HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-08-22, Page 8CAGE EIGHT. Chenille Bed Spreaes 80x100 at Lace Table .Cloths 72x88 at Bath Toweling extra quality at yd. Voiles Clearing at per yard $3.95 2.50 35c 29c Men's Work Shirts, reg. 1.10 for Men's Sport Trousers at Boys Jerseys at Ladies Crepe Pyjamas 85c 1.50 to 1.75 29c 1.19 GROCERY SPECIALS Corn, 3 tins Cookies, per lb Oxydol with 2 cakes P and G. Soap Jello, . 4 for Pork and Beans at Potatoes, W lbs. for Heinz Catsup at 25c 1 6e 25c 1 9c iOc 25c 1 8c 2 pkgs. minute tapoca with Pyrex dish 25c 15c Everfresh cheese, half -lb. pkg. Fresh fruits and vegetables everry Week J. GASCHO PRODUCE WANTED SON PHONE ZURICH HERALD' '!11111111►III 1 Ill 11111 I►I II I. li II III L1 III_I 111111 I II 1 1 101111111111111 HHHllllillllllll►11111111111111111II111. IIiIII 01111111111111[11141ft1111111HU1' zuRrellis Grocery tore Brooms, each at 25c Shoe Polish, bik or brown. 2 for 25c Corn Flakes, 12 -oz. pkg,.10c Chocolate cookies per lb.. 15c Floor Wax, 1-1b. cans .... •..........,• 75c Huskies, 2 pkgs, 19c Coffee, American blend per lb. 35c Swansdown cake flour per pkg. .. 25c MerAno Oesch Zurich EGGS WANTED. Phone 165 ,,ii111J]1®II mumIIIIU(IIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111f111111111111N11!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIfIIIIl1I1111111111111111111111111.111111111111�111 alllllllllf{lllllilllili is ITEMS OF I O•kAL INTEREST" Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Leis of Wellesa ley, spent Sunday with Vir. and Mrs Moses Exib of tem. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Johnston, bridal couple, have returned from their pleasant honeymoon trip. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Swartz and daughter Unice of Detroit, spent a pleasant week -end at the home of Mrs. J. Fuss. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wagner and daughter Merline spent a week at their favourite spot in the Pinery • during the past week's hot weather. 59 ° hiss Cora .Streets of the local Bank i staff has returned after two week's Auto Insurance Rates ARE LOWER FOR 1940 Special Low Rates for Farmers Living on Township Roads Special Advance Allowance for Winter Storage on Farmers' Cars. Rates and Partticulars Given without Obligation Andrew F. Hess, Local Representative - Zurich Zurich ••••N•sN•••••N••MM•M•••••0• s••• HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE Wire Fencing If you are thinking of doing any Fencing this year, be sure and consult Us. And be sure it is the famous Frost Fence! PAINTS! FROST FENCE .... for long life. Come in and see our stockist Prost Farm Fence .. the finest we've awn had. Heavily galvanised by apecaal Frost process. Wears fora lifetime. We can quote you attractive prices. ate it`: ;74 'str r° ILAIV. 130:41 MAI IPS I i!' MO Mall MO WIMP NMI N I TIGHT at LOCI' ZINC BONDED %7 • f wham 11100 I..r,. rr $AV*$ YQ{I MQN/YI PAINTS! We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires all sizes s and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses . g MIIVAlltaa. Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty, Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. in Furniture, Springs and Tubes STADE ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY — PRICE SERVICE 61100•••••f•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••100000 holidays at Gaand Bend, »nQ her home in Clinton. The farmers are progrevsrng nicely with the summer's crops and mon they will be a thing or the past aria the summer's wealth garnered in. Miss Jane Lamont who had been visiting at Varna with relatives and friends for some time, has returned I home. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Thiel of the 14th con., were Sunday visitors, with via: former's uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Siemon, London. Miss Bambara and Margaret and Ma•. Lee Birkey, also Clarence Eichel- berger all of Indiana are visiting with the former's sister, Mr. and Mrs Wm. Schrag of the Goshen line. \Liss Mary Merner is at present spending her vacation with relatives at Elmira, while her sister Joan is visiting with h. slater, Mrs. Carl Burn at Milverton, 1 • 1 a LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter, dairy 25 Butter, cream -wary 26 Eggee dozen .. 21, 19, 10 Wheat, !bushel 55 Oats; bushel 30 Burley, 'bush. 40 Buckwheat, bash 40c Mart; ewe. .. - 2.35-3.20 Lie hogs;. cwt- 8.25 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Creditors and others having claims against the estate of John Neusch- wanger,, late of the Township of Hay in. the Gaunty of Huron, deceased, who died on the 12th day of May, 1940, are required to send particulars of their elaim to the undersigned Executors before the 7th a-ey or Sep- tember, 19140, after which date the Executors distribute the assets shaving regard only to claims received by that date. Dated at Zurich this 20th day of August, 1940. PETER NEUSQHWANGER, HILDA RADER, Executors, Jahn Neuschwangxr Estate. YOUR PERSONAL APPEAIRANCE For Women Only An article preseriting a lengthy list of questions which, when answered, enables any woman to find out how she appears to others, will, 'be round in The American Weekly wrth the August 25 issue of The Detroit Sun - The extreme het weather of the day Times. The author of this feature past week was rapaiiy changed on is Judith T. Chase, well-known quiz Sunday evening, and this morning, expert. Be sure to get the August 25 Wednesday, it seemed not for from issue of The Detroit Times. frost. The houses became guava cool and almost in need of fire. Mr. and Mrs. George Devine and two children Donald and Patricia of Denfield called on Mr, and Mrs. Chris HAD BIG FROLIC Z b on Tuesday. Mrs. Devine is Over 701Q people were in. attend.visiting friends on the Bronson for once at the Frolic and Dance spon- some time, sored lly the Centralia War Service Congratulations to Mr. Chelsea) Unit at Spruce Grove on the eve. of Thiel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred ThielAug. 1st. The net proceeds amounted who has been attending South Coll -I to the magnificent sum of $369.40 egiate at London, and who received' and was divided between the Red his report showing his year's work, I Cross and the War Service Unit. The ;e; en first class honors and three sec -I whole affair was one grand success. orals. This is indeed a fine showing The first part consisted of a splendid and the friends are wishing this stir- program under the chairmanship of dent continued success. Bruce Felds and in.eluded tap danc- ing by Marjorie Flynn and Joyce Broderick; readings by Dorothy Green; vocal selections by Paul Bro- thers, Kirkton; musical selections on a saw by Mr. Fudge, London, and «Flections on the bagpipes by a Scot- ch comedian from London who acconi panied Bernie Coulter's orchestra. Following the program _then was dancing, Bingo and other attractions. Miss Betty Witmer of Detroit, sp- ent a very pleasant week with her grandma, Mrs. Clara Decker and other friends. ON GODERICH BEAT Traffic Officer James Culp of Kit- chener, has been transferred to God- erich to take effect Aug. loth. Traf- fic Officer E. A. Webib, who has patrolled Highway No. 21 for the past two years, is being transferred to Guelph. Provincial Constable T. W. Oldfield has been permanently appointed at Goderich. He will have charge of all fifles and animunitlon loaned by citizens in answer to the appeal of the •On.tario government. MET IN ZURICH The Hensall District War Time Citizen's Committee met in Zurich, was "being considered because of the on Thursday evening with the presid- fact that there is no market for sec - mit Dr. A. R, Campbell in the chair. and grade butter. The move is report - Rev. Turkheim gave the opening ed to ,be widespreading throughout prayer. Repeats were given by the Western Ontario and in certain dist- different committees. Reports were , icts produceiu have had their cream riven from the committees which in .n ned to them, accompanied by a te•rview the councils. Mr. Clarence form letter. The letter points out Parke was appointed to interview I that second-grade butter is not mark - [Stanley Council. Reports were given etahle and suggests ways and means by the overseas committee. It was '>y which producers may improve the lecide a that the tre ]tory that the 'at it may receive top grading. The lbanefield Patriotic ,Society has tak- quality of their churning cream so en in be omitted. Moved to endorse department of agriculture is .sponsor the action by IVlr. Campbell in acting with deputy registrars to ask for vol- unteer. W. Siebert of Zurich was appointed chairman of a committee to look after an assistant to assist the deenty registrars. A Frolic will be hold in the near future. The fol - TO ACCEPT ONLY TOP GRADES District 'creameries may S0911 notify iiroaucen that they will kltl. 111104e fo accept second grades and lower of churning cream. An official of a local creramery admitted that the move v + + + 4t * See. Our Studio Couches and Dlnnette Suites * A. Full Line of all! the Horne Re -mesas + 4. Always keep a Good Stock of New and the very Latest * in Furniture at Very Reasonabi e Prices,. quality Con- sideredi. Let us show you our Beds, Staiaax, Mattress„ d Dining , oont Suites; T•casional Chairs Rockers, Etc. + SLIGHTLY' USED FURNITURE the more conservative purchaser. we can save * you�rnany a dollar asswe have a fine assortment of I 4.* Slight Used tFurniture that will give you: big value for 4 4.your- Money. Drop r in, and look these o r and get our 4*• 4. * Rexnarlkable Low Ri +Z' Johnston ec Kalbfleisch Hardware• & : Fug e. Phone 63 4#4.44444+4•4414.444,404444444++4 'I* ++++4•44444.44 + 4. .1. f ++14+44 s ` hitersaq., A.4.gun 471, , 14'11P *0+4 4, 4. -t+++++4.4.4++4+4++++++++4.4.4 d Frnitur YOUR SEASON'S REQUIREMENTS We Always Carry a Full Line of the Best of both Shelf and Heavy Staple Hardware: Stoves. Furnaces,, and all Heating Equipments. Let Us Offer You Good Suggestinans along this Line. Some Good Used Heaters at Very Reasonable Prices FURNITURE 1 Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO.. Of CANADA LTD. .•4+4+4+++++➢W++++++++4+++++44+4+t++4.4.+4+4.+4.4.+++4+4+44++4rA Why _Pay Rent! Let Lits Discuss with you the New Way (ming Your Own Home on Easy Monthly Payments. Call in and see uor new type of BLOCK FLOOR At .e PHONE 69 a Very Low Price. LBYLEI ZURICH #++++E,+1++t++a+4.4.444.4.44.4.a+ +•t+ t++4.4+h+++ ++++s+- +a++++++';++a+a+a+a.4.4.++ 44 s •00••••! •••••••••••••••••• aNe•essieeee•0•000•••Of • 1 1 Binder Twine Anyone requiring some Binder Twine at present, is requested to call, as we are selling off the balance of our stock at a very reasonable price. YOUR WINTER'S• FUEL We' are again handling the famous Reading Anth- racite Coal, one of the best quality coal on the market to -day. " Don't be fooled by, other inferior brands who claim to be just as good... Leave your order with us early. PSI-RINA, RQWE off` PIONEER FEEDS A G.uaranteeri Product that will greatly help your Stock and Poultry to Vigor and Production, which will mean greater Profits. Try it ! L.• Schithe & Son •••••w Hese. + •• s 4 spect to a shortage of farm. Due to enlistments, the speeding up of industrial production, and because of other factors existing as a result of the war, the Ont. governmeut finds ing a campaign to encourage the pro- it necessary to appeal to the public duction of a better grade of churn- for assistance in harvesting the 1940 ing cream and pointing out that the crop, states N. 0. Il:ipel, minister of e Amer° will receive higher prices for labour. Experienced farm help is not the improved product. available in sufficient quantities t o assist appreciably, To meet this pro- blem the Ontario Government has de- cided to delay the re -opening of pri- labour SC,kioOLS TO OPEN LATER lowing committee appointed to look, after sane: Messrs. G. 1V1. 'Drysdale,` A sex-idtts esner..gency exists In On- may schools until September 15th, Fred Beer, LeRoy O'Bdien of Zurich! eario at ,the present time, with re -a and of s teonda y schools mail 'Oct - i oiber 1st, thereby malting available for farm help thousands of teen-ageclt boys. In the rural areas this will per- mit the boys to help on their ownt farms; in urban Ontario it will se-- lease for farrn help many youths,whee !while inexperienced, are anxious anaQ willing to aid in this emergency. Am organization has ;been established for enlist these young .people in this pat. riotic effort. All farmers needing heli and all young people desiring to vol— unteer, are requested to communic— ate with the Department of Labour., iQueea'srlr, Toronto.