HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-09-12, Page 7?'i._..-... ::. :... •...rz-,.,::b�k .:r�;t<>.ns. ".'�;.. >�" ..:." !,`,.:Cv...�<s, Y;f .`�er`a�r�"'R,�4`„:, x`.'a• `.Phis photo just received via transatlantic clipper a nd passed by the British censors shows a r�tlsh and Canadian troops encamped on a road near Reykjavik, Iceland, which the British occupieduafter Hitler's bloodless invasion of Denmark. How Can I? 1 BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I remove the odor of onions from the breath? A. Chew a whole coffee bean or sprig of parsley which has been dipped in vinegar. If a lump of sugar saturated with vinegar la eaten, it will also remove onion odor from the breath. Q. How can I rid the house of Ants? A. A mixture of half borax and half sugar will poison every ant that finds it. Sprinkle it on *helves and around all haunts. Q. How can I remove spots and ;mains from silk without injuring the color? A. Take five parts of water and six parts of alum, well pound- ed. • Boil a short time, and then pour into a vessel to cool, Prev- ious to using, the mixture must be made warm. Then wash the stained parts and allow to dry. A. Sprinkle a little salt on the gills. If this turns them yellow, they are poisonous; if it turns them black, they are safe to eat. Q. How can I sharpen a dull razor blade? A. Insert the blade into a glass filled with water and rub against the side of the glass. ' if Peonies Don't Bloom, Move 'Ern Sometimes Shallower Plant- ing Helps Peonies that have failed to bloom may be benefitted by a shift to an- other location, or by shallower planting—not deeper than two or , three inches. The present is a good time to move them. Last call for sowing pansy seed if eaarly, spring bloom Is desired; sol- id colors, such as Swiss Blue, Black Ring. Snow Queen and the All - America winner, Coronation Gold, are much more effective in borders than the usual mixtures. PRUNING SEASON There's plenty of work in the garden now for the pruning shears; many shrubs can be thinned out, to give more room for vigorous new growth; the same applies to cane and bush fruits"such as raspberries and currants; weedy tops. of per- ennials that have completed their' growth should be removed. GETS NEW POST Commander W, 13. Creery, H.C.N., officer commanding fLM.C,S. Fraser from the first :day of the war until it was sunk ,during rescue operations off Ber- l/emir, France, has been appoint- ed senior naval officer at Gaspe and commanding officer.' of all anXiliary vessels based there. Choosing A Site To Build Home? Many Factors Bear On The Choice of Lot for Residence With real estate becoming rec- ognized as one of the foremost investment media unaffected by market fluctuations due to varia- tions in war conditions, home- ownership is quoted today by arch- itectural authorities as "not only insurance against re,.tal increases but an investment for the future with the knowledge that funds paid into the home will not depreciate with the years but should increase materially. Important factors to be borne in mind when investing in real estate aa'e quoted as follows: 1. Secure a dependable opinion on the location and value of house or land. The services of a depend- able real estate agent should be secured in respect to trends and land values. 2. Steps should be taken to ob- tain an absolutely clear title to any parcel of land or improved property It is essential that one should re- quire the owner of a property to establish his title to it before it Is purchased. 3. Make sure that the air is free and .clean in the locality in which the proposed land or home lies. It is manifestly more pleasant to have a house Iodated in a community re- latively free from smoke and dust. 4. Purchase enough land. It is generally considered that a front- age of 50 feet is not too much. Nar- row lots limit space, distort the architecture and limit privacy. The wider the lot the inore desirable . it will be to others with consequent greater resale value. Midlands: British Industrial Core As well As Being The Geo- graphic Heart of England— So Offer Valuable Target For Enemy Bombers The Midlands, which German bombers have added to their aerial blitzkrieg program, may be defin- ed as the dozen central counties of England, says a bulletin from the National Geographic Society: "Little idea of their importance is conveyed by saying that they ex- tend from Staffordshire east to Huntingdonshire, from DerbPsllire south to Bucks, Par the Midlands are bounded on the north by Robin Iidod's Sherwood Forest, on the southwest by Stratford -on -Avon and the other native haunts of William Shakespeare; oil the south by an- cient Oxford on the Thames, en the east by Cambridge and the picturesque Fen Country. "The geographic heart of Eng- land, ngland, the plains of the Midlands lie east of the Severn, north of the Thames, south of the Trent and west of the heights of East Ang- lia. The approximately 4,000,000 inhabitants of these plains form about a tenth of England's papula- tion, "Dominating the Western Mid- lands, Ei1•miiighani has grown on its varied metal industries to be- come England's second largest city, in the midst of a whole constella- tion of manufacturing suburbs. "Staffordshire is one of the most important counties in England for its industrial productivity, Its north- ern section is notable for the clus- ter of .towns known as the Pot- teries, possibly the most coneen- tratecl and busiest ceramics centre in the world, "South Staffordshire is the site of the Black Country, darkened With the smoke of a thousand spe- cialized metal industries, Leicester- shire, now known for its industrial city of Leie"ster, England's 'stook-. ing capita,' still preserves the moated castle of Kenilworth fro^n the clays of Queen Elizabeth, •4•e -o -c •-4-4.40... • 4,4, 41‘41,0-4.2-40-41.-0-41.41.10 HEALTH TOPICS Prevention Of Whooping Cough. From studies made at the Con- naught Laboratories and 'School of Hygiene, Toronto one gains the view that whooping cough may be prevented by the timely use of a fresh strain vaccine pro- duced for this purpose, writes Dr. John W. S. McCullough of the Health League of Canada. The study referred to was carried on six years among groups of con- trol and vaccinated children. Up to the present time 288 control and 1,007 vaccinated children have been followed. Of the for- mer, 52 and of the latter 97, were in contact wth cases of whooping cough. The number of cases in the first group were 43 and in the latter group 10, so that the respective percentages were 82 and 10. Protective Vaccine Of the 97 contacts in the vac- cinated group there were 23 di- rect exposures to brothers and sisters with whooping cough. In the 23 instances the nature of the contact was intimate and continu- ous (often kissing, drinking from the same cup or sleeping in the same bed). None of the 23 de- veloped the disease from their brothers and sisters. This is very strong evidence of the protective value of the vaccine since one would not expect all of the 23 children continuously exposed to whoping cough to escape the dis- ease. It • will be noted that there were 82 cases of whooping cough in the control group and but ten in the vaccinated children. This is another strong suggestion that the vaccine protects, Another fact, already referred to, is that while 52 control child- ren taming, in contact with whoop- ing cough, 43 contracted the dis- ease giving a morbidity of 82 per cent., but 10 of 97 vaccinated children were infected, giving a morbidity of but 10 per cent. in this group, The foregoing, added to one's own experience is the use of whooping cough vaccine, indi- cates that thispreventive remedy should be used in all cases where there is a threat of this disease. Exports of Canadian wheat flour during the first seven months of 1940 totalled 4,065,- 870 barrels valued at $16,173,935 compared with 2,6.26,675 barrels worth $7,849,129 in the corres- ponding period of 1939. "Wool" made from milk is being produced in an American factory, The inventors claim it is cheaper and harder, wears longer, and dyes better than the real thing, Ieivir igurping ctGARETT>+,PAPERS DOUBLE AUTOMATIC .„,....,. WOMEN WANIED 38 to 52 years old. Women who are restless, moody, NERVOUS --who fear hot flashes, dizzy spells—totake Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound. Pinkhan's is famous for helping women during these "trying times” due to functional irregulari- ties. Get a bottle today from your druggist, WOItTE TEYIi'TG1 What Seien.ee • s' Doing 11,411.41-.^.^,',4.4' M^i •i-. i 4 1.4 •� •1 -O -W SMALLER IRON LUNG A new "iron lung,” weighing but 40 pounds compared with over 600 pounds for the old "boiler -type" res- pirator, is being used` in Tacoma, Wash., during the current siege of infantile paralysis. '•aralysis specialists bail the pee- wee respirator, invented by Dr. P. II, Tehhaar of Los Angeles es a "godsend," particularly for' cases where the mere unwieldy and larg- er lung presents transportation problems and henee loss of life. SILVER AS GERMICIDE Dr. Alexander Goetz of California Institute of Technology predicts that silver eventually may replace chlorine and athero • germicides in purifying the world's drinking wat- er. "The metal leaves the water sparkling and with a taste of fresh- ness," said the physicist in describ- ing experiments made by him and his scientist -wife, "Neither Is there any disagreeable odor." WEIGHS FORCE OF FEATHER The University of Washington has a new airplane scales which weighs with the speed of light. It was invented to weigh the forces which strike an airplane in flight. It can record anything from the slap of a feather to a ton and a quarter yank. This scales records accurately a pull which lasts only one-hundredth o a second. The name of these momentary stresses on the parts of a plane is "force transients;" Modern Etiquette tiY ROBERTA LEE 1. What is the best time for a man to ask his employer for an increase in salary? 2. If a girl is introduced to a man twice, at some social affair, what should she do? ., 3. Who is responsible if a guest drinks too much? • 4. When the glass of iced tea is served on a small coaster, what should one do with the spoon after stirring the tea? 5. Is it proper to have an ash tray for each guest, in the living room? 6. Is it all right to begin a let- ter with an apology for not hav- ing written earlier? Answers 1. Perhaps the best time would be when he is marrying or ex- pecting to become a father. How- ever, many employers. resent this at any time, and it is well to weigh the natter carefully before asking it. 2. Merely smile and say that she has already net "Mr. Williams." 3, This is the host's responsibility. It is his duty to maneuver in some way to prevent it. 4. If there is a table cloth, the only place to leave the spoon is in the glass. On a bare table one may place the spoon on the table, the same as when at a soda foun- tain. 5. Yes. Guests should not be forced to share trays. 6. This is often done, but it is not good form. 41^4 -.1 -s -s4. -o -e -s-« E YOU MID? Bill the sailor had broken with his girl. After ignoring several letters, requesting the return of her photograph, he received one threatening to complain to the captain. Deciding to silence her for all time, he borrowed all the pictures of girls available on the ship, sending them to her in a Large bundle, with the following note: "Pick yours out. I've forgotten what you look like." —o— "How did you learn to walk a tight rope. Just pick it up yourself?" "No, it has to be taut." —0 --- At a reception, Oliver Wendell Holmes discovered a little girl looking hungrily at the cakes and sandwiches on the tea table. "Are you hungry, little girl?" asked Dr. Holmes. "Yes, sir," the child replied. "Then why don't you take some food?" "Because I haven't a fork." "Fingers were made before forks," Holmes observed, smil- ingly. "Not mine," the little girl re- plied. —0-- "1 hear your boy friend wants to settle down and ewn a house." "Well, he's got a good start. 1 gave him the gate today." —0— Police judge—What is your ex- cuse for speeding through the town at 60 miles an hour? Defendant --Well, your honor, I had just heard the women of my wife's church were having a rummage sale, and I was rushing home to save ray ether pair of pants. Police judge—Acquitted, Next case. —0 --- Client: Do you guarantee this hair -restorer ? Hairdressers Better than that, sir. We give a comb with every bottle. The strong man at the fair had just finished squeezing the juice out of a lemon. Holding it up before the crowd he shouted: "I'll give $5 to any- one who can squeeze another drop of juice out of this lemon!" Up stepped a little man. Re gripped the lemon and, to the surprise of the crowd, squeezed several more drops from it. "It's easy," he murmured, "I'm an income tax collector!" Long-term ortesty The cashier of an old -estab- lished grocery firm at Auckland, New Zealand, got the surprise of his life when a man walked up to his desk and paid a debt of $5.00 contracted with the firm 48 years ago. The debt was so old that the firm had no record of it, ...CLASSIFIED A VEHTISEMENTS..a A.GE1' r S WANTED if you are interested in STEADY CASH PROFITS—if you would like interesting, profitable work selling, the most popular line of obligation: FAMILEX, 570 St. everyday necessities at present on the market, inquire today without Clement, Montreal. BABY CRICKS STARTED CLUCKS 'WE'VE STILL SOME 7-8 WEEK Bray Pullets, immediate shipment. Order later delivery chicks now. Be stir° you're on the list for Bray Fall Service Bulletin—ready soon. Bray Hatchery, 180 John N„ Hamilton, Ont, TRE BIGGEST BARGAIN ON WELL started Leghorn pullets ever of- fered by us. Three week old $17.00, four week old $19.90, five week old ;124.90. Also older free range pullets.—Top Notch Chickerics, Guelph. Ontario. I'"•REIs; 1IANCE PULLETS. DAitRLi:) Rocks, Now Hamps, Wliite Log- hnrns, 'white Rocks,'all ages from ..10 weeks to 24 weeks, Our Highest quality and low prices will please you. Free eatalogne.—Tweddlc Chick hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. STARTED t'i'bi8) i'TJLT,E'.t+s L GHORN STARTED PULLETS AT ba.rgain prices, three week old 19.00, four week old $22.90, also tee range pullets all ages and all Badeiorptl popular breeds. Free ellatehery Limited, Baden, Ontario. RAKER v twirl PM ENT BAICEPS` OVENS AND 8±ACl3TN- ery, also rebuilt esuluament always on hand. Farms arranged. Correa- gardener, invited. t-tnhbsrd Port. ' hie (Ivan r'n., 1 7 71,1 (burst St., 'i' rn ri 41 ISSUE 37—'40 ('ARS NEW AND USED MOUNT PLEASANT MOTORS LTD., Toronto's oldest Chrysler, PIym- outh dealers; three locations, 632 Mt. Pleasant Road, 2040 Yonge St, 1680 Danforth Avenue. Our Used Cars make us many friends. EYEGLASSES EYEGLASSES. LOWEST PRICES, Free catalol;ue and eyesight test- er sent on request. Satisfaction guaranteed. ICleer Sight Optical Co., 671' College, Dept. P7,, Toron. to. HOGS FOR SATs: CHOICE 'rAWORTIT PIGS Six weeks old, registered $10.00, with- out papers 58.00. Albert Lawrence, Grafton, Ontario. n1 N'rIxs DOGS YOT.ING AMERICAN COONHOUNDS slim trim built, Sharp scented, open trailers. Finest hunters on any game. 512 each.—J. L. Irwin, Eder. to), Ontario. `; tL1 OF STOCK raT CHE NEUU STOCK: 'YARDS. LAN. easter it., has good innr]tet for I3orsew Dairy Cows, Feeders, Cal- ves, Piga Poultry, Implements, produe' with Aurrion Sao every Thursday. Terms ''ash; Rates rea- sonable; prices good. Come to Kitchener there people can buy. —F, .T. Sterner• f;tanagc r. INvon,atA'rION nUIt17AU INFORMATION ON ANY SUBJECT, Questions of any nature answered, 25 renis each. Fire for dollar. Write Vertlieb's information Bur- eau, iVawbewawa, Ontario, ivT;RSINS COURST. FOl.t ATTENDANTS --• Verdun Protestant hospital gives a year's training for 'mental at- tendants, Requirements 2 years' high soltool and applicanta must be 21 years of age. Apply, Direc- tor of Nursing, 1'.0, Box 5034, Montreal. Barn Roofing—Granary Li