HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-08-15, Page 4warmwont • ONTARIO r,•, °7 intraday~ Mau .1i , :1.9.40 aa Vit[ will 1,11 ERGENCY CALL To farmers 'to school boys and to :secondary school glans TARMERS li' onnccan um,:alol bodied willing youth f€ta`Y liarw'estiwg •fetid general farm help,' 41p131y immeel aketya to your Reeve, Agri- tcultural Representative or local Employ - anent `Oifi. SCHOOL BOYS if you acree••vtilling to serve your country's needs Ory `helping on the farm, enrol with your school principal at your own scheiml. 'Watch for enrollment dates. SCHOOL GIRLS If you are willing to sere by selling war certificates enrol with your salmi lmi principal at your own school. Watch for eilirlollment dates. 11% -maintenance of a continuous supply of food for Britain's fighting forces and civilian population is of paramount importance in the suc- ,oessful prosecution of the war. The financing of our war effort is .--a aother battle which must be won on • :home economic front. The 3iatario Government seeks the co -dation of all in. meeting the •present critical situation. M, F..HEPBURN PREMIER N. O. HIPEL MINISTER OF LABOR Ontario Ontario Provincial Police AN .APPEAL FOR ARS Persons willing to. loan firearms to the Province of Ontario,..in accordance with the appeal recently pub- lished, may deposit such firearms with a Provincial Offirer;:ati•tkaeffoliosn ing.address: Thos. W. Oldfield, Court House, Goderih. W. C. OLIVER, District Inspector, Ontario Provincial Police. Augurs i ..1940. J and brother Wm. Reynolds, Magraret Habkirk who has been employed as bookkeeper for Cook Bros. has resigned her position, which has been taken by Miss Nora Stin- son, of Loudon. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mickle, Billy and Betty, returned home after , a pleasant holiday at Rondeau. Margaret Schwalm of London is spending her summer vaearzen at the hone of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schwalm. Jean Foster, Margaret Tudor, Morri. Tudor and Max Hudson en- joyed a motor trip to North Bay and Montreal. Dr. Byron Campbell, Mrs. Camp- bell, Misses Dorothy and J can and Mr, Keith Camplbell of Toronto were recent visitors here. Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook and fam- ily have returned from a holiday trip to Wasaga Beach. Mr. and Mrs. James A. raterson are away on a motor trip co. Northern, Ontario and Quebec. Mr, Syney Geiger, Inspector of High Schools at Gore Bay; Edmund 1 Geiger of London; Eric Kennedy of 1 Toronto and Dr. W. Geiger arra son of Waterloo, were visitors at the Geiger home. j Miss Alice Dougall of Toronto, i is' holidaying with her parents °Mr:. and Mrs. Win. Dougall. Mr. and Mrs, G. M. Tzjsdale en- ' joyed a pleasant motor trip td Port l Elgin and points north. Mr. Ian Filshie, instructor of the RC.A.F. at Crumlin, visited with fri ends her Sunday last. • Effects of Heat Wave Mrs. Peter Buchanan of St. 'Thom- as is visiting with her father, ,Jiohzi Zuefio. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Taman of Listo- wel were visitors with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McDonnell. Mrs. Frank Demoresk of Calgary is visiting with h sisters Miss Amy I Reynolds and Mrs. Frances Ralirnson i . FARM HELP SCHEME babe shoes. At a .meeting 'heldi in the• County Mr. and Mrs: A. Brier :and Building, Goderich, on Aug. 10th, it cleughters Joy and Lois and Mr. ,Clay was dernted-AP.,forne.a.ititiron County ence Brunner of Kansas City, tire Farm Help Conunittee, conse;ting of visiting with relatives here. the Warden Geo. Feagan, School In- Mrs. Jean Smith and Shirley .uf spectors E. C. Beacons. and J. H. Kin- Windsor are visiting with her Meer read, the rural .reeves, and clerks of Mr. Jonas Hartleib and Lavada. the towns and villages of Huron, Captain Dr. Eugene Tiernan) of. 'with J. C. Shearer, Agricultural Re- Ottawa is spending a week vaeatb p 'care-entative, to act as convenor. The with his mother, Mrs. Mary Tie:nestn. object of She .committee i.;.to,endeav- 4MisseVerna Birk of Guelph is efts.- +our to assist farmers in. tarvesting iting with Mr. and Mrs. E. Bender. their crops by placing boys and young KIP1'EN NEWS men from th towns and villages whe- are needed.. "Ifo ttttt is : end ,the ;following Rev. and Mrs. Chandler and famine _plan was adopted: 1. Boys and young are hsliiidteying at their cottage north: Mien willing lo .wgrk on _the,,genris as of Goderich, a special war effort for a period of 'Mrs. 'Porter and Mrs. Hopkins who,� .a. few weeks,, ,are .requested,to,regist_ have :bevii visiting the latter's sister ter with the Clerk of their town of Miss Edna Cochrane, have returnedi •village 2. Faimers desiring help to their femme in Chicago, Ill. Miss Margaret Cooper of Toronto, is visiting her mother, Mrs. W. Co- oper. Mr. and VW. Walter Fairbairn of le given to above ,rrehetne by means Hensall spent Monday with Mr. and of County newspapers, daily press, Mrs. Ross Love. and radio so that the farmers am: The many fehends of Mr. eernold ehelprs may be brought together glee Gackstetter will :he ;pleased to learn and was known by everyone, as he that he has ret seted home from St, „tad lived here :moo ,vf 'his fife. H ?Joseph's Hospital, rLondon where he was great company for Mrs. Munn, underwent a seritene ;Operation and is who will surely miss hirn. The great 'ittuproving nicely, .seat wave hors ver diot seem to rs. Win. Ferman and Roy of ' ' ct t ;: Thames Road, who spent the past wk with the former's dtgeghter, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jacques, teeturned to her home on Sunday. Mr. ;and Mrs. L. Hyde :and family of Osblevea, are visiting tee former's mother.,',11rs. Hyde and brothers. W.M.S. Meets Mr. and sirs. Burn= of Port •HaronThe W.i1I.S, of the Un tcsrx church and Mr.and Mrs. N. Fontana of New met on Wednesday afternoon ,at the York City, visited with Meet. Burris' home of Mee. Wm. Alexander with a t another, Mrs. Witzel last Thursday. I,good attenty,arree. The meeting op - Mr. and Mrs. W. eh oeer and .good with the call to worship by Mrs family of Detroit sprnt a few boli-! Tames Finlayeem who presided, hymn days with. her. mother, Mrs, Kama -1' 1500 was sung reed Mrs. Finlayson led richer. in he Mr. and 'Nies. Herbert of Mitchell, i seri uYea r�_after which Mrs. J. Cooper t were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Ness. gave thetopic which was veryinter estiiig and instructive. Hymn 240 was then sung and the meeting clos- ed 'by repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. A dainty lunch was served on the s]aacly lawn by Circle No. 1, .re requested ;to ;apply to their;docal township reeve .or direct to the agri- wara.' a great Tet •;}vit i the children cultural office, Clinton. 3; Publicity •ckly, as the harvest season has al- 'eady commenced. 4. Helpful sug- gestions and cr itielern are :keg cited by the committee to bn;prove thx scheme and the efficiency of, ie. DASHWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Bill Smith and dau- ghter Joan of Windsor are spending their vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker. Dr. and Mrs, R. H. Taylor and da - tighter Ann. and Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan and datilef.ytr,r Nancy Annie H E 1\1 S L. I are on a motor tiny up north this Mrs. Roy Parlmer and daughter of week. Windsor were v e tors w:rth the fOrtri- i'he Red r'ro,:e •hipei.frt fel. Atlsrns'' r'r'+ parents, Mr, iv,;( v�:^.. J0[1,1 lri •;- ionoisted of 41 lir. socke, 2 sweat;,r ;, lwr. 14 founts, 8 hospital gowns, G bed Miss Grace Brock rl,P f,rrlclon owite, 4 refugee. sweaters Lind 2 p v' ed at her ho.rne 'he;;tl; • L PROCLAMATION of the COUNTY of HURON " To Proclaim A COUNTY PATRIOTIC ASS MEETING to he held at the FAIR GROUNDS, EXETER.. oi SUNDAY, A UG. .8t1 1940, at 2.30 p.m, To stima$late and assist the people in. the Cbx nty. ,;of Huron in Greater Warr Effort Prominent Speakers will be present to; disc.tass war. Subjects MASSED BAN DS AB Pat'riortic Citizens are urged to .Attend -- GOD SAVE THE KING _- Signed: Geo. Feagan, Warden The recent extreme heat wave Save much effect on G: C: Petty, of says a correspondent is responsible o' the village, who recently painted the, the death of ;`Jerry" the pet parrot •exterior f the large Petty ablock trrx owned by Mrs. Peter Munn of the Main street. Mr- Petty is 8.5 years of village. Jerry, who was 32 years old age and is still very active. r Commencing Monday, August l9th, Canada calls on her citi- zens, 16 years of age and' over, regardless of nationality, to register. Because of the magnitude of this task the Government asks those who must register to study the questionnaire care- fully. Every question must be answered truthfully and without evasion. It is imperative that every one 16 years of age °' and over register. You will make the whole task easier for yourself and the Government by registering early. Regis- tration will fast for three days only. Au ust 19th, 20th, 21st EVERYONE CAN HELP —To keep the cost of this registrattost ata minimum the Government is asking the co-operation of all public -minded catizetts irk the work of regis- tration. You can help by getting in touch with your local registration officials and offering your ;services. 'WHERE TO RE /ST R Itit,egistrahati offices are being set up by electoral dist x is in the eeessigue meager:to in the last Dominion election. Be istt ant;; ere required ttt register in the regular pettiog sub- divisio s of their own constituencies. But should a regtstraat be in some other provirete, or district mg of the regular polling sulaiivision on Registration Pam, , he or she may register at any registratiea office cotrveni ent, upon sar,i.factory eitpignsttiaon to the local deputy registrar. Your Registration Certificate To every person answering the questionnaire fully and satisfactorily a certificate of registration will be issued by the local ,deputy registrar. This is a small card which must . be carried on the person at At times, Penalty let Font eryisttrsttlrl)as Failure to register will melte my male or female, married or single, over to lige of Ili years, liable to a fine not exceeding Two hundred dollars, or to 'rnr4r.isonrnent for a terse not exceeding Three months, or to both such tine and imprison- ment, and moreover to a further penalty to exceeding Ten dollars for each day. rafter the clay upon which he ,sh iuld have registered, during which he shall contisiue to be tinregistered. uY^, o tate ,authority of 1101k;`n rst Es G., tARDINER Moister of ,National "mar Se,vic:ei (1