Zurich Herald, 1940-10-17, Page 4?.1 4B1 A It
'Red Fleet, publication of the Soviet
Russian navy ateaSed the l'iatzetl St-
ates of sereading the Mon_ til' Doet-
:ri'ne to the "whole world" and of
planning to occ gape the A gee , Mad-
eira, Canary and Cape Verdi Islands -
"The nee paper da c+iu c ti t i«. e e tre-
etion of these Portuge.e and Spanish
base; off the west eea:•t of North
Africa "by a strong Eurupeen power
would be a serious nneence tea the Lin-
'Ite.d States and particularly Latin
America. Hence, Rod Fleet asserts,
the United States is preparing to.
take thein over herself. The ar tislo
also do !ares there was an i1Lre a i^eee
press e'impaign to take over French
and British colonies in Africa.
St. Joseph and Beaver Towns
Charrette of the Blue Water SOla,
Miss Eva Oaantin and Mr. Nap.
O tntin, Jr., of Detroit were Sunday
gute+ts wath relatives in St, Joseph.
Mrs. Anthony Meese of Drysdale,.
:pent Thursday l.a.st With Me. and
Mrs. James iYlasse.
Mr. and Mrs. Armand Primeau
and Mee. Josephine Prlmea,u all of
'Chicago, 111„ spent Sunday in .St
Joseph with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Millen of Tor
•onto; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Meek of
Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. Zuippie Char
sxeatte of Detroit were week -end vise
eitors with their mother. Also calling
axe their father, Mr. John Charette
who -is improvng• in St. Joseph hos-
pital at London.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Denomme of
'Chatham .and Mr. Philip Bedard of
Tilbury, spent the holic.a.y with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Josepr_ Be-
Mr. Leonard Denomme and Mr.
Angus Bedard of Windsor, spent
Sunday with friends and relatives in
this vicinity.
airs. Leon Jeffrey of B iavertown,
is visiting; with her daughter, Mrs.
Wilbert Dewey at Grand Bend.
Mr. Dominique Jeffrey motored to
'London on Sunday last—",hm."
IVIre Matilda Rondean'who has been
.staying with Mrs. John Charrette for
.some time past is still :•cry poorly
.and t :ader the Doctor's care.
Mise Rosada Corriveau of Drys-
iale is employed with Mrs. Dennis
i Tr. and Mrs. Peter Masse returned
to 'Windsor after spending the sum -
tiler wail per tether, :.1't,r, Ed. 1+]tut+.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank :llousseau, \Vii-
fred and Margaret lloaisseeau of near
Hensen, were. Sunday visitors at the
.rlo eeen a home.
Air. and Mre. William Denomme
are away to W udeoe and Detroit, vis-
iting with their children.
\1r. Ed. Eine is building a swell
new closed in veranda to his cottage-
at Drysdale.
Mr. Frank Corriveau, our local
grain buyer is quite busy these days.
Tr. Jacob Ducharme of Detroit is
visiting with his 'brother Mr. John
Dudharme at present.
Mr. George Denomme is spending a
week or so ,with friends in Detroit.
The much needed crop of potatoes
which is mostly being clug at this
time of year is a big failure as
after they are dug a great many of
thein spoil.
There are still some fields of beans
out in the fields, the weather has not
been good for bean harvesting.
Miss Emily Denomme ie holding
an auction sale of her effects on
Saturday afternoon. Miss Denomme
will be leaving shortly for Chatham
where she intends residing in future.
leer, iniesionaries on furlough from The weeeee,e, Guild of Ste Paul's
tiie .Argontino, gave .all r .'.eating; Anglican Church are serving a Bain
talk et tiff ironsou line A 111 church,
on :tneir work. Mrs. Swar teentruber
epoke about the women's meetings
and eer. eiwattzentru,ber about the
work in general and also • albour, his.
Lap to .mope whore he was sent by
are r tier eunimittee. 'Elroy will leave:
for Aegeiztine in .Novoiiiaer for their
third neesionery term.
Mr. Clayton Lender of Kitchener,
spent the weak -wild at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. E. Swartzentruber.
:1lrs, Edmund 4iiziberich
sal.ieuoisstlpj pavan
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Major and
daughter Patricia of Toronto; Misses
Jean and Shirley Siebert and Peg-
gy Hanstein of Kitchener, were week-
end visitors at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. W. L. Siebert.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Swartzentru-
The mirror not cndy .enyA}ifol.g4d _the cat to start a boxing rateti ;with
himself—but also ersoleied asi to ra rt�e,#faer picture, show'eng $inti+ bateand
front rets!.' -Try enirrtor shots—they're fun.
*NT.argument is mane matt ?iesii?.ag,
,if ,both sides get a lair fruea,k
and it lasts longer. The awns 1111101
applies tto many snaps/nest t1t#rjsets.,
Put a nii)ror in the piettaise,itg,:{iiow,
both back and front of your tt.?,b
Sect—aid our picture •aN ii 1Xie.:e
-twice as pat,oh to tell.
It's no tr ,ble to take stiai,p stirs,
• f Itis typeeeeo long as you Alewife
u T
your s b eot ose to
j the
ct. gi4auws.
Just focus for s'he distance Prom,
mirroe jjq Camera use a snail lag'
opening—and both ,the subject arld
Ea reflection. will j, sharp,
However, as the' xtibjeet backs
away fro.in this glass, :fro reflection
,also backs ewsw,y—in igio opposite
;direction. In other wet*, it gets
farther away from 'thd d%aanera.
'`Clrerefore, to get the rection
igltarp, you must do o, bit of 41,,nple
addition before yea focus, Pat
Measure the (listened from caane e,
to mirror, add the distance .from.
eubjcct to lnirror — and sett the
focusing scale for the sunt of these
>diatan oes,
,As an example: suppose the assre,
:tale is six feet from the mirror, aaad
the subject two feet from the is •
irga'. ',Then, if you watt the Aha
.e,at possible picture bf ih.e :teatair
argil, t the focus at tight feet,.
Vo get•both reflection and srmi)jeet
sharp, teas a very small Jena open,
keg and tomes at the mirrors -4a
his case, get feet.
Before sh,sa,ding a "mirror'. pia'
;trying, check position of your
>i?;tilaifo lights. Takes° have to be to
Nine Oitle of the wtl joct, in Most
,eases, )3e -sure tti:the •shades are
turned se that lig/at t,es not shine
on the �vdrnera lens, and also see.
that the mirror does reef; refieot an
Image of the lights into the' camera,
;<n addition to wall mirrors' doors,
acrd the like, try pictures of coffee-,
tions' hi a tnlr'ror•bottonred tray oe
table.. Yotr can get some extremely
good angle shote in this rnattt rye,,.
,,:i. •l they add interest c.st to y.)trm t3tiz�t;tl•
dict pellection,
307 John van. Chattier '.
'Stit,e;. ca:Aerie eeppoa' in the base -
tent of the church on Tuesday eve.
ening, Oeto'ber Si)th.
141rr:. P..1=I, Devlin spent a few days
at the hone of her , brother, Mr.
n d C(a )ett,
fir. A I,. Case, C,N,R. station
agei't is enjoying two weeks' vacate
1liss Margaret Ha'bl.irk who has
been seriously "ill at her home here
for the past two week•,, is showing
me improvement. f�li s Mildred
Mi. and ; so
Ma and'Aire. Eli 'Lehr of Baden were Follicle, R.N., graduate nurse of Vic-.
holiday visitors in the vicinity. toric Hospital, •London, is in atten-
Mr. and Mrs. F, Turner 61 Goder dance.
ieh spent 'Thanksgivin with bee. par- - Dr. A. R. Campbell, President 'of
ent in the village. the. !"rich and Hensall War Service
t� qq �+ �i �r r, �� Committee, has received six letters
g1 L'a.. S 1 1 V4s� O O is Of tli r m local boys overseas
Murray Wolfe of Fort Erie, spoilt expressing their grateful thanks for
Thanks •ivin • with his parents, 112r, a ion c;paf from tvwnrorgaed
8 $ p' ation. These pure 1, werefo:•,�ar,lecl
and Mrs. W. Wolfe. . to the hos, on active service in A.ug-
Ronald Harris of Sarnia. 'pent the u.,t and were donations frown the
week -end with Mr. and Mrs. H. He Elsie
people of Zurich,Hemiwe31 and Kip -
Melville Humble • and friend. of p ,na, and were packed by the ?re: i -
Sarnia spent the week -end With Mr• .i ,f. of the Women's Tns'itaate and
and Mrs. R. • Goetz. their as.eisttnts. Ten parcels \veva
'Rev, T. Luft will be the guest spe: ,est carr six have already written.
aker at the harvest home services he t,,.i iks and it i;. presumed the rest
Pembroke his former charge on •Sur- ,;.ill falls"v shortly.
day, Oct& er 20th. Mrs. James Priest Passes
On Sunday afternoon, October 20, The death occurred on Friday last
Rev. Pollex of Sebringville will cone of Mrs, James Priest in h.er 80th year
duct service here in the Lutheran. at her home ire, She had been car -
church at 2.30 o'clock. Don't for- lee for her husband who has been
get to attend this service. • quite ill for several weeks and an -
Mr. and Mrs. Archie.:render of neared in usual good health, until.
Toronto spent the week -end with his Friday morning when stricken with a
parents Mr and Mrs. Ezra Bender.
' .P,''nierly ;Mary Jane Morrison, a da -
heart attack and sucnm'bee az noon.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smithof Wind
sor spent Thanksgiving with her par- ughter of the Iate William :,Iorrison
ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker. and Ann Pelee Morrison, the ateees.s-
Qitr: a number from here attended ed was 1•orn m McKillop near ierlton
the fowl supper in 'Crediton last coming to Hensall 36 years ago:Sur
week. riving is her husband: -one son Mor -
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hooper of Ing- cis at home, one daughter Mrs. Alp-
ersoll spent Sunday with Mr. and inc 1fcEwen of Hensall and a son
Mrs. E. R. Guenther and Mrs, Hopper ^ ,gimes in Port Hurn,. one sister, Mrs
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Graybiel of Tllen Crapseon of Vancouver B.C. tt
Toronto were holiday visitorswith and a brother Rocbt. Morrison of
Mrs. Graybeil and Beatrice. Woodstock. A nrr,1ic funeral was heir? j
Dr. •and Mrs. E. Broughton, Miss, from the late home on Monday le.,+(.•
Grace Kellerman, and Czar all of ' v the Rector foe St. Peal's An.e•lic- i
Toronto, were week -end guests with en church Rev. M. A. Hunt, The
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kellerman, members of the church choir sang 2'
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Mcisaac and numbers. The floral tributes were
family of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs. M.
Mcisaac and family of Detroit, spent
the week -end with Mrs. L. Melsaec.
Frank, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. lltc-
Isaac while intending to spend. the
holiday here, was suddenly strickenn The regular meeting of the Village
with appendicitis on Saturday. morn- Council was held on the eve- of
big and was rushed to the hospital October 7, at 8 p.m. in the Council
in London and was operatedon in Chamber with all members present,
the afternoon, We understand the op- except!Council'ior Robison. Minute
oration was successful, and Frank is of the previous meeting were adopt -
getting along nicely. ed as read.
Mrs. Rev. Schmidt, Mrs. ,IcMulty T. Kyle reported re the water
Mrs. Klehn and. Mrs. Schmitt all of trouble at the rear of H. M. Millan's
Kitchener were. visitors with Mr. and store, also that there was water in
Mrs. E. Koehler on Thursray. the furnace room In the nate, and
Mrs. Atcheson and Jessie are busy that there was need of a new flag.
moving into Mrs. Mclsaac's house Perce Shaddick repo'r'ted re the
which they have rented. gifts for the soldiers. Motion that we
• Mr. and Mrs, Harm* Guenther and; purchase the usual wreath from the
:family and Mr. and Mrs. Merailla Legion.
Guenther and family of ;; indoor, Correspondence read as follows s
spent Thanksgiving with their moth- County Treasurer, relief officer; Dpi
er Mrs. E. Guenther. of Municipal Affairs; Dept. of High-
M'iss Margaret Wein has accepted ways; Attorney General; Provincial
a position in London. Police; Prov. Pappe; Committee,
Luther—Held Dept. of public Welfare; D. E. Hol
A quiet autumn wedding was sol- fines; Fire Marshall. Same consider-
emnizcd at St. Boniface R. C. Church .ed and filed. .
at 7urieh on Saturday when Sadie Bills and Accounts read—t;. Geiger
Cecelia, daughter of Mrs. Margaret teaming streets .8`0; Bonthron &
Held and the late William iield of Drysdale supplies, hall 28.64; T.
Daehwood was sited in marriage to Huddelston, labor streets 1.38; T.
Murray Joseph Luther, son of Mrs.. Kyle salary $55; Hensall Hydro, hall
Myrtle Luther and the late Ernest 5.78; J. Henderson, relief groceries
Luther of Crediton. Rev. L. W, 2..5.80; W. 0. Goodwin, relief cloth -
Power officiated. The bride was giti en ing $2; K. Hicks, relief school sup -
in marriage by her uncle Mr, Dan, plies 3,20; T. Welsh relief wood $2;
McEachen, chose a navy blue tailored Motion that the bills and accounts
suit with black accessories and wore tis read be• paid.
a corsage of red 'talisman roses. She! The Clerk reported registering
carried a white prayer book. Miss 800 guns and rifles and Constable T
MargueriteHeld as her sister's bri- Kyle as registering Vii revolvers.
desmaid wore a iblaek wool suit tri- Motion that we now aureate.
maned with Persian Lamb, Her cors- James Paterson, Clerk.
age was pink talisman roses. William
Miller of Dashwood cousin of the , �y-
bride was best man. Herman Deabus.'.
veal Arthur eGariepy were ushers.
many interment following in Elm,
dale cemetery at Atwood.
Hensall Council Minutes
ter the ceremony as wedding
breakfast was served at the; horse of
the bride's mother - to about forty
guests by the Misses Regina Miller,
Irene Allen, Jessie Atkinson, Ant-
iomette 'Giles and Evangeline Held.
The •roonrs,were prettily decorated
in p rik and White and the table was
een't'x,eii with a three-story wedding
cake. Guests 'were present Prone De-
troit, lefester:, 1VP:idh ; Exeter, 'Denfield,
Crediton, Forest, Port Pranks and
Grand Bend. The bride and groom
left eche A Melt ;motor trip to ;points
along f.c* 1✓rie.
.Mr. and Mts. Elgin Hayter and
son of Le'ntdsrn visited last week with
her "parentis fir. and :Mrs, R. Ira.
xi.. and Mrs. A. L. Case .are holt-
(laying with Mrs, A::Laremie in De-
.VIr. and Mrs. Cline ,of Lc len, vis-
iWi; with the Tatter's parent:, Mr._
and .Mrs. Jas. 1''ar]sirus,
Mr. and: Mrs. Jas. Priest of ;1)ort
Harm, .were called here owing to
the illness and death of tht Pormox's
mother the Fite Mrs, hs Priest.
Mr, ansi 311A. Chas. Cooper and iViss,
Myrtle Peart we'e visitors with Mrs.!
Cooper's sister, Km French, Wile is
ill in tendon %vital.
Jack Dip„ dale tnitlewwrrrt an °Per--
ation for ` appendieitft; in Soafarth
ly .
'ospiirnl, retilntlg and is very nruc.Ir
$80.00 was raised in Exeter Tag
Day for the Canadian National Inst-
itute for the Blind. A number of girls
assisted by the Boy 'Scouts made the
Ross and Wm, Scott of Brucefield
were at Watford, where they acted
as bearers at the funeral of the hate
James Beattie, one of the oldest and
most highly respected residents of
the district who died he his 98th
Exporting Honey
Wallace Ross of. SSeafoirthh, sold his
entire crop of honey to Wat'terwonth
Bros., of ,-Ingersoill torr export to
Great Britain.
23 TO Hill'.
W. H. Pearson, of Parkhill, dug 20
hills of Irish cobbler potatoes; which
averaged 28 potatoes to the hill. One
hill of potatoes contained 31 tubers.
Mr. Pearsons is very prou:d of his
potato patch.
leIr. and Mrs. Wer. 1V1ar'tite, of Kip -
pen, announce the engagement of
their ,daughter Gertrude Jane, to
Willliarra It. Clark, son of Mr. and
Mrs. /slaBon 'Clark, Woodham„ the
marriage to take place oar y In Sep-
Ha* Hanel injured
as e ,.. while
Alex, .Voisin a Alt,, CG xm � pile
sssis'st r g it . with tltreeltin N Ga.t tees reap
;bac, ,Il.te" onald, had the .Weer -
tune to get his. right band caught in
the blower belt. The allimi.tor Tame
, v.; 9t Willoll Oplt a nasty gasb, fit du; back
etober 17th, 1940
on 31
iLir W i'➢1Ciegin
1KE log houses, iron pumps and outside sanitary
La accommodation are relics of pioneering days.
They are ,opt -of -date, inconvenient, unhealthy — and
your family should not have to put up with thein.
Running water under
pressure enables you to
replace such antiquated
arrangements with a
Modern rt,MCO Bath
room, and up -to -elate
kitchen and laundry fa-
-dale s. An up-to-date
, 9 Jr,
wilt furnish all the water necessary for these home
insprovernents and it will also supply running water
to barns and other buildings where required.
The Duro Special System, capacity 250
gals, per hour, complete with 25 gal, Galvan-
ixedTank and 25 or 60 cycle Motor costs only $ 86.00
For a• lovely bathroom, as illustrated, the
EMCO Built-in Bath, Shower, Toilet and
:nmings -costs only .............. 1 36.00
Lavatory with tria
(Soil and iron pipe and fittings extra)
Other Complete Bathroom equipment as
low as. .
Car„ ales; be supplied for
Gasoline- Engine operation
Can he purchased under our
%easy Payment Plan or the
Hoppe Improvement Loan Act.
tton3on Hamilton Toronto Sudbury
Winnipeg Vancouver.
A. Gas known to every motorist. Why take chances in
inferior Gas when you can buy Good Gas at Regular
Engineered Lubrication
At Klopp's you got Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using 7 hinds
of Grease. We :invite you to watch us Lubricate your Car and -see
how Trained Attendants Grease Cars
Expert Repairing
We use the DING AN ALYSER to properly Tune Up your Motor:
Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires
Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most Up-to-date iA
Garage and Service Station.
Drive in and let us service and "`Pep Up" your Car for
the wanner 'weather and better roads soon to be here?
C. Fritz & Son died Car Lot in Connection
of the band. He was taken to Exeter
for treatment,
Moves To Fergus
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Rodway moved
recently from Exeter to Fergus where
he has accepted a position as rnath-
matical teacher in the High School.
Mr. Rodway came to the Exeter a
S. staff from Toronto .a year ago and
shortly afterwards brought his bride
also. During their stay in F:seter they
made many friends.
Fair a' rr Ys Cancelled
An announcement from the depart-
ment of agriculture offices sans that
Ailsa Craig :Fair, originally scheduled
for +Bep;ten>r'ber has been eon -
celled. .it is expected that sone act-
;ivity, including an achievement day
''for the Ailsa Craig F`oa1 •Club and a
levee show nnay be held insteaa of
the usual fair.
Font Crushed
, Gonion Reid, employed in the 'Reid
+;ravel"pit at Dungannon, where the
' l
,iKiyel for the Port Albert axrR port is
being obtained, had one of his feet
badly crushed when a 600 pound
weisl t telt on .it:. It tertuired three
- a ..-_.�,............. _... ........_. -...-
men to lift the weight from his foot
He will be laid up for some time al-
though an x-ray revealed that no
bones were broken and the rvvt was
crushed .only,
MVlarried At Clinton aj..
A pretty wedding was solemnized"
at the Clinton Mission on Aug. 1.9t15,.
when Helena Mary, younger daught-
er of Mr. and .Mrs. George Bolton,
Clinton, (became the bride of John.
Joseph s ph Allinson, only son, of Mr..
and ,Mrs. Charles Allanson, Gunton..
Rev. W. J. Cnwhenrd officiate z" a
xlnediatelly after the ceremony tha
young couple Left on a trip to nor -
there Ontario. On their return they
will reside in Clinton.
Underwent Operation
Mr. Milo Snell of Exeter, 'under-
went an operation recently in the?
Toronto General Hospital. Those of
his relatives who have been at hist
bedside are, Mrs. Snell, Mr, Sneli'n
Aster, iVirs. Ray Francis, Mr, Inert
Snell and sister, t1Vlrs, Cleo, Jones.
I'sTe. Snell's fenny friends in Exeter
fund surrounding district will hope.:
for a speedy recovery.