasst known technically as a methyl methacyrlate resin and commer- cially as Curvlite, and has comp into wide use in surgical opera- tions. Light at one end of a retractor used to pull open surgical incis- ions is carried around the bend of the instrument and directly into the operating field. VACCINATING BRAIN An experiment in vaccinating the brain against infantile par- alysis is announced to the U. S; -National Foundation for Infan- tile Paralysis, Inc. The brain is the site of this disease, and damage to brain nerve cells the cause of paralysis. The new method of possible immunizing, is now being tried on monkeys. Hero of "Jervis Bay" The name of Captain Fogarty Fegen will take a prominent place among British naval heroes following his heroic action in sacrificing the armed merchant cruiser Jervis Bay to the night of a powerful German raider su that a convoy might slip away to safety. Captain Fegen directed the Jervis Bay in an attack on the raider and held the German ship at- bay for two hours, enab- ling the majority of ships in the convoy to break formation and escape. t,Vith his arta almost severed and suffering from mul- tiple wounds, Capt. Fegen direct- ed the attack until his ship plung- ed to the bottom. Express Agents Are Transferred The appointment of J. 4.. Kinghorn as express agent at Fort Erie, Ont., vice F. J. 0' - Reilly, transferred to Guelph in a similar capacity, is announced by G. E. Bellerose, General Mare , ager, Canadian National Express, Mr. Kinghorn, who was born at Cornwall, Ont„ March 15th, 1897, entered the service as a clerk at that point on January 13, 1914, serving in that posi- tion until October 31, 1915, when he left the Company for military service. He returned to Corn- wall as clerk on June 1, 1919, and on September 1, 1923, he was promoted to be cashier at Lind- say, Ont., following which he be- came Agent at Cobourg, Ont., March 14, 1938, which position he now relinquishes to assume hie duties at Fort Erie. Slow Burning CIGARETTE l'APERS..i NONE FINER MADE (DOUBLE ABO KLETc (FEMALE PAIN Women who suffer painful, Irregu- lar periods With. nervous, moody spells due to functional cause should find Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound simply mare velolts to relieve such distress, Pinklram's Compound Is made espceiany to help weak, tired wom- eti to go smiling thru difficult days. Over 1,000,000 women have reported amazing benefits, WELL WORTH TRYING! Explorers, Yes But Wanted Car Heated ,T. d'. Iearney, recently retired from service as train conductor for the .Canadian National Rail- ways terminating 44 years em- ployment with the company, once had in his train a special car car- rying Admiral. Richard Byrd and his associates returning through Canada from an exploration jour- eey within the Arctic Circle. There was a protest from the Ad- miral's car, they wanted "some heat", Immediately, there was a demand that the porter get busy, but that functionary was the most amazed man on the train. "Boss," he exclaimed to Mr. Kearney, "That carload of gentle." men have come all the way from. the North Pole and I've been do- ing everything possible to keep that car cool for them." HAVE - YOU HEARD? It was necessary for taxation purposes to decide on which side of the Canadian and United States border a farm which an eldely lady had just purchased, actually lay. Surveyors finally announced that the farm was on the American side of the border. The lady smiled with relief. "I'm glad to know that," she said. "I've heard that winters in Canada are terribly severe." If there's a. newer or bet- 1.er way of getting catsup out of a bottle than by spanking it on the bottom then we'd like to know of it. —Peterborough Examiner. The Negro parson had been preaching about salvation, and concluded by saying that it was free as water. Immediately after the sermon came the collection. "But, parson," objected one'of the congregation. "I thought you said salvation was • free like water." "So it is, brother, so it is," replied the preacher, "and so is water. We only charge for pip- ing it to you." Father: "Now try and leave the party at a reason- able hour. No more of this coming home with the milk- man, young lady." Daughter:. "Why, dad, of course not. He won't be there." "it DOES taste good ini s pipe HANDY SEAL-TiGHT POUCH - 1$¢ 1/2-L13. "LOK-TOP" TIN - 650 also packed in Pocket Tins A. lady was training her Chin- ese servant to answer the doer bell. She went outside, rang the bel], and the servant answered the door. The next day she was worried by a continual ringing of the bell. At last, when ;10 one ans- wered the door, she opened it herself and found her servant on the step. "Whatever are you doing, Li?" she asked. "Yesterday you foulee ane, now I foolee you," was the reply. "Wouldn't you like to be so fatuous that you had your face on a thousand -dollar bill?" "No, but I'd like to be lucky enough to get my hands on one." Think About Summer When Winter Comes True the calendar indicates that winter is at hand but there are executives who must project their thoughts into the coming year and prepare for summer. One such is J. Van Wyck, general manager of the Canadian Na- tional Railways Hotel System, who is now an ouncing opening dates for summer resorts for 1941. Jasper Park Lodge, which will begin the season on June 15 and continue until September 15. Minaki Lodge, in the beautiful Lake of the Woods country, will open June 21 to close on Septem- ber 8, a week later than usual in order to provide greater refuge from hay fever, an ailment un- knwon at Minaki. Pictou Lodge in Nova Scotia will operate from June 26 to Sept. 3, while the four chalets in Jasper National Park, at Maligne Lake, Medicine Lake, Tonguin Valley and Shovel Pass, will open on July 1 and close on A.''gust 31. Canadian National Railways Revenues The gross revenues of the a1l- inelusive Canadian National Rail- ways System for the week end- ing November 7, 1940, were, 35,133,061 as compared with 4,716,026 for the corresponding period of 1939, an in- crease of - $ 417,035 or 8.8%. Most Frequently Quoted Papers For the quarter ending Sep- tember 30 the Dominion Press Clipping Bureau again places The Ottawa Journal at the head of its list of most quoted newspapers. The Windsor Star is a close sec- ond. The leading 10 are: 1. Ottawa Journal 1,744 2. Windsor Daily Star _1,160 8. Toronto Globe and Mail 1,239 4. St. Thomas Tinges - Journal 1,072 5. Montreal Star 920 (i. Hamilton Spectator 809 7. Montreal Gazette 807 8. Winnipeg Free Press 773 9. Brantford Expostior 766 10. 'Toronto Star 729 COO COL QH1CKtI WAVED GES1 SWAG C0130, 21D COLD DOIEDV ...CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS... A.GEN VS w'ANTED GRA.PHOIL CONCENTRATE. I11G • profits. Supply farmers, a .rvlre stations, and motorists in your area. Exclusive territories. Write Cxraphoil, 010 Woburn Avenue, Toronto. AGENTS—MEN, BOYS, $.5.00 WILL. start you in business. Particulars free. Sample 25e. Amazing profits, Northern Sales, Val d'Or, Quebec, Box 919. A.L'TOMOTIVE PARTS Car and Tractor Parts 133\V ,1N1) USED AT LOIVI:ST prices. Used electric motors all sizes. Satisfaction or money re- funded. General Auto Supply. Kit- chener. 11A ItY (CHACEs ":1LLI%11 MINE LiIIAY FOR 1941" say Bray customers. Order chicks now ,for 1040 delivery, A few pul- lets 'left. List of Daily specials sent on request free. Brny Hatch- .ery, 130 Rahn North, Hamilton, Ont. (Get in on Bray earnest). CHICKS 7.'\VEI)Di 13 CHB MKS' FOR 111.11. Priced with the lowest and most for your. money. Your money wiii 'secure you the mostin chick value if you buy Tweddle chicks in 1941. You will save money on the pur- chase of Twedelle shirks no matter when you purchase therm, but if you want to save additional money order early and take advantage of our early order booking dis- r:aunt. Also special discount for early delivery. Write to -day. '1'weddle ("hick Hatcheries 1.in11t- od, ,Fergus, Ontario. • POD SALT) ICE LOADERS PRACTICAL.. WON- - derful capeeity. Order early, John Tait, Iron Bridge, Ontario. FARMS FOR SAT,T•1 SEVERAL CHOICE STOCK FARMS, near London, Ontario. 13. Coote, Barrister, 1380 Dundee Street, London, Ontario. SALT -DALE FARM, 200 ACRES, 76 acres alfalfa, 15 acres grapes, St. Catharines, 4 miles. Alf `tack, • Route 1,St-Catharines, Ont. FOR SALE -240 ACRES, DAIRY 011 Tobacco farm, belonging Lo the estate of the late flex. Anderson; gravel loans, good buildings, quan- tity of timber, Ilydro anis water 'Installed, adjacent to the city of Alt. Thomas. Apply William M. .Anderson, 292 Talbot Street, date I en S d TI.12 No. War Anderson, 4, El. Thomas, Ontario. Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used --- New $?ECOALizmo 37i Ttliltl'it.T Mo. TORS, POWER-Lb/ITS. Hydraulic Ili o t s 1 e. %Vinohes+, t;;eneretore, i tertcrs, eingnetos, Carburetors, einem lore -- I :(baoge Service, CwXasa - Satisfnetion or refund. fievy Auto Parte, Depit, J,, Toronto. re erre eTIt 1;S AMBITIOUS MEN SEVENTEEN and over wanted immediately for secret -service and detective work. Complete training; course by car- respondemce. Free information, write to c'. M. Julien, Box 25, Sta- tion T. Montreal. HAIR GOODS WIGS. TUt'1'ES, TlANSFOR7tA- tlens, Snitches, i'urls, and all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for illustrated catalogue. Confidential, terms arranged. To- roIlto Human Hair supply Co., 528 liathler,t tit rt'+'r, 'rot.. lit 0. INVESTMENTS CAPITAL -- EX ANS 1(.1N LU1U1I1R d,,nufa,'turin) , w a r purposes. Fifty years timber :apply, mainly YGhi e Pine. Experienced menu- facttirers, new modern mill, rap- acity ten million, preferred secur- ity, repr3mtnt ruaranteed. roox 10. 7:3 Adelaide R'., Toronto, Ont. LADIFIS, 1.( '7% 44 (;IVI' ANTED MAKE FROM $10 Ti.) $15 A R'F.EK by selling to an established clien- tele, relatives. and friends, well- known I•'A\IIl.EX PRODUCTS. Everyone spends money for toilet articles, 'enokint:' re'gnisites, clean- ers, et,'. Every- l•'.tMI1.10N custom- er is a SATISFIED CUSTOMER! \G ork 5 or 0 hours a day. benefit by cur experience and you will suceectl. NO RISK -- profits as- sured by working. het us help you. Write ttt. enee. without obli- gation, for our illustrated FREE catalogue to Miss St. (1'eerge, 570 St. ('ir,ment Street, Montreal. .111.:1)1(':1 1. JOOl) RESULTS --- EVERY SCiF- fere:r from Rh puma tie pains or Neuritis should try leeiees Rem- edy -- $1.00 postp:eid, Munro's Drug Store, 380 Elgin, Ottawa. 'ONSTIPATiON, see est eels TROUB- les pleasantly relieved. Blood purifier and tome. Many testi- monials. Mcn1h treatment 91.. Post- paid. 1::=tab. 1020. Herb -atone Fro - ducts, Sub. 23, Edmonton, Alta. TOBACt'O ties T :owl -Merl \V1TH our 'N(1-Ti.11C" helm (1y. Whether Io't emoke cigneetth s. pipe, chew; irarmicse, Non -habit forming. No disetanfort. Money hark guaran- teed treatment. $1,e0. Canadian •`llemietry co. Wilkie. Sncic. PHOTO FINISH 'NG FREE! You Can Now Own com1ptete set of beautiful silver- ware absolutely without cost, manutactured and guaranteed by International Silver Company. You may have this complete aet absolutely free by sending your 11n,s to Imperial, Send an order now and melee complete partic- Mars of this amazing offer. Six or eight exposure Mills developed r and• t c 2reprints 25c printed 1 oc or 8 p rp plus your choice of a free enlarge. Ment In easel mount or free silver- ware. To get the best itt quality and pervico send your filtiis to Imperial Photo Service, Station .I., Taranto. ISSUE 48----'401 LEbA1. }'e )UR LAST WILI. AND TES'r- trment. Prepare your will now, yourself. Send for blank legal form complete with all directions. Only ;We. Publisher_, Box Il'e, Sta- tion 73 Montreal. NOVELTIES J')KE RUBBER POINT PENCIL, Sneeze or Itch Powder, lee each: Squirting Cigarettes 20c; Juke, Trick Catalogue Free with order. C13AMERS, 909 L'lenry, lti,)t.'t•eal. OFFER TO INVENTOR' AN OFFER TO EVER): INVEN9't+It List of inventions rand full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay t•o.. Registered, Patent. Attorney., 273 Bans. Street, Otten;a, ran:,d YU\lI:S TOVENTY-FIVE SI3ETLANI) T'ON- les, all Piebalds, well marked. All ages. W. Matthews, Danville, Que- bec. PULI.F,'TS, CHICKS SEND ")R PRICES AND a•AT- a.logue , f Free Range R,:a iy-t„- lay and laying pullets, also des - old chicks in all popular breeds. Free catalogue. Tv-eddle (Triers Hateller! es Limited, Fergus. Ont. 111911! LOOK. $1.00—LADIES: XMAS GIFT PACIiA(GI.•'.1 LADIES' lovely silk stockings 50; Ind:. silk bloomers 5 .. 0 Dainty handker- chiefs 50e; Beautiful pearl nook - lace 50c. All these exquisite en- tries for $1.00 plus loo postage. Avoid the Christmas rush, order now: Thrift Sales, Box 281, Sta- tion 1:. Montreal, RTI1:I'MATIC ST'F1e'ERF111'. TRY IT! EVERY SUFFETRI:R ()F Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Ilenredy'. Munro's Drug' Store, 335 Eiger.. Ot- tawa. $1.00 postpaid. S'*' OST`'~ \1' el PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR. (old Canadian Newfo'i lland Stotnps, •,1so collections. C1..\M- 100115, 009 111eury, Montreal. STAMP COLLEC'ro1XS STAMP COLLECTORS -- F It le l Crown Colony Coronation -t to opplicants for approvals a1 third 'atalogue or better. PeI1ne1i. 004 Brook Avenue, Temente, I1SET) C1.OTIXI?G t''OIt S $3, $4, $5, $6 mxti'S \VU\ll N'S l t>1•S' Gix i.S' fall and winter o'coiliK, Jit: re- leased from storage, being sold for charges against thein. i:i., sav- ing to people t4'1Io must • slat c an u'coat and cannot afford the high price of a new one. 055 T nye, s v1 t, hr 'Come ttt and see us n Toronto. .( e Tal in the ('sty. No mail order WOOL YA.IXN 1"1110 C.1.NADIAN WOOL Wl..1LEt.- ie yarn, $1.25 lb po.sttge paid. Bancroft Woollen Mlle, Ilan'ruft, Ont.