HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-10-31, Page 1•21 Forty -First Year ^-^ ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING ,OCTOBER , 31. 941.0 . — Rates: $1.25 in Canada, in advent 41.5O in U.S.A,, in advanoet C,HEa.. eat L. SMITH, Publish ,.itronize your Local Moro Abwriumo,imonynevar. THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING • Visit Our Salon for your MID -SUMMER SPECIALS Let us quote you on the very best .and latest Permanents, that are pleas- ing and satisfactory and that will give you personality. Hairdressing Salon at rear of Store. For appoint- ments call us by phone 102, Zurich. MRS. FRED THIELE, Proprietress VENIIIIIMMOIMIME1211=291.11011141111•1111M1111 COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRCES C. E. nrbrigg ,R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Opeat every Week Day Except 'Wednesday. Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so; Have your Eyes,Examined 'with the Latest Methods an. Equipment at A. L COLE, R. 0. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERIOEI — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices •a—ea—ems- -- TRUCKLOAD OF ROAST FOWL At the annual fowl' supper of Bdu- cefleld United Church last Thursday evening a truck load of roast fowl was required to supply the meat por- tion of the menu. It is thought that upwards of 1,50a people sat down to the tables set in the large church Shed. a SEE THE New 1941 ble Many New Added Features WARD FRITZ Inwinus*ussocereomerfona..... amarrametaftemmoomo...00.0 4s, WE SELL THE esstr rine LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday •••••••••••••••••••••••44.1..*0 Carnation milk,,, 2 dmtli tins ... . .. .—. „..15c Fry's Cocoa, half lb. tin.___. ... . . 19c Royal ork coffee, 1-11a. :tin . ..... ..--.....—_—___49c Chicken 1 -laddie„ per lin — 16c Aylmer tomatoes 21/2 large, 2 tins . ... .. ..... . Finest Sultana. Raisins, two lbs. .. ..... . .. ............23c Hemphill's. My -T Nice wheat 'berries; 5-16s.,.....25c Pork and beans 20 -oz. .,2 :tins .... —.. -. , - .,„., 19c Peas and Com 16 -oz. tins 10c Golden wax beans, .2 tins . . • .....• - . i 9c Clover Leaf Salmon 1-1b. tin .. ...., ... 19c Ready Cut mac roni, per :lb ..... . ..,...............5c Candy Kisses,. 2 lbs ..........,.......-___-......._. . . ... ..25c jelly beans per lb . ... . ... R • • 0' . ft . • I. 15c See our Underwear, Sweater Coats, Wind Breakers Hosiery, ete.,, for Men, 'Women and Children. „„„4,/, A R I orraisia24221242424422,42422442244244A•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilt one 140 1 IN TOWN HALL' ZURICH• ON Saturday, Nov. 2nd. at 8 p.m. Proceeds for Zurich and Dis- trict Branch, Red Cross Soc- iety o o d Prizes. Games 5c. EVERYBODY WELCOME IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of oar clear mother who passed away one year ago. The blow was great, the shock severe We little thought the end was near And only those who have lost can tell The pain of parting without farewell More each day we miss you, mother, 'Friends may think the wound is • healed, But they little know the sorrow That lies within our hearts concealed God took her home, it was his will But in our hearts she liveth still. .Sadly missed by Gordon, Garnet, Pearl. BRITISH -AIRMEN AT GODERICH A party of 268 British airmen, in- cluding 17 officers, with the accents of Lancashire , Yorkshire, Scotland and the Cockney of Old Landon, ar- rived at Goderich last Ieriday for training at Port Alert airport navi- gation school. The airmen aerived by a 10 -car special train and came to L.anada under the British Common- wealth Air Training plan. Aker two weeksboat and train trip the airmen were taken from Goderich to the air- port by R.C.A.F. motor trucks and cars. They seemed much pleased with their new surroundings and were 'glad to end the long train ride from their port of landing. All are here for aueanced training and some ex- pect to remain in Canada as instru- ctors. Already they talk of bringing wives and families to Canada. In Magistrate's Court Goderich—"I am glad. that the hus- band knew of the pre.viaus marriage .of this woman. when he married. her However, I am not a Klee mat 'both did not ' know the meaning 'Of 'spin- ster' when the license was taken out. The woman had been through the mill before. 1 de not lalame her for again using her maiden name after 1 her husband had deserted her for another woman." This was the sum- ming up of Mag. J. A.. Makirts on Thursday as he convicted Mts. t.,,mma Tremblay of perjury i'm falsely swea- aring to an affidavit when teleing out a license to marr37 George Hoffman on April 19, last The two went thr- ough the form of marriage on June 6 of this year. Evidence showed that the • woman • had Married Joseph Tre- mblay at Goderich on Dec. 4, 1916, Mts. Tremblay wasgiven suspended sentence on payment of court costs. which was promptly paid by Hoffman ---dierrimad Gross, of Kitchener, plea- ded guilty to a charge of dangerous driving, and was fated $25 ant costs. His license susupended for three months. The conviction resulted frot. a head -nn collision on the c: est of a hill an Sept, 29 between cars &Ay- er', by Gross and Miss Muriel Sam- ford, Hamiltot, .Gross pulling • otee to pass a truck es Miss Stopford,, 4-triv- Mg in the opposite .direction,. earn° over the top of the hill, Three went to hospital for a few days. ----Convict- ed et Seaforth on Tuesday of contr- '%uting to the delinqueneq of child - Tem, Dorothy Howe, 18, of Seaforth, wail remanded to jail for tree •Weeks • for Sentence.—Seetenea a week ago to 18 months definite end six months indeterminedate, Doha Dickson, stock She salesman, was given a similar see a for your Fall Purchases a:Miss Anna Hess was a Sunday vis- itor with Dashwood friends. Mrs. H. Chesney of Seaforth cal- led at the home of Mrs. C. Eilber one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Milton McAdams of the Bronson line visited last Sunday at the home of Mr. Alex Neeb near Dashwood. Ma. and Mrs. George Geirhart and Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Parent of De- troit spent the week -end vath the Horner family. Mr. Elgin Snider and lady friend •of Sarnia were Week -end yisitors at the home of the former's mother,Mrs Mabel Snider. .& Red Cross Tea will be held in the Zurich town hall, Saturday, Nov- ember lath. Everybody welcome. Every small contribution is a step to British Freedon. "Come-" As we go to eress we tearn of the passing of Mrs Mary Schwalm, a lifellong resident ef the community. No date of furter& has been arrang- ed.. She was found dead in her room on Wednesday moraing. Mrs. Roy Lamont and daughter •Margaret of the Goshen. line and Miss Jane Lamont •of town motored to Fol'est on Sunday to visit at the c hoe of . Mr. and •Mrs. Wm."F. 11, e. e regular monthly meeting of t'aeajarigh.Woneens Institute will be 'het Zan Monday evening November 3rd at the town hall. The CreditonW. W. L will entertain the local branch. So will all ladies please try and be present. Mrs. Thea McAdams and Mr. and Mrs. Milton McAdams had a fowl supper on Monday evening for Mrs. Wm. Bassow it being her 85th birth- day. Those present were: Mrs. Bas - sow and son Harry, daughter Emmie; Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Miller and family and George Cox of the 14th con; Mr. and Mrs. Will McAdams or t he Blind line Hay, Harvey and Warn Neeb of near Dashwood. Mr. and Mrm Mr. C. L. Sinith ato.red to London on Sunday to visit their daughter Mae; also visited the new air port at Crumlin, and while there watching a bomber plane Make a landing Mrs. Smith was accidently knocked teethe ground by- a speetat- ore car who backed out with intention of leaving the grounds. Mrs: ith had her .back tarned to the car when without any- warning. it backed into her with the result of tearing. quite a gash in her right reg at the 'knee, and also the scare had an effect. Mae applied first aid' at the 'T.W.C.A., un- til Mrs. Smith reached' Kturicfp when she had the wound dressed' by nied- ical attentibn, She is feeri7ng quite well now and aside from a bit of a limp au her leg rooks none tiVe worse. But how simple and quickly accid- ents.; ean happen and' then we. are al- ways grateful' if they are not serious. Oita! Repair Service Broken Lenses Accuratel Duplicated Any Shape and Size, and at Moderate Price A G. HESS jeweler and Registered Optician. y a For positive identificationof the World's Finest Anthracite, ak for - BLUE COAL Also Rosedale Alberta, Semet-Solvay Coke Miller Creek. Glen Rodger's Briquet& The Roe Farms Milling Caw Feeds. • Highest Cash Prices paid foot .Eggs on a graded basis.. W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensall • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••00.0 • • • • • • • • • 44.• • • • O. • 4.• • a. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • SUITS and OVE COATS ONLY $1.00 MORE THAN LAST YEAR Suits for . 4 e 25.95 CANNOT BE BEATEN BE SURE AND CHOOSE EARLY IL aaRra thr le' 911 eda Of. 4I1 411. EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS • 4a, • 4111111151111110 ••••••4:0••••••••0000,04000,0 ,410.004000000,00004.0•••••4411• HYIVIENEAL .A quiet autumn weddiaeg was sol- emnized at. tam ofereet, WednesdaaY, Oetober 16th at the United church manse, Orel:Mega when Rev. L. H. Turner waked ilre marriage Alice • Louise, daughter of Mrs. and the late r Samuel ,Gleodge Lawson to Stewart:1 Elmore Thiel, sate of Mr, and Mee George Mel Zurich. The briateell was beer/le-tingly gowned a militeeee blue dress -while matching accessmaes. Her sister •, Lenore, as bridesaeptid, Weeling a -riltuagte tripe dress. The groom was supported by his ?aeether Leeds'. Mete the ‘ceremony itwedd- ing dinner was served to the tunneci- late relatives, the table brave prettily decorated in pink and while!, centred with a three.story wedding cake. The roam Wtia effictively decorated with nutrigolde, snap dragons, and gdalioli., The bride and grOoM left on t shot elite when he pleaded guilty to three motor trip to Chatham and pallets more charges of theft by ceeaersies Thlre o +Tema! were eommitti in Perth County. Th, tenee, to .rars. etthorroutiy, • south along Lake On thole actin they will reerde near Merich. The HeraAkli joins their matey Zurich filends ITIextending coaigiettalatiorte. 11•11111111.1111111111111111.1.11111311161111111ElltX=SWOree. All New Stock THANKS To Our Many Customers in helping us making Our Recent Sale a Big Success, and in disposing of our former Stock on hand, which en- ables us to replace this with all New Goods which we are offering at very Reasonable Prices. Be sure to coine in and see them! FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND Good Stock of Hardware, Prygoocis, Boots -and, Shoes. • HIGHEST MARKET PRI CES PAID FOR EGGS THE EdrnitAnd Swartzen4P.Ler, Prop. 111. ageikaagi.VagadiataaaMegattalaftee