HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-09-05, Page 1:ra Forty -First Year THIEL'S HAIR *RF.,SSING Visit Our Salon for your MID -SUMMER SPECIALS Let us quote you on the very best and latest Permanents, that are pleas- ing and satisfactory and that will' give you personality. Hairdressing Salon at rear of Store. For appoint- ments call us by phone 102, Zurich. MRS. FRED THLELE, Pitoprietress 0111111101MOM IIIIMIIIIIMINISMUssart=4.10011161WARMY COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES 0. E. Zt-trbrilg,g OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest. Approved Method Eyesight Testing Ihed. Ogee Week Day Except Weariesclay. ZU'RCH THURSDAY MORN iNia, SEPTEMBER 5, 1940. 23: d and 24th are the date, Are You Suffering Headaches? If so; Have your,Eyes Examined wit the Latest Methods and Equipment A. • L. COLE, R. 0. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERIGH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices Fico rn h at KITCHEN SHOWER A very pleasant event took place on Friday evening when Mrs. Dennis Bedard, Jr., opened her home in hon- or to Miss Dorothy Weido (bride el- ect) to entertain her friends, who in of the form of a kitchen shower, showed their esteem to the young bride. The every gifts were many and useful for -which Dorothy expressed her a.ppreciation. SEE THE 1941 d b e Many New Added Features ARD F RITZ 1111111.•••••••11111M•IPM010••••01•10111.00.111.116WINNLIMIL.91.1•121.1.1•20. al • vs' * ',:as..7ssai..e. s • IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Elmer Same - gee who pissed away September 5th, 1939. He suffered patiently, and long. His hope was bright, his faith was strong. The peace of Jesus filled his breast And in His arms he sank to rest. of the •••••••••••••.•••••,••••udyll• Rates: 51.25 in Canada, in advance' $1.50 in. U.S.A., in advaneto CHESTER L. SMITH, Publisher Tic -11 Fair Wife and Family. - ,Nmessialemieeni CARD OF THANKS The bereft husband an.x ramfly of the late Mrs. Greta Dolmage wish to take this medium in extending thth thanks and appreciation for the as- sistance rendered by neighbors and friends, for the many floral tributes, the pastor, Rev. E. Turkheim, and all who contributed of their services and sympathy, The hostess served a delicious lunch being accompanied by Mrs. Earl Weido, Misses Marie and Beatrice Bedard, who helped with the serving. The evening was spent with social shats and plenty of humor. All pres- ent expressed themselves or tne en- joyable evening. - HYMENEAL Fleischauer—Thiel A Pretty wedding took place in the Lutheran parsonage, Zurich, on Sat- urday afternoon when the pastor, Rev. E. Turkhehn united in marri- age Gertrude Katherine, daughter of ......CUsio..,4appinetau•VI1.13413.2 e:OF44-*--V.15 .2saaes-, sowausamersiedm...smospasca Mr. Samuel Elsie of Detroit gave us a friendly call on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Milfred Sereneand family spent a few days in Kitchener Mr. and Mrs. Mink and children of Kitchener were holiday visitors at the home of the Schoch Family. Miss Eunice Swarts of Detroit, wat a holliay visitor with her gramma Mrs. Emilf Fuss. • Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bedard and family of Detroit were visitors with hi parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Be- dard, St. Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. David Gingerren; Mr and Mrs. Jacob Cingerich were on a motor trip to Kitchener, Baden and Guelph. Mr. Earl Smith of Detroit called in town Saturday. He motored over to get his mother, Mrs. Jacob Smith who has been visiting here for a meek Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Wendorf and 'daughter Crone Mars of Clinton. ae- companied Mr. and Mrs. C. L. ;Smith of town as guests :•t Oakwood Inn on Thursday evening last. • Mr. Arthur Aule ich of Detroit,was a holiday visitor a'. the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. I' ang, Mrs. sauler- ich and son who weee here, returning with him. Friends of Mr. Wm. C. Wagner are sorry to hear that he is confined to his bed as it is (mite difficult for Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Thiel to Norman him to have the use of his legs. We Fleischauer, son of the late Mr. and all hope he may soon pick up and be Mrs. H. Fleischauer. The bride were • at his place with his pleasing dispes- a street length dress of forget -the- ition behind the counter of his store. not blue. taffetawith white access 'a • OBITUARY .olle$and ,carrisalaaa,ashite 1aibr. avitbase • - • baby's breath tied in white satin • • Late Mrs. Allanbonage • • he ribbons. She was attended by the Tcommunity was shocked upon • groom's sister, Miss Reta Fleischader the sett and unexpected death which who wore street length dress of navy occurredearly laSt Thursday morn - 4.11V August 29th in the person of sheer with acressories. The groommg, was attended y the bride's cousin, !Mrs. Greta Dothnage, nee Greta Flax Me. Earl Thiel. After the ceremony - b a bard, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs wedding dinner was served at the Henry Flaxbard of town, and beiov- ed wife of Mr. Allan Dolmage. De- GOhome of the bride's parents at which ceased was in good health until Wed- gueSts were present. The couple nesday night when she suddenly be- came ill, passed away eerie- in the morning. Greta was born in Zurich on .August 5th, 1921 and received -the Baptism in her infancy. She attend- ed St. Peter's Ev. Lutheran church and Sunday School. On May 24th 1940 she was united in marriage to Allan Charles Dolrnage of Seaforth, who will greatly mourn her loss. Be- sides her sorrowing parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Flanbard she leaves to mourn her huiiband Allan Dohnage, two brothers, Earl and Willie Flax- aard and one sister Vera, besides many other relatives and' friends who greatly mourn her early demise, as she was always of a nice and pleasant disposition. The funeral was held on Saturday afternoon to St. Peter's Lutheran aura for service and to the Lutheran cemetery for intarment Rev. E. Turkheim officiated. The pallbearers were : Karl Dec sx a Har- old Thiel, Leaton Siem.on, Carl Thiel, Fred Hess, Karl Heideman. The be- reft" have the deepest of sympathy of 'a large circle of friends. 4 WE SELL, THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Hillcrest ,Sh:ortening, Keen's' rnustarct qu.a;ter-lb. tins 24c Peanut butter 24 -oz. jar Quaker corn flakes,„ 2 pkgs. Aylmer soup,, vegetable, .2 tins Life Buoy soap,. 2 cakes ..... . 1 5c Catellis spaghette 16,oz. .2 pkgs. - 1 9c 'Salmon,: red Sock ,e,JJf. .... Johnston's floor -wax or liquid ...............—.___59c .Kirk's Castile soap,, per cake . ...5c Fancy mixed biscuits, per .- . 1 5c Toilet paper, 4 rolls .... 25c Ie Cocoa,. 1-11.). bag ....... .19r Red Rose colic.r., vrtctm pack. 1,1b. tin ... 49c Certo, 27" Celt?) Cryatals, 2 -k.................25c • • ••••• • .• .•1404.44 • .••• • en r: 23 7 5c Allealieieleelimem'Hmieivetie4410eilefik it? R AT A IX Lk, Phone 140 eemessompl* left on a short motor trip to points east. Mr. and Mrs. Fleischauer will reside in Zurich. Attending the weddinas dinner were guests from Adrian and Tecumseh, Mich; London Hensall, Dashwood and Zurich. The Herald joins in extending congratu- lations. Bedard—Weido A beautiful wedding was solemnized on Monday moaning at nine o'clock in St. Boniface R. C. church when Dorothy Mary Weido, daughter of Earl Weide, became the bride of Lawrence Louis Bedard, son of Mr. and 1VIrs. Dennis Bedard of Zurich. Father L. W. Power olliciasea with Donald and Clair, brothers of the groom serving Mass. The church was decorated with peach coloured glad- iolies arranged in a horse 51102 in the sanctuary. The bride dressed in a white net floor length gown over taffeta, marched in to the strains of Loheagrin's wedding chorus. Her veil was floor length and was caught in orange blossoms at, her head. She . carried. a bouquet of Pearson Red Late Mrs. SGottschalk • Mrs. Elizabeth Hey, beloved. wife roses. The bridesmaid Beatrice Bed- ofa air. Samuel Gottsehalk of Dash- ard, sister of the groom, was dressed passed away at the Gegen Pri- in a floor length own of forget-me- vwaotoed Hospital, St. Thomas on Satur- not •blue net. Her head dress was a day, August 81st, 1940, after an Rhin•estone bandeau with a white illness of five years in which time the veil. She carried a bouquet of Gold- en Chimes, gladiolies. The best man patI7ieediat many ul sutIerediorita lneucllifopraiibvhours,aid- was Napoleon Bedard, brother of dti !her age being 75 years and 12 days. the groom. At the Communion Fran - S cis 'Dieterich sang "Ave Maria" andhe had been in the hospital for the past eight weeks. Was born near at the signing of .the register, Mrs. O'Dwyer sang "Teach me to pron. Zurich and also resided on the 14th ounce the name of Jesus." The ush- laTsetwinetipy,eathrsenlitvo. SdoelalfTastlionanli thelast ers were Mr. Dennis Bedard of Zur- ing with her husband at Dashwood. leh and Mr. Edmund Bedard of De - She was a member of St Peter's troll, brothers. of the groom. After Lutheran church, Zurich, and is sur - the eeremony all -the immeeeate tam- vived by her husband, Mr. S. Gott- ily of. the bridle couple sat down to. schalk and two daughtera, Mrs. j • E. it tasty chicken dinner at the home of Hoalains, St. Thomas, awl airs, Will - ',he poem. The table was decorated mm•Stade of Dashwood; tbree sisters with blue and ,vhite stl earners. which Mes. J. W. Horner of Zeeich; Mae led from an archway under whiah the bridand groom at. At 5 o'clock Henay Voelker of Hersey, ..alich; and. e s Mrs, Frank Bream of Eduraal, Ran - •the bride aid groom left on a motor sas, A private funesel ss..c.i.:':! was trip. For travelling the bride wore a held et the re4;itloneo at Dasineeed en navy likie shaar with hal', shoos and Tuesday at, 1.30 pan., followeJ br a necesi:ories to /natal. On ill.011` yet .,-.'n they will resida at the haw of pV.ie so*ice in the St. Peter's La- i'as oom's parents. 1 t1,4 1, OVA ,i01 ,th 1 1;(lerall church, Zuviell, con0.-,ic tea hy . the many friends to extending con- Rev. E. Turkbelm, Interment rollow- Vatu)aous: ed in the Zwrich ig,,herail 0Qmetcry, , ti. • Broken Lenses Accurately Duplicated Any Shape and Size, For positive identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ak for BLUE COAL Also Rosedale Adberta, - Sernet-Splvay Coke Miller Creek. and at a Glen Rodger's Briquets. The Roe Farms Milling C4g, Feeds. Highest Cash Prices paid fest .Eggs an a graded basis. W. R. DAVIDSON Moderate Price AG. HESS jeweler and Registered Optician. Pone 10 Hensall. • 4. 4. • 4 • • • • • 4.• • • • • • • • • * • • • • • • 0 0 • • 04.0000 0.44 00.004-0.0 000 0.04,4040.440444.0 00 40 4 miner buil, , sa ‘4, AL5 ex giSt 4Si cfnt% NEW SAMPLES JUST IN QUANTITIES TIMITED BE DON'T WISE WAIT AND SAVE! 11.1,I 211 MI EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS • •et,e41.04,,s,04,641,04,4,eapit,t4-0of4o-4^c:4 Ods,q> t,0(A04t.t60,0,004.44.544,,,c44, 4,00 6„ allININalainnaZ.MNISMainIMEZ3"Th101201. School Supplies School Days will soon be here again. So let Us Supply your Needs! We carry a good stock of Staple Dry Goods, Groceries,.. Confections,- Boots and Shoes, Hard - ..ware, Harness and Patent Medicine. . National Feeds and Fertilizers, Laying Concentrate, Pig Starter, Oil Cake, Etc., Etc. Electric Fence and Fence Supplies 'THY.. • „ti Edmund Swartzentruher, Prop. 11111.1111111161111111MUMINIIMMISIONR.MMIZge===MMEMWOOMMV 'Qt.) Eivyttie: 11