HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-10-03, Page 4romt
2 Lists Must 1
the Subscription Lists for the Stock of Huron f
County Flying Training School roust close within
' ostion to take
• the nest fev cls ys,
all who are in a P •
any part of this Patriotic Investment are urged toA.4.
see one of those :named below at once: •
ti't. 1
aeleareeeseeselamereges •r a ucetr am
For Sale I sanday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Hor-
Like New, a No. 2 Internationtll111c•y,
, Miss, Doris Alexander of London,
acY conn separator. -Zurich Creamery. . :pent tea week end with her parents,
• Mr. and Mrs. W. Alexane r.
PRODUCE WANTED tits. -e;, Theda and Ruth Watson of
1 Clinton spent the week -end with
a. Highest Cash Prices for i their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Wat-
Eggs and Poultry. We p y Give us a trial. son.
MEYERS PRODUCE, Phone pt4'69
E l held in the Evangelical
anniversary services will be
PIGS l'OR SALlical church on
A limited number of young pigs, Sunday, Oct lith. Rev. H. A. Keller -
for quick salt, Apply to Sol. Cain-' man of Waterloo will be the guest
gelscli, Guricll, I"lolly S�r3' `a I c eoakeTlal- ttspepblic al inmusivitedc> o by
e l
For Sale Mission Circle was held on Tues -
A very de •irable building Lot
Zuri n• 'en:ral location. APPy to dand i,. Aera Gstwip
re -
stinted with •a beautiful chenille bed -
13 oe
Toy ,;OI, Zurivh, spread after which a dainty lunch
_ _ was served.
Dr. Lorne Tiernan of Ottosville,
,Qv }'-Travellexs black leather New York spent .a few days with Ilio
price book. in or near Zurich. parealts, Mr. .and Mrs. D. Tiernan.
?eye Mrd ?-legal l`�l liL(=. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Deichert and
a Miss Frieda .and Peter Neuschwanger
of Zurich were Sunday visitors with
lir. aMrs. rs. Hy Neuschwanger.
CATTLE THEFT CHARGED lIrs. .Allemang and son Carl and
i,otlt digComplaints that canto daughter Gertrude of St. Clemens,
Fivers nu sing from pasture fields of I were
Sunday visitors with :,Ir. and
13uron County over a period of ; ••Ili•, Edgar Restemeyer•
arnox,th have had county police -on the ; • .
'alert and two men from Culross -and Harry Hoffman spent Sunday with
'Teeswater districts wia'e arrested by
aG'ridonstablc Jennings of •Coderlch and
aoaged in the ,Counts jail 'The ;pair
are charged with :teasing two 1200 son Russell -spent a few days last
a. steers. It is alleged the steers were-ajttveek ;vial;vial:their son in Pore Colborne
:taken away by night and sold :to. ' Mr. Louis Morenz returned home on
veaking house at Baresten. Sundayafter spending the surnrner up
The wild ducks and geese are right, , Quite a number from here attend -
,vs Dr. I. Trick ,of California. Cool ded the Red Cross meeting held in
voids have been lapwing down .from i Exeter on Monday.
.Alaska and Canada and instict seems IMr. Henry Hoffman had the mis-
to tell the wild fowl that now is the! fortune 'In 'having a fall which has
time to ride thew, tail winds south I laid hint. -off .duty for the past two
-fee the winter. They have been on i;we(tk,.
the wings for soars., .*inn and.tht birds iBLAKE
generally have the right tip. Another
;reliable sign of aa tenuity -'winter is i Mr, :.and Mas. Rudy Oesch have
the heavy growth id fur .on rabbits•' been visited by Mr. Oesch's brother
llViany of the old :weather proverbs , from British Columbia.
ale reliable. i Mrs.-Edighoffer and Mrs. Yule of
NEW BOMBING.-S.G>ary .. ; Fullerton called on relatives here on
With a Government ,urvey gang j Sunday
at work in the Amberly ,district .re- I M1•, anis Mrs. Jelin McEwen of
ports are current xh�tt .a:built • lene-all•called on friends here.
-and bombing school is to be built in Mrs. 'Elmore McBride and Miss
ihalr• section to be ed in aon '•Ileati•ice Manson are appointed dele-
airpo on with the big navigators'; gates to -the Presbyterial at Win -
airport at Port Albert, 12 _miles to i throp on Monday, October 7th at
-the .south. Another reglad ha,', it -that r tl-Soo -a.m.
$or<ebing grounds re being Prepared. M . and 'Mrs. E. Faber and family
tCoxamereial fishermemi .in tax district 1 of Hen: all visited with the latter's
alone. the ahor•es of Lake Huron may j,paron
to artityted with elOFiltie Zan'drght'nitie ( Wedding bells were Tinging on
earip along the shore line ,to fishing, Saturday at the home of Mr, and
and navigation. This asela too, it :Are" !'Mrs, Mourne Denotmne, their daugh-
uxnalj!. to be used for lama-nage.over !-ter-Verowas married.
friends in Tavistock.
Miss Hazel Schenk of
Walkerton to
the guest of Miss Sigrid Pedersen.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hoperoft and
water, 'Rally -Day Services was held in the
In Police C at j•Blake •dhurch Sunday morning. Miss
t:cep•*ryt11-Boit, Diekeeirt, wavey.- Beatitice'Manson gave a •reading and
. aired, latily-dregs ed steak sniesmen !a splendid address by 'Rev. J. R.
Tormetly :af Kitche•ner and lLiatowal, !Peters -(allowed with • a quartette
inn ThumIttlI' pleaded gaiillty to tthe' cin ing• '"Love Lifted .Me." Mr, and
theft by conversion of $2,2e00 in sec Mrs. E. ;Stelck and Misses Norma
sirities flew ,client:. He was remand Hey and "Beatrice Manson taking
teed for ices._ Lawrence f., lfinrichtll part.
rand Thos. >itomilton pleaded ai;gml Mas. Ross Johnston has not been
iy to nominal .charges of trading .in' enjoying her -good health lately.
ecuritiee 1,:}6' not register -eel Wttth ; ilr, and 'Mrs. Ross and Miss Greta
ate Ont• Securities- (i Cont ,----Sc••ittetktoed `Seafolth -called on. '1VIrs. Douglas
at Walkerton ;aet week to aline !recently,
months in lrefo3eentory for ft/a lt'1i', "Mr. 'and Mrs. Jas. Inkster of ,,God -
Robert Sna;cel, eatteeitising salesmen, j ei'ich and 'Mrs. Fred Bonthron of
:fated seven cheat e.: of theft and sr nt ,y 1enedtl were visitors with feite:nds
oaf false preterees.all. allegedly cone" here.
,bitted in Huron ,Cd,tnty. On his aere';j IVIr.:Arthur Fi1ih yson resumed his
aaque t he was renlr•.ctecled to. jail for heeeition in the Bleat-, school 'Monday
,-t week in ee'der that the may secure hat, 'he •laid been tftining for a law4
.•caz 1 -.e1, -The rias l:?t•r'tta.e decided that :yeeeike.
Carl Nebergall an hale sr:. are, and
Arnold Ilegill of a4oderich, were !
erequalls to blame tfor .ix ;•pµs,d-on coll-
ision on highway No, 8 -rear Clinton
LD 't'liursday, OLto>bt:1' bra,
t .NYU%! e't:43ii+; Y+
,' ,s1 " • rix s .. ; , tx r :
L�Yz te excitin
-new S
tylini g ..
.Relax in modern
odernvlliving rooi.m
IRY... Five with
t,'' es Lor eB
carallo:thenew GETAWAY G'rl...SaHsfj yotrselfwithurenterlODGEIEIENDAihTsI C
COSTS 'and LONGER LIFE than ever before in Dodge history!
• ITS NEW ... It's Beautiful New oilobstrainer, ireleane ,sewfloa -
Ttt'•s -good design and the type
new long ewn and stun
traditional Dodge qualities of ring,
on -
Dependability, Long Life and Low necting rod bearings.
Operating 'Costs are
resent in
every moving part
R the Dodge De Luxeswa-and its companion
d De
Luxe Special.
This 1941. Dodge Kingsway is an
easy car to drive. The power
rating is stepped up to 88 horse-
power. A new getaway gear in
second •speed gives new flashing
performance at the stop lights.
Most of :the time it won't be
necessary to use low gear. On the
Se De Luxe Special a Power
hifgisavailableat light extra cost
The famous Dodge engine has
added long Tife and economy fea-
tures that mean still smoother
-and int]
Interiors are the most luxurious
Dodge has ever turned out. Fam-
ous .bodge chair -height seats, the
enemy of driving fatigue; are .found
in all Dodge cars. New door
handles poinnt straight down and
must be pulled straight toward the
passenger to open the door, thus
preventing most accidental door
You don't have to pay moreto
own a Dodge. Inspect and drive
a Dodge Kingsway and see if it.
isn't the greatest value you ever
saw in the very lowest price field.
Phone your Dodge dealer -he
will be glad to give you a culla
ride today! scrtau
11.4.g1 VANgigStg0.4,
Ward Fritz, Dealer, Zurich.
had passed over the bridge as an-,
other train came on the other track Brahmas, pullett and cockrel W.
at the other end, when Mr. 'Taggart A. Fraser; Cochins, cock and hen W.
raised his head through the ties at A. Fraser; Langshalr:s, pullet, cock,
the fraction of a second when the hen and cockrel, W. Fraser; Barred
point of the cowcatcher was immed- Rocks, pullet, 0. Battler, F. McCly-
lately over him, with the fatal re- nnorlt, coc:crel C. Campbell, 0. Batt -
salt. ler; Exhibition Barred Rocks, pulite.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Higgins and O. Battler, F.McClymont, Cock, T
Mrs. A. Bowen of Exeter and Mr.
Rocks white( hen H. Block
& Son, T. Snowden; Cockrel, M. A
and ;firs. Svveitzer of Beach O'Pines Fraser, O. Battler; White Wyandttes
war visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. pullett, A, Fraser, 0. Battler; cock,
McQueen: and hen 0. Battler, cockrel M. Fraser,
Dr. and Mrs. Harry Joynt of By- 0. .Battler; Silver Wyandottes, ,pull-
ron were Sunday visitors with the et Fraser, F. Mc Fy�mI C; hen,
forme ' mother, 'iia';. Alice Joynt. r cockrel,
o bin tons, pullett 0. Battler, hen
Mr. Robert Passmore left Monday 01
Mpingter, H. Block; cockrel,,,, Bat -
last after spending the summer tier Silver grey Dorkings, pu let O.
months at his home here, for Toronto Battler J Kockems cock, 0, Battler
New Oil Bath
catches dirt
sucked in by
INew Float -Type Oil Strainer
, ises above dirt in reservoir.
Oil Filter
catches dirt
or grit that
other 2
New One -Piece Hood
locks from inside car ...
safety • ce
prevents ac-
nm when air
m ofl
under hood.
Sae ' eel" re4a-eeen.
rY k ,� ° r"•
New Spring
Trunk Lid
goes up without ef-
fort_ Stays where
you -want it.
New Compression
tin Sept, l ti. Thr fog was eio thick
that r_,eitlier driver icaeev wt,nt side
of the roar he was on, illi• tY:at'denco
revet ied, t:'+aeh wa.s finedrtJ 'if'fl,costs
for careless driving.
where he enters Honor year in plod- cockrel' O. Battler, J. Kockems; Brwn
ern history. This is Bob's fourth year Leghorns, pullett M. Fraser, 0. Bat -
and his graduating year, and upon tier; cock and hen, do, do, cockrel,
completion intends to study theology. 0. Battler, Fraser; White Leghorns,
Miss Pearl Harpole of London vis- pullett C. Campbell, F. McClymont
ited with her mother, Mrs. Grace cock,
M. F F. e cF. M ty cockrel ;h1M. M
Harpole, Fraser, C. Canl,pbell ; Rhode. Island'
Mrs. George Walker had the .mix Reds, M. Fraser took all prizes; Arg -
fortune to fall an(1 hurt her back cones, cock and hen M. Fraser, eoc-
while moving furniture in the dwell- krel, 0. Battler; Jersey Rik. Giants
ing they recently moved into. She puullet, M. Fraser, F. IlicCtytnont,
has ibeen confined to her room fol'; hen, T. Snowden, cockrel M. Fraser, ■
the past week. F. McClymont; New Hampshire Reds W. Clark; E. Foster; cookies F. 1V1
Stewart McCallum, Mr, Dun -pullet; H. Penlnale and Dad, cock, H. M. Fraser; Bronze Turkeys„ old, M.
Mrs, SBlock 3z Son hen H. Block; J. Koch
and Mr. James Sweet. B Fraser 'A:Warner; Pigeons, nlalc M. 'W Clark, aka DEW iii slain meatuffint
can 14IcC ribs cociclel F. 1YIcClylnon , Frasers 3' McClymont, 1
of London were recent visitors with t S .t J I�ocTr ' T M Fraser, young female raisin
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett.
A pretty autumn wedding tools
place at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
N Weslek Venner, Chiselhurst, on Sep
t'1 F S A L l 2.5th when their only daughter, Jean:
Rei Cross •N«fes Evielyn, became the bride of Gibber '•
• d t
Steel -bade .
-t re
main and connect-
ing rod bearings
mean longer life at
these v%.cal points.
J. PASSMORE and SON,'HensalL
A Gas known to every motorist. Why take chances in
inferior Gas when you can buy Good Gas at Regular
Engineered Lubrication
At K1opp'a you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using 7 kinds
of Grease. We invite you to watch us Lubricate -your Car and see
how Trained Attendants Grease Cars
Expert Repairing
We use the KING AN ALYSER to properly Tune Up your Motor,
Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires
Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most tip -to -date
Garage and Service Station.
Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Car for
the warmer weather and better roads soon to be here!
C. Fritz & Son Used Car Lot in Connection
The' lillellsalle Branch of the Redd \Warren. Johns, son of M.r. Wm, Johne
and the°late Mrs, Johns of 'Fliinville
The betide, given in marriage by •lel'
fatlitr, +entered the living room to
the strains of the wedding march pl-
ayed by 'Mrs. Wm, Pybus of Exeter
The ceremony was per'.formen-in an
arch of autortin leaves and gladioli
with eaindarde decorating' the room.
Cross is making a colleetitm of waste
material con'aistenog of the following;
items; Nrews,p1xp.ers, mixed papers,
, magazines, -rags, •burlap, rope, string,
i carpet auto tines; tubes, •vtteries,
aluminum, testings, German :silver,
KIPPEN NEWS ' N .: copper, and brass, iron, steel, -tc,
Mr, and Mes, II. :Puss and family i Killed by a "Train anted lttck O. Battler; r; do your'' Dines:, O. Graham muffins, ales- t 1 ,,
tht• f the emnitl ity Rev, It- A, brook of Hen;all •L ducks. rinedraO., O.ate Clark, Layer ins, , le Clark, Mrs. De O; Battler, white oats, O. IT�ttl�Ic.11J
visited on Sunday with 'Mr. and Mrs, # The sympa o Battler; Rouen ' • • extended to airs,- 1•I. I.,ainvenr,e of e5iureli oilieinteci. e T Snowden;Willis:I DWil ea W f'l'ak Trueinner; red .clover Jahn Co�tnl int l 1'. I :ler. .1, �� Chirk. J 1ohnF o 1 0,•13.1tT er timothy seed iI. ,
"i t 'lr�.t,,.. 1 f Pilger- j, . CillalLre' ill t3 ` (lf'dt.l ✓I>. .,U. bre-, ,d t , . t 1 "i4m 1•rr,•+ •rY. `h tSCCt clover Sol
1 1 �" f
Yorkshire 11 '�V'71'rlt• {„ 1 k d W Clar•lc• •fruit G. Datars; pea beans 0.
4 •a.f '11 o G !.!..kin.,,. lin t 7''"'•,'i++"'-rl '<r . l'''" •' . •le..' Xautworab---Aged •!eel s; do young, gander C. lh(.lii,
�1vt:'•; 1C] ,.:a,,,�r.•.- ..Z .,... C...y, ;zt;it t'.Cl� .l 1 .. + ..•� took 'rill jblr , ., c10` Emden v�eBE'„C�1iL' W. Clark, 'Ors. �{owrre; buns, ,1."Y`uemner, buckwheat seed Tlatars gon,t do, i, ,, ., ... •y. Gorst stalks 0, 13aatt(er.
' t .H Pen -1, , female do,do;
hale, iLigh • .Sussex, pullet,crel C, I young oma e, gas
ems, C. Diehl, hen and co , F, MCjClymont; Pets, Z, .Snowden,
Diehl, J.- Kockemstineas, hen F.
McClymont; Blk, 'Minorcan, pullet F.1 ,DAIRY PRODUCE
McClymont, 0, Battler; cock, 0. Rat- i 10 �l'bs, salt butter W. G. Clark ,F,
tier, hen, 0. Battler, H. Block, cock- I McClyanont; 5 -lbs. butter do, do; 5
rel F. iMcClymont, 0. Battler; Anti' -1 lbs. crock F. McClymont, W. Clark;
alusians, 0. Battler took all prices, r fancy print W. Clark; cottage cheese
Silver. Hamburgs, M. Fraser took all; W. Clark; half ham, R. Geiger; 21-bs
13lk, Hamburg,,, 0. Battler took all; lard J. W. Johnston, T. Snowden;
Houdans,0. Battler took all, Bent- cured 'bacon R. A. Fuss; pr. dressed
ams, an. var., M. Fraser took aII; ', chickens 1.t. Geiger, W. Clark; gg
Expedition barred rocks, pullet, M.' white G. Attars, E.
Battler, eggs
Fraser took all Indian Runner duck, brown W Clark, E.Foster.
0. Battler took all; Muskove ducks, . DOMESTIC SCIENCE
duck and drake, IL Penhale, T. Sino- Home .imide white ibread W. Clark,
w(len; CIO young H. Pr+nhale; Pekin 0. Ilntticr•: Graham bread W. Clark;
fucks old. drake 0. Battler, 11. Meek Nut bread W. Clark, E, Stephenson;
' 112 119 W•lli W
3. W. Johnston, Mrs. DWillis; App
pie, G. Datars, J. Johnston; r '
pie W. Clark, G. Datars, Lemon pie..
E. Stephenson, J. Johnston; lunch for -
child G. Datars, H. Fuss; 1
home-made fudge W. Clark, 0. Batt-
ler; baken beans,'G. Datars, J. W..
Jonnston; lunch for 1 person, G..
Datars, H. Fuss, P. Pfile; canned pity
uses 0. Battler, jelly and rnarma'iact
1'. IPfile, catsup and neat si«L.ces
McClymont, H. Fuss; canned fruits,
O. Battler, canned meats 0. Battles
II, Fuss, maple syrup F. McClymon�l..
J. Johnston.
Bush. white winter wheat, O. Bat"
tier 1•I. Fuss; barley, 1i: Trueinncr,
11 duck T. Snowden:,S, o* ' , , `coin; 1 Y's . + r
7 vevr �iatbs;, It, tlelg'
e i 0 1^" t'1r`I' do v(mre dra°it ',1, 1^+<i' Tarte. Circ, J. r " 1 seen R Ga11r , }nl
MY, •Wit illi .'dOYn it of h • i .l, 7 . } her ,+
.,,]. � ., + r!•,r.a trt,ri•gt.r ?lt?' fn, l 2t']Ye, Mae- + t e.r'
1 t l , niftier. I eaeor, BrlttTu a
•1{,'rill ?"it;l his ,• '1'17ry,;• Iii<sar"Clef, tt,ltl Vi':tr 1ci,lnl t'i, O. >att ]'. •lL> T nark, Mrs, 1)"'nlillis; Corin O. Battler; dent cord, O. l
(Mfr -
s:011 ;'Peril tile til
. s . ,r, t`' ! + end.) i . (i !+ liLeY•�, , v v, •,z. 'i'' •''^l'.iC+11S', JrC•••,�t`. t>]ti. 1:3nt.f,+."Y ti. 1�,'t(.- Alert J1'reF9x�i W. 1 , 4 ; ,ryeprt: I'T1Y 1 Q. laatti
cwrnrt P•a,l c ?lr• :.. t1 , I�b+7,7t 1. PIGS-�,1; .•(shu--I d .l o. it .,1; to I,. 'lilryee t , , T, i R1(1leton:
,,:;<, r.tlll near Q r r 1. ales W. Clarle aVlr•. DWillis Battler, 11:_.
Mr. x111(1 Mrs. I'. l,ut:t rirlttat re t1•• "1'1 r+ rT,•r'€t;'•r,.,, tt.,.. ., y, 7 0 • - STtrbtx'c1r•n ;- ;, ry • ,. (,. laver ct:z t' spiced src(1 (i, 3 britt...
Bayfield ld Fail Fair
l4lr. and °,Il 1;. J, llorrltey, Shir ei ( om Yl -.eoe of the C.P.R. for 20 boar', rl'. Snowden; btontl sow T Silo , , .rise. A W.trrieir, 'Cit'. Clark, II. 1 enllale, tea bl,rult, rimer;
F , , x711 1 tl3, r 1l. 1141ll$011 BOA tbacon aid, gander Ilii, Fraser. .r. > aril
- and 'I3erlribir:. of Ridgeway Mr. ; •era, bre was .,a rlvt�,tttrr under the w bon, 1
. pima dc>• eta att mate gad tetxt;�lr�. �lar�„ �a Xturam ,ganggr ;�1C�,aa+clttdetl lieztt vi. '
• �' ' g , years.
I .i'Jiro, W, l ioiz of Crediton spent bridge on a Ila, ',bio truck,. Qntr •tri i bop; r, W�1'zlol< `` 0 1 , , a l*