HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-09-26, Page 1Forty -First Yea • ZURiCllio THURSDAY MORNINQ, SEPTEMBER 26, 94Q. • . . . . . , • . Rates: $1.25 in Canada, in adVaneo $1,50 in U.S.A., in advances CHESTER L. SMITH, Pnbliabete „..atranizey.ur Local .Merchant for your Fall ThIchases nnEus HAIRDRESSING Visit Our Salon for your NIID-SUMMER SPECIALS Let us quote yoa on the very best' and latest Permanents, that are pleas-. ing and satisfactory and that will; give you .personality. Hairdressing Salon at rear of Store. For appoint-, enents call us by phone 1102, Zurich. MRS. FRED MIELE, Proprietress COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRECES KO. E. Zarbrigg R.o. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER • The Newest. Approved Method a Eyesight Testing Used. Opne every Week Day Except Wednesday. Are You Suffering From Headaches? ff so; Have your Eyes; EeFamined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at L COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERIOH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices EMS*. FOR QUICK SALE 20 cords of short wood at $1,50 a cord. Apply to Mrs. Mabel Snider, Zurich. Phone 4L FOR QUICK SALE Barn on St. Baniface parish pro- perty, Zurich for sale, size 3:0x22 ft. Apply to Rev. L. W. Power. SEE THE 1941 ndabi -,.• 4. e.gt Many New Added Features WARD FRITZ •••••IMCIMMINW IMMININIMIMOINIV• WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Sunlight Soap per Aylmer Purnpkiii„ 2 large tins Cheese,, half -lb pkg. Rinso, large„ pkg... 5c .... .. 15c 24c Life Buoy oap, 2 cakes. 15c Lux Toilet soaps, 3 cakes . 17c Castle Floor wax /Ala. "Tin Heinz spaghetti, 2 .med. fins Pork and beans 20 -oz, .2 lins .... .... 19c Handy ammonia, pkg. Coffee, per Ib. . ..35c HemphilrzY wheat 1•Yerries 51b. bag . . .... 25c Toddy, the wig:ire:I Chocolate drink, 1 -Ib. tin with 14 -oz tin for $1 all for ..... • • ...we, • .1. 44,5c per lb. . ............ 5c Ready cuorti, le 7 `$'•-•.‘ , 414.144•444444444,4444,4141***4•4444444414444444 Mom 140 Leavitt's Theatre - Exeter, Ont: Phone 135. Thurs., Friday, Saturday THREE 'UNIT SHOW The Angry Mr. Williams Starring! Melvyn Douglas and Joan Blondell. SANTE - FE Starring Charles Starrett March of Time .News Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday THREE UNIT SHOW Sued for Libel With Kurt 'Taylor and Linda Hayes Bullet Code With George O'Brien Disney's Tecni Color Cartoon 1NG 41.11110•111•11111. IN TOWN HALL' ZURICH ON Saturday, September 28th AT 8 P.M. GOOD PRIZES Proceeds for Zurich and Dis- trict . Red Cross GAMES 5 CENTS Everybody Welcome NOTICE The •Calling Demonstration and! 1Coacling Classes for Young Men, and Farmers, from South Huron are being held on: 6/2TOL'ER 2nd at 10 a.m. on the farm of Olive u: Passmore, Ueberne To wnsiiip. OCTOBER Brd, at 10 a.m. on the farm of Wm. Northcott, Hay Township. FURAN KBELL of St. Pauls is De- ! monstrator. All arrangements are made by the South Huron Plowmen's Association. President, Win. Quinn. Secretary, Perce Passmore. A a 1,,24;177.747-7rAP----::.; pint eN4:1- et -----e.c . !. 61, Mr. Heavy Talbot of Bayaeld gave as a friendly call one day last week. Rev. and Mrs. C. 13. Heekendorn motored to London on Monuay. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Staubus of Lon- don were week -end visitors with fri- ends here. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jeffrey of De- troit were, recent visitors with his Mother, Mrs. C. .Ayotte. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oliver of St. Marys are spending the week with Zurich friends. • Miss Myrtle Geiser of Daehwood, was a ,Sunday visitor with her friend Miss Belva Trueinner, 14th con, Miss Florence Mittleholtz of !Lon- don was a visitor at the heele of her •pae-ents Mr. and Mrs. Ted. Mittle- holtz on Tuesday. Mrs. A. F. Hess and sons Fred and Paul left for Toronto Saturday. The latter Paul remaining where he will eesume his studies at the Uniecesity. :Mr. William Dueiart of Kitchener was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Hy. Yungbl: Dumart always attends Zu• 'eh Fair, but this year was disappoint :d like the rest of us. • ZURICH FALL FAIR. RAINED OUT!!. For the first time in our memory, - good many years, was the Zur- ich Fali Fair completely rained out this eyear, It 'started to rain early ifl the irnorningOn Tuesday and as fora-noonr•at.44Ced on: SOdd the downpour of rain; and did not let up. -till.late• in the afternoon, It sure was a washout, Monday was an Weal Fail dar, and todey, Wednesday i* a nice bright sun with clear skies. Zurich has been lucky the past few years in always .hitting a good day tor -the fair. ,However, we remember some years ago we had a few inches of hail m the afternoon but the crowd had gathered, and the receipts were in the bag, but this year, well, tnne will only tell what the Department's rain insurance will do from Toronto. But we all know k was the "wetest" fair day we ever Kew in Zurich. The inside exhibits which were fairly good, not quite a numerous as in some past year, but good for this yr. were all judged on Monday and foll- owing is the list of prize winners of these: GRAIN AND SEEDS White fall wheat. H. Desjardine, O. Battler, red fall wheat, A. Reich- ert, H. A. Fuss; !barley, H. 71'rue,m- der, 0. 'Battler; oats. early, H. Des- iardine, 0. IhrtPler; oats. late, H. Desjardine, Geo, Link; buckwheat. H. Tnuenirser. White field beans, O. Battler, H. Trueinner. ,Judges, T. L. Williams, R. F. Stade. HORTICULTURAL Collection of nipples, Laithwaite & Son, Fred illoClyneont: .fall apples. Laithwaite ,& Son, F. alleClymont. Winter apples, Fred.. 11\ c Clymont, Laithwaite a• Son. King ,of Tomkins, F. MoClymont, Leith 1*Ttite: snow aerfes, Laithwaite, Glymo n t; northern spies, !Lek h - ;mite, W. M. Henry; Meld wins, Laith- waite, MoOlymont; R.I. greenings, lcOlyanont ; 'Maori) tosh red, Leith - wake; ribston !pippin, Snowden .& Grainger, Laithwaite; golden russets, Ted Steinbach, Fred MeClymont; vague rs, ;Leitheitafte. Snowden Gnainger inanns, Leith mite, Ted! Steinbach; wolf river, Laithwaite. 0 ntari es, Snowden, La i thwai te, maiden's Nosh, .Laithiwaite; 'h le pippin, ,Laithwaite; pewankee. Laith- waite, Feed afeClyment; ,colverts, T.aitleweite, H. .Desjardine; trateran sweet, Frect MeClyment, Snowden & Granger; wealthy, F. ,MeGlytnettL W. IM. Henry. Gollettion of fall pears, F. .McCly- monti Lailthwaite; !winter titers, T sithiwaite, Cl vie mit ; ('oiteeflon et ears, !fali and ev in ter, af y 1T1 orte ,aithwaitc ; Bartlett pear, 're 0y - lent, Delbert Geiger: Flemish hone- y, Delbert 'Geiger; !Clapp's Favorite, tarilitilti:.:estite, MCi c 3111 'NM. eches, 'Wilfred, Deupe, IT, Des- Delberi,11 r e"ah If. • ee..r, nowfien y,‘!!.•)1.‘, Fred ').TeClye an, Gra': R estemeyer. Vontinued en page 4.) EVANGELICAL MEN'S RALLY IN TAVISTOCK Seven hundred Evangelical men met or the second Annual Rally of the Conference Albright Brotherhood in Tavistock on Thursday evening., Sept. 19th. There was a larger rep- resentation from Zurich titan from any other church in the Conference. The local 'contingent of about foity men participated in the program. They were scheduled for one -number but were requested to sing a second selection. Mr, G. Hildebrand, of !Hamilton, President of the Albright Wetherhood, presided. Mr. H. Lein - weber, Vice -'President, of Tavistock, read the scripture. Mr. bee:, or Cal- vary church, 'Kitchener, offered pra- yer, Mr. H. G. Miller of Kitchener, seeretary of the society carted the moll The local group of men got a gad hand from the audience for their fine showing. Mr, Harry Hoff- man, of Dashwood sang a so:o. Mr, John Gremhalgh, of Hamilton pres- '1 ided at the new pipe organ and con- 1, tributed a beautiful organ selection. 1 Buy. E. 13. Hallman. Conference actor of Chri,,'.ian Educatio i made , t the announcements and ,ntrocn!red the sywher of the evening. Th.% , Of Po, rah), N. stirring and t.izaTe!:,:;r1,: the thfInc, 'vs". 1.!(‘ num to • th,! eqrse of :cl,)• Brotluvrhood served a ref rosh; lunch. Aftor the program, Rep& Service Broken Lenses Accurately Duplicated 4 For positive identification of the World's Finest Anthracia ak for BLUE COAL Also Rosedale Alberta, Sernet-Solvay Coke Miller Creek Any Shape and Size, and at a Glen Rodger's Briquets. The Roe Farms Milling Cot, Feeds, A G. HESS Highest Cash Prices paid fott .Eggs on a graded basis. W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensel! Moderate Price Jeweler and Registered Optician, • • • e • • • 1 • • • • • • 2 • • • • • • • • • • 4,0 • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••*: 1 • 1-111.1,111 la 4re NEW SAMPLES JUST IN QUANTITIES LIMITED DON'T WAIT BE WISE AND SAVE! • EMBALIWERS AND • Cleft' f.,744 FUNERAL 't! DIRECTORS • • ••••••••••••••et••••*••••004<b**,0,41,6••••••••••qt,0**4,4a,to*,a, NO Is the time to start. feeding Concentrate to your Poultry for Higher Egg Production. FALL GOODS We have a good supply of Boots and Shoes, Over- alls, Smocks, Windbreakers, Caps, Sweaters, Shirts, and Underwear at Reasonable Prices. FRESH GROCERIES ALWK.,.'S ON HAND IAA Utlai ) • Ed1T11111111 Swartzewavuleer, 441.gr41744041,474=11TZ=a44101V1/2a 5 e 4 4 4 4 .4 4 1