HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-09-19, Page 8tea .GE ETGHT 91111>!li(il1Jll..f1 ,ZURICH . HERALD 1111111111 II1 111111 1111111111111111 11111 11111 Asaar 177177t>' ^LL °. w;D'•D3 AND ENDS I tokela 1 `ert's 'Wear, Ladies ,� R.�. wa tz) , R.. rocrocl ayn a.:TtrT other items of Special 'vest at ve:•yr Low i'ric :s. 1,.'t; Can List 0,4 a Few:: Ladies' Silk Hose at L^dies' Sub Crepe hose at Table oil cloth, 2 pieces out:, Fine lace: doilies at Turkish toweling at old prices Men's Overalls, special at pr. Men's work shirts, reg. 1.10 to 1.25 for 65c n': smocks, all sizes each 1.15 Boy's Sweaters in all Wool left over from last sea- son at old prices 39c to $1. each in at yd. ~j e, 10c, aria 15c 19c .1.29 29c 39e 35c , yd. GROCERY SPECIALS Brooms 4 -string 23c. Toilet tissue 7 for 23c Shortening 2 lbs. for 25c. Coffee lb. 30c Cookies, 2 lbs. 25c. Baking Powder qt. jar 21c Wood bufry's Soap, 4 for PRODUCE WANTED 25c PHONE 59 Ta FOR AUTHORIZED DEALER Andrew 1 . es, Local Representative - vier ewe ee Zurich 9 aigeoi►io• mesiootile.0@4: fi e` 8041000M11t-,+�1 vb tl �d.l1 HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE g YOUR WINTER Hardware Needs YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT • 1 1 Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- s ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over I for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS e • Plumping, Evetroughing and Tinsinithing Our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hardware al- ways on hand. Also a fine display of Furniture, Matt- resses, Springs, Beds, Etc., in stock. SEEDS! SEEDS! We are in the Market for Good Quality Alsike, Timothy Clover Seeds, Etc. YOUR WINTER'S FUEL Io Colder Days will soon be here which will demand the most suitable FUEL for Your Heating Equipment. Let us fill your bin while prices are lowest. al = '.• 1e. eet�s�17 ' Rt Hl - ONT. QUALI'T'Y - PRICE — SERVICE Ooot000000ab0000000000000000000000000000a0000000000i cer While wheat Biscuits, 2 pkgs. ,44..• ....................15c Peanut butter, 24 -oz, jar 25c ME ,,r.hrellows, per lb, 1 5c Scribblers, 8 for .....,...... ......... 29c Cooking apples, 9 -lbs. for 25c Sodas, salted, 2 lbs. for 27c Cream. cheese, 2 -lbs, box 50c Onions, large, 10-1b. bag ...: ... ...... .................,25c Mrow Oesch EGGS 'WANTED. ITEMS I. n Ili 1 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 urich. Phone ii 5S tialitagla 11',p Miss Patricia O'Dwyer who is at- tending Loretta C.,Ilege, at. Stratford spent the week -end with her parents here. Mr. William Wagner has not re- eeti.n.ed full strength of his legs thus fer but is feeling fairly good other wise. Friends of Miss N orni a, Mousseau will be pleased to hear that she is getting along real well after her op - ,:ration for appendicitis at the Clin- ton hospital. As one makes his round in the local fruit stores one cannot help but remark of the fine display of fruits. Peaches, the finest in years, and there seems to be plenty of them and th price is reasonable. Plums, pears and other fruits also are' in abund- ance.. No. famine is at present look- ing our direction. A. Wet Spell The ten or tiwelve days of almost continuous rains seemingly has ended and •although the ground is saturated with water, it. will still take a few more days before the harvesting can -be again resumed. Fields of ,beans are ready to be pulled, others have 'leen pulled and have been turned and returned that they seem like a merry-go-round. While in some -sec- tions there is still con. iderahle sum- mer grain out on stook, and we hope these will be able to gather ilk" and thresh before the fall weather sets in Local Red Cross Meet At the meeting of the Executive of the Znurich. and District Red Cross it w,as decided to have a Bingo game and refreshrnere. ': ,atit it the Zurich Fair. The children of the Zurich Public School have a quantity of carrots in the s. l : garden of which they would like to dispose. The Red Cross is still eollec:ing waete paper, and if anyone has eotnc: on hand, t�ovs will be sent to collect it if you will phone Mr. Dagg. Farmers may bring papers to Mr. Dagg's home. The Red 'Cross wishee to thank the directors and cast of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarf". Another concert will be he'd later in the season featuring radio artists from C.F,R.B., Toronto. Refrigeration Plant This week we are at liberty to safely say that within the next few months Zurich will have a refriger- ator plant for the convenience of the surrounding community. A place we are told where one can keep al- most like fresh, fruits, vegetables, meats and most perishables. The plan as we understand it is that the plant I will be .divided into lockers and cus- tamsrs rent these lockers and store therein their perishables, A similar plant is in Exeter, and is meeting with favorable success. We under- stand the proprietor, of the Zurich plant, Mr. George Deichert is plan- ning to have 850 lockers for the convenience of the public, and while it is something new for Zurich, yet, seemingly it is the coming thing for perishables. OBITUARY • Mrs. Joseph Mero, resident of Sea - forth, died last Thursday at her home following a protracted illness. She was born in Hay Township 75 years ago and was married in 1887. They lived in Hay Township for a number of years and then went to r . fi on the Huron Road, moving to Seaforth 18 ears ago .fhe. le sntsivedby her husband, three sons and eight clan - getters. The funeral took place on S..tm l'y morning from the resid- ence to St. James R, C. church, of which she was a twee:•";ex, and thence to St. James Cerne' nry, Surviving al- Ro are three brothers. Joseph 11'ih'..rd of French -Settlement; Willieen Be- dard Windsor, and Edwerd Bedard of Drysda]e.. and l'„•c.e sisters, r;t, '"orriveau, Drysdale; Mrs. Frank Goderich, and lkl ,;caro. Gra-7011e, God6'.nich. Mt +, 'Nero wail a kind-hearted wornan and her ,home' and :family was her chief interest, and will miss her most; LOCA AKETS�,. (Corrann+d eccrvWednes+dav) Butter, dairy ...... - . 25 Butter, creamery' Eggs, dozen 26 fS, 26; 20, 12 Chickens, live 12-15 Hens, live ................... 8-10 Wheat, bushel' 55 Oats, ,bushel 28 Barley, bush 40 Buckwheathush . 40c Flour, •e t . .............. 2 85-3..1+5 Live hogs, cwt. 8.25 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Creditors and others having•ciaims against .the estate of John Flaxbird, late of the Village of Zurich in the County of Huron, deceased, who died on the 21st clay of June, IMO, are , ciu+ired to send narticr'bia o., their claim to the undersio•ned Executors bn or before the 5th day of October, 1940; -after which date the Executors will cli t i'eet the assets having regard only to claims received by that dame. Dated apt Zerich this 17th day of iSeptemher. IMO. H".YItY FRA.XBARD, :MICHAEL ME1D1NGER, Executors, John Flaxbird Estate. Borer- In Stratford on Friday, September 13th, .1940, to Mr. ' and Mrs. Auston Baker a son, (Joseph Robert,) Much disappointment is meeting the tomato lovers as owing to they wet and cold weather this luscious and lacy fruit of the garden is no good this year as there seems to be a rot affecting the same which ruins, the fruitbefore it has a chance to ripen. WHY WOMEN WILL DO THINGS MEN WON'T In an article to be found in The American Weekly in the September 22 issue of The Detroit Sunday Tomes l)r. Donald A. Laird, noted psychol- ogist, author and lecturer, analyzes the urge of "silly .gge" females to how off in useless contests that males light shy of, but promote—and ex- plains why all women shouldn't be iudged by their dizzy sisters. Be sure to get The Detroit Sunday Times CANADAN RED CROSS • British prisoners of war in Germ- any must be supplied each week with 1.01.000 parcels of food and clothing by Canada, a duty .assumed by the Canadian Red Cross. When Germ- any's blitzkrieg struck the British Isles, the importance of Canada's contribution to Red . Cross became fully seen. More than five million articles, ranging from annbulancee to clothing, had .been shipped to Britain, ready for the demands which flooded British relief workers. Regular, ship ments of woollens, medical supplies and other materials are sent to Can- ada's !soldiers who are on guard at one of the outposts of the Empire, the strategically located island of Iceland. 'When the Red Cross appeal. is made to you, give and give more than you can spare. TRIAL ORDERED , After an hour's healing �n Thurs., i day Samuel Dodge, 42, Indian, was committed for trial at the fall assiz- es early in November at Goderich fox the axe slaying near Exeter of James Kilpatrick, 67 -year-old barr flamer. Magistrate J. A'. Makine, pre. sided. Dodge is a member of "Wan 'ening Caldwells” band, not atte:.chcc' to any reserve but recngnizel by the Government, Te is defen led by lar Maellee, Strathroy, -for the cecpartni ort of Inc'.'an affairs, who had A. D 'loom, Indian agent, Muneny Reser• ,0 at his .side, County,Cmnstabin .Toh, ""^+r •+inn, of Exeter, told or. ttndin^ Kilpatrick's body lying al the living room flour of the Dodge horse in s pool of blood the head hadly basho in. Dodge, he said, was: kneeling o' a r+.illow ata bed in praying poeitio' in re edloining ibedroonn. lir. -slid ttv. sl'iTv 1e nails in his left 11Proi and,vo groping for something which he late. 'staid was a harnrner., Witness- said qac- sured was stupidly drunk, - r 4 41, 1. , a5, +L 44 4. 4. r• .5. 45 4. you many a dollar as we have a fine assortment of 3,1 Slightly -Used tFurniture that will give you big value for t 441, your Money. Drop in and look these over and get ounr ,1 . Remarkable• Low Pries• e 4. 4. 0s0. ,..ryIfii. .k I rdw�are .F u tiiture. Phose . Tite+k +4 -•Eel lei ei eetetetel . soy.. feed` e.l eeie eeee++ ++fi•1'+doieteI"eeeetrel t +0 i i. aopl.erin'laort 11D1,14 xll'4 s).*.P "{b,4.4). " Drip, "41,,.G>✓..4.,4.sg,,+1 .,, ,A, .1' .P .s••"•.F•.t�,?.• ., +rxa�+'9"$"j" „j"Y"�"y,.�i.eite"'!�!'. sqr41.4 Fur YOUR SEASON'S REQUIREMENTS We Always Carry a Full/ Line of the Best of both Shelf and Heavy- Staple Hardware: Stoves. Furnaces, and all Heating Equipments. Leat Us. Offer You Good Suggestions along this Line. Some Good Used Heaters at Very Reasonable Prices FU 1 NITURE See Our Studio Couches and Dinnette Suites A. Full Line of all the Horue Requirements e nts Always keep a Good Stock of New and the very Latest in Furniture at Very Reasoaabl e Prices, quality Con- sidered. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Mattress,. Dining Room Suites, Occasional Chairs Rockers, Etc. SLIGHTLY USE: FURNITURE For the more conservative purchaser we can save aa-, �sracas� -�� ar u r titiaii1Qi10557F al and nimided REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth =t5 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. 1111 5111lli31li;11111111i1111 11111IIIIil1111i11111111IIi1111111114iI1111111111111111i1111(111111111:1411111111111111111:EEC1L•lilOilil i ktili1111111111111: IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilfffilf 1111111111111111111111illllllllllllllllllllflla • IS THE TIME TO ORDER Your Stove Wood. Good 4 -foot Body WOOd Very Reasonably Priced. Let CJs Have your Order! We also carry a Stock of New Brick and Tile Let Us Supply Your Wants in these Lines IIESS, theBP air Man 1111111111111111.111111111111 t1 tii1111i14111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ii1111ii1 i{1111illi+ail .11111E111111111161111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M111111111111111I1fid11111111111i ?++++++++++++++++++: �4•i» '; ,:.3 ,� g. f �,» �• ,� : . •: 3 ���w•4 •b 'r > 'r 3•'e�k ay eat! Let Us :Discuss with you the New Way of Owning Your Own Horne on Easy Monthly Payments. Call inand see uor new type of BLOCK FLOOR At a Very Low Price. F. C. PHONE 69 4 I'+++++++++++++++++++++4++++++++++++++4.++++++++++ •i •i. 4 ALBY'LEISCx , ZURICH 00.00000*•000000000II•0..e* 0000000010000000000000014 0 a • i 1 a inder Twine Anyone requiring some Binder Twine at present, is requested to call, as we are selling off the balance of our stock at a very reasonable price. YOUR WINTER'S FUEL We are again handling the famous Reading Anth- racite Coal, one of the best quality coal on the market to -day. Don't be fooled by other inferior brands who claim to be just as good... Leave your order with us early. OR OE 41st PURINA, ROWE and PIONEER FEEDS A Cuaranteen Product that will greatly help your et, Stock and Poultry to Vigor and Production, which will mean greater Profits., Try it 1 ai• �n_ 1•r4+Il 0110400000.000000000016000 i sal 410 ' '