HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-10-24, Page 5Tlruredey',, Getoilear 24th',. 1940 BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL uxLEY E. HOEMES 'BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE—At Court House GOD1 RICH — ONTARIO Spatial Attention to Couneel and Court Work. Mr. Holmes may be consulted at raraderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYC.JE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK_ZURICH ifll vezy Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and �!�,Wednesday. VETERINARIA-I''P Ir. W. B. CQXON, WV, Sc: VETERINARY SURGEON 'Office with Residence, Main Street, Opposite Drug 'tore ?ff'hone-90ziosich , ,.. R. Campbell, V.Sa B,V.Sc. 'Graduate of Ontario Toronto. ary College, University of leases of domestic animals treated 'by the most modern principles, night Charges rely nable. attended Day to. Also Bre- der pfeop y Inverness Bre- oder of Scottish on Main Street,r�rr►elts. Hall. posits Town Phone 116. HE1d;3ALL. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION O C N- jnct any Auction Sale, oma to ae or article to sell. 1 solie'.t Tata business, and if not satisfied will n'aarasite"charges for - Sercvice3, Reri- laved. ARTHUR WEBER --Dashwood Irlsoue 13-51. PRODUCE Farm Produce WANTED 1.1IGHEST CASH PRICES —FOR-- CREAK FOR—C1' E,AM, EGGS AND POULTRY WM, O'Brien mane 101. Res. 04, Zurich BUTCHERS urlcha' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the gory Choice of • Fresh and Cur- ed Boas, Sausages, Ext,, always on hand. Kept fresh in Erect& Refrigerattion Highest Cash Pries for Wool,. Hides • and Skins Yungblut & Son Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc, Ads, in this Column, Cooler weather greeted these parts the p.wt week, but this week it is a- gain warming up nicely, and farm- ers are anxious fora tew nice days to gather In their harvest. The ne.w Deichert block.is going up quite ;rapielly, as the solid brick wall on the b.ute,her shop and refigerator department is about high enoughbut the residential section still has a few feet more to go on. Mr. Chris. L"'eckler of Blake who has recently sold his property to Mr John Den.omme has purchased a ten - acre lot with good buildings on No. 8 highway, about four miles east of ,Goderieh. Possession will be given this fall. Mr. Elmer W.illert of Grand Bend, while in town .Saturday evening, brought to our office a fine sample of wild rallpberries that he picked in the fence corners of .his farm, and since in visiting the woods noticed that wild berries are quite plentyful, A .subscriber tells of a `cherrie tree in blossom for the second time this year. And so the irrug�alari•ties of the season goes on. Cheek Bones Broken Dr. Harvey Cowen is suffering from a fractured cheek bone received in a fall at his new building on MeathSt. Dr. Cowen was measuring one of the walls and was stepping over the open rafters of the ground floor when he missed his footing. Grabbing at one of the window sills that had been newly set in place the sill gave way tumbled on Dr. Cowen as he fell 'eetween the rafters. He received a tasty shaking up and .in striking the side of his face fractured three cheek bones.—Exeter Times Advocate. D1:.0 I DE S ON HALF -HOLIDAY C4odcrieb---Business places in thi. town will close during the morning of Armistice Day, November 11, accord ing to authorization by the Town Co- uncil which declared a ]calf 'holiday in Che morning. Stores will remain dos- ed till 1'' pen. There will be the us- THEDEW-DROP - INN QUICK AND LIGHT LUNCHES Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Soft Drinks, Tobaccos, accos, Cigarettes, Cigars, Etc. LICENSED POOL ROOM HAROLD OVERHOLT FOR QUICK SALE A limited amount of 'choice potat- oes, ..A.pply to Joseph Druar, Zurich. FOR SALE X50 acres with good buildings a- bout four miles from Exeter. Some small acreage ]comes in Exeter suit- able for poultry and gardening. 100 acres 4 miles east of Centralia at ae bargain, --W. C. 'Pearce, Exeter. FOR SALE SPRAYED APPLES—Spy, Talman Sweet, Greening, Russet, Baldwin, and cider apples.—Phone, •Clinton 622-24. Fred McClym.ont, Varna. a FOOD SALE The ladies of St. Boniface Parish will hold a Food Sale in Town Hall, Zurich on Saturday afternoon, Oct- ober 26th. Tea will be served. FOR QUICK SALE A limited number of white Leg- horn pulletts for sale. Earl Ginger• ich. FOR QUICK SALE 60 Red Hampshire puerete, ready to lay, also a windcharger. Apply to Harvey Clausius. For Sale Like New, a No. 2 International cream separator.—Zurich Creamery. PRODUCE WANTED We pay Highest Cash Prices for Eggs and Poultry. Give us a trial! MEYERS PRODUCE, Phone 116 .. Zurich. pt4'39 WANTED CASH for Dead Animals and Fox Hrses. Phone 47r15, Reverse all charges. Jack Williams, Dashwood, R.R.3. -50,39 Zurich Garage Coyne and purchase your Aut- )motive Requirements from ?urich's oldest Established garage and Service Station. We can supply all your needs. iZxpert Automobile repairing, ' ith the latest testing instrum- nts, Acytelene Welding Tires 3atteries, Oils, Greases and lepairs. B -A Gasoline in three Grades Give Us a Call H. MOUSSEAU INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK 111E LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING 'BUSINESS, OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO .�9mount Of Insurance at Risk tin Dec. "31st, 1936, $22,391,527.00 'Taal cos h ixr Bank and Bond $273,61347. urates—$4.$O per $1,000 for 3 Years ;E. F. KLOPP ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Li htn- fm Rods and all hinds of Fire Jn urance "� Phone: Day 103. Night, 47 SWEETEN THAT SWASTIKA a Are article in The American Week- ly, with October 27 issue of The Detroit Sunday Times, reports the complaint of the fourth bride of a marrying millionaire who claims she 'had to dine under the Nazi flag amid hisses, boos, booze, black eyes, a broken nose and "tank" attacks—and she wants to be divorced back to De- mocracy. Be sure to get The Detroit Sunday Times. RED CROSS NOTES The 1940 canvass by the Hensall branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society is almost completed. To date $1,017.02 *has been collected wits - additional pledges of $32. The larg- est of which amount there were live In addition to the above they are in- debted to the Hensall-Zurich War Time Committee for a donation or $50 and to the Exeter. Lions Club for $15, a percentage on ,the ticket, handled by Hensall business people in connection with their recent frolic. The public will be pleased to know that the scrap and waste paper gath- ered earlyin the e summer were sold for $88.25 The officers of the branch •ire truly rnrntefuI to all eanvaeser:s. but especially to those in the rural suctions as the canvass was conduct- ed during a very busy periou. The canvass to elate has producer, approx- imately $100 more than at the same stage in 1919. Many have given anost graeiouel;�, LURICk6 H1:..),(Ai .f Fair's smartest FOOTWEAR We Appreciate Your Patronage Good looking, durable and stylish for Men, Women and Children. All at lowest Cash Prices. GOOD SCHOOL SHOES For growing, romping feet; the sat- isfying kind with all the style feat- ures including solid substantial wear that parents insist upon. COME IN AND SEE THEM! Shoe Repairing a Specialty. MEN'S HALF SOLES (Grade 1) NAILED 90c CEMENTED $1.00 SEWN $1,00 WOMEN'S, NAILED , . , , . 70c CEMENTED 85c E. J. DATARS Reliable Footwear and Shoe Repair- ing, Trunks, Club Bags, & Suitcases. ial Armistice ceremonies. The voters nay be asked to vote on a daylight awing plebscite this year at the De - ember 1 election. HURON OLD BOYS PLAN AT-HOME The Huron Old Boys' Association of Toronto, in conjunction' with the man County Junior Association, a Nre holding their annual At Horne in Eaton Auditorium on Friday evening ovember 22ud. This will be one of the best parties of the year and a large crowd is expected, not only those former Huronites residing in Toronto, but a goodly number of people who reside in the good old county, are expected to be present at this year's At Home, acccnding to officers of the association. The splen- did program wil include cards and dancing amid the most pleasant sur- roundings. DcCourcey's Orchestra will furnish the music and there will be refreshments. OBITUARY - HAY RESIDENT PASSES George Jackson, of Hay Twp., two iles south of Hensel' on No. 4 high - ay died suddenly on Oct. 17th in is 48th year. He Irad been in Hetl- sall and was strolling around his pre- mises when he colaapsed and died upon being carried into the house. He spent all his life in the community, being born and educated in Hay Twp. He enlisted in the 161st Batailion in 1916 but illness developed which pre- vented him from going overseas and was the start of a disability that cau- sed his death, He had spent three sessions in Westminister Hospital, London during the past 10 years. In 1927 he was married to Ida M. Way, who survives with two children; his mother, Mrs. John Jackson of Hay Twp., two brothers, Isaac of Alb; Robert at home; four sisters, Mrs. Brierly, Victoria; Mrs. Wesley Cole- man, Hensel!, Mrs. R. McLean and .Mrs. W. Smith, Detroit. Funeral was held Saturday with Eev. Brook of Hensall, officiating. LATE MRS. NEER The death took place in Stephen Township on 'ihurulay last of Mrs. Alex. Neeb, who passed away aged 57 years and 9 days, Mrs. Neeb had been in failing health for about a year and for five weeks before her death was confined to her bed. Born inStephen her maiden name was Anna Barbara Witzel, daughter of the late Win. Witzel. On December .14tH, 1904, she was united in marri- age with her now bereaved husband. A family of ten children, seven dais- eliters and three sons survive, viz: (Alice) Mrs. S. W. Thomson, of Klippen; (Erna) Mrs. C. B. Allison, of Usborne; Esther at home; Thelma, and Mildred of London; (luerniece) Mrs. William. McAdams, at home;; (Hilda) Mrs. Milton McAdams, of near Zurich; Sydney in training'. at Woodstock; Harvey and Ward, at ;some. Alfred, the second of the fam- ily died at the age of two and a half years. Deceased is also survived by five sisters, Mrs. Ezra Lamport, of Crediton; Mrs. Garnet Heywood, Exe- ter; Mrs. Hy Pfaff of Stephen; Mrs. - nc Alfred Tilley of Crediton a1 Miss hone' Witzel of Clinton. The funer- al, private, was held from her late residence, lot 17, con. 1)2, Stephen conducted by Rev. R. Rappel, of Dashwood, with interment in the Crediton cemetery, The pallbearers which were Mrs. Nee1's own choice her three soteeV,'' hnrn anti l'ailt'o- Mc \slant., anis Clifford Heywood, AMMO/ 4111.1•1016.40•1•611101..010.1.1 ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH -- ONT, A Changeless Christ for a ing World. Friday, 8h—Luther League, Thursday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. m.—Divine Worship 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p, m—Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E, TUERKHEIM, Pastor. Chang-, EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH C. B. Heckendorn, Minister. Mrs. H. G. Hess, Organist. 10 a.m. Worship. The Junior Choir will sing 11 a.m.—Sabbath School. 7.30 p.m. The E.L.C.E Rally. A service by the Young' People October—Loyalty !Month. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Implements and Hosehold Effects, on Lot 21-22, Con cession 5, Hay Township; half wee between Hensall and Zurich, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5th, 1940 At 1 o'clock p.m. sharp HORSES --Grey Percheron team of geldings; Bay wagon horse 4 yrs. old works single and double. CATTLE --Durham red cow 5 yrs. old due in January; Holstein cow due in December 6 yrs. old; Holstein cow due in March; red Durham cow sup- posed to be in calf; 6 -yr. old Pollad Angus cow fresh and bred; Holstein cow fresh and bred 6 yrs. old; rutin Durham heifer 3 yrs. old supposed to be in calf; Durham balby beef; Polled Angus spring calf. PIGS J1 York brood sow due 7th of December. IMPLEMENTS—McCormick - Deer- ing binder 6 -ft. cut nearly new; M. - H. oil run mower 51/e. ft. 2 yrs. old; McCormick Fertilizer drill, binder whip, blacksnake whip, disc new, M. - H. disc outthrow 12 plate new, 4 - section harrows new, Deering 10 -ft. steel rake, Peter Hamilton spring - tooth cultivator, M. -H. bean cultiv- ator with puller combined; Cockshutt riding plow, Fleury walking plow 1 - horse scuffler, Brown=Clark sleigh nearly new, wagon nearly new, grav- el box nearly new, 16 -ft. flat slay rack, 2 yrs. old; sleigh pretzel -re new, log bunks, root .puiper, Clinton fan- ning mill, bag truck, 2000 -ib. cap. scales, Portland cutter, rueeer tired top buggy nearly new, Whitby gate, 2 chop barrels, 2 chop boxes, large galvanized tank; 2 -wheel trailer with stock rack, stone boat, 2 sez..' of sling ropes nearly new, hay fork, large rope 160 -ft. new, hay knife, trip rope 50 twine sacks, 20 good grain bags wheel barrow, barley forks, grain forks, shovels, manure forks, 3 togg- ing chains, neckyokes, whiffletrees, can's -hook, wire stretcher, 2 hand saws; buck saw, x -cut saw, crow bars, 36 -ft. extension ladder a w; 100 feet snow fence new, iron posts, hoof clipper, blacksmith hammer, string of bells, 4 team bells, Harness, Etc. ---Double sec of brit- chen harness nearly new, 2 backhand harness nearly new, rubbe. mounted single harness nearly new, set of britchen, set collar tops, 4 new col- lars 2.1 -inch, 1 wind collar 21 -inch; set of good plow lines, single 'buggy bridle, set of new horse blankets, 3 buffalo robes, power clipping mach- ine new, sweat pads. Hay and Grain ---30 ton of pure Alfalfa hay; 450 bushels of Early Alaska oats, never got a rain, well cured.. Household Effects --,Renfrew cream seperator 600 -ib. cap; 2 vinegar his, iron kettle with stand, 30 -gal. copper kettle, sap pan 9 -ft; 50 pails with handles new, sausage grinder, hang- ing lamp, Daisy chum, scalding tro- ugh new; w, largenew can, onion scuf- fler, lawn mower, 3 lanterns, buggy light, coaloil jug 5 gal and numerous other articles. No reserve, as the proprietors are giving up farming. Ti MSS ---GASH Arthur Weber, Auctioneer, R, F. Stade, Clerk, Mrs, Elmore Thiel, Proprietress. IrACE "Tr" MASSEY-HARRIS NE WS Order your bean knives and harvester repairs early as rerpair stock is hard to keep up owing to conditions beyond our control. FOR SALE CHEAP Two good Clyde Mares 8 and 14 years old; weight about1400-lbs. Tel. Shop 149 0. KLOPP & SONS Res. 67 rm2E=Rimlli 111 IIII 11 IIIII1111111111111111111111N IIIIINIIIIIl11 it ;1111111111111 lilhlllllll IIIIIIIIIII11JIIIIIIIIIIIIfJBIINNIJNNNIJIiINNiINNIIIIN DOMIDNINE11111111 Zurich I)rug Store QUALITY DRUGS School Opening ALL YOUR SCHOOL SUPPLIES SOLD HERE Use White Rose Fly Spray to kill flies and other insects 8 -oz. 29c .... 16 -oz. ....49c We Have a number of Library Books which we will lend out at Sc. per week. Etc, Dr. J. A. Addison, Proprietor /71(1 1 N 11 III 1 N 1 111111111111 NI 11 111 1 11111 1111111 1 1 1 11 HI 1111 f++i++ +++1•+4°+E+t + Huh++ -p++++ ++++' -:•'1•00++÷ ..-1•..... ..-E.+++r . 'Town ''alk„ TRY E CKEL'S Bread 1• t r Eckel's Bakery -- Zurich • also Y CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE, PIES, AND SWEET GOODS. All Ingredients Used are of the Highest Quality + ALL CONFECTIONS -- ICE CREAM Our Store will be closed each Wednesday Evening • Telephone 100 I4++++++++++++++++++++++++ 444 +44 +4+44+.1+44444+4+4444 -1 - Telephone +++++ ++i•+++++ 1d LESS v is ,ESS ac toot EASY OPENING T1N- CANNOT SPILL 7 vs`s,.01, 134tt►t •o ,� :k1 10,4 ., oM It% CALUM ..T oan.o DOUBLE-ACTING BAKING, POWDER Come in • • See How the NEW... Feed Sayer HAMMER mill.. • Hits the Bull's Eye With Both Barrels ALVIN RAU, Agent Phone 98r6 Zurich. Ott ,