Zurich Herald, 1940-11-28, Page 5Thursda,Y, November '2.8th, 1940 306..**4Mrsopf Put your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc, Ads, in this Colu mn. THE DEW DROP - INN ileARRISTER, SOLIcaoR, NOT- QUICK AND LIGHT LUNCHES UBLIC, ETC. Hot T. Hamburgers, Soft Drinks, PP BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL DUDLEY E.IforamEs zumcH HERALD. FIrs Smatiest FOOT• EAR ARY OFFICE—At Court House Tobaccos, Cigarettes, Cigars, Etc. GOiDERICH — ONTARIO Special .Attention to Councel and Court Work. Mr. Holmes may be consulted at reoderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. $, DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH 'every Thursday, Friday, Saturday At ILkRTLEI.13'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Ft, Every Monday, Tuesda-y W ednesday. aud VETERINAR1A.N LICENSED POOL ROOM HAROLD OVERHOLT LOST A terrior dog, white and brown spotted, one ear Missing, answers to name of Spotty. Finder notify Alb- ert Leibold, Phone ere -81, Zurich. LOST In Zurich on Nov. 21st 0. sum of money in bi11. Finder kindly leave at Herald Office.—Reward. PIGS FOR SALE A limited number of yeeng pigs for quick sale. Apply to Jacob Gin- gerich, phone S4-2, Zurich. STR AY Er From Lot 9, Con. (3, Hay Twp., a red yearling steer. please notify John Gackstetter, Zurich, er phone 25 r 3, Dashwood, Dr. W. 13. COXON, I3.V. Sc. LOST in left with name Joe Upshall. Fin- der kindly notify Arnold Merrier, phone 81 r 20, Zurich. URGEON A 2 -year-old Herford heifer, ring VETERINARY (Ace with Bee, Main Street, Opposite Palig Store Xhere.q--P6- . Zurich A. R. Carnpbell,, y.s,... aN.Ls. c. raduate of Ontario VeterGood rubber tired wagon,ineAry made. Cheap. Apply to (College, 'University of Toronto. 11 Melick, Aisesises of domestic animals treated Phone 96r8, Zurich. ---------•- la the most modern principles, D or 'sight .e_ For Sale newly Clare $AILAL NtWS M. and Mrs, Lloyd McBride of Windsor were week -end visitors 'with relatives here. Miss Dona Edigboffer was taken tc London Hospital for treatments, but is back home again noueh improved. Mr. and Mrs. Austin lieY ,01: Deer burn, Mich., were week -end visitory ,dth the former's mother, M. Hey. Mrs. Ed, Gascho, Mrs, Norman Gascho of town and Miss Holt of Grand Bend motored to London or, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Theo, Bedard. of the Zurich road west -were visited ovei the week -and by Mrs. Bedard's bro- ther and wife of Tilbury. At the auction, sale of the effeets of the late Mr. W. Truemner on Tu- elday, the articles offered went a .Co.irly good price. The farm was not sold by auction. Winter weather was ushered in on Tuesday, the ground is covered with snow and frost is quite prev- alent. Terrible high winds were on the program on Tuesday. DIVERTING THE GEESE • So far this fall no Canada geese have been seen over ,Goderich and' district on their -flight to the saute. Nimrods eay the birds are flying the centre of Lake Huron to avoid Cu .terplanes at 61cy Harbor and Port Albert. Charges reasonable. tails promptly attended to. Also Bre- eider of Scottish terriers. Inveeness Office on Main Street, Opposite Town Ball. Phone 116. HENSALL. LICF.NSED AUCTIONEER for Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless ea to size or article to aell. I solitht your business, and if not satisfied will mike no charges for Services Ren - *wed. . • • BODY and FENDER WORK Also Cars Repainted Prices Reasonable BRODERICK BROS. kt the McColl Frontenac Sta. Phone 210, Exeter ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood 'Phone 13-51. PRODUCE `. Farm Produce WANT HIGHEST CASH PRICES --FOR— CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. O'Brien We Appreciate Your Patronage Good looking, durable and stylish for Men, Women and Children. All at lowest Cash Prices. GOOD SCHOOL SHOES For growing, romping feet; the sat- isfying kind with all the style feat- ures including solid substantial wear that parents insist upon. COME IN AND SEE THEM! Shoe Repairing a Specialty. MEN'S HALF SOLES (Grade 1) WINS SPEAKING CONTEST Nine bright young contestants all champions in their respective scho- ol fairs, participated in the annual public speaking contest conducted nide;: tile supervision of C. Shearer Agricultural Representative, before Huron County Council. The judges were ieeeeeter5E. Q, Beacom; S. Hu- ron; J. H. Kinkead, N. Huron and J. M Game, Huron -Bruce The highest honors were accorded in the senior competition of Lenore Normington. Hensall, daughter of Edward Norm- ington, whose teacher is Mr. Blowes. Her subject was the "British Empire" 4111,11MOOMMU.O.MOMI! FOR . SALE 50 acres with good buildings a- bout four miler from Exeter. Some small acreage homes in Exeter suit- able for poultry tmd :gardening. 100 acres 4 miles east of Centralia at a bargain.—W. C. Pearce, Exeter. "Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Eat., always on hand. Kept Fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices or Week Hides and Skins 11. Yungblut & Son NAILED 90c CEMENTED $1.00 SEWN $1.00 WOMEN'S, NAILED 70c CEMENTED 85c E. J. DATARS Reliable Footwear and Shoe Repair- ing, Trunks, Club )3ags, & Suitcases. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church • ZURICH — ONT. A Changeless Christ for a Chang- ing World. Friday, 8h—Luther League. Thursday—Choir, Practiee. RINDAY SERVICES 10 a. m.—Divinc Worship 11,15 aan,---Sanday S.cheOL 7.80 p. m. --Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. TUERKHEIM, Pastor.. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Heckenclorn, Minister. Mrs. H., G, Hess, Organist. 10 a.m. Service 11 a.m.—Sabbath School. 7.30 p.m. Service PRACTICES AT 97 i ."God will not examine us for Claimed to be Canada's oldest pra-linedals or emblems hut for scar .." cticing physician, Dr. J. W. Brown -1 Elbert Huebard. - _ ' • h office, where he ee.e.""''"*"___eseeeemseseer.7e• . eeteteletee-+++++-1-4-1-1-e+++4-egeeeteeeee+++++++++-e-eeeeie+ieerige+-e-e+ ing of Exeter, the other day received] PAGE FIVE MASSEY BARRIS NEWS Order your bean knives and harvester repairs early as rerpair stock is hard to keep up owing to conditions beyond our control. FOR SALE CHEAP Two good Clyde Mares 8 and 14 years old; weight about 1400 -lbs. Tel. Shop 149 0. KLOPP & SONS Res. 67 MEET 1 11 ,1111 IM1111 1111 1 11111 11 111111 II 1E7 IIllllffllHhllIIIII11111M1111111111111 Zurich Drug Store QUALITY DRUGS Free ri'ree Buy any Pepsodent Product, mail the Carton and receive a Camera for 15 Cents, SYNTONIA: One Bottle for Or 3 bottles for We Have a number of Library Books which we will lend out at 5c. per week. Etc. Dr. J. A. Addisoii, Prcprietor $1,00 $2.50 M1111111111111111111111111111 MOM congratu a ion in was as usual, as he celebrated his 97th birthday. Coming to Canada as a youth from England he learned watch -making and on July 4, 18,67, three days after Confederation, he became a qualified medical praction- er, in which profession he spent the first year in Stephen Township and the balance in Exeter. Dr. Browning most famous designer and ut is a self-taught telegraph operator scale -models. A new model every and is perhaps the oldest in Canada week in the Comic Weekly with The who can still manipulate the key. Detroit Sunday Times, strrting with - 13ecembee 1 issue. A Good Duck -,Se' One of the finest tokens of good neighbourliness • and sportsmanship was put in practice the other lamm- ing when our good ,neighbour, Mr. Gideon Koehler, who with Mr. C. Fritz bagged eighteen wild ducks in a short time last Wednesday morning, Well, Mr. Koehler did not leave • it just at the publicity our local pub- lisher gave, but he nicely •cleaned, and prepared ready for the oven one of these prize birds and handed to to the Hrald's publisher and we cannot too highly praise the quality of this treat. They sure were just altogether lovely. RED CROSS NEWS FOR SALE SPRAYED APPLES—Spy, Tatman Sweet, Greening; Russet, Baldwin, and eider apples.—Phone, Clinton 622-24. Fred lY1cCIermont, Varna. BOYS BUILD YOUR OWN Ireeet1ES : —TANKS—SHIPS TRY ECKEL'S Bread boy! Real models in full colors of T Novi7n Talk" Here is wonderful news for every Uncle Sam's and Britian's latest fig;- + ; hting craft, especially designed for I you by Wallis Rigby, the world's + also CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE, PES, AND -÷}. PRODUCE WANTED We pay Highest Cash Prices for Eggs and Poultry. Give. us a trial! MEYERS PRODUCE, Phone 116 Zurich. pt4'39 WANTED CASH for Dead Animals and Fox Hrses. Phone 47r15, Reverse all charges. Jack Williams, Dashwood, R.R.3. -50,39 Zurich Gara e Come and purcha.se your Aut- motive Requiremetits from .7:.urich's oldest Established 7.arage and Service Station. We can supply all your needs. '.1xpert Automobile repairing, with the latest testing instrum nts, Acytelene Welding Tires 3atteries, Oils, Greases and tepairs. B -A Gasoline in three Grades Give Us a Ca11! 11. MOUSSEAU Phone; Day 103. Night, 41 INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK TIM LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec.' 31st, 1936, $22,391,527.00 Total Cash in 13ank and Bonds $273,613.47. litates—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 Years E. F. KLOPP—ZURICH SWEET GOODS. All Ingredients Used are of the Highest Quality T. CONFECTIONS ICE CREAM ANNUAL REPORT .i -ee the annual statement of the Bank of e. Our Store will be closed each Wednesday Evening After a year of war -time conditions, Montreal reflects again the strength i 4:. . and solidarity of an institmeoe svnich .1.• for les years has been in the fore- .I. Telephone 100 front of Canadian finance. Assets of a ion as compared with the previous re- e+++++++++++++++++++++++++ $961,334,955 show some contradict- "3" port when an all-time record of $1,- 025,508,367 was established—due in part to transactions of a special nat- ure, as - was explained at the annual treasurer, is in Seaforth Hospital show- with injuries suffered when in colt - meeting of shareholders—but inion with a car at an intersection ing a substantial increase over the total of $8'74,255,828 report in 1938. near Formosa. He was on his way to For a full report see their annual st bring his daughter, who teaches in Brant Twp., home for the week -end, atement on page four of this issue. when a car, believed to have come During the past week, our local OCTOBER'S SUNSHINE through a stop street, struck him, ehipment of finished articles to Head- sunniest part of Canada enjoyed sunniest October in 15 years, accord the causing his car to turn ever. Passing quarters. The shipment 'included the ing to figures just compiled by Dr. R. was pinned in his car, and first aid motoriXs rescued Mr. Eckert, who Red Cross Branch made anotlfer stockings; 48 dresses; 30 sweaters; artment at the University ofsIiVelsttleerPtc was rendered by Dr. Miller of Mild - following: 7 quilts, 8 prs. children's C. Dearle, head of the phy ent articles for young children, 6 Ontario, who keeps a record of the 4 sweaters and skirts, and 90 differ - sheets, 48 wipes and compresses, 128- sun's ins and outs. There was a total small, medium and large surgical of 148.5 hours sunshine during the pads; 7 prs. pyjamas, 17 prs. sea- month, which was almost eight hours man's socks, 91 prs. seeks, 6 prs. better than October of last year and mittens, 3 scarfs, 7 sweaters, and 3 hree hours more than the 15 -year pre. wristlets. The need for supplies average. Daily average sunshine was such as the above continues to be 4.79 hours and on only four days great, and volunteer workers are ne- out of the 31 did the sun fail to eded to help carry on this great work shine at least once during the 24 Meet with the ladies on Weenesday hours. Brightest day was Wednesday at the Town Hall to assist in their the 16th, when therecords piled up an all -day total of 10.40 hours. work. Eckel's Bakery — Zurich . VISITED HENSALL • COUNTY NEWS The Young People of the Hensall Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Huckstep, of United ,Church invited the Young Blyth observed their 61st wedding People of the Zurich Evangelical anniversary on November 3rd. Church to their meeting on Monday Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Govereock of night. The local group provided the Seaforth celebrated their 56th wed - program. Milton Dagg acted as ding anniversary . chairman; Shirley Krueger played The death occurred at Seaforth of for the musical numbers and a piano Sarah Ann Hudson, widow of the solo. Betty Dietz read the scripture late James Troyer, in her 78th year. lesson. Rev. C. 13. Reckendorn led Three sons and four daughters sure - in prayer. Beatrice Manson gave a ive. reading. A vocal duet was sung by The Buttermakers Club of Strat- Hazel littley and Margaret Hey. Al- ford and district held its annual ban- pha Meyers and Kathleen Hay pre- quet in the. McKenzie House, Clinton lented a playlet called 'Ile Way to More than 70 per sons were present. Happiness." Dorothy O'Brien read a Prizes were presented to the winners paper on the theme: "So you watt of several competitions held during to leave home!" This reading served the year. as an introduction to the 'lantern Bag Eight Wolves slides on the Biblical account of the Prodigal Son, presented to Ray Oesch. A patriotic number with the singing of "There'll always be an England" and a suitable poem by Alpha Meyers, ws well receolved. Af- ter the program the Young People from Exeter United Church led in group games, The Teethe,' ,closed with a fine lunch srved by the Hen- sall zociety. About twenty-five young people from Zurich were prOent, LOANS CEASE Ottawa—Home. Improvement plan loans made after October 31 by ap- proved lending institutions will not be accepted for guarantee. by the Dom- inion Government under the Horne Improvement Loan Guarantee Act, Finance Minister Isley announced. gent, also Dealer in Lightn- Ing Rods and all kinds of Fire 1111..a.,AZR* Iiitpurance EQUIPMENT REPLACED Schoenhals—Elliott St. Andrew's United church manse. Bayfield, was the scene of a quiet wedding on Nov. 9th, when Phylis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. G. Elliott, Goderich Twp.. became the bride of Corporal Stewart Schoenhals, Woodstock, son of Mrs. M. Beadle, Clinton, and the late E. Schoonhals, Rev. H. Currie officiated.. The bride was attended by Miss Bernice Grigg of Clinton, and Reg. Cudmore of Clinton was groomsman. After the ceremony a wedding dinner was son - ed at the home of the bride's parents, to immediate relatives and friends. Later the young couple left for a short honeymoon to Niagara, Port ,Colborne and Sarnia. They will re- side in Woodstock. Somewhere in England — British armored units that 'make up the ar- my's spearhead in advances and coun- ter-attacks now are better equipped than when the British Expeditioeary Force went into Flanders, where lame numbers of armored vehicles were los b. The Howey brothers, "Weenie of Kitchener, and Ted, of Lucknow,p( laintiff, was killed as she attemp e had a remunerative day of hunting to cross the road to her husband's north of Lucknow. They bagged 8 , car. five half-grown pups were dug from Late Mrs. Schoenals wolves, three of which they shot and a dere As Kinloss Township, in Mrs. Elizabeth Schoenhals, widow which the bag was made, pays $20 of John Schoenhals, died at her home for each Wolf regardless of age, the noway boys are due to cosgece $160. Hurt in Accident tL X Eckert, McKillop township Come hr -m"7" ;71W the CASE Feed Saver Representatives of the Heinz Pickle Co. of Leamington were in 'Exeter, looking into the prospect of having cucumbers grown in that distrist for their factory. Awarded $1,200 Damages An assize jury awarded Ilasit Stru- thers, Grey Twp., farmer, $1,200 damages and costs in his $10,000 motor damage action against Gregg Hamilton, of Ethel. The action foll- owed a fatal motor accident in front of a dance hall at Ethel on May 3, in which Mrs. Struthers, wife of the Hits the. BuIrs Eye With Both Barrels Clinton in her 73rd year. She was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Conrad 'Schafer and wal 1' in N. Eastitope. It 1 890 she marred John ALVIN RAU, Agent Phone 98r6 Zur1ch, Ont.