HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-09-12, Page 4itlitAt SUR HONEY POP SALE Buckwheat Batley in customer's !tantalizers at li(, lb„ for limited time oxxly. 't L ,1-lrtberer & Sons, Zurich, NOTICE Sind it appellee ilea tenor Child War guests will sot)n .:c coamar to Canada from crt laa't:;ixt it has twen .thought. w): * t „t ter the namt•;, oi' tilos[. in Hee all zeal sine toundi ia dist; let who a,•,.• willing to open their homes to eueh guests. Those willing; to do so 8tc invited to give ties following info illation to their Clergyman or to the Municipal Clerk at Hensall or Zu.titclz: 'Your .Name Adctross .... , , , . , Children desired •. , , , ..... , . Flensall War Service Comtn+ttee Rev, W. Weir, B. A.,'War Gurcat Coin- mittee 1)r. A. R. Campbell, Chairman. CRASH AT SAYFIELD A 45 -degree turn at the southerly +entrance to Bayfield, on the lilac. Water highway, was the scene ref a serious motor stccident last Srtnilay when a car driven by Wendell Kille, flint, Mich,. missed the turn and plowed into a 'big maple tree in Clan Gregor Square with serious conse- quences. Duncan McDonald a pass- enger in the front swat, sustained -a isadiy crushed -chest and fractured skull and waS in a critical condition 'but is recovering' in Goderich'Iiospit- al. ::'it•s. Rifle, wife of the driver, sustained a fractured femur and head incur • s, eiu too was taken to the hospital .A daughter 12 yrs -old -was uninjured. A charge of 'dangerous driving was laid by Traffic Officer J. Culp against •Kille. MANY 'REGISTER Registrations lin the Huron -Perth riding numbered 17 ,151. as 'f bllows : Fullerton ..................,:. - ... ' 1249 Hib!zert _ .. ,1235 U borne .................. . Hay................... , lnxl? ett T'i'a% ING TEAM CHAMPIONS The Canadian typing teens. rr<reat cad the United .;States tewti by 117,- 06 points in the two-week internat- lt?nel typewriting marathon at the Canadian National Exhibition, The marathon closed Sunday midnight. Victory gave the Canadians the C.N. E. trophy, won by the: Americans in Toronto Istat ,year, and the winners also took possession of this Cromwell cup, donated) by James R. Crom- well, former United State mini:.tt+t to Canada. Taking turns 24 lima, deity at the keyboard of a single nma- c tine and ti tuseribing H. (,. Weil I "Outline of History," the 12 -member Canadian •tetutt knocked out 1,706, 778 word:: dut•iug the marathon's 3214 hours. :they made 52,084 errors for a m't :;core of 1,654,744. The Amer- icans :had gross wordage of 1,598,133 made 60,424 errors, for a net of 1,537,708. .FALL FAIR DATES 'Me following is a list of fall fairs and dates held in this district: Toronto( Can. Nat. Ex.) Aug.23-Pep7 Tavistock Sept.. 6,• 7 Nenv Hamburg Sept. 13, 14 fllktlt Sept. 17, 18 1+ srrter Sept. 18, 19 Mildmay a... . , Sept. 17, 18 Senforth Sept. 19, 20 :Stratford Sept. 16-18 Atwood Sept. 23, 24 Belmont Sept. 26 :B.russele Sept. 27, 28 ' Ilderton Sept . 25 Kirkton Sept. 26, 27 Lueknow Sept, 26, 27 Mitchell -Sept. 24, 25 Port Elgin Sept. 26, 27 Ripley Sept. 24, 25 Sarnia •Sept. 24, 25 Strathroy ........, ... Sept. 26-28 Wingham ,Sept. 25, 26 Zurich, • , Sept. 23, 24 Hayfield Sept, zti, 26 Dungannon, Oct, 3, 4 Fordwich r Oct. 4, 5 Teeswater Oct, 1, 2 Thedford O:et. 2 ..... 1845 1358 Stephen ...........'.. _......... 2599 Stanley . . ............... 1683 N[cKillop 1210 Tuckersmith .. , ....... _ . , 1434 Exeter 1305 Bensall ....».,...., ........ '536 Seaforth 1448 `17,151 The largest registration in any. one sash -division.. was nt No. 9, ,Stephen -"rewaship (Grand Bend ),. where sum- mer visitors swelled the total -to to 910 Snore than three times the number of names on the voter's list -for that Sub- division. The various -polls in Hay were: No. 1, 169; No. 2, 156; No. 3, 478; No. 4, 285; No. '5;. (150; No. 6, 293; No. 7, 102; 'No. 8, 207. ATTENTION NEWLYWEDS There seems to Be some nlisunder- standieg concerning the duties of people recently married, 'in connect- ion with the National Registration. Some people are of the opinion that when they marry they -must register again. Such is not the case as you wilI see by reading the following in- structions issued by the Chief Regis- trar of Canada. Quote: "Any person registered under these Regulations who afterwards tnarries or changes his or her place of ,residence shrill within fourteen days notify the Dom- inion Statistician at Ottawa •of -the date of his or her marriage, and of the nauie and place of residence of the person whom he or she married, or of the plae:: of residence and post office address to which he or sae has removed, as the case may be, and any such person who .refuses, fails or neglects, without lawful Excuse, to eoraoly with the provisions of this section, shall be guilty of an offence ani liable to a fine not exceeding 50 dollars." It is in the interest of each person who -comes ender this class, to attend to the instructions( es given+ above, as soon as po shite. BLAKE Mrs. C. Stiles nd Mr. Harold Moser of Castorland, N. Y., spent last week with relatives here and at Zurich. Miss Ella Bohn and Miss Foster are attending high school .at Clinton. A baby girl has arrived at the home of Mr. nd Mrs. Joseph Martin on Wednesday last. Mr. and Mrs. A. Martin and family of near Elmira were visitors with • Mrs. Martin's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Steckle. Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Westlake were holiday visitors in Toronto. Mrs, J. A. Manson and Miss Beat- rice Mattson called on Mrs, 'William Carnie one day recently. KIPPEN NEWS W.M.S. MEETS The W.M.S. of the United church held their iSeptennber Meeting o n Wednesday •afternoon, Sept. 4th at the hone of Mrs. W. Mellis with a good attendance. The meeting was precided over by Mrs. J. Henderson and opened by the singing of the National Anthem. Mrs. Long read the scripture, a hgymn was then sung, and prayer offered. Mrs. Monteith had charge of the topic it being the beg- inning of a new study book, 'The Life of James Evans" who is a miss- ionary among the Indians in Ontario and the Western Provinces. After the topic there was a short business discussion. The roll. call and offieeing were then taken. The meeting closed with .Hymn 182 and repeating of the Lord's prayer in unison. NOTES-IMr. and Mrs. Wellman and family of Port Huron visited on Mon day at the home of Mrs. H. Ricker and Arthur. Mr, and Mrs. Archie Parsons and Gerald visited on Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carter of Clande- ':lioye. 1MErs. W. ;Homey, Miss Irma Ferg- uson and Mr. Arnold. H. Gackstetter visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. 'Gordon Robinsoh of London. DASMW(OOi Miss Rose Guenther is visiting with relatives in Windsor. Mrs. A. White and son Robert and daogl re x Nancy Jane of Detroit, sp- ent the, week -end with the farmer's mother Mrs. Witzel. . P'S ONE -STET SERVICE MARATHON GAS A Gas known to every motorist. Why take chances in inferior Gas when you can buy Good Gas at Regular Prices. Engineered Lubrication you get Guaranteed Indiana Lubrication, using 7 kinds We invite you to watch us Lubricate your Car and see how Trained Attendants Crease Cars Expert Repairing We use the KING AN AL'1SE1R to properly Tune Up your Motor. CIA AR GAS FOR YOUR LAMPS AND STOVtS at 25e. Gallon Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most tip -to -date Garage and Service Station. Drive in and let us service and "Peep Up" your Car for they av<tr ac1 ,v; '�;';✓�r n' 3"!4'$ r„ a" 1 r A{ t;, w ,.• ., g r,Nr*>Mww 0. Fritz & Son Ostd Car Lot in Connection w.r,.,;r�awzxd«,+�.•.wW.•�„+r•'�`eMl-M•,�,�,auci At KIoga,'s of Grease, ZURICH :HERALD Mrs, Henry Cheslock and daughter Lois and I.4i'. Rudolph Dyck of Tav- istock and Mr. and Mrs. 1.+red ITelw bre: eht of New 'York City, visited the >orztn'r's sister, Mrs, Ness last t`.hurs- day, Mr, and Mrs, ltobt. Hoperoft of Pt Colborne spent the week -end with Mr and Mrs. Thos. Hoperoft, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scott, of IlowmanvilIe called on her .parents here on Saturday, 1)r, and Mrs. R. H. Taylor are tak- ing a'motor trip on their vacation. The property formerly owned by the England, sisters was sold by auct- ion on Saturday to :Mr, Jonas Hart- Leib. Rev, and Mrs. Roppel and daughter Hope, are attending the funeral of Mr, Roppel's Sister an Port Elgin this week, Miss Annice Bartlift, Mrs Harry Ba+rtliff, Miss Dorothy .Baxtli'-f, Miss Eva :Muff and Mrs, Wm. Pinner al of Clinton. spent Wednesday evening with Miss Kay Merner, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Siebert and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Siebert and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snyder and f-axnily, all of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. John Thaler and family of Bres lau and 'Rose :Lobsinger of Kitchener were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Wit- tel. Mrs. Jas.Smith and Shirley of Windsor and Mr. and Mrs. BiI] Miller and son Billie of Detroit spent Moa - day with Mr. i'onas Tiartleib and La - vada. Mrs, Jack Raschke and family who has been visiting with her mother, Mrs. Merner returned to her home in Detroit on Sunday. Harry Hoffman attended Toronto Exhibition last week. • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cook of Tor- onto spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. D. Tiernan. Bartliff-.Merner ;A. 'giiiet ceremony took place at the Thursday, September 12th, 1049 FOR SALE BY A FINISH FOR EVERY SURFACE mxeee7utn1w,1w mzsNwMMawcrERMEll J Ohl) SOT] & Ealbfleirsch- Zinn i r�i• I _ERME• sM.dI felt's.; Lutheran parsonage, Dashwood when Kathleen Matilda, youngest daughter of Mrs. George Merrier and the late George Merner of Dashwood was un- ited in marriage to Charles Elliott Bartliff of Clinton. The ceremony was performed'by Rev. T. Luft pastor of Zion Lutheran church. The bride wore a smart frock of Soldierette blue:- with navy acee,sories with cor- sage of white gardenias. Mrs. A. Tie- rnan, sister of the !bride was brides- maid wearing a street length dress of mustard green and .brown accessories her corsage of 'briarclifte roses. Bruce Bartcliff brother of the groom was best man. Immediately after the cer- emony the happy couple loft on a motor trip to Northern Ontario. They will reside in Clinton. (Delayed in the Mails last week) Mr. and Mrs. L. Birk of Guelph visited friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Graybiel of Toronto visited with his mother and sister, Mrs. Graybiel and Beatrice a few days last week. Mrs. Wright and two children of London, have returned to 1.-eirhome after spending their holidays neve. Miss•.Rosa Zimmer of Detroit, is spending her vacation with her fath- er, Mr. Wrn. Zimmer. Sch.oel re -opened on Tuesday. with Mr. Baird of St. Marys as principal and Miss Pepper and Miss Myrtle Geiser as assistants. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Bender,. Ms.. and Mrs. Leonard Bender, Roy and Mr. John Bender attended Toronto Exhibition last week. A Regi. Cross meeting will be held in the 'basement of the Lutheran church on Thursday Sept. 12th. All ladies are requested to attend. Miss Helen Nadiger is attending. tthe postmasters' conference in Lon- don this week. Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins of St. Tho - mss and son Harold of Ottawa, at- tended the .funeral of the late Mrs. S. Gottschalk, on Tuesday. Mrs- F assold visited with frieride, iba Ingersoll last week. Mr. and 14Irs. Edgar Restemeyer motored ;o Callander over the holi- day A pleasant afternoon 'was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. 'Diemen. on Saturday when a shower was held in, honor .of Miss Kathleen Merner„ bride -elect, daughter of Mrs, Susan. Memner. The gifts were presented to' the +bri!de in .a decorated basket by. Nancy and Charles Tiernan. Miss: Merrier after opening the gift thank- ed each ,one for so kindly rememb- ering her after which a dainty lunch was served. DOMEMON OF CANA $300,00 9 The Bank of Canada is authorized by the Minister of Finance to announce) the offering of a loan to be issued for cash in the following tees: 3 Per Cent Bonds ohm ctob r' !.,,1952 Callable ort or after October 1, 1949 Issue Price: 98.75% and accrued interest' Yielding 3.125% to rnaturizy Denominations of Beater Bonds: $100, $500, $1,01/13' The proceeds will be used by the Government to finance expenditures fttr• war purposes. Payment is to be made in full against delivery of interior certificates on or after October'', 1:940^.. Principal and interest will be payable in lawful money of Canada. Interest will be payable• without charge semi-annually at any branch in Canada of any chartered bank. The Bonds.will. be elated October 1, 1940. In, accordance with the announcement made by the Miiaister of Finanee os August 18,. 1940, the Bank of Canada has been further authorized to announce that applications c7;%ll be received to convert Dominion of Canada 41% Bonds due September 1, 1940; which have not yet been presented for payment, into an equal par value of additional bonds of the t.bove issue. The 4i% Bonds accepted for conversion (with final coupon detached) will be va ssed at 100. 25% and Ile resultant cash .adjustment M favour of the applicant will be made at the time of delivery of the' new Bonds, on or after October 1, 1940. Cash subscriptions and conversion applications may be made through any Approved in- vestment dearer or stock broker or through any branch in Canada of any chartered bank, from , whom copies of the official prospectus containing complete details of the issue may be obtal>Yed. The Minister of Finance reserves the right to allot cash subscriptions in full or in part. The lids for cash subscriptions and conversion applications will open at the Bank of' Canada, Ottaii'a, at 9 a.m., R.D.T,, on Monday, September 9, 1940, and may be closed at any time at the 'lis m'i'llion of .Thr, Minislor of Finance, ar'.'i.kk or tt•i.tkotat 7xolr,'cs. Otm-wt, September 6, 1940.