HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-08-22, Page 4A Mil, loc ZURICH HERALD f-1ENSALL Jean 13onthron of London, was sia I resent visitor with her Mid Mrs. J. W. Bonthron. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shepherd of Toronto were recent visitors with re- latives here. rtit HIIilt1.Si 5.11. ' r 1 1 Kiri 4UV MERCHANDISING provides the trade chan- nels through which commodities flow from their source to consumers. Goods must be kept moving from mill co mart, from counter to home, from farm to table, that industry and employment may be maintained and developed. Cl.k. Through our 500 branches we furnish modern, :experienced, convenient banking service to Thousands of merchants throughout Canada. Merchants and their workers everywhere are .our welcome customers, who keep their sur- plus funds with us or borrow as need arises. Serving Canadians and their in every section of the community, we invite yon to discuss YOC1R?banking requirements •with us. BANK OF MON •'A BANK WHERE S 7I'LL A'CCOirNTS ARE TREAL WELCOME" Zurich Branch: E. M. DAGG, Manager the Outcome o 122 Years' Successful Operation MODERN, EXPERIENCED B?+NiCTi IG SERVICEf GENERAL NEWS AGAIN, ARMY WORMS Jan' ee C. Shearer, agricultural re- presentative, has cautioned farmers to :be on the lookout for army worms sand to take immediate steps in case ;they arc discovered in grain fields. Five forme between Seaf orth and Clinton have been examined by Prof. t. W. Thompson, entomologist of the .C.A.C. at Guelph. Previously army Iwornzs appeared only at long inter- National Registration is tele order a1s, as 1$ )6, 1914 and then 11 3.5. of the day, the early part of the we - 'This time, however, only two years ek and people are going steadily to aseparate their appearance. sir respective polls to fill out the AYim . MANY A i3 ALLY Mr. _and Mrs. Eli Bender and Mr. A downpour of rain .did not prevent and Mrs. D. Swartzentruber -of Tavi• stock were ;Sunday visitors in this vicinity. Sunday evening services in the gena on Sundae afternoon. Arnoarg M..church near here, were con - those attending were members of the I duete3 by the Wellesley Y.P.B.JVI. Qaiite :a ntunbeu•'being present. Mr. and Mrs. I. Zehr and family of Tavistock spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. E. Swartzentruber. Ma:. Mill :and Mrs. E. E. Clarke :motored to London on Sunday last. visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Siemon, near St. Joseph. Born --At Detroit, to Mr. and Mrs Clarence Sopha, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Durand were Sunday visitors with Mr. ane rebs. John Charrett, south of St. Joseph. :\Ir. and Mrs . Franklin Corriveau were Sunday visitors with Mr. Rud- olph Corriveau. BLAKE •Mrs, Elda Sir art RS and d son .Trash were holidaying Week. Mrs. D. G..Steer was a visitor with her mother, Mrs, Brazier in London•. Lois and Marion MacLaren spent 1 the past week in Bayfield. Mrs. H• Abray and children of London are visiting the former's fa- ther, C. M;r•, and Mrs. Cecil Hudson and Kenneth and Miss Marion Carson of Chicago are visiting . with the form- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hud- son. 'Master Donald McKinnon is holid- aying with relatives at Lucknow. Ptes. Carl Passmore, Edward Little Ilarvey Hudson, Elton Fairburn, Rus- sell and llarold Hedden of Spring- ' ;ark, were visitors at their homes here. Mr. and iMrs. George Hess were camping at their cottage at the Pin- ery. Thos. Dickson has been contend to his room the past few weeks as the result of a fall. His friends hope to see him out again soon. Miss Violet Hyde is spending a week cainpin3 at Bayfield. Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Steer were ere. and vis- ited by the formers parents, Mrs. Steer of Mt. 13r•ydges• Miss Marion Paisley of Toronto, is visiting with her uncle and aunt,Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Rennie. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis and children of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs Russell Love and son Douglas of Owen Sound were recent visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McDonnell. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. B onthr o:. rind Mies Jean of London, the enjoying a boat trip to Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Paterson have returned from an interesting trip to Ottawa, they also took in the Thous- and Island sights. Hensall's Decision The public and continuation schools at. Hensall will open on September 3 providing no instructions to change this arrangement are receivd from the departments of Education at Toronto. Send Boxes To Soldiers A number of boxes for soldiers from Hensall and district on active service overseas, were packed on Monday evening Iast and were for- warded to their destination. There was a splendid response to the app- eal ford ovations of articles suitable for sending. On the committee in charge were: W. 0. Goodwin, E. Kyle, Dr. A. R. Campbell, president of Hensall. Citizens' Wartime Com- mittee; Ken Hicks , Ross MacKay, chairman of parcel committee; Mrs. Glen McLean, president of Kippen E. Women's ' Institute ; Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin for Miss I3'eryle Pfaff, presi- dent of Hensall Senior Institute, Mrs Thos. Meyers, president of Zurich Ins ttitute, assisted by Mrs. E. M. Dagg and Mrs. Harry Rose also of Zurich. In all eleven boxes were packed. Appleton—Fairbairn A quiet wedding was solemnized at 1 London, when Rev. E. H. Riggs, past - toe of the Baptist church united in marriage Agnes Mary Fairbairn, on- ly daughter of Wm. Fairbairn and the late Mrs. Fairbairn of Hensall, to William Gordon Appleton, erS'est son of Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Appleton, of Exeter, Mrs. John Taylor of Hensall, aunt of the bride, wail the attendant, smart in a street -length retina Pte. Alton Fairbairn, of the non -Perman- ent Active Militia, brother of the bride, was groomsman, Later the wed ding dinner was serlved by Won Cafe, London, only thie immediate re- latives attending. Mr. and Mrs. Ap- pleton motored to points north for an extended wedding trip, the bride travelling Min a navy blue ensemble. They will reside in Hensen. Peebles, bas Ibsen a resident of Win- ghan the past l.f; years. and is a re-• tnurn years having .served.. two and ' Breaks Hap• in. Fall Mrs. Charles Naftel, oldest resid- ent sid- ent of Goder tela age :9.6 years, fiell down the stairs at the , home e hLr• son, K. Naftei and fractured her hip. She is now in Alexdra Marine and General Hospital. Because of hef• age, her condition ip regarded as+ser- Mous. Chopping Mill Destroyed Fire in some undetermined manner completely destroyed an Orr. land- mark at 13ornholm. It was the largest solid frame three-story chopping mill owned and operated iby G. Gell. The building was erected a good many hen lumber- wase —c' pieritifu sy, ,August 2244,MO and cheap and and was a weiI1built plant, The frame' orrk was as dry as tinder. and .burned with such rapiti.ty that at was only a matter of minutes before it was a heap of glowing stn; iers. Golden Wedding M. and Mrs William J. Finlay eeTdbrated thier golden wedding at tneir home near Blohneaville, Mrs. Finlay was a daughter of the late Mrs. D. Jardine of Goderich. Ther ,married arried by Rev. J. IL-, Howell, a Methodist minister tat Goderich,and tools sire residence on the 4th con. of years ago w Mr. I.ledley of- Glamis; Mi. Elmore Gackstetter, Miss Esther Price, Mr. 1! Lambert Witmer of Dashwood and Miss Reta Oke and Mis Mary West- lake of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Parsons and Bobby of Cromarty visited on Sun- day with the former's brother, '.Mr. and Mrs. Archie' Parsons. 1\Ir. and Mrs. .Samuel Ropp and family spent Sunday with .Mrs, Ropp's sister, Mr. and Mra. Chris. Gingerich of near Blake. • Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jaques and Dorothy spent the week -end with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes` ley Jaques of near Elumville. Mrs. W. Alexander and daughters spent Saturday in London. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Alexander newly weds, returned horns from their honeymoon and were greened in the evening byea lively chivaree. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Westlake of Usborrte visited with .Mr. and Mrs. Wm Horsey, Sraatdzy. 'More than • ,000 people from atteud- ing a patroitic rally for Huron Co- unty citizens held in The Exeter Ar - Canadian Legion and bands from Minton Dashwood .and Exeter. War- Aden Ft ag an acted as chairman and Reeve B. W. Tuckey, of Exeter, gave the :.,late ss of welcome. Rev. M. A. dT_ Int, of Exeter, r, gave an account of the work already accomplished by the 'wartime committee. Rev. E. D. Bur- ton, of ?Tinton, chaplain in the Great, War, gave a .stirring speech. Other, ,speakers were; Maj. :EL Cocks, dist- mitt chaplain, M.D. No. 1; Maj. R. li;eattie ; Maj. Lee, another chaplain, and these weYe followers by a very Inuniorous address by Capt. Rev. Norman 1taweon. of Hamilton, who has recently been diacht: rged from oepital, who gave much .. erious ad- viee concerning the enemy. In the Rasa war, Capt. Enron , drove a team of army mule: far nine .irtnnths and „ ...ail he did it without .,swearing and later entered he .MethenSist min - St. Joseph end Beaver Town 1Vliss :Sarah De nonnne of Port Hur- am Is spendiug .a few weeks in -St. Useph •and wiciuity renewing old ac- g-natintanets•. The pat few flays of Natinal Re- gi lnaiatiam ilial linea midi approval in this Division, the .service was good anti tall 'that -cotiid'be expected, and the ,people :turned Dont one -hundred per rcertt um. to :answer -to the appeal of a -heir .country. rhe etwo .th ughter ttf .Mr. and Mrs Freli lineiidivarine, :Sr. •St.:;E)enis and Sr Prixille 'Therese who have spent a few ,tlttys with ?their parents, have re- turned to :the 'C„rstiline 'Convent in Chatham. Mrs. F,r..ed ;Du-dhae'me -..who 'had the mi.fortturte a•a -fracture -one ;of her fingers some ?time it :a ,is still under medical Rare. Mr. and 'Mrs. `Solcrsnn 'Denosirnne and fanely . cp't •Wintisk•r, who have spent the ;past ttrwo weeks .vacation at St. Joseph, Kaye treturrne;d 'home an Tuesday iOCvere ?MY•. -Denjrn nie has to resume his sinnedt loith the 1Vletropoi \ itian Life Insurance Co. •or-• •a.eat city Mrs. Joselilaiae I,Selmeau and dau- ghter Liona at:d Mr. Reme •Pritneau all of Chicago. la., eek>led xelati .vdd?g And friends in Ala aiesigh'borhood on 'Sunday. The Pritn.eacan family are enjoying their voa.atiuti at 'present, and will motor ort through to 'Mon - treat, Province of Quebec, where they wit visit with relatives, and will make it a pleasant outing and si hi ening event: In Magistrate's •Cou tt (ioderich—Philip ifblwdliff, i oder- St;fs Twp., was co•,mpluzoant :in ;a com- mon assault charge against Councils eta' .'riiarry Covey, of -tie :sante'trwp. o not did proceedirers become and ,ase load did Rowelofre alhaut, thattthe 1\7agistrate dismissed the, cheege' and warned both to keep tke Maisie intti'cw' Tuture•. Covey, Enrlish •orn, "a 1Britishc x 3f ever ther wars comae llaP.kl' mod my eeprents ihefore fie,;'' as he tt„dtifieti, objected to being strand •a Carman during the battle of words river cattle. The men are neighbours. "Duke" !NlcLister. Windsor, wasgiw *r, 30 days iii id1 for aonrrniitting*I9 a,=ault on a Gland Bond ,policeman. 'The sentence ,is to date back to Aug- ust 1, the day of the arrest. The ch- arge was laid against ;the Winsor roan n.fter a fight broke!' out at Grand Bend. Ald was called add Mctister vas planed under arrttsl .Mtid moved "Ate Goderich for trial. DRYSDALE'1, Mr. rand Mrs, Alex, Meulinger b. y,d., •?tine 14th con., Mr. and Mrs. Frank 1 Jormer's eon. Pr. C instil: Jarrott of Corriveau; fllfr. and 1V[ra. Leo Cor-, ,'Si,,, atfor d. dnesdts v store t t the ironic of a•'i'vt,a.0 wird' week -end vt ittor•s with "o Y tfr. Frank Chambers of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. W. Harney wird Mr ;Kiss Theitii. , Mercian of London, is and gra, Mas. (Yamblo and Tommy, Mrs. Wagner of Zurich and 1VIrs, Cook of London, visited one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Warren Schilbe- The naany friends :of Miss Grace S:ohilbe will be pleased to learn she has returned to her home here, after a recent operation "rn ,Seaf orth Hos- pital. Ashfield Twp., where .they lived until 1903 when they moved to the 9th con. of G:oderich Twp. and later to their present home on the Cut Line half a mile from Holmesville. The famid.y consists of two sons and two 1daughters. KIPPIr'N NEWS Mrs. J Jarrott and, Miss Vera Cul- bert are vlsil,ing at thsaa home of the .411.11 DASHWOOD Mrs. Susan Ireland who has been Mein with her ,sons Is .spending a few weeks with her sister Mrs. Mary Tiennen„ 11VIr. and Mrs. BIrvin Mcisaac and fatally of Windsor op-ent the week- end with Mrs. Lucinda 1VICIsaac. Mrs. Charles Keller was taken to Loaders hospital in Hoffman's ambu- lance 'hist week Where she underwent a sealants operation. Nlia hope for a speedy aenoveia7• Goes to Guelph Miss Myrta Taylor send 'brother Jack of London, are Visiting with Dr Traffic Officer E. A. Webb, Grandw o and Mrs. R. H. Taylor. has patrolled No. 21 highway, Mrs.. "E. E-dighrolfer sof 'Zurich, sp- Bend to Kincardine, for two years, ent a flaw days last week with .,her has been transferred to Guelph. sister, Nam. Wheat. Harold Elliott, son of Mr. and Mrs Mrs. Ed. Ehgatz, tVtrs. Sid I' eyn- Sandy Elliott, Exeter, left recently olds of Howard 'City, 1VIicee, a-:rs. G. for Brandon, Man., where he has Thomas, Latigirtg, IVrieih., Mrs. H. Fah- joined the Royal Canadian Air Force ner and little daughter Mary Jane of Announcement Pierson, Mich., sere visiting •the Kraft Mr. and Mrs. Harry Finkbeiner of sisters and oalaerr ztela'tiKes. Crediton announce the engagement of Mrs. W. ;Schmaltz and daughter Ona their daughter Norma Irene to !Mr r rs are ending their •vac"ation Harold ilienry Fahner, son of Mr. and of Detroit s spending wit% relatives' lades. 1Virs. Alert Fahner of Crediton, the Mt. and Mils Wm. Smith whosp- marriage to take place in the Evan, - mit their vacat en There have return- elical church, the 7th of September, ed to rtteir home in'Windsor. While ; Is Arrested here Mr. Smith r,. eeiv'ecl word of the; : Arrested here early Wed. last as a death of itis father in $askazeaewan.. vagrant, Bert Guinmerson, who gave They attended the funeral last Mort- 'his address as (Palmerston, was re - day day which +r;as held in' x.e radon. mantled to jail trod will^ appear 'Mr. and Mts. Harper 8,nith of Sas- police .court. Police found Gurnntcr katshowan and sister Mr,. Keeine of son sleeping in a truck on Main St. London visited with their brother We was intoxicated, and at t>ti.e time Mr. Wto. Smith at the home of Mr, refused to say who or what he ,was and Mrs. R. Baker last week. e....Seaforth ,Expositor. Mrs. }tarry Cook of Toronto i• POSTMASTER APPOINTED spending a week with' ;ler parents.M•~i Notice has beep received from the and Mrs. D. T"ieman, - 1 Civil Service Department of hiss an- Misses T?lorence McTs"oC of Win,'-', "ointment to the positionof Pe0i, 1 son and Betty of Detroit tto spend -,master at Wingharn to A. M. Peebles int their vacation with their grand• to fill the vaeaney caused by the pas- 1 Mr. I COUNTY NEWS This new Case• Moder F' saves every kind of grain, is beans and seeds that can be harvested by any com- bine, big or little. It's a complete combine, nothing slighted or omitted, yet its light weight and simple construction make it easy to pull and to run; gets more. done with 2 -plow power. Costs little more than the cheapest•, gives you a lot more. Come in and see it. it . , +. . t-. m. dtX :i.4 A' .... ,a.. a ) i+i:.>'•: L Local Dealer --AL VIN RAU, Zurich, Phon 98r6. fheSNAPSII-40T GUIW INFORMAL_ PORTRAITS OUTDOORS Excellent likenesses, anti a"atory :idea," make this picture a fine example of a good informal portrait snapshot. VERY family album or picture i two photo bulbs—one to illuminatli_ collection should include good' each side of the subject. Outdoors;, iaformal portraits of the ffarn iiy"s a pleasing soft lighting can be ora -- members. But many amateur pho- taianed by placing the subject int tographers do not know ]row to dopen shade -_for example, on they take informal portraits, or realize shady side of the house, under the hew these differ from other popular open sky. types of pictures. For a fighting with a little more In the first place, an informal • "`,sparkle," place the subject in stns.- portrait un portrait should not resesali a for- shine, but have the sun to one side. mai, studio portrait. They are entxr 1 .'hen use a reflector (such as a mi- ]6ydi erent and, asamatter of fact, white *teat or ranee nar•d) to ills the.. formal portrait can be taken ' naite 'the shadow side of the 1Face " In the picture above, the sun iss at the right, and a white house; toa the left acts as a reflector. The slid= jects held still for this shot, and tO insure plenty of exposure for the shadows, the picture was taken at 1/3 and 1/25 second, on average speed film. The same exposure would be correct for these subjects. in open shade. The story idea, of course, is ob-. vious and kives the picture added: interest value. Try to include such. doors er Dot, you nerd a nicely 1 a story. ,or °?therm" in each of your balauned'ci ltigluting on ?lie• sulajects rnfo]:tra3 portrait snaps of the ram - face., a e, A lighting, in particular:, that 1 'fly --and you'll find the pictures not too uaonigrasty.' Xndoor• ; ucit ha:vse snare enduring appeal, Cuul er .t G tri d . Inn tr 3azahtirt res easily obtained fay' wising c3r2 Jo v in - reach 'better by a professional pito tographer who has a well-equipped studio; with proper lighting equip- ment, and a sounds technical knowl- edge, off: pof:traiture. The two, main requirements. iaf a good? informal' portrait are, first, a good likeness of the subject or sub- jects; and second, a suggestion of action or a "story. idea." In fact, the informal portrait is closely akin to the "story -telling" type of snapshot. To obtain a good likeness, itx mother, WI, Moisa 'te. ;ung' tkl ltk t1, Musgrove: i 4