HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-10-03, Page 1Forty -First Year ZURICHa " 'HURSD AY MORNIN' •OCTOBER S, i94O Rates: $1.25 in Canada, in advancat $1,50 in 'U.S.A., hi advance CHESTER L, .SMITH: Pubbisiz e tonize y.ur Local Merchant- for your Fail Purchases THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING. Visit Our Salon for your NIID-SUMMER SPECIALS Let us quote you on. the very best ..and latest Permanents,, that are pleas- ing and satisfactory and. that will ,.give you personality. Hairdressing Salon at rear of Store. For appoint- ments call us by phone /02, Zurich. MRS. FRED THIEL•E, Proprietress r•COMFORTABI re GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES Q E. Z irbrigd ,1.o. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used Open ever Week Day Except Wednesday. • Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERIGIH -- ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices BAYFIELD FALL FAIR The annual Bayfield Fair was held on Thursday with an eblow average attendance, and a bright sunny and cool day. The exhibits for this year, were considered good as most of the inside classes were filled. The after- noon in the show ring was interest- ing nteresting as there was something doing ev- ery minute. The display of horses was good as was the cattle. Especially interesting was the fine display of SEE THE 1941 n*able Many New Added Features WARD FRITZ 1”, WE SEU.. THE ;BEST ;FOR LESS Special`s, for Thursday, Friday and Saturday N.ible'ts corns. 2 tins ......,.�__,.,...._ 25c. Maxwell House coffee ,1-1b. tin .....23c Peanut butteer24-ca.-. -. ..-^.—,.. . pack .matoe soup ........—...„....10c Campbell's new to._Z°9c Areo floor, wax, no rubbing, pints - - ' Blue Boy coffee,LTb_ bag . . ._...-.35c' Chateau cheese, half lb. pkg... .._ 17c Maple leaf salmon, 'halts. 23c. 1:1b. 'tin 43c Icing sugar, 2 lbs. . igc Grape fruit ince 20 -oz 'fins, 2 tins ..., _...._25c ;biscuits per lb. -1 c Chocolate xrxall .»... __.._ ..,...._ Moving Pictures IN TOWN HALL' ZURICH ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15th At 8,15 p.m. Rex Frost of Radio Station C.F.R.B., Toronto, will be present and show "CAVALCADE OF EUROPE" Many of these pictures were taken on Mr. Frost's trips to Europe and will prove very interesting. Sponsored under the auspices of the Zurich and District Branch of the Red Cross Society. Admission -25c. and 15c. IN MEMORIAM $fele-- In loving memory of dear mother, Mrs. Lydia Pfile who passed away one year ago, Oct. 4th, 1939. To know she never said good Bye Will always bring regret. But the hearts that always loved her Are the hearts that won't forget. But we all must cease to languish O'er the grave of her we love Strive to be prepared to meet her In that•better land above. Ever missed by her children.,_. our IN MEMORIAM Koehler—In loving men.ary our dear husband and father, Oscar Koehler who passed away year ago, October 4, 1939.. Peacefully sleeping and Resting at last;, The world's we, troubles And trials are past In silence he suffered In patience he bore Till God called him hone To suffer no more. To suffer no more. —Sadly missed by wife and We have the newest styles in Men's and young L95 Men's felt Hats at _.....,..,. .Also Men's -winter' overcoats in several styles and..1.50 shades.shades. See them ....,........... talk Phoma 14t of Mr. one family. pure bred Holstein showing, and while everybody had their little part to perforin the Herrrick Memorial Band of Dashwood kept the air filed with their interesting selections of choice music. HORSES Brood mare, R. Manson; foal, do; 2 yr old B. Rathwell, R. Manson; yr. old B. Koehler, R. Manson; Percheron—Mare T. Snowtzen, foal B. Rathwell; Agricultural—Mare E. Webster, H. Turner; foul B. Ko- ehler, H. Turner; 1 and 2 yr. old, H Turner; team E. Webster. Heavy Draught—,Mare H. Turner, foal T. Snowden Roadsters 1 yr. old R. Manson; J. J. Miller took ail others. 'Carriage—Single horse J. J. •Miller; G. Bissett; Lady driver, J. Miller. CATTLE Grade. 2 yr. old R. Pepper a Son H. Penhale Ii yr. old heifer R. Peck, R. Pepper; Heifer calf R. Peck, Pepper, steer calf R. Pepper and'Ind Steer 1 and 2 yr. old, R. Pepper & Son; Durham. Milch cow, W' (9's- trelcher and 2nd; Heifer, 2 yrs. odd, W. Oestricker; heifer 1 yr. old W. Oestreicker and 2nd; heifer calf and bull calf, W. Oestreicher• and] Tina:, Herbull f calf, E. Webster, Aer calf H. H. Special, beef herd, W. O'estreiCb't; T. Eaton special, C. Keys. HURON HOLSTEIN' GLUT. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Faust of Mit- chell were Sunday visitors in town. -A number from town attended the Bayfield fair on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz were at Toronto over the week -end. Mr, and airs. H. G. Hess and fam- ily were Sunday visitors at Crediton. Mr. and Mrs. Henry ,Stein:bach,and Mr. • William S. Ruby were visitors at Kitchener over the week -end. Mr. Andrew _McLean of the Huron Expositor, Seafortli gave us a fri- endly call one day last week. Mr. and !Mrs. George Brenner of Midland Mich, were visitors with re- latives here over the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Moses Oesch of Pen- ticton, B. C. are visiting with relati- ves here. Mr. Oesch is a brother to Mr. John M. Oesch of town. The local Red Cross workers are urged to fall in lire for tae fall and winter work. The i.-orking committee is always glad to :: ;sist new workers and knitters are g.:at1y needed. Mr. Leonard Preag has purchased a lot from Mr. Lord; Weber of town it being the south half of his double lot. We are advised that Mr. Prang intends erecting a new residence on this attractive lot. T •i, game of Bingo put on by the loc•iIrRed Cross Society on Saturday evening was a big success anct well patronized. As a result the treasury of the Society looks better and all rr ported a wood time. More such ev- ents will ikely follow. Womtns' institute The Zurich :branch of the Women's Institute will resume their monthly meetings next Monday Oct. 7th at 8 p.ni. During these vacation months the members kept themselves busy with Red Cross work. Start the new year out. right by responding to all meetings and be on time. One never knows' what you might miss by be- ing absent or late, so be prompt. Optical Repair Service Broken Lenses Accurately Duplicated Any Shape and Size, and at a Birthday Celebration The'Children and grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Gyrus Schoch of town gathered at his home to celebrate with them Mr. Schoch's seventieth Birthday on Saturday evening, Sept- ember 2gth. The children presented Mr: Schoch with a studio couch and bridge Tamp and an address in verse was read by the oldest grandchild, Robert Schoch of Kitchener. Around the righted. birthday calve' the family gathered, singing songs and MYIr. Sc3ic * was the recipient- of many 'good wishes sent by friends from far .znd mar. These greetings were read at teres•, time including one from the oldest son Garnet of Cochrane who was tenable to be present.The bal- ance of the family regretted this since his 'birthday was on the follow- ing day, Sunday, or the day of the birthday dinner which, took place at the home of Mr. Sch;ocl'r's niece, Mrs. fiareld Horner of the 14th concess- ! ion. Mr, Garnet ,Sciioc.I1 and family have lived in northern Ontario fore I over seven years. Bull, W. Sparks, 13. Rathwell, (•• R. Clutton, C. Campbell', G. IiiaDat:tr•s• bell'T•RED CROSS NEWS , Moderate Price A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. For positive identification of the World's Finest Anthracite, ak for • BLUE COAL Also Rosedale Alberta, Semet-Solvay Coke Miller Creek. Glen Rodger's Briquets. The Roe Farms Milling Cars Feeds. Highest Cash Prices paid fejt .Eggs on a graded basis - W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensel]. • • • 0 4 • • • • OV • ♦ 4 f 0 • • • • • e . ONLY $1.00 MORE THAN LAST YEAR ♦ 2 • • Suits for $2595 i • • e CANNOT BE BEATEN t •• • • BE SURE AND CHOOSE EARLY • ••• W la IL •• o®.on ♦ EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS t.O.,k ♦ 4., O. • *•••♦t♦s•w••••••••••a•••• ••o♦aa•a••••••••••�e•04anO464 ••••o••••••••••••••e••••••••o•••••ta••e•••••••00**: P and OOA 1. a : A 47, 44. Bissett Bros; Cow, C Camp sett Bros and 3rd, W. Sparks; 3 yr. old heifer, Bissett Bros, H. Cr boli aC. nd 3rd, W. Sparks, ?,yr. old heifer, Bissett l3'ros, W. Sparks, C. :Campbell 4th and 5th. heifer under. 2, H. CluttonBi ^cert H. Bros, W. Sparks, C. Campbell t -t Clutton; heifer under 1 yr. W. Sparks Camp- bell, nr t H. .Clutton, Bissett Bros, C C. t - bell, G. Westlake, S. Byan, 0. C, nH' bell; Get of Sire, C. Clutton, W. Sparks, Bissett Bros, rampbell. and 5th.; herd, Bissett 11rs. I. Clutton. W. Sparks, C. Campbell. ^,hampion female, C. Campbell, liis- tt Tiros ,r SHT1 PI'.... .:' Leicester, r in,, Robertson, Dorance shearlin;>• ram, R. ram lam): G. Dor, ea ,end l't"' �o,>,.ls. i t G. Dormice, (4. Robinson. G. oshea lit"i 1 41r(l s oencfiao rc le yarn, anotho' ewe do, de ewe lamb ,,:lar--- , D. Ltor,' 7 ,.`10 Quality of the troll: t. tn<<: in T.t�orance; I.ar...n .r,>,•.1: ,n 'anti it 4::. •:,. r,, a� took all pir'ec in this class, E ' has been excellent, to ii110'C'.' -W. i•tenry took all eak `'" ,';;great deal of ,atrsfaction t. t 1Y+.ire�- VV. H. 1)oti�.gll:t� Conk all t ithat not one article in all of these , `)onset—•D. Fottor '':sok .all. Inst flock' r t ell l: •• d "ha.; been reia,rned front sheep, A. 1 Steeper. i heaclgtk ytt rs dor' corrE�tt cte.,, ws (<;b11iCn.uetl on paw , . e e It will be of interust to those IA kit contributed to Rail Cross funds dhoti ing the past tent months, to knrew just what has bin done withi money raised itr different ]ad ways: s'rr our Branch treasury meet from week: ba week in theTTown Hall have rrrad'o' ever 3,000 di:Orent articles, co -Twist -tog of : 414 wins of socks; 180 patra wristlets; 10'1 sweat- ers and. scarfs:; 75 pneumatatit . aekets and heepital g•ewns; 69 pains pkjamas 552 4',r'rt,dhge,s and pads; �9. pillow cases;: 24 quilts; 16 surgews gowns; 91 -Ci eomprekes and wiper ,• ('O towels 17 sheets;. 14 blankets, an -1 other axti,^les tiseh as refugee^. �'1ot 'required, ` g, etc. To snake all these article7'0 1 I • NOW Is tk ; time to start feeding Concentrate to your Poultry for Higher Egg Production. .1 FALL GOODS We have a good supply of Boots and Shoes, Over- alls, Smocks, Winclbreakers, Caps, Sweaters, Shirts, and Underwear at Reasonable Prices. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND y:ORE q' Edmund Swartzentruber, Frop. Phone; 11-97