HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-10-31, Page 7WIN MEDALS AND FREE TRIP JOHN LISTER HAROLD PICKET An outstanding feature at the International Plowing Match, held at St. Thomas this year, was the event sponsored by Salada Tea Company. The big "Salads" Special class, open to all plowmen who had qualified at branch matches and to all winners of first prizes in the wen Jointer classes at International Matches from and including 1927, brought together the top rank plowmen of the Province and attracted wide attention, The first and second prizes are gold and silver medals and an extensive trip to include areas of agricultural interest. Twelve cash prizes ranging from $25.00 to $5.00 were also awarded for this event. Top honours went to John Lister and Harold Picket, both from Hornby, Ontario. • 1 1 o. -a , -s w Can I? BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I make a good mending cement? A. Mix 1 quart of wood ash- es, cup table salt, and en- ough water to give proper con- sistency. The dark appearance at first will afterwards turn al- most white. Q. How can I whiten the face and hands, and keep the skin soft and smooth? A. One method is to wash the face and hands once a day with pure white soap and warm water, then wash again in warm (not hot) buttermilk, or sour milk. Wipe lightly with a soft cloth. Q. How can I clean grease from stone steps? A. Pour on a strong solution of washing soda in boiling water. Then cover the stain thickly with a paste of fuller's earth and hot hot water, and allow to remain overnight. Repeat if necessary. Q. How can I remedy rancid butter? A. Soak the rancid butter for two hours in cold water, to which a large pinch of carbonate of soda has been added. Work the butter thoroughly, and then form into the desired roll. Q. How can I prevent silk thread from slipping in the needle while sewing? A. This slipping can be pre- vented, if after threading the needle as usual, one end of the thread is brought through the eye of the needle a second time. • HAVE YOU HEARD? An Eastern potentate, who wanted to know how many men were afraid of their wives, sent for all his married male subjects and commanded those who al- ways obeyed their wives to staled on one side. Seeing to his surprise, that a very small plan was the only one who did not do so, he asked him why such a puny individual as himself had a mind of his own. "When I left home, your Ma- jesty," explained the man, "I promised my wife .I wauld not go in any crowd." * * * Even if money grew on trees, it would still be the, smart birds who would get it. * * * The Highlander saw a puff of anti-aircraft smoke in the dist- ance and thought it was a para- chutist. He gave the alarm— and men turned out to search. They found frothing, so his of- ficer asked if he was sure of what he'd seen. "Have you no doubt at all in your mind?" he demand- ed.. "Aweel, sir," he replied, "I had nane till I saw hien gaun' up again." * * * A laddie from college named Breeze Weighed down by B.A.'s and M.D.'s, Cooling, eoothing Mentholatum in- stantlyrelieves the stabbingpain.Aaso for head colds, chapping, borne and bruises. Jars and tubes, 30e. tom MENTHOLATUM Gives COMFORT baily You're killing V yourself by degrees." * A woman's voice was heard from the steps of a crowded car: "Oh get in, dear; someone will give you a seat." The- next mo- ment two young women entered... The men in the car read papers sternly. Those who had none pre- tended to be asleep. The too -cer- tain woman glared in vain. The car went on for half a mile, then a man got off. "There's a seat for one," said the conductor. "Don't take it, dear," said one young woman, "some man will want it." In the moment of defeat she triumphed. * * * A small toy, sitting next to a very haughty lady in a street car, kept sniffing. "Boy, haven't you a handker- chief?" she asked severely. The boy regarded her sil- ently for a moment and re- plied: "Yes, I have, but 1 don't lend it to strangers." Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE ROBERTA LEE 1. Can a friendly letter be too long? 2. What is the proper thing to say when entering a strange of- fice and you wish to see Mr. Carter, an executive? 3. When giving an informal dinner, how should the invita- tions be issued? 4. When an introduction is forced upon you, and you know, from things you have heard, that you will not like this person, can one show here feelings by the manner of acknowledgment? 5. When a husband makes fre- quent business trips, should his wife, in her letters to him, be cheerful instead of relating every little thing that has gone wrong? 6. When a woman is dinner - dancing at a hotel, should she check her wrap? Answers 1. That all depends upon the contents of the letter. Between intimate friends, a long, newsy interesting letter is always wel- come. A letter relating troubles, aches, ills, and accidents is always too long, whether three pages or ten. 2. "I should like to see Mr. Carter. I am Mr. Marshall, of the Walker Manufacturing Company, Chicago." 3, One may write brief notes, or extend in- vitations by phone. 4. Never, An introduction will not obligate you to further 'recognition.' 5. Yes.' The helpful wife will make her letters bright and cheerful. 6. She may leave it on the back of her chair if she wishes. HEALTHI TOPICS .aertrw-w.a.�r.e +-r•at..a,.e..M-o.•f: Vegetables Are Very Important Do you eat enough vegetables? Valuable as they are in minerals and vitamins, vegetables must be ineluded in the things we eat. So states an article 'in the current issue of the magazine "Health," prepared by the nutrition commit- tee off the Health League of Can- ada. Not all vegetables are equally valuable from a nutritive point et view, the article points out. Some vegetables supply iron, others do not, We get Vitamin A from one kind of vegetable and vitamin C tram another. Cabbage, spinach and carrots are good sources of vitamin A, which is necessary to maintain normal vision and to prevent disease. Green cabbage is niu.cll richer in vitamin A than white cabbage. The outer leaves of cabbage are more valuable than the inner heart. Serve Two Per Day Without vegetables and fruit, people would be deprived of the important vitamin 0, which safe- guards us against scurvy. Tolna" toes, cabbage, turnips and potatoes are chief sources of this vitamin. Orange juice and tomato juice also. are good. Cabbage and green leaved vege- tables t..re valuable in their iron. Content, needed to prevent anaeolis. Dried beans are also good iron pro- ducers. At least two vegetables. should be served every day. Among the necessary body ma- terials are: proteins, certain. min- erals and vitamins. Proteins may be obtained from many sources, but not all are of equal value as body building material. Those ob- tained from meat and vegetables are superior to those we get from grain, vegetables and nuts, for ex- ample. Meat and fish, therefore, are advisable in our regular diet. The average man needs about 70 grams of proteins a day. Experts agree that a large portion of these should be drawn from milk, cheese, eggs and meat er fish. The follow- ing table shows the quantity de- rivable from each: 3 glasses of milk 18 grams- 1 rams"1 one -inch cube of cheese 6 grams 1 egg 6 grams 1 normal slice beef 8 gloms Total 38 grams The ether 32 grams will be ob- tained from others of our daily foods. He Confounded the Experts The veteran fishermen were all present, equipped with expensive tackle and the latest word in rods. In fact, the annual "big fish" competition of the Part Alber,ii, B.C., Tyee Club was in full swig:,. Then along came 16 -year old Tommy Turner with a cheap, borrowed bamboo rod and annex- ed the silverware with a 411 pound salmon. He also won him- self a very nice fishing boat, and the congratulations of the veter- ans, who being good fishermen ,,ore sportsmen to the core. Fish like the one landed by Tommy Turner are all in the day's sport, summer, fall or winter, on Can- ada's west coast. The Empress Hotel, Victoria, social centre of Canada's Evergreen Playground, is the headquarters far fisher- men, golfers and outdoor en- thusiasts generally. --Canadian Pacific Photo. S STAMPS DAI ly MAI I Canada Grows More Potatoes SIi§ht Increase In Crop This Year- Sugar Beet Production Up 33 Per Cent In its first estimate of pro- duction of late crops the Domin- ion Bureau of Statistics estimated 1940 potato production at 40,- 859yield,000 hundredweight; an in- crease of 12 per cent or 4,469,- 000 hundredweight over the 1939 , Commercial sugar beet produc- tion is estimated at 807,000 tons, an increase of 33 per cent. over last year's 605,000 tons. The increase, according to tlfe Bureau of Statistics, is due largely to in- troduction of commercial sugar beet production in the Fort Garry area of Manitoba, Production of turnips, man - golds is estimated at 37,346,000 hundredweight, compared with 37,636,000 hundredweight in 1939 while fodder corn is esti- mated at 3,836,000 tons against 4,514,000 tons in 1939. Artillery Commander Third Division Brigadier H. 0. Brownfield will command the artillery of the Third Division which is currently slated for the defence of Can- ada's east coast. •••U -Y. • •O -4 -y -.#-F 9-111,-6-40-4•••• 41•-•-•-• .,H- :�.gat Science h Doing ...-..--..-o ., •> ....-.,. 0.0, o < 4, e.. HOLDS KEY KEY TO GROWTH Evidence that there Is a specific substance which controls the growth of human and animal bodies is reported from the University of California's Institute of Experi- mental Biology. It was found in the pituitary gland, a potent little organ at the base of the brain, which secretes hormones that affect other glands. —o— MILE-A-MINUTE GERMS The germs and viruses of the com02o11 cold, influenza, Infantile paralysis and other disease travel at niile-a-minute speed from one person to another. In a report before the American Public Health Association, three scientists of the Massachusetts In- stitute of Technology demonstrated in pictures that the droplets of a sneeze or a cough speed through the air at the rate of more than a mile per minute and have a range of 30 feet or more. —o— NEW TREATMENT FOR • WOUNDS A new use for sulfanilamide, as i,.n antiseptic for wounds and in- fections, is reported in the proceed- ings of the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. To make an antiseptic, the sul- fanilamtde is mixed with ordinary salt in solution, and applied either in packs directly on a wound, or by irrigation. Wayne Long, 13, of Herrin, I11., crossed the street to borrow an egg from a neighbor. Then he started home, but ran into the side of a moving automobile and was knocked down. The car ran over one leg, breaking his ankle. The egg in his pocket wasn't even cracked. New General Freight Mgr. The Canadian National Railways' Vice-president in charge of traf- fic has announced the appoint- ment of George R. Fairhead, above, as the new General Freight Traffic Manager, Montreal, suc- ceeding the late R. J. Foreman. ...CLASSIFIED ADVERTISE IEHTS... AGENTS WANTED NEW WORLD ILLUSTRATED — Canada's newest pictorial mag- azine has an opening in your town for a part time representative, male or female. No experience necessary, just mail a post -card listing a reference and full par- ticulars will follow by return mail. Address to G. Dunne, Suite 611, Sterling Towers, Toronto. AGENTS SELL A PATENTED necktie, direct to the customers. Write Station K Box 23, Toronto. ATTENTION BOYS AND GIRLS IF YOU WANT TO MAI�.E REAL money between now and Dec. 15th. Write for details. General Trading Reg'd, Room 112, Gore Building, Hamilton, Ont. DAIRY CRICKS BRAY CHICKS—ORDER NOW FOR later delivery. Some copies still left of valuable tray Fall Service Bulletin. Limited quantity pullets. Bray Hatchery, 130 John North, Hamilton, Ont, BOOKS. MAGAZINES SPECIAL: 13 DIFFERENT USED Magazines, mostly Western, only 60c postpaid. "Rex" Stamp Co., Wimborne, Alberta. ENCYCLoi'Mm11.4 TOR CALF SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER —thirty dollars discount :for this advertisement, on purchasing the new revised edition of the En- cyclopaedia Britannica — balance payable monthly. Clip. and mail to 505 Federal Building. Toronto, for full details. i.LECTRICAL ELECTRIC WATER SYSTEMS. Pump only, $80.50. Complete sys- tem 575.00. Write for folder. Waugh and MacKewn, London. Ont. Ram Roofing—Granary Lining SUPIILITiTE :;TCEL SHEETS' COST less, cover more losi longer. int faster, save sheathing. Buy new before war advances prices, direct from factory. Superior Products L.imiied. 15 Nelson Street. Sarnia Ontario FARMS TOB SALE SEVERAL ('I3OTCTS STOCK FARMS, near London. Ontario. B. Coote, Barrister, 1385 nunclas Street, London, Ontario. FOOT RllhII+IIIY SOLDIERS TRAINING FIND FOOT Bliss great comfort for tired, hot, swollen feet. Send 25c for full cite package. prepaid. Dept. F. 155 George Street, Toronto. SOT T)TERS THA1NiNG FIND FOOT 13iiss groat comfort for tired, hot, swollen feet. Send 25e for full size package prepaid. Dept. F, 155 George Street, Toronto Guaranteed CARAND ND TRUCK PARTS Used New SPE(`IALIMING IN REBUILT MO. TORS, I'OWEII-VNITS. Hydraulic 11 o 1 e t .s , Winches. Generators, Starters, Magnetos, Carburetors, na,)lstorm — lax eh n nge Service, Gins Satisfaction or refund. T,evv ,.to Part*, Dent. .T-. Toronto ISSUE 44—'40 USED TIRES FOR SALE GOOD USED TIRES, ALL SIZES, Lowest prices. Inquiries Invited. Brockton Tire. 1611 Dundas West, Toronto. HAIR GOODS WIGS, TOUPES, TRANSFORMA- tions, Switches, Curls, and all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for illustrated catalogue. Confidential, terms arranged. To- ronto Human Bair Supply Co., 628 Bathurst Street, Toronto. HORSES FOR SALE BLACK PERCHERON, BAY Clydesdale geldings, 3 and 4 years; bay Clydesdale mare, 8 years all sound. Mrs. Alex. Burnett, years, 3, I3elwood, Ont. I'tiOTO FINISHING FREE! You Can Now Own complete set of beautiful silver- ware absolutely without cost, manufactured and guaranteed by International Silver Cofnpany. You may have this complete set absolutely free by sending your films to Imperial. Send an order now and receive complete partic- ulars of this amazing offer. Six or eight exposure films developed and printed 25e, or 8 reprints 25c, plus your choice of a free enlarge. rent in easel mount or free silver- ware. To get the best in quality and service send your films to imperial Photo Service, Station J., Toronto. MEDICAL IT'S PROVEN EVERY SUFFERER of Rheumatism or Neuritis should try Dr. Nixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 336 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid 51.00. PAYNESE TABLETS FOR BELIEF of Rheumatic Pain s, Head- aches, Toothache and Neuralgia,:, $1.00 per hundred, Postpaid. Sat- isfaction guaranteed. Domestic Drug Co., Box 343, Winnipeg. PEOPLE ARE TALTITNG ABOUT the wonderful results after taking Dr, Nixon's Remedy for Rheu- matism and Neuritis — Postpaid $1.00. Munro's Drug Store, 335 El- gin, Ottawa. MECHANIC WANTED AUTO MECHANIC WANTED. MUST be experienced on all makes of cars. Capable of taking charge of repair shop. Wonderful oppor- tunity for right man. Present owner retiring shortly. Give ex- perience, salary expected. Affleck's Garage. Lanark, Ontario. MACHIINEII )l FOR SALE WADI: PORTABLE DRAG SAWS, easy to operate, a money-maker wherever there are logs to be out. Write for free descriptive bulletin, The A. R. Wtllirims Machines Co.'Y Ltd., 64 Front St.. West Toronto. LACE TABLE COVLItS MAKE AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS Gift. Open work Lace beautiful Patterns, sizes about 72" x 50" $2.95 prepaid. Order now as quan- tity limited, Will 'refund if not satisfactory. General Trading Reg'd, Itoom 112, Gore Building, Hamilton. OPTICAL READING GLASSES — 12 pairs sent to test, your eyes. Return thent with your order If suited. State age. Prices $1.95 up, St. Clair Optical Co., 1255 St. Clair West, Toronto. IIIEN WANTED FAMILEX KEEPS • 900 DEALERS AT WORK! Our assortment or over 200 daily necessities, needed in every home, sells to relatives and established clientele. With or without experience you can suc- ceed if you aro honest and a will- ing worker. Every sale of 51.00 brings you profit—who can't sell for at least 52.00 an hour? This means that you earn about 90e per hour! WITHOUT OBLIGATION write at once to FAMILEX PRO- DUCTS, 670 St. Clement Street. Montreal. PERSONAL SUPERFLUOUS 11 A I R SAFELY, Privately removed. Face, Arms. Legs; Treatment 52.00 postpaid. plain wrapper. Guaranteed to KILL roots with one application. Canadian Chemistry Co., Wilkie, Sask. PULLETS, CHICKS SEND FOR PRICES AND CAT- alogue of Free Range heady -to - lay and laying pullets, also day, old chicks in all popular breeds. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont. POULTRY FOR SALMI PULLETS 2000 WHITE LEGHORN farm range, grown very uniform. Laying or ready to lay 51.10 f.o.b. Galt, I. K. Martin, Halt, Ontario. RABBIT I•`CIRS AND WOOL. MARKET YOUR RAI3I3IT P01S and wool at top prices. Bulletins free. Write, Canadian Small Breeds Association, I3ox 441, Toronto 2, Ontario. USED BAGS FARMERS, DAIRYMEN, BAKERS, Merchants and Others are malt- ing extra stoney by shipping us all kinds of used empty bags. You can do the same. Write us now and we will send you full particulars and shipping tags. Ship freight collect. Highest prices paid.—Sender & Sendel Ltd., 709-711 Common St., Mon- treal, Que. USED CLOTHING \vE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE Modern Ladies' and Men's second hand clothing, Wholesale and Re- tail, 327 Queen St. E., Toronto. WATCH REPAIRS SPECIAL—$1.00 REPAIRS YOUR Watch complete, guaranteed two .'ears by expert Jewellers. Old gold bought, Osnes Jewellers, 6548 Clark, Montreal. WANTED: HATCHING nEGGS �r WANTED — BY A RELIAPLE Hatchery, Hatching Eggs from following breeds: Black Minorcas, White Minorcas, Rhode Island Reds, White "Wyandottes, Colum- bia Wyandotte$, Buff Orphingtons, Brown Leghorns, Jersey Black Giants, Jersey White Giants, Black Australorps. Large premium paid. Box Number 66, 73 Adelaide W., Toronto. Apple growing is the mainstay of the fruit industry of Canada, the value of commercial produc tion averaging about $10,000,000 annually,