HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-08-22, Page 7klother Cangdian Patrol Boat Launched Trim of line and as sturdy as they make them is this new "Cor- vette" class patrol boat built by the British admiralty in Canada at an eastern seaport. This ship was launched by Lady Fiset, wife of the christened lieutenant-governor three oo�thers which had beenebec. In addition launchedthis previouslylLady ithout ceremony. EAIL111 TOPICS 411.- NUTRITIONAL NEEDS A summary of nutritional re- quirements at different ages, re- t+ently issued by officials of the health League of Canada, reveals ,come interesting facts. During the first twelve months of life, says the statement, the calories required by the average child increase from 500 to 1000 as day, and during this time the protein needs of the child may be calculated at from one -and -a - half to two ounces of milk per pound of body weight. REQUIREMENTS INCREASE From one to three years, the caloric needs increase to 1,250 a day for girls and 1,400 a day for boys. Thereafter, until the end of the 18th year, there is a gradually increasing demand. At the end of the 18th year, girls need 2,500 and boys 3,600 cal - vies a day. Fourteen per cent of the total calories should be de- rived from proteins, and one third of the proteins should be from animal sources. An understanding of the basic needs for a standard dietary is of the highest importance at this time, it was pointed out, and full information on the subject is ob- tainable from pamphlets and liter- ature which may be obtained on request from the Health League. • ..2-.0-11. V .-9-p-.4•4+•r-r•rsn-6•a.a •s" -a-0 �•a-H What Sc enee° Is i- ming l -U•.^.•7..• w •i �i'�`Y vJ-v V-a+r -1 V. -.r E -i ti -b!'• DRUG RESTORES MEMORY Restoration of a young sol- diers' memory with an injection of cardiazol, a new synthetic shrug with some of the effects of tiamphor, is described i n the Bri- 'iish Medical Journal. The synthetic camphors have iihe same effect on the brain and qpinal cord as real camphor, caus- ing a more or less severe shock. —0— AiDS CANCER DIAGNOSIS The current issue of the Can- adian Medical Association Jour- nal, reviewing the work of a MD. 6111 University research worker, reports he obtained correct diag- nnosis in 90 per cent of cancer eases which he studied through examination of crystalline forms of the blood. The worker was Dr. C. Gruner. —0— ARTIFICIAL SIAMESE A husband and his crippled wife last week were bound to- gether in the manner of Siamese twins so that his skin and tissue Haight be grafted to her to enable her to move her head. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Mon - heft, of Jersey City, hope that the rare operation will enable her again to raise her head from her Chest, where it has rested for a /ear—ever since exploding gaso- line burned her neck and chest, restricted the use of her muscles land destroyed her eyelids. A large increase was recorded in the marketed value of New Brunswick's fisheries production in 1939, when the total was $5,e 082,393 hi comparison with Me 996,064 in 1938. Postal Rates Aid Troops ran Iceland Postmaster General Mulock re- cently announced that arrange- ments have been completed under which letters, postcards and newspapers for members of the Canadian Active Service Force stationed in Iceland may pass at domestic postage rates. Parcel post will be accepted at the rate of 12 cents a pound up to a limit of 11 pounds, which is the same rate at present ap- plicable to parcels addressed to soldiers in England. ri;ii1 i3Y ANNE ASHLEY i Q. How van I take wrinkles out of a garment, when staydng for , several days in a hotel? A. Hang the garment over the, rack in the bathroom, close the door, and turn on the hot water Let it run until the bathroom is filled with steam. Leave the gar- ment hanging in this vapour for an hour, then open the room and let the article dry in the fresh air. Q. How can I make a good roach powder? A. A very effective roach pow- der, it is claimed, is made of equal parts of plaster of Paris and powdered sugar. Q. How can I treat perspiring hands? A. An excellent remedy is to rub the hands several times a day with a solution of 125 parts of rose water, 10 parts of bora:, and 8 parts of glycerine. Q. How can I treat colored fab- ric en . which acid, such as lemon or vinegar, has been spilled and has changed the color? A. Sponge with a solution 01 one part ammonia to four parts cold water. Apply carefully, slightly touching the stain, and the color will be restored. Q, How can I remove soil frAM the edges and bindings of books? A. Rub them with bread dough. Rub the dusty parts with a ball of the dough until the dirt is re.•' moved. Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE Q. 'Should a man remove his hat in the elevators of stores and of- fice buildings, when women are present? A. No; but he should do so in the elevators of hotels and apartment houses, which are residential In nature. Q. When a man enters a restau- rant with a woman guest, should he help her remove her wrap? A. Yes, and place it over the back of her chair, unless a waiter is pre- sent to do so. Q. Would it be all right for a new employee to ask other employees how much salary they get? A. Never. The matter of salary Is confidential, and this would be . a very presumptuous question. Q. What is the correct way to eat cherries and plums when they are served at the table? A. Cherries, very small plums, and grapes are taken into tate mouth whole, and the pits and stones are carried from the lips to the plate between the thumb and forst finger. Q. Should a person say "please" when giving a floor number to an elevator operator? A. Yes. "Please" and "thank you" are never out of place. Q. Whom should a hostess ask to "fill'in" at a dinner? ' A. A close, intimate friend. Says Columbus Ace Navigator Harvard Professor Tells of Retracing Christopher's Oc- ean Route After retracing the routes fol- lowed by Christopher Columbus and- studying his sea journals, Harvard's Professor Samuel Mor- ison announced last month his be- lief that the discoverer was a "master navigator and a shrewd and accurate observer with a keen sense of beauty." FOUND HIS FIRST HARBOR Back from a month of sailing the Caribbean in a ketch, Morison said he had definitely found Col- umbus' first New World harbor, on the island of San Salvador, as well as his second landing place, in Northern Cuba. The purpose of the Harvard expedition, which last year car- ried Professor Morison some 10,- 000 0,000 miles to 10 countries, was to make a definite estimate of Col- umbus as a seaman and a dis- coverer and to identify definite- ly the places he visited. The sea exploration of the expedition now is ended. 1140USANDs Or SHARP -EDGED ANGLES PROTEoi- AGAINSTSRIDDING WHY pay more? Money Cannot buy a safer tire. Why accept less? Firestone gives you extra safety, extra value and ex- tra mileage at no extra cost! And here's how: Because only the Firestone Champion Tire has the amazing Gear -Grip tread which gives 11% longer non- skid mileage than any comparable \tire Firestone has ever built. Its thousands of sharp -edged angles grip the road with a sure, firm hold and protect against skids and side slips. And, only the Firestone Champion Tire is built with the patented Safety -Lock Gum -Dipped cord body which provides 27% stronger bond between tread and cord body, and S5% greater protection against blowouts. Replace dangerous, worn tires NOW. Have your nearby Firestone Dealer put Firestone Champion 'tires on your car today and httow that you ere getting the last word in safety and economy. LOWER PRICED FIRESTONE TIRES he a 'tion to tho eenan• / Fireatonew Champion tire, three benler; hevo / tres--.other lower priced / NIGH SPEEDSTANDAIQ SENTINEL ' ngtmottnCer what price yon to thotpoy for n tire, go Dosier 4rest Pirosto�g and sea stir bis'. gains olY. o ha§ tb 'Ave 1'ou 1'HE 'vit.), TIRES MADE. THAT ARE SAFETY4ROVED ON THE , sp,t0yI'ieotr. FOR YOUR PROTECTION ON t•THE• / i'041 .Y.'.' :,'.. Dresses Largest Wardrobe Item Women Spend Big Part of Their Clothes Money en Them, Statistics Reveal The New York statisticians have timed out what the woman does with the money she spends on her clothes. Here's how her dollar goes: .Dresses, 22 cents; coats and suits, 20; shoes, 17; hose, 13; underwear, 12; accessories, 8; hats, 6; sport tags, 2. MEN SPEND LESS An unofficial report of the Bur- eau of Labor Statistics compiles the long-range averages for 42 cities. It shows men spend fax less on their clothes than women, both spend the most between the ages of 18 and 21 and that boys' clothes cost more than girls' up to the age group 12- 17 Heads N. B. University Professor Norman A. Macken- zie, of the University of Toronto, has been named president of the University of New Brunswick. He will succeed Dr. C. C. Jones, who is retiring. Oill Cans Found Danger To Food lh has been brought to the atten- tion of the Domdnion Department of Agriculture that many people are making use of oil cans for the canning of foods. The use of oil cans for food is considered to be a very dangerous practice since they are made of Terne plate, a plating which is a1 - most wholly lead, and very small amounts of lead are poisonous. SPECIAL CANS FOR FOOD Cans made expressly for foods axe entirely different and can be hopght at a nominal price from the hardware stores and mail order houses. Years of research have also gone into the manufacture of cans for canning food, with the result that the inside plating is lead free. This is done to make it impossible for foods to become contaminated vrith lead, and no cans should be used for fruits, vegetables, meats or trek ,other than those made as food Cane. Oil cans are not food cans and should not be used for any food pro- duct. SCOII iii Ml rl The Dominion Day celebration of Keewatin, Ont., was handled throughout by the local Boy Scouts. They were given the job by the Town Council, -o---• Before their Country was over- run, many thousands of French Boy Scouts and Girl Guides did. splendid, tireless work for refu- gees fleeing from Belgium, then other thousands machine-gunned out of Northern France by the Nazis. Sadly, their own fate now is obscure, under the German yoke. --0— A Canada -wide essay competi.- tcin on "The Value of First Aid Education," was won by a Boy Scout, Charles Nicholson of Grav- enhurst, Ont. The contest was sponsored by the Canadian Phar- maceutical Association, —0— Among Canadians of the air force decorated for gallantry was a former Boy Scout of Three Riv- ers, Que., Aircraftsman, First Class, Ernest R. Frost. Frost re- ceived the Medal of the Military Division of the Order of the Bri- tish Empire, in recognition of "great courage in effecting the rescue of an unconscious pilot from a burning aircraft." Frost entered the rear cockpit of a crashed plane which was filled with smoke and fumes, seeking the wireless operator, but found it empty. Although nearly ex- hausted, he ran to the front cock- pit ockpit and helped a companion ex- tricate the unconscious pilot. This was done at greet risk due to the imminent danger of the gasoline tank exploding. The tank did ex- plode shortly after. • RAVE YOU HEARD? Minister (closing Sunday ser - Mon): "And brothers, don't run around with other men's wives." Man incongregation jumps up and snaps his fingers. (Later after church). Same Man: "Preacher, I'm sorry I made that commotion in church, but that sentence of yours just re- minded me where I left my umbrel- la last night." Boss: "How did you happen to oversleep this morning?" Worker: "There were eight of us in the house and the al- arm was set for seven." A certain sportsman was playing over a golf course in Scotland, and playing very badly. "Dear, dear!" he remarked at lest. "Mere canna' be worse play- ers than myself." "Wee', weel, maybe there axe worse players," commented the cad- die consolingly, "but they dinna. play." After eating a rneal, goes the report, Finnish children shake hands with their parents and thank them for the food. Then, like Canadian children, probab- ly skip out before anyone men - UNE UP FOR HO S Get your tiokot to keener enjoyment in rolling your own. Join the ranks of wise smokers who roll them with Ogden's—the fragrant, satisfying. fine out that always rolls a 000ler, milder, better cigarette. On1Y the best cigarette papers—"Chantecler'" or "Vogue"—are good enough for Qgden's. PiPc- S,nokersl— A sk For Ogden's Cut Plug tions the dishes. Downstairs nel,gbbor: "You play the piano too loud." Upstairs: "Can you prove it?" Downstairs neighbor: "Yes, here is your loud pedal. You pushed it right through the ceiling." Joan (rejecting suitor): "Nor A thousand times Hol" Jim: "Don't rub it in. 1 only asked you once]" Into the Court they marched the man. The magistrate looked down at the surly prisoner. "Well," he asked, "guilty or not guilty?" The prisoner scowled. "Figure it out yourself," he snarl- ed. "That's what you're gettin' paid for!" h �l sour° s " es ess a iris! Cranky? Restless? Can't sleep? Tire easily? Annoyed by fe- naalo functional dis- orders and monthly distress? Then take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, famous for over 60 years in helping such rundown, weak, nervous conditions. Made espectaliy for twomen. IVELL WORTH TRYDTQ I aaoCLASSIF! A E TI1E T Sore OAP:1011V E(ZUI1'MEN'1' BAEERS' OVENS AND MACHIN- ery, also rebuilt equipment always on hand. Terms arranged. Corres- pondence invited. Hubbard Port- able Oven Co.. 103 Bathurst St.. Toronto. STARTED C'FIIClaS GET SOME OF THESE 'WELL started chicks before they all go. Two week old Grade A" Barred Rocks, White Rocks, New Hemp - shires $10.45, 90 per cent. Pullets 314.45, Cockerels $8,95. Leghorn pullets 317.40, three week old add three rents. Extra Profit add ono cent. Four week old Barred Rock cockerels $13.95. Free range pul- lets six weeks to 24 weeks. I3'ree catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatch- eries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. ? Prompt shipn ent mob-4 reeds.. breeeds. Some started Turkeys too. Order 13rale short eonod produhiks now. cing be leftg stock. Bray Hatchery, 130 John N.; Hamilton, Ont. 1gAVE MONEY ON THESE START - ed chicks from bloodtosted breed- ers. Two week old Barred Rocks, New Hampshires $9.45. 90 per cent. Pullets. $11.95, Cockerels 38.95, Leghorn pullets 314.00. Three week. old n.dd three cents. Large Egg Quality add one cent. Four to five 'week old Barred Rock cockerels 314.25, Three week old heavy breed assorted cockerels 310.95. Older free range pullets. `.Lop Notch Chickeries, Guelph, Ont. Y017Ii OPPORTUNITY TO PORCH - ase High Oracle Started. Chicks from Government Approved breed- ers. Standard Quality two -week-old New Ha.mnshires, Barred Rocks $10,45, 90 per cent. Pullets 313.85, Cockerels 38.95, Leghorn Pullets 316.90. Three week old add three cents. Blg Egg Quality add one cent. Free range pullets all ages. Baden Electric Chick Hatchery Limited, Baden, Ontario. EYEGLASSES EYEGLASSES, LOWEST PRICES. ree eatalos;ue and eyesight test- 5'emt on request. ,.Satisfaction guaranteed, Eleer Sight Optical Co„ 577 College, Dept. W., Toron- to. ELECTiRI(C MOTORS CENTURY ELECTRIC: MOTORS lire hest suited for rural work. Innen ,iG Moore TElectric, 206 Adel- aide West, Toronto. 12Oc S FOR SALE HUNTERS — CROSS I3ETWEEN registered pointer and setter. Short hair—black and white, liver and white. Males and females, in- oculated for distemper by Duncan - Laidlaw method. Six to nine mths. old. Males 30.00. Females 36,00. To- bacco Road Farm, R.R. No. 1, Har- row, Ontario. ELECTROLYSIS SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, MOLES AND warts permanently and Painlessly removed by electrolysis. 17 years' experience. Anne Graham Logan, 140 Carlton Street, Suite Two, Tor- onto. Branches in Hamilton, Lon- don, Sudbury, Timmins, St. Cath- arines. FIRST CLASS WOOL RAn73ITS ANGORAS, FINEST QUALITY, first class wool producers. Does $5.00, Bucks sun each. R. Faber, R.R. 1, Hensel, Ont. s LADIES WANTED A Must VbeORE i LADIES r S WAalkTED: clearly explain advantages our Household neeessit.ies known as FAMILEX PRODUCTS offer to buyers. Already selling in immense quantities. Door to door canvas- sing necessary to show articles ISorders lsame. GOOD Unlimited Possible. Friend., neighbors, any- one will be glad to order. FOR PREF CATALOGUE AND DE- TAILS write FAM1LEX, 570 St. clement, Montreal. NURSING COURSE FOR ATTENDANTS — Verdun Protestant Hospital gives a year's training for, menta at- tendants. Requirement's 2 years' biaapplicants .sice21 years of gApply,Dre Direc- tor of Nursing, P.O. Box 6034, Montreal. Barn .Roofing—Granary Lining SUPERTITE STEEL SHEETS COST less, cover more, last longer, lay faster, save sheathing. 13uy now frbefore ctory. Superioris Products Limited, 15 Nelson Street. Sarnia, On tari ISSUE 34—'40 TRACTORS FOR SALE ONE 10-20 AND ()ND IfV 10 11,•COR- mick-Deering; 1rnitnr. Eordon Stutt, Forest., Ontario. nvaarN;E A1Ai&(,TAINS BELTING FOR TFII4ESHEI11IEN. Endless rubber thresher beks, suc- tion hose, feeder canvas, pulleys, hangers, shafting, motors Tilvery low prices; Send kir price list. The York Melting ''o., 89 York Street, Toronto. i'I710'1.1) 1l'APTAEl'AANC FREE! You • Can Now Own complete sot at beautiful silver- ware absolutely without cost, manufactured and guaranteed by International Sliver Company. You may have this complete set absolutely free by sending your films to Imperial, Send an order now and receive complete partic- ulars of this amazing offer. Six or eight exposure films developed and printed 25e, or 8 reprints 25c, mentyin easel amount orrfree slilver- ware. To get the beat in duality and service send your films to Imperial Photo Service, Station J., Toronto. SALE OF' :'AOUillfi SEAL COATS SPECIAL VALUE 11'1 PACIFIC SEAL coats; full swagger style; black only; coat and lining guaranteed two years; sizes 12 to 42; nit mats only; while they last only $30.50. 10 per cent. reduction for relatives of ex -service and service men; will send for examination an recipt of $5.00. Many other bargaiMunro Fur Store, Vancouver, B.C.t Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used ,— New SPECIALIZING RE REBUILT 1110 - TORS, POWER -111'71'1'5. hydraulic Rotate, Winches, Generators, Starters, Magnetos, Carburetors. Itadiators -- I: ceiitoage Service, Glass — Satisfae+tion or refund. Levy Auto Parts. Deal. 1'.. Toronto. The Quebec apple crop ir. 1930 exceeded one million bushels for the first time. The entire erop for Canada was the second largest on record.