HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-09-12, Page 8• tA.Q4 >EIG>KT OF REMNANTS, ODDS AND ENDS Broken lien: s tini sizes in Men's Wear, Ladies Ready to Wear, and many other items of Special interest at very Low Prices. We Can List Only a Few:: Ladies' Silk Hose at Ladies' Sub Crepe hose at Table oil cloth, 2 pieces only 54 -in at yd Fine lace doilies at 5c, 10c, ane. 15c Turkish toweling at old prices, yd19c Men's Overalls, special at pr. 1.29 Men's work shirts, reg. 1.10 to 1.25 for 155 c 29c 39c 35c Men's smocks, all sizes each Boy's Sweaters in all Wool left over from lase sea- son at old prices 39e to $1. each GROCERY SPECIALS Brooms 4 -string 23c. Toilet tissue 7 for 23c Shortening 2 lbs. for 25c. Coffee lb, 30c Cookies, 2 lbs. 25c. Baking Powder qt_ jar 28c Wood burry's Soap, 4 for • CH PRODUCE WANTED 25c &SON PHONE 59 ers FOR Tak SECO ;D r I� AUTHORIZED DEALER Andrew F. Hess, Local Representative - Zurich Zurich HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE YOUR VPINTEh llardwae Needs YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT ' mtmoml llM ZURICH I-IERAI.D ilith 1 till! tit: jl 11.1 tf,t! III dill IIII ! Ilm II Ii111111111111111111 1111111111, i II11 11.11 1 Grocery tor Thuk^hdayi ,YSt?p lYDbN3i' lttti ii st $1 liM1Ili1b111.11 ++r e,,,y t.+ i..I.,i++•I•++•IIS+++ o+++,0 While wheat Biscuits, 2 pkgs. ,,,,.,.. .................15c' Peanut butter, 24 -oz. jar 25c Marrilanellows, per lb. , Y ,, ,Scribblers, 8 for Cooking apples, 9 -lbs. for 15c 29c 25c Sodas, salted, 2 lbs. for .,.,:.................. 27c Cream cheese, 2 -lbs: box 50c Onions, large, 10 -Ib. bag ,... ,.....-...,. 25c Menno `esch Z EGGS WANTED. rich Phone 165 ;dia1'"1ilti=1Vt11M11111111111111111 II ' M Ifllf Mlf(al I 1111 11111 I 11 111111111 _MBII11_111101ThilIME 110111111111,11 ITEMS (W t..tit'AL M.r. and Mrs. John Eckstein mot- ored • to London Tuesday, Hay Council met on ivionday ev- enii.ng for the monthly meeting. Mr. and. Mrs. Albert Leibold were Sunday visitors in Clinton. Hiss Patricia O'Dwyer has left for Loretta College, at Stratford where she will continue her studies. Fanners are busy regardless of the catchy ;weather with their beans and balance of the oat crop. Little Patsie Stelck spent a few days last week at the :home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Meyers_ Mr_ and Mrs. Lloyd McBride 'who, have spent the suminer months with the former's father, , have left for Windsor. Mr. Bruce Eickmeier has returned after spending a week's vacation at the hoinme of his uncle and aunt, Mt and Mrs. Roy Oliver at St. Marys.. Tommy Leppington, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. Leppington, is assistant sal- esman with W. Leibold &C Sons, cel- ery growers, Zurich, during their busy season.—Clinton News-Recerd. Miss Marie Bedard left last Th. rs- day for the Ladies' College "The Pines" at Chatham, where she will take special studies. Her inany friends wish Marie muck success. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd and Floyd Cook, Mr. ellipel and family, Mr. Ed. Brenner of Kitchener were re- cent visitors at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Brenner Mr, and MTs. T. L. Williams and Mr. Calvin Williams were recent holi- day visitors in the Karwartha Lakes where they visited with Rev and 'Mrs. R. Whitesides. The fine farm weather of the past week is ibeing followed by much cool- er and we:, this week. The summer, -seemingly is past, and some are wondering if had any at all. A new Union Jack has been pur- chased for the Town Hall and will be flown during the duration of the war Mr, and Mrs. William Dre•bet of Kincardine were recent visitors- at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Thiel . Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn nteicx and Mr, ,and Mrs. Howard Hyde returned home last Thursday after a four day visit to Toronto, two of which were spent at the exhibition. They were guests of Mr. and Mi;s. Harford Mc- Kinley and Mr. and Mrs., Sam Lyttle The heating equipment of the local school was recently under repair. One of the hal-z.• furnace; have been rebuilt and new pmts installed. The two furnaces which ere used in win- ter, have given good ,sati. l'nrtion dur- ing the 30 years they have been in use. w g m * SIt Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? a Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over 3 for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. ,- OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS• • Plumbing, Evetroughing and Tinsmithing Our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hardware al- ways on hand. Also a fine display of Furniture, Matt- resses, Springs, Beds, Etc., in stock. SEEDS! SEEDS ! We are in the Market for Good Quality Alsike, Timothy Clover Seeds, Etc. , YOUR WINTER'S FUEL Colder Days will soon be here which will demand the most suitable FUEL for Your Heating Equipment. Let w • us fill your bin while prices are Iowest. it t;,1' I D R1 -- 'OT. QUALITY — PRICE SERVICE *SO* 0 01211iirtan.204141sr* e L Tickets Have Been Drawn The .recent drawing of tickets of the French Settlement Church contest was recently closed and the following are the prize winners: ;25 cash Mrs Win. Ducharme, .Sr; $20, Mrs. G, Mahon, Chatham; $15, Miss Eva Can - tin; $10, Joe, D. Elder, Windsor; $5 Harry Rose, The quilt went to Mrs, Joseph Rondeau, Detroit, And t he quilt for Boys going to Belleville sell • LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter; dairy 25 Butter.; creamery 26 Eggs, dbzen • ,....... 28, 26,. 20, 12 Chickens, ll've 12-15 Hens, live 8-10 Wheat, bushel 55 Oats, :bushel ... . ... ........... 28 Barley. bush. 40 Buckwheat, bush 40c Flour, cwt . .. . .......... 2.35-3,15 Live hogs; cwt. 8.2:5- orao+aa+�+ramr ..u.okbar.1 dv+. . Pleasant Surprise Last Thursday evening a pleasant surprise too.kplace at the home of rYir, and iitrs. Win. 'Thiel when tee cool.]: members of the St. Peter's Lu- 't,reran church presented Mrs. Norman. :k'leischaa.er, (rine Gertrude Thiel). .with a pyrex casserole in a silver: bast, Gertrude replied in a very able manner expressing herseir now, she enjoyed. to ;De one of the choir mem- rbeis. Gaines were played and. the evening closed with a dainty luneh- eon. Best wishes were extended. to Mr.. and Mrs. Fleischauer, for_ a, long and happy wedded life. A "Sneak" Preview. Q€ 'TE GREAT DICTAT.QR" Charlie Chaplin's startling, secret film into which he has put. three yrs. of work and more than $2,000,000 of 4. r r'' l J(jlYr et. YOUR SEASON'S REQUIREMENTS We Always Carry a Fun Line of the ll hst of 41- both Shelf and Heavv Stank Hardware: Stoves. Furnaces, and all Heating Equipments. Let U6 Offer . You Good Suggestions along this Line.Sonne Good • Used Heaters at Very Reasonable Prides FURNITURE See • Our Studio Couches and Dinnette Suites' A Fulli4 Line of all the Home Requirements AlwAlwayskeep, a Good Stick of New and the very Latest in Furniture at Very Reasonabl e Prices, quality Coni. sidered. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Matti essi. ID nino, Room Suites, Occasional Chairs Rockers, D the .�. SLIGHTLY 1,. ED FURNITURE For the more conservative purchaser we can e sav you many a.dollar as we have a fine assortment, of Slightly Used tFurniture that will give you big value for• your Money,: Drop in and look these over and get: ouar Remarllbl'e Low Prices - Joh i , oKalbfleisch ard :p. 'e urni re I''hone, 63 had and D a !ed Animals:. REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth: DARLING and CO. Of CANADA, LTD.. plflllllllifllllllld�tll�i�t�;lill��iffiIiII111illll((IC;f(Ilillflllllllllllllllllllpl11114`�l�fiilllfllllllllllllllllllllllllilinii141IN%„iiliiil}ii7 �Ill�ffllllllllllllil11111iII1111NM111)iIIIIIUIIIIIIIINI11HlIlIiIIIIIIli11111G ole own. money. See—iii. the Sept-, E. ember 15 issue of The, Detroit Sun- day Times—many of the, scenes do , �ilrs movie that has been. a secret for . years and will cause world-wide re -'=4 creation. Be sure to; get'•the ,Sept- ember 15 issue of The Detroit Sun- day Times. CENTRALIA OAT GROWER LEADS COMPETITION Clarke Fisher, secretary of the E:, der Agricultural: `Society has receiN-- ed the list of prize winners in i;he recent field crop oats competition as awarded by the Ontario Department of Agriculture, Results: ifrank Hicks, 'Centralia, 95 points; George Lank, Dashwood, 94 .points;, Cecil Rowe, R.1,,, 1. Exeter 93 pointe,,; Maur- ice Coats., Centralia 92 points, W.F. Oestreieheir, Crediton, 01; Percy Pass more, Eyeterr 90; Chas. W. Miller, Ex titer 89; 1-larry Coates, Centralia 88; 1'he ,secretary was runner-up with 87 points, The judge was Fd. Hansuld o -i lnvistock. HEL DREUNION The annual Hoist family reunion was held at Queenston Heights Park, Niagara on Labor Day with an at- tendance of ever 175. The reunion, under the leadership of President Hansler ,Swayze of Fonthill, was one of the most successful ever held. Gu- ests were present from Rochester, N. Y., Pigeon, Mich; Bright and Crediton The election of officers resulted as follows: President, Earl Haist, Cred- iton; vice-pres., Albert Gaiser, Dash- wood; secry treas,, 11Irs, Harry Hess, Zurich; directors, Leo Hoist, Fenwick Mrs. L. Dickson, Foothill; Chris.Haist Crediton; Leona Braun, Pigeon and L. Wein, Crediton. An offering of $10 was received and donated to the Red Cross. HAD BIG LEGION RALLY With nearly 1,000 Canadian Leg- ool, Wm. Denomme> Si I -I ion n?1Pbr rs and 'tilli 1 men, repress .ding nine legion branches and inclu- ding 10 bands, present, the annual The 5th annual reunion of the zone No, 10 legion drumhead service Turnbull family was held at Turn combined with a Huron County pat - bull's Grove, on 'Labor Day with a- rlotic rally on Sunday afternoon at - ;bout 90 friends and relatives attend_ traded an estimated attendance of� ing. The weather was ideal for the 5,000 ,at Victoria Park,, Seaforth. The picnic and the chicken dinne was service commenced with a parade of enjoyed by all,' with Supp e: follow legion branches, each accompanied by ing the races and soft -ball gaine, A I'iancl, from the C.N.R. depot to erre.• ;, nx r ting fellow—ed the noon Victoria Park. 'The half -mile route meal and election of the following on th parade was lined throughout off'ieers resuited: Prn-ident, Wm. with people. "There is no limit to ^. arrfn11; Vice -Pres,, Toni Turnbull; 'rhe victory we shall win, no limit to Sec. -Teas,, Janet Turnbull; Game lie hap.nincss of the world we shall ~ommitt� T; 1`:i :tl P'hedran, Grace secure if we keep in our minds the and Calvin Turnbull; Table Commit- '?'ree weapons ---the spade, the pen Vo, Fiarencc Lo -e, Nola T ryie+-.ltuth and the sword,” Dr. A, A, Waring, 1=Tendrick and Agnes Patterson. A London, speaker of the afternoon vote of tianls was given to the told the audience that overrrt'oweil hast a'.id ho tt, s, Mr:eel Ir;. (Gerd 1 Victoria Park into surrounding stre- wn Turnbull, for their 1:inrin :sshown t=its. Dr. Waring, chaplain of the ell. It was deeided that the 1941 Dr-.eerhmuir (London) branch of the Reunion he lu,ld on Lr'l,,;r Day at i Canadian Legion, spoke in place oi+ 1ppeiwash Beach, Filends and ie Maio.` .t'ie, Ilev. Norman Tlawson,who halves wore.present from Chiciigo, I at the hist ..moment w'- prevented by London, Sarnia and tGra,nd Bend, • illness from attending, NOW! IS THE TIME TO ORDER Your Stove Wood. Good 4 -foot Reedy WOOd Very Reasonably Priced. Let Us Haye your Order! We also carry a Stock of New Brick and Tile Let Us Supply Your Wants in these Lines! HESS, the repair Man 11111111111b1$11111111111111111111111111111ili111. X1111111111111111(111111111111111111111111(II11111111011lNiIrl#li(hliiHlitl H1111i1111119ipIiN;ifI1111111111 UIII(111111111111111111111111111111111 li111i 111111111116dIIHIIINIA 4,4,+ +k444+ ^^r+++++i++++'z'+++.,.,;. f•'r .1.+4.-1-i•-1.++++++++++++++4,,-++++.1. .r• hy..kis. .� ay Rent! Let Us Discuss with you the New Way o1F, Owning Your Own Home Payments. 5: ore Easy Monthly Call in and see uor new type of ." + 4 +,- + PHONE BLOCK FLOOR At a, Very Low Price. K_ I O 69 Ea ZURICH 4++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ 4 44+4+4 ++++++++++++++++++++ . a aiacrarsv64a>i aseasseasoseasca aoseoeOWv1ssesiryr+S excess f • r 1 a •i z 8 4 3 A • er Twine Anyone requiring some Binder Twine at present, is requested to call, as we are selling off the balance of our stock at a very reasonable price. YOUR WINTER'S FUEL We are again handling the famous Reading Anth- racite Coal, one of the best quality coal on the market to -day. Don't be fooled by other inferior brands who claim to be just as good... Leave your order with us early. PURINA, ROWE and PIONEER FEEDS A Guaranteen Product that will greatly help your Stock and Poultry to Vigor and Production, which will mean greater Profits. Try it! 4. a :6411410041.4114.611140110111.0844444Z11414 0,1004101t0f414490S1601 0410.141104101111 1 1 Oft "HIE Vi IM f Let and Pat ng an, g`t'e y Salon a v'nts MRS COM R TI OP The "Eyesig Wee! CV*,