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Zurich Herald, 1940-10-17, Page 5
Thursday, October 17th Malt `► JS FESS CARDS LEGAL DLE Y bEC t?1ComE Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc.. Ads. in this , Coln mn. THE DEW w DROP - INN BARRISTER, USTER, SOLICI I'rhfig ?W QUICK AND LIGHT LUNCHES ARY PPUBLIC, ETC Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, :Soft Drinks, OFFICE—At Court, House .1 Tobaccos, Cigarettes, Cigars, Este. GODTRICH ONTARIO LICENSED POOL ROOM erecial Attention to Couneel and Court Work, Mae Holmes may be consulted at raoderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed, DENTAL Dr. W. D. RYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH elevery Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK., DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and • Wednesday. HAROLD OVERIOLT FOR SALE SPRAYED APPLES--eSpy, Yilman Sweet, Greening, Russet, Baldwin, and cider apples.—Phone, Clinton 822-24. Fred McCly meet., Varna. FOOD SALE Mr. and .tJrm. C,, L. Smith we; Landon on Saturday. Miss Doreen O'Dwyer has returned from a few weeks at London. Miss Mary Merner ef'Elmira, spent the holiday ot•t'he home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W Merner. ,,caap. i. . L,i;y and felonds of Toronto spent the week -end a ' the home of Miss A1rna Uttlay. Mr. and Mrs, Lennis Capias and daughter Marion of Kitchener spent Sunday at the Melick home, Mr. and 'Mrs. Percy Ross and family of. Seaforth visited with fri- ends here .over the holiday. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Hirschman of Kitchener were Sunday guest's with Rev+ and Mrs. C.. B. Heekendorn. at ZURICH HERALD Fairs Smartest F` ' V ,$iA Mx. Lorne Rader, • son of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Rader, Goshen lane south, The ladies of St. Boniface Parish 1^Ft 1: '4:t week to attend military will hold a Food Sale in Town Hall, trainingat Woodstock. Zurich on Saturday afternoon, Oct- DRIVER IS FINED ober 26th Tea will be served. John Mcleod, Bayfield, was fines.] - -m+ Reliable Footwear and Shoe Repair- ing., $.5 and costs ond a ch; x+ge of carele,d driving, arising out of an accident on Trunks, Club Bags, & Suitcase::. i Y!_ .1 I '�; ' the harrow bridge a' Bayl5elci. He A limited number of white Leg -tried to pass a car driven by Maurice horn pulletts° for sale. Earl Ginger. Masse, of St. Joseph south. Massy, ETEi ich, was (hieing north and wee within n car length of leaving the bridge when .yanoteli:cal Lutheran Cliatci'cl, McLeod driving south 'entered on it. FOR QUICK SALE A partial head-on collision serulted inZURICH -- ONT. the cars being badly damaged, theA Changeless Christ for a Chang - drivers escaping wit a shaking un. PAGE F VI4 We Appreciate Your Patronage .. Good looking, durable and stylish for Men, Women and Childron. All at lowest Cash Prices, GOOD SCHOOL SHOES Por growing, reaping feet; the sat- isfying kind with all the style feat- ures including solid substantial wear that parents insist upon. . CO;tiI1'. IN AND SEE TIIEM! Shoe Repairing a Specialty. MEN'S HALF SOLES (Grade 1) NAILED 90c CEMENTED $1.00 SEWN $1.00 WOWN'S, NAILED ..... 70c CEMENTED sac E. J. DATARS MABBEYiiARRIS NEWS Order your bean knives and, harvester rrF<panrs e =rly as rerp:.iir stock- is hard to k ep up ©wing to conditions beyond our con i'ol. FOR SALE CHEAP Two good Clyde Mares 8 and 14 years old; weight about 1400 -lbs. Tel. Shop 149 0. MP'? SONS Res. 67 FOR QUICK SALE 60 Red Ramp thire pu:rzs, ready V E T E R I N A R I A..Pe to lay, also a windcharger. Apply to Dr. W. B. COXON, E.V. Sc. Harvey Clauslus. VSIXITSARUSIt VETERINARY SURGEON Office with Residence, Main Street. Opposite Dxug Store Zurich A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. eOntario College, o3lge,Universiyof Toronto. All eliiseases of domestic animalstreated by the most modern 1a' ple Charges reasonable. Day or night Wills promptly attended to. Also Bre- :Klee of Scottish terriers. InvernessStreet, :ennels. Office on Main opposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSA.L,L. CENSED AUCTIONEER 7D2. Huron and Kiddlenex r1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON- Auct any Auction Sale, regardless :as to size or article to sell. I sOlictt 'year business, and if not satisfied 'will make no charges for Services Ren 'aired. ARTHUR WEBER—Dash-wood Phone 13-57. PRODUCE ' are Produce WANTED HIGHEST CASH PRICES --FOR— CREAK, EGGS AND POULTRY Wo O'Brien !Phone 101. Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular For Sale LikeNew, a No. 2 International cream- separator.—Zurich Creamery. PRODUCE WANTED We pay Highest Cash Prices for Eggs and Poultry. Give us a trial! MEYERS PRODUCE, Phone 116 Zurich pt4'39 PIGS FOR SALE A limited number of young pigs for quick sale. Apply to Sol. Gin- gerich, Zurich. Phone 84r8. For Sale A very desirable building Lot in Zurich. Central' location. .Apply to Box 304, Zurich. WANTED CASH for Dead Animals and Fox Hrses. Phone. 47r15, Reverse all charges. Jack Williams, Dashwood, R.R.3. -50,39 AUCTION SALE Of HOUSEHOt 0 EFFECTS At DRYSDALE on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19th At 1,30 o'clock, p.m. Clarex stave.,for wood or coal near- ly new, 6 dining room chairs, dining table, 3 -burner oil stove, large clock, small clock, 6 kitchen chairs, 2 rock- ers, large leather rocker, cupboard, 2 dressers, 2 commodes, 4 bedsteads with springs and mattress, cot, heat- er for wood or coal, linoleuin 1x15, linoleum 9x]2, linoleum 9x5, parlor rug, carpet rug, mats and carpets. rug, mats and carpets, large mirror, 2 toilet sets, crocks, pails, sealers, copper 'boiler, tubs, washboard, 2 ]barrels, garden rake, lawn mower, pails, pots, pans, dishes, groceries, 1500 lbs. chestnut coal, 2 lamps, lan- tern, sofa, small stands, tea kettle, dust pan, small. meat grinder„ writ- ing desk, hall rack, coal oil, 'bedding, single bed with e,prings 'and mattress, bureau, 2 table 'cloths new, parlor MEAT MARKET J table, 2 trunks, new door, 40 -gal. coal oil can and numerous other ar- ticles. TERMS—CASH Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. Miss Emily Denotnnie, 'Proprietress. Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- e Meats, Eolognas, Sausages, ;., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wooly Hides and Skins , YuDghlut & Sons • INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK INE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- Zug ich Garage ing World. Magistrate Makins, Goderich, rule;! Ind %y. sI I a ieatait.gue. that; despite the fact that Masse wag Thursday- (l a:r l'i etiee. on the centre of the bridge, McLeod SUNDAY SEP-VICES no right to drive onto it. 10 a. in,.—Di worship 11.15 a.m..---Sunday School. SUFFERS INJURIES 7.30 p. me -Divine ine Worship. When Geo. Hudie of near Bay±leld I Everybody Welcome to all Services. was delving west from Seaforth. on No.r, itignway last Monday eve, 2 miles east of Clinton, this car went out o1 control, struck a telephone pole, went into . the ditch and finally came to a stop against a wire fence and tree trunk.. Hudie sustained an injured knee and forehead lacerat- ions besides being for a time rend- ered unconscious. Mrs. H. Aiken, 10 A.M. Worship Hayfield, a passenger in the ear, e:,- 11 a.m.—Sabbath School. caped injury except for being badly 7.30 pan.—Worship. shaken and bruised The front of October Loyalty ..Month. the car was smashed by .the impact against a tree. the injured were talc- asesseeeeeeee.aa'eateaeeeea en to Clinton hospital for treatment. 300 TANKS FOR CANADA A REAL OLD-TIMER IMER Washington ---Canada abl y i a it d szat, When it comes to old-time fiddling i obtain several hundred United. nem, tan'.s of the last Baa eor in training the new armoured unit: .t Camp Borden, Ont. it was bee reel. It is understood the agreement is al - meet completed and that it mag; ein- r eolve as many as 300 tanks, coned - eyed obsolete by the American army but which would prove valuable at Camp Borden, where the new nen:- ored brigade of the Canadian Active ] ingretli'nts Used are of Service Force is being• organized l:y Col. F. P. Worthington. '1~ IS UNDER ARREST f 'pair Store will . e closed each Wanted in ,both Huron and I ee ill l counties, Robert Dickson, fernier Li.- l 3 , towel and Kitchener .:tock sal: stnan j ' ' 3°� it , has been :arrested at Saskatoon, auth-1 Telephone orities have been informed. Pi ovine - +8 ial Constable Oldfield has left for the' 1.44++++÷+÷+÷4" �� r�� , ,, "++÷4 ; , , t , western city to Win lain to Gode+- ich. 1•Ie is charged with theft of near- i ly $3,000 worth of Dominion of (`;n- ada bond;. It is alleged that he wa=1 given the money to purchase 91(.1 bonds and that he did so from pee-! ple in Wroxeter and lIowick Tr.!) in 1 Huron and in Wallace Twp. and Wee!: llfonkton in Perth Co. It i, nit ge!,' z that he never returnee -tih they bonds after making the purc-ases. I RED CROSS NEWS A l. -iter appearing in a London: (Eng°.) new: paper recently ender!_, with the words, '•Goei bless the Can- adians." It was one of many cone inunications appearing in the ni'ws- papers of Englai:d these days ex- pressing gratitude to the Canadian Red Cross Society for iat contribut- ions of food, clothing ana elankets to air-raid victens. The letter, written by on official of the Charity Organiz- ation, officials society handling relied in the distressed areas, said, "It wae not only that the Canadian Red Cross: sp,ll.,ie, were ,just what we needed but they reached us when the neeel was greatest. The people o e Canada should know that their generality has saved lives of babies who might have suffered sadly from , cold and hunger and it has given thousend4 of people fl eth Out, 99(.1. blese the Caned- ans.''' One case is quoted as tipical of the cases assisted by the Can.ad- ban Red Cross. In one of London's working class districts, mothers put their children to sleep in concrete shelters. They were wrapped warmly in blankets sent from Canada. A bomb landed above, blew in the doors and walls. There were casualties and bad bruises and cults. Escape seemed impossible, but finally the little c.om- pany pulled out by brave A.R.P, workers while bombs were still drop- ping and nieces of steel were 'flying around. A greater shock faced the family. The row. of houses that had been their home had been complet- ely demolished. The woman and chil- dren spent the night at a school. In the morning they were told to go to anenta ry centre to collo:et cloth- ing for themselves and the children, It was Canadian Red Cross clothing, E. TUERl .HEIM, Pastor. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH L- I . C. 33. Heckendorn, Minister. Mrs. H. G. Hess, Organist. you've got to take your hat .off to Win. Hyde, age 76 of near Hensall, who won the contest at St. Marys last Friday. "There's only two things in the world I know to do and they are farming and fiddling," chuckled •Illy. Hyde, who is a remark able young - looking man for his years„ after he hid walked away with the contest. He said he had won 18 first, four sec- onds and one- third prize for contests around the country and had quite a few silver pieces in his poise: cion of awards. He was born and raised near Anderson in Blanshard Twp., and has lived near Hensall for the past 20 years—Stratford Beacon Herald. HYMENEAL Paton—Pfaff The wedding of Miss R. Jean .r'£aff eldest daughter of airs. Mansel Ma- son of Grand lend, to Mr. John K. Paton, son of Mrs. Paton and the late John Paton, Alhamble;, Alta., was solemnized at the man.,e with the pastor, Rev. Beacom officiating. The bride was attended by tilt.,,. Eleanor Reid, of London, and the groom was supported by his cousin Mr. Harry Cronin, of London. A reception was held 'at the home of the bride's mo- ther, who was gowned in 0 dress of ,black crepe, A pretty wedding 'break- fast was served. AIRPORT OPENED Goderieh--The bete et unit to the Commonwealth air training plan, No 12 Elementary Flying Training Scho- ol, was officially opened on Monday afternoon by Group Capt. P, H. Mackworth, D.F.O.senior staff offi- cer No. 1 district training centre. Ap- proximately 5,000 people including 'over 500 soldiers and airmen stood in the parade ground of the new airport in front of an improvised platform to listen to a program of speeches and pttriotic music bya the vxri es 'bands Come and purchase your Aut- present. Wader. George Feagtaat, of Iurotz County, �>rc did, Just before emotive Requirements from p the impressive Ceremony started, a ?ar ch's oldest Established heavy downpour of rain and hail ,C arage and Service Station. fel], from the lowering sky, but during ppthe progress of the program• the sun tXre can supply all your needs. : tpert Automobile repairing, ,hone brightly and the rain kept off.Boy Scouts, Girl (guides, or Goder- +kith the latest testing instrum- ieh, members of the Canadian Legion. nts, Acytelene telene Welding Tires and Stratford Air Cadets incl wing : y ettes gave added color tos the scene, 3atteries, Oils, Grease3 and Capt. Mackworth explained the gen- eepairs. B -A Gasoline in three Grades eral R.C.A. P. setup =timedthe i:ourse young men must follow until Give Us a CalIt they enter active service overseas; Rev. C. C. Burton. of Clinton, offered prayer, G. L. Parsons, president .of Huron County Flying Training School Limited, stated that the airport was ea historic grounds as it was on the shore;; of Lake Huron that Champlain had landed company in this section. 3. D. Thompson, chairman of the fin- ance board extended thanks for the residents of the county whose sub ieriptions amounting to $35,000 was that stood ready in bundles. ''Every i tangible demonstration of then mother remarked on its good quality Sixteen nd one large !One woman, the wife of a builder, oyalty. planes a g ea -Motor machine wore harked on the remarked frankly, "These are the field ready to give a demonstr:ati•o' best clothing ley children have .ever. aka the weather would not perm' 15.1." :73.rA.L COMPANY DOING BUSINESS 'LTK O U` S SE AT3 • OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO yCl Phone: Da 103. Night, 47 y Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dia., 31st, 1936, $22,391,527.00 T tag Cash in Bank and Bonds $273, 'niton—$-4.50 per $1,000 for 3 'Bears Returns from the Clinton .Lions Club sponsored Iced Cross benefit E. F. KLOPP.--ZURICH street 'carnival, have beers compiled and show LTi.' ons resipte tat' $1,,388 .22. The 'expenses were $308.29„ leaving the eine of ,$1,074.93 to be handed to leo handed over equally to the Rei. Gross Soeteten. EIIG R1rTURNS Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- ing Rods and all kinds of Fire x Insurance • Uriei ce,''' , ,a 4 r, QUALITY DRUGS 0- ore Schad Ora en g ALL YOUR S=�I-200L. SUPPL ZS SOLD HERE Use White Rose Fly Spray to kill flies and other We insects 8 -oz. 29e .... 16 oz.....49e I �V e Have a rr unher Boi'=A:-. which we will lend out at 5c. per d weer • Etc, Dr.:. A. Addii,><ti °( priEtor fi r n' : + a •, r. i,; ,T, i - r" C :'+ai s lhi11 °rrJ.11lll!,(i!',!ii' p,l}t,ij.ilcll"zy{�� I,I--... +,.L+ ll i 0 THY E('EFL'S TaIk" Bre. also CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE, • SWEET GOODS. •'r ALL CONFECTIONS -- WO FINEST FRUIT RIPE, rosy Canadian n Apples are one of the finest foods that can be bought. They're piumnp molt Ott*e'esmne, heavy with delicious juice. Eat two or three of these apples every day — they're good for yau. t Asul be Sure .to sr. -re ?germy of tasty apple dessert, ..-- apple pie, baked apples, apple dumplings and applesauce. Canadian Apples are iu your neighbourhood store:Buy them NOW. Mnrl' thea Sert,tcd At DOMINION tet t> \lYt'htEN'r OF GrocuLTUta5, (gym+r,►.wn PIES, AND the Highest Quality 4 •r , ICE CREAM 13. Wednesday Evening Zurich 100 e .eeee-e-e-e-e+e +{.++3 +F ;•++sr e^+1 lee. %mot'rat,to JanwA G. C'wnr,1 ne•r, ltini�irr Y11 eT "fie Giafjt7 alta soot) 1 t1a wI�AF �rsiwlewa. li :ik .,1EMStMV'',£1aa t1 Izfed Saver Api 1,IirN i err g+i'S 0E3 LaQPVJdS yo Ki7v7-1 Both II n�lll �III��I �IIIII�I�IIii�l ALV IN -tQ RAU, Agent 6 a7 ? e i. h. 0fit..