Zurich Herald, 1940-11-28, Page 1A rty-First Year !..7 weenreeraseeereP.04.* ZUEECHD THURSDAY DA MiN I N G. NOVEMBER 28, Icl4a, Patronize your Local GPO eeeene.........eorymeeen THIEL'S FIAIRDRESSING Visit Our Salon for your CHRISTMAS S.PECEALS Let us quote you on the very best and latest Permanents, that are pleas- ing and satisfactory and that will ,give you personality.. Hairdressing Salon at rear of Store.. For appoint- ments call us by phone ID% Zurich, MRS. FRED THIEL% Proprietress ,u,t) y COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES 0. E. Z arbrigg ,R.O. OPTOMETRIST et EXETER The Newest. Approve& Method ®E Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Easy Except Wednesday. ere iant for y Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERIOH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices Huron County Council From a list of five applicants War- den George 0. Feagan was appointed inspector of I -broil Comity Home for the Aged succeeding the late George 11 &Mott of Clinton. His selection being made on the first balott, sever- al other applications were also on the list. The .appointment becomes eff- ective at the start of the New Year.. Treasurer A. H. Erskine presented a U COMPARE OUR PRICES PLUS QUALITY AND SAVE MONEY 1937 Chev.. Deka Costa, like new inside and out only. 13,000 miles 1940 Dodge Coach, new tires,large trunk.. 1939 Chew Coach, save $ 75.00 on this car. 1939 Plymouth Custom Coach, the price is right 1934 Ford, 4 cylinder Coach. Any Dodge Car inducting 1941 Dodge takes a $7. license.. Why pay $10. .Buy Dodge. All Dodge Prices. StVirt at $1,000 delivered in Zurich WARD FRITZ 1 .1111..1111CSICPP.I.r ilteetTOILI=4 WE. SELL THE BEST FOR LESS WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE WITH A GOOD SUPPLY OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE, GRO- CERIES, ETC., AT LOWEST POS- SIBLE PRICES. •••••••••01, Young Men's, and Men's Overcoats 17.50 Men's Felt Hats, newest styles .95 Men's un4lerwear, sweater Coats, Socks, etc. all at Lovimst Prices. 1tflN GO IN TOWN HALL' ZURICH' ON Saturday Nov. 30 at 8 pan. Proceeds for Zurich and Diss trict Branch, Red Cross *Ie.; iety good Prizes. Games 5c: EVERYBODY WELCOME. IN MEMORIAM Hamilton—In loving memoof our dear daughter (Charolette), Mks. A. E. Hamilton, who passed away, .November 1217th, 1039. In our home she is fondly remembered Sweet memories cling to her name; Those who loved her in life sincerely, Still love her in death just the same. —Sadly missed by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Galster. • 6 agora. partmeneeroftentafeemte***.emiehweiee, ir Cereda, in advamo $1.50 in U.S.A., in advanees, cHE8T.Fal L. SMITH, Publialveve Pall Purchases ESINSlitMeleiklelettleleekeIN.M.461 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thiel were Sunday visitors at DashwoOd, Mr. Win. S. Johnston and Lloyd O'Brien were the past week in List- .owell engaged in a plumbing job. Members of the Campman ramily of Kitchener were week -end visitors with Mrs. Helen Campbell. Mr. Henry Deters, who has been a few months in the Thedford district has returned to Zurich. Mr. A. E. Hamilton and Miss Doris of Loudon, were Wednesday visitors .at the home of Mr. and Mrs. john Galster of town • Mrs. Emily Fuss and Mrs. Bertha Block, Miss Inez Yungblut and Mr. jacob Deichert motored to London 'one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Haberer and son, Misses Martha Heideman and Dors. Standing motored to London on Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Westlake o Bayfield passed t rough town one day last week returning home from a trip to St. Thomes and the Niagara district. report for the first ten months of the' ma eat. dalirrs. M..1vTraquar; Mr. year, showing receipts of $135,807' and Tars. John 211'..chell of Hensall, a,a• au. 68 and expenditures of $132,887.46 ,were recent visitors at the home of —a- surplus of $8,010..17 In the Co- Mrs. C. Eilber. unty highways account there is , a surplus of $4,410.159, and smaller The local Red Cross are sponsor - credit balances in the Provincial high ing a...1.13ingo party in the town hall ways and County Home accounts. He en-'...Setnrdey evening of this week, estimated a probable sarplus outhereik WM01 thewpublic are invited. year's operations of over $4,000. The County, therefore, will end the year out of debt, and with a good surplus. . Mr. and Mrs. James J. Barry who spent the summer at their home in According to records available, this Dunyille,. arrived last Wednesday is the first time in the 100 years evening m Zurich. where they will since incorporation that the County spend the winter months with Mrs. • has been out of debt. Barry's mother, Mis. Helen Camp- bell. . 60th ANNIVERSARY Crediton—Mr. and difre. Henry Eilber of Crediton, celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary on Satur- day November 23rd, when they were entertained at a family dinner at tee Lome of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert K. Eilber. This grand old couple, who are 83 and 82 years of Turner--Merner age, respectively, were married in the home in which they have since resid- . A quiet wedding was solemnized at ed, by Rev, S. N...Moyer, of the Ev- Calvary United church manse, Lon - angelical church. The bridesmaid don, on Saturday, November Idith, was Mrs. Mary Eilber, sister of Mrs, when Edith Elizabeth Merner, dau- Eilber, now residing at Ubly, Mich, .gl*,. of Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. and the groomsman was the late Wm Merner, Stanley Township, became Mr. Herb Mousseau and tne party of hunters who went with him up north deer hunt:ng, returned home on Wednesday evening last. Deer were not so plentyful, but seven of the men who consisted the party we- re fortunate in bagging five deer. HYMENEAL Finkbeiner. Both Mr. and Mrs.Eilbe.r the bride of Grant Ross Turner, son were born in Crediton and for many yeais Mr. Eilber represented Saudi Huron in the Ontario Legislature. They received many messages of congratulations as well as flowers and gifts, all of which they were able to enjqy and appreciate. In Magistrate's Court Goderich—On Oct. 11 last at Win- gham, James Deacon, young Culross Twn. farmhand, pleaded ,guilty to cattle theieving. At that time he was given a respite to finish taking in the crop, threshing, and 'to do the The Women's Missionary ,Society pre -winter chores. On Thursday he of St. Peter's Lutheran church held was up for sentence and strong rep- their regular monthly meeting on resentations were made on behalf of Thursday evening, November 21st, his counsel's plea for suspended sen- with a good attendance. The devot- ten= He had made restitution, t he otional period was conducted by Mrs man from whom he stole the cattle E. Ttterkheim who also took charge added his plea foe leniency and so did of the topic "Thanksgiving" assisting his employer, but Magistrate Makins Mrs. Turkheim with the reading of dcnii 'ttle thievina' )0 clippings pertaining to the topic serious a crime to go unpunished, he were: Mrs. L. Prang and Mrs. George said. The sentence was three months Deichert Mrs, L. Prang led in prayer in jail on payment –of court costs, for world peace after which Mre. G. and failing this, an additional three Deichert, the president, took charge months.iPte. Wm. Burke, charged of the business. The delegates to the with aseault causing actual bodily annual convention of the W.M.S. of harm, failed to anewer to his name. the Canada Synod, which niet this A *bench warrant, for his arrest was year in St. Mathews Lutheran church Issued. Pined $1i and eosts far ca,r97 Niiehener, gave eplendid reverts and lees drie;en, havivey frilcel to how told of the interesting acrd inspirat, lights on his track after dusk, Elmer ional messages brouglq to the von - Moore, ::.Hborne Twp, arkral what vention by Miss Lama Giliilimd, mis- eves the iiil alternetive. The magise sionary from Liberia, Afzira. Those trate told 'aim five deys. so he pro- attending the eonvention were, Mrs. raptly announced that he choose the ,Tamnee Deters, Yr 1`. E. Turkheim, jail term, iinidirig that he was ft Tian- tte.V. Tuerkheim, Mrs, L Prang anrmily d.i embarrassed at piesent bv miss Anna Datars. The meeting v eryone smiled including Elmer, tie closed with a hymn and the Dm% rvsyWniSoU. had pThatled guilty„ Er of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Turner of God- erich. Rev. Duncan McTavish offi- ciated. The bride wore a street - length dress of turquoise blue crepe with a corsage of American beauty roses. Mr. and Alm R. L. Carnegie of London attended the bride and groom. Mrs. Carnegie wore a pot- ato peel brown crepe dress with a corsage of rad roses ancl evonze mums. For travelling the 'bride wore a black coat trimmed with brown squirrel fur and black accessories. On their return the bride and groom will reside in ,Clinton. W. M. S. MEET PHONE YOUR o7TTk FOR Broken Lenses .Accurately Duplicated Any Shape and Size, and at a Moderate Price A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. ••••mmimmalmor For positive identification of the World's Finest Anthracite, ak for BLUE COAL Also Rosedale Alberta, Semet-Solvay Coke Miller Creek. Glen Rodger's Briquets. The Roe Farms Milling 04 Feeds. Highest Cash Prices paid foal .Eggs on a graded basis. W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hens ••440.44.444.444444044.004.....0.9.44Go4e4.•*44),**•04:0 Z • • cr* • • • UITS an R C • • • • 4 • • • • • • ONLY $1.00 MORE THAN LAST YEAR • • ts for • • • • • Tos w-17,11 : ran 06„, • • EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS 0- • *s#1 • ••••••••••••••04•0040•1400*004404460•000.0eev44015:•* o'- er; CANNOT BE BEATEN BE SURE AND CHOOSE EARLY a, (01?; 4#k Christmas News Visit our Store from now till Christmas for selecting. your Gifts, and other Shopping All kinds of Decorations, Toys, Suitable Gifts ..for every member of the Family. Fresh supply of Fruits, Peels, and Nuts for the Christmas Cake. Also Candies, Nuts, Etc., in stock and all Fresh. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND HICHEST MARKET PRICES PMI) FOR 1.7.GGS ft' '11 111''' fiDli. rl 9 fi% Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. 11-P7 ke • 1 1 1 1