HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-10-31, Page 4•
'1114Mt POUR
with Mr. Janos Hartleib and Lavada,
Mr. Allen 'Bills and daughter MR-
jerie and son Herbert ,of Detroit,
spent the week -end with relatives
Mrs. J. Reschke and family. and
Mrs. C. Bash of Detroit event the
week -end with their mother, Mrs.
Miss Anna Hess of Zurich, repent
Sunday with Mr. and Mr., IL Hoff-
Mrs. Harry Cook of Windsor spent
a few clays with her parents, 'Mn
and Mrs. D. Tiernan.
Mr, Val. Becker is quite :jubilant
over the results of the recent plow-
ing match in which Fergus Turnbull,
captured first prize using aeMcCor-
mick-Deering tractor and plow.
Ooderich—A 60 -mile -an -hour nett-
Iieriy gale that swept .down tne shore
Sine off Lake Huron on •Saeurday
Anorning picked up a 100 by 20 -foot
:eight car garage under construction
(eit Sky Harbor Elementary Flying
School, just north of town and turn-
ed it completely over, causing" eaten -
sive dainage. Three workmen who
lead taken shelter in the builuing es -
*aped just in the nick of time.
Vlore than half .of United .Sta.tes.
',voters canvassed by the American.
Institute a Public Opinion believed;
*1.r.i.:ain should be aided "even at the
riek of war", it was announced
New York. 1Vionth by month this!
4Summer, while Great Britain has be
eon warding .off .the blows of Nazi Ger
-anany, an increasing number of Am-
ericans have come to the conclusion;
that it is .more important to help En-(
gland win—even .at.considerable risk
qt/f ev,ar—than to concentrate entirelyls
eon "keeping .out." Dr. Gallup, direc-
tor said. The vote was: Stay out, 48
3,:ec.; help Britain, 52 per cent.
Following a .survey ,just completed
sof the blight damage to the rate pot -
Ate crop J. 'T. (Canigilii Ontario pot-
aito field man for the department ox
ea.gricultuee has announced that the
zr end in many parts will be down at
least 50 per (cent from .104 year and
that the crop (damage s tthe most
,mrious in 12 :years. The ,blight is
'general even on registered jots and
*here may be no ,yield at all in the
Acase of crops grown from originally
Ancor stock. There are no large potat-
oes this year, and Ilbe blight 'Ataving
-4stopped any further developments.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred „Jervis were
quietly celebrating the Ofteenth
41.1*.trsary of their weddinr,, in Tor-
IrDritP, and on their return to town on
the 21st, they were met by a, number
ivE fit.ends at the depot. 'They were
sescorttd. around town in four cars re-
vnindin them of the original event
15 year ago. Returning to their.
. *waiting, rhen they were madesithe
lhome thvy had another surprise!
:recipient ef many splendid gifts.
eassware an other useful articles!
for the home, ,.also an address, was
*ea* Prints rebleshments vere sery-
ed by the frienek, and a delightful`
.ening was apt—Clinton News -
'George Henry T114.00,
4'144 of itilren county and wolf kno•tm
APAOughegt the atria as 4..t aue.ej
Mrs. Gillean of Green -way and Mrs
Rufus Turnbull of Grand Bend -vis-
ited on Saturday with the :thtter's-
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Eizar Mousseau
Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Jaques -and
Dorothy spent the week -end with
Mr. and MA. Wesley Jaques and Mr.
and Mrs, Franklin Skinner of
Mrs. F. Kading visited on Saturday
with Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney. •
Quite a number attencleci•zne rece-
ption in iHensall on Friday evening,in
honor of Mr. and Mrs Clarence
lie newly weds. Durin the evening
they were presented with a studio
couch. Dancing was enjoyed, music
being furnished by the Murdoek
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ferguson
and Eva of Ilderton spent. Sunday
witho Mr. and Mrs. W. Harney.
Miss Mildred Pybus of near Zurich
is visiting hex giandmother, Mts. H.
Miss Eva Ferguson of Ildertoa is
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. Homey,
Wedding bells are ringing in the
eer, died at his home Clinton, last
Wednesday morning, Oct. 23rd, Jle,
had been ill for some time with a
heart condition. He was in iris 62nd
year. Was warden of Huron and
mayor of Clinton in 1938 and 1939.
He has also been reeve for several
years; was a member of the Board
.of .the Huron county home and lat-
terly been acting as inspector. He
was twice Conservative candidate for
the •Ontario Legislature. In 1929 he
came within 26 votes of winning from
W. G. Medd, and contested agairi in
in 1984 against James Ballantyne,.
South Huron. Surviving are: his,
wife, the former Bertha Graham, 2
sane, -Edward and George, and three:
daughters, Edna, Pearl and Jean, a.11
at home. The funeral was 'held • on
Saturday. Born on a farm eight rniles
frum Enniskih1en, Northern
Mr. Elliott carne to Canada with his!
parents when twelve years of age.
The family came directly to Huron;
County and took .up farmir&g iinGod-
erit'h 'township, three miles west (of!
;Clinton. Although Mr. Matt gave
:up larniing himself twenty Tears a-
-go, he till owned the family home
etead. He had been an auctioneer Ter.
over thirty years, and was a repres-;
(en-heti:ye .of •the Canada Life Insur-
ance Co. for the past 24 years. ViMasi
le damn:kern:PT 'the Masonic ()tam
; Mrs. John 'Laporte the 'past we6k-
Messrs -Norman &wares 'and
ert "Ducharme •Who have 'been envie
Hub -
Mr. Robt. Passmore, of Hensall,
student of Toronto University will
have charge of the services in the
United Church here on Sunday next.
Mr. and Mrs. H. MeMurtrie spent
a day in London last week.
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
visiting at the home of her mother
Ma•s. Chas. McDonnell.
Mr. Fred Hess, who has been 111
at her home here is samewhae hue
PrIC)IviLd'Maetha Murdock who suffered.
a heart attack rece 'n, is improving.
Mrs. Flank Gollings of Thames Road
is in attendance,
Addressed by Rev. E. Tuerkheim
..The Young People's Society of Car
mei Preebyterian Church met on
Wednesday evening last rn tee school
room of the cherch. Miss Sally Man-
son peesided over the worship period
with Miss Helen Diek at the piano.
The meeting opened 'with the call to
worship by Miss Manson, followed by
singing, after which Miss Beryl Pfaff
led in prayer. The 'installation of
officer's was conducted by Rev. Weir;
After a few musical numbers Rev. E.
Tuerkheim, minister of St. Peter's
Lutheran church, Zurich, was guest
spealeee and gave an interesting and
prolitteble address on 'Thanksgiving
and Leadership."
Present with Electric Clock
A very pleasant time was spent at
the home of Miss. Gladys Luker when
about forty members of the Class
gathered in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Smillie who recently were
I married. Mrs. Lome Chapman presid-
ed over the program. 'Vire. Hedden
and Mrs. Hess sang with .Miss Flor-
Ince Welsh at the piano, Miss Greta
Ilammie favored with a piano_ solo,
;after other numbers Mr. and Mrs.
I Clarence Smillie were calledupon
land presented with an electric clock
by Ted Munn and anaddress by Mi
John Corbett.
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
the Presbyterian church manse when
Rev. Mr. Weir united in marriage
Mary Irene, youngest daughter of
Mrs. Mary Little and the late H.
Little of Hensall,. and • Pte. Ivan Jones 1
of London. The bridesmaid was Miss
Vera Jones of London, sister of the
groom and Mr. Edward Little, of
Hensall, brother of the bride was
!groomsman. Following the cmemony
a reception was held at the home of
i the bride's mother, with 15 guests
present. The bride's table was cent-
red with the three-tier wedding cake
pink candles in silver tapers and aut-
umn flowers. Later the young couple
left for a motor trip to Niagara Falls
and Toronto. They will reside in Lon-
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Masse of the
Bronson line were Sunday visitors to
Mr. and Mrs. H. Laporte of the Blue
Water, north.
Several of the young people of
this neighborhood attended the baz-
aar of the Mt. Carmel Church. Iihey
reported a good time' to alL •
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bedard and
two sons, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bedard
of Drysdale north, also Miss -lovnne
Bedard were Sunday visitors in Beav-
ertown with Mr. and Mrs. Morris
We are sorry to report, but from
this immediate surrounding we have
three who are patients in St. Joseph's
Hospital: Louis (Bob) Masse of the
Blue Water south; John Charrette,
the past four weeks; and Thelma
Siemon; also Morris Denomme of
this little town was also a patient
for some time in Victoria Hospital.
All are on the mend and may they
all enjoy a speedy recovery.
Mr. Frank Jeffrey who has been
visiting with his daughter in London,
the past three weeks has returned to
his home on Sunday last.
Many from here motored to Lon-
don to visit their Sick.
Messrs. M. Jeffrey and A. Duch-
aerne spent Sunday afternoon in Mt.
"Messrs. Nap. Dtecharme 'and L.
Masse and Miss Margaret Ducharme
motored to Wooletocic on Sunday:
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Laporte also
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Laporte of Detrcht,
were Sunday visitors with Mr. and:
Quite a number. .frotri acre at -I
tended ;the plowing match near Let.'
norm 'lest •areceek.
Mrs. Fred ‚Hap; of Moose leteeel
Seek., ',has been (Teeming old aveta-I
elate -me 'in ;this munity receeet11yj
Miss '1,mm-et ;Reichert, accomp-;
anied aittl Ars. Wm.
Lachlan ,sperat -the wett-end with fri-
ends in Brantford.
The many friends of Mrs. Haroldl
Reichert who has. been *;ll are gliad
to know Ake its Al* tto 'be tout again.
, LIVE1 1
A special artigle in The kenerioan
Weekly, with the November Issue
of The Detroit Sunday Times, re-
's'teals unusual facts *Skin seem to
indicate that overfed ;babies 'who
(Net have early hardshlips live shor-
ter than less fortunate children—but
explains that a sot of hardy grand-
parents is the safest, way to assure
a good old age. Be sure to get The
Detroit Sunday Times.
Mr. and Mrs, Sweeney, Mrs, Grant
and Miss Zeta Nadiger, R.N. of
Howell, Mich,, spent the week -end
with Mr. and Mrs, Wm., Nadiger.
Mr, aridn Mrs. Ifar* liartleib and
babe of London and Mrs, ICate Hea-
de)) Of HOTI011 Were Sunday Yfititors
oyed 'by the Heckler Lumber Co. of
Goderidh the past weeksare *home for.
e.1,1r (days •Viditing their 'parents.
'Donald Wiggins of Goderich has
'a poSition -with the staff of the
Man'k (of 'Montreal `here.
Mir. :and "Mrs. -Nell 'Sparks of De -
ret were -*Steers -With the forneer'e
:father, .&rdllie Spakis.
AVIA, Plannah 'Workman returned
home tafflter apeniting a few days with
her 44tangolvter near Dublin.
Mrs. Tiamlil !Sh,epherd drf Toronto,
is weeding a few weeks with herl
parents, Mr, And Nts. Jas. Sri:dine.
Mr. and lys. RObit. Drysdale and:
Mr. and ,111rs, Hardld Forges of San-
dusky,' Web, were ,recent Visitors'
with the former's brother; G. M. Dry-
sdare, also idol:Ling/with Mr. arid;Mrs vestit•ated. The car was travellfmg
W. A. 'McLaren arid other friends. north' and the truck west when they
,Mr. and Mrs. David Bailey of Rim- met at the interseetion of Sandere
tsville are visiting with ieiy son -1n
law and daughter, Rev. and Mrs.
'Mrs. Sol. Pollack of 1.1rand Bend
had the, misfortune to slip breaking.
her, ankle which will ray !ler up for
some tine. The Fracture was reduced
by Dr. Taylor.
Married—In Clinton Ontario Stre-
et church parsonage on' f•)ctuber. 12th
Doris J. Addison of Clinton', was un-
ited in marriage to Mr. William Wal-
ker of Clinton by, Rev. C. G. Bur-
Mrs. Jennison, GI Grand Bend, who
fractured her leg is improving nicely
in St. Joseph'srejbyFall
uliospitai., hondon..
Gordon Messenger fell from a hay
loft to the floor of the barn on Inc
McCarral farm, half mile east of
Seaforth, when he was playing with
other boys. He suffered injures to
his back and a fractured sbouldc.r.
was taken to Seureah Hospital.
Receives Pramation,
Capt. Win. Aberhart of Mitchell,
assumed his duties as assistant to:the
District Medical Officer for Military
District No. 1 with headquarters at
London wher Capt. Aiberharc has
been stationed ever since his enlist-
ment a few, months ago.
Minister Accepts Caii
Rev. C. L. Brown, minister of Vic-
toria St. United Church, Gaderich,
tendered his resignation, he having
accepted. a call to Calvin Chttreii,
Pembroke. He plans to leave Cioder-
WI late in ,Oct. Mr. Brown, a young
:man, came from Peterboro 16 months
ago and with his wife made matey fri-
ends. The Pembroke church to which
he is going as a congregation trhee
times as large as the Goderich church
' Truck Driver Killed •
Roy Oliver MeWhinney, a2 -year-,
old truck driver, of Goderich, was
crushed to death against his steering
wheel, by the weight f a low; of lum-
ber, on No. 2 highway two miles east
of Melbourne. His body was pinned
in tle cab. Rescuers could get close
enough to him to detect that he was
dead, lhut they couldn't free him until
lumber had been hacked .'way with
an axe.
'Cut On Face in Car Crash
Facial 'lacerations were suffered by
Wesley S. Cole, . Exeter druggist, had named a very large flock of and Alvin of the Royal Bank staff at,
when the gar he was driving. collided robins. In other years these birds us- Roseneath, Ont, and a' 'daughter,Illiss;
with a light delivery trtick owned nay eave in September.
and driven by Clarence Fairbairn.
61s° of Exeter. Fairbairn was thrown Mr. R. E. Manning Appointed
to the' street, (escaped with a shaking Cilirrtell Town Council /net in special
Ceee's car was tightly wedged betw•e- session .to receive applications far the
en as post and a tree, local police in- ;position of clerk -treasurer for the
municipality -made vacant by the re -
'duration of R. E. It/fanning. Of nine
iapplications considered, that of Mr,
I M. T. Corless, 'Clinton, was accepted.
'He,. the newly appointed clerk -treas-
urer, has been a resident of Clinton
for the past 30 'years He has served
in the public school board and on the
Co/tomato board, and has. ,boen sup- alightly damaged. He was taken to
erintend.ent of Wesley -Willis united Stratford hospital, was educated, in
church Sunday school for the pan 6 111xeter and Stratford and about IA
years and is a member of the churchlyears ago he and his brother started`
eosssion. His family consists of Mrs. the Harr Transport. His mother anad.
Thursday, ,October Slot, 1940
........L.P.N.110.111111,11MIWOIONOWNINeuwallar2,0.1111. •••••• INIVOlegal•Ma•
ro f Jeanents
ID UN:RI:NG water mules pressure to all parts of your
1A.house make possible the installation of those
modern conveniences so necessary to the health and
enjoyment of your family and increase their pride in
their. home.
A .woman spends a good part of each day in the
kitchen. It should be Emco equipped throughout to lessen
her work and make it a pleasure instead of drudgery.
For the health. of your family a modern bathroom
is necessary. One fitted entirely with Emco Fittings and
Fixtures will give you most pleasure? service and value.
To allow instalAtion o'f these improvements a
1Z pplySystera
will pump, under presgare, all the water needed. In
additioa, it can he piped. to barns and any other needed
Ifaffela products are very reasonably priced.
The Snow-white 20"x 42" Enamelled Sink,
illustrated above, including faucet ready for
installation, .............. $ 32.90
$ 61.30
Sink and Cabinet with faucet
(Trap, iron pipe and fittings extra)
The Duro Special Pump has a capacity of 250
gals. per hour; is. supplied with a 25 gal. tank
and 25 or 60 cycle motor. It costs only $ 86.00
Small Monthly Payments
The Gervernment Home Improvement
Loan Act or Duro Finance Plan enables
yon to purchase Emco fixtures, fittings
and Duro Pumps on the monthly pay-
ment plan over a period of three years.
'Entpthies given prompt attention and
estimates supplied without charge_
London Hamilton Toronto Sudbury
Winnipeg Vancouver
A. Gas known to every motorist. Why take chances in
inferior Gas, when you can buy Good Gas at Regukr
Engineered Lubrication
Ai Mopes you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using
of Grease. We invite you: to watch us Lubricate your Car
how Trained Attendants Grease Cars
7 kinds
and sea
Expert Repairing • ,
We use the RING AN ALYSLIt to properly Tune Up your 1VIotor.
Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires
C%exti and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most Up-tordate
Garage and Service Station.
Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Car for
the wanner weather and better roads soon to be here!
C. Fritz & Son Dsed Car Lot in Connection
'had all disappeared and a resid:ent, Bunk of Montreal staff it Norwiel
Mrs. A. Lammie of Detroit is vis-
iting at the home of her nephew and
niece, Mr. and Mrs, A. L. Case..
and Olt:gig' hSitnsg. Has Started
The weatherman has plarti a pec-
uliar prank in Auburn recently when
a fainter near the village picked a
pail of raspberries an a few days lat-
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Sittillie of Higi, I er W, J. Stewart, former reeve of W.
way No, 4 moved into the dwelling' Walver (01 eY.-..w three loads of wood
they recently purchased rvoin the from his bush with the sleigh •and
Olen estate, states it, was hotter going than the
Yin, Ted, Taman of ListorIMis wagon. The 'folhaVtin d4.1; the snaw coaloo, qenso, Benson of the two bi7othsts outlive,
Dorothy of. Zurich. Mr. Corless took
over the duties of his new position at
Dies From Accident
Prank Barr, born in C.,•omarty
years ago, and a son of Mrs. Marg-.
a.ret Barr, Stratford and the Tate J..
G. Bann died from shock following.'
a minor oar accident at Seebach's Hilt
on No. 8 highway. The car left the,
road and went into the ditch, The
?Myer said he was blinded by on-
coming lights. He complained of
slight pain in the hip. The car wat.-
, elm
ro f Jeanents
ID UN:RI:NG water mules pressure to all parts of your
1A.house make possible the installation of those
modern conveniences so necessary to the health and
enjoyment of your family and increase their pride in
their. home.
A .woman spends a good part of each day in the
kitchen. It should be Emco equipped throughout to lessen
her work and make it a pleasure instead of drudgery.
For the health. of your family a modern bathroom
is necessary. One fitted entirely with Emco Fittings and
Fixtures will give you most pleasure? service and value.
To allow instalAtion o'f these improvements a
1Z pplySystera
will pump, under presgare, all the water needed. In
additioa, it can he piped. to barns and any other needed
Ifaffela products are very reasonably priced.
The Snow-white 20"x 42" Enamelled Sink,
illustrated above, including faucet ready for
installation, .............. $ 32.90
$ 61.30
Sink and Cabinet with faucet
(Trap, iron pipe and fittings extra)
The Duro Special Pump has a capacity of 250
gals. per hour; is. supplied with a 25 gal. tank
and 25 or 60 cycle motor. It costs only $ 86.00
Small Monthly Payments
The Gervernment Home Improvement
Loan Act or Duro Finance Plan enables
yon to purchase Emco fixtures, fittings
and Duro Pumps on the monthly pay-
ment plan over a period of three years.
'Entpthies given prompt attention and
estimates supplied without charge_
London Hamilton Toronto Sudbury
Winnipeg Vancouver
A. Gas known to every motorist. Why take chances in
inferior Gas, when you can buy Good Gas at Regukr
Engineered Lubrication
Ai Mopes you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using
of Grease. We invite you: to watch us Lubricate your Car
how Trained Attendants Grease Cars
7 kinds
and sea
Expert Repairing • ,
We use the RING AN ALYSLIt to properly Tune Up your 1VIotor.
Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires
C%exti and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most Up-tordate
Garage and Service Station.
Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Car for
the wanner weather and better roads soon to be here!
C. Fritz & Son Dsed Car Lot in Connection
'had all disappeared and a resid:ent, Bunk of Montreal staff it Norwiel
Mrs. A. Lammie of Detroit is vis-
iting at the home of her nephew and
niece, Mr. and Mrs, A. L. Case..
and Olt:gig' hSitnsg. Has Started
The weatherman has plarti a pec-
uliar prank in Auburn recently when
a fainter near the village picked a
pail of raspberries an a few days lat-
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Sittillie of Higi, I er W, J. Stewart, former reeve of W.
way No, 4 moved into the dwelling' Walver (01 eY.-..w three loads of wood
they recently purchased rvoin the from his bush with the sleigh •and
Olen estate, states it, was hotter going than the
Yin, Ted, Taman of ListorIMis wagon. The 'folhaVtin d4.1; the snaw coaloo, qenso, Benson of the two bi7othsts outlive,
Dorothy of. Zurich. Mr. Corless took
over the duties of his new position at
Dies From Accident
Prank Barr, born in C.,•omarty
years ago, and a son of Mrs. Marg-.
a.ret Barr, Stratford and the Tate J..
G. Bann died from shock following.'
a minor oar accident at Seebach's Hilt
on No. 8 highway. The car left the,
road and went into the ditch, The
?Myer said he was blinded by on-
coming lights. He complained of
slight pain in the hip. The car wat.-