HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-08-01, Page 8OWE EIGHT Chenille Bed Spread 1)x1OO at La'CTable g.: ?_) MSC, at Bath Toweling extra ;quality at yd. Voiles 9 ieb.ring at per yard Men's Work Shirts, reg. 1.10 for Men's Sport Trousers at Boys Jerseys at Ladies Crepe Pyjamas $3.93 2.50 35c 29c 85c 1.50 to 1.75 29c 1.19 GROCERY SPECIALS 75cCorn, 3 tins Cookies, per lb. 16c Oxydol with 2 cakes P and G. Soap 25c Jello, 4 for 19c Pork and Beans at 10c Potatoes, 10 lbs. for 25c Heinz Catsup at 18c 2 pkgs. minute tapoca with Pyrex dish 25c verfresh cheese, half -lb. pkg. 1Freoh fruits and vegetables everry Week J. GASCHO & SON I, PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 11 ' 11 III1111ijLlIIII 1111111111111111 nI �} � � �� '•��'iiz,Y.�e�;ay�'+, Au;�>aa�t 3.8t,t, 1040ZIURICH HERALD 1 • 1 (QI111I 11l1 juim I(1111min II IIIllUfl 111111IIII 11111 ilimilllllllfllll_Wili 1111111 1111tU1UIIINiUatlp; ZUme@0'S Gr�cery Str Ivory Soap, regular 10c, 3 for Oxydol with 2 bars P and G. soap for 25c Woodbury Facial soap, reg. 3 for 25c, now 4--25c Certo Srystals, per pkg. 15c Puffed rice, per pkg. T Oc Peanut butter 16-oz._jar and 10 -oz jar, chocolate ZSc nut spread for-. [ 5c Prepared mustard, large 24 -oz for 1 9c Aeroxon fly coils, 5 for 21c Menno Oesch - Zurich EGGS WANTED. Phone 165 „PEA. 11111111111111 1111ll 1111lII111111111111111111111111111111111II111111111111III1111W1111111111111111111111111111111111►111111111 III 11111.1 Ilii 111111 81111111111J1111111 It+.444444.44.4.404 + I4 4 4 4 4 �4 ITEMS OF LOCAL I TERES1 Miss Isabella Munson, R. N., of Detroit is holid•ayiing at the 1I'.1 nson home, Goshen line north. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Braun and family of Forest were Saturday vis - `ora in town. Ms:. Noah Geiger and daughters'of Pigeon, Mich., are at present visiting fiends in this vicinity. Mrs. Arlie Dieteiich of Kitchener who has been with her parents here and during the death of her mother, Stews. W. M. Ruby, as ie,,- ror her home in Kitchener. Pleased to report that Mr. Louis •Schiibe is recovered •suiliciently to be able to return hoane from the London hospital. Mr. •Schit'be is able to !de up and around and has already - llw visited his place of 'business. Misses Gertrude and Melvina S'chade of London are at present spending their vacation with their another, Mrs. W. Schade anx :brothers Clarence and Ervin of the Blue Wat- er Highway and Dashwood respecti- vely. The beautiful wheat fields one sees as driving through are now doomed to the sickle, andmachines are busy .cuuiing what look's like a wood crop. Other •grains are coming along, and some have been knocked down by the terriible rain storm last Friday night, which did considerable damages.. The newly resurfaced pavement, tha a .ail town known as the ilio. 84 Auto Insurance Rates ARE LOWER FOR 1940 Special Low Rates for Fanners Living on Township Roads Special Advance Allowance for Winter Storage on Farmers' Cars. Rates and Partticulars Given without Obligation Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Zurich Local Representative 8 •eYe>Risek9seB30®c0•se i THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING Visit Our Salon for your MID -SUMMER SPECIALS Let us quote you on the very best and latest Permanents, that are pleas- ing and satisfactory and that will give you personality. Hairdressing Salon at rear of Store. For appoint- ments call us by phone 102, Zurich. MRS. FRED THIELE, Proprietress Mrs. Gideon. Koehler who has been visiting with her sisters at Bayfield, has returned home. Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Bryce and son Bobby; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gasclep and Betty Ann are enjoying some time, camping along the lake shore. Miss Nora Ballcwill. of London, a teacher of the Zurich stag the past year, has accepted a school at Alvin- ston, Ont. a Highway which was done last, week is an .improvement, and we ;would sug- gest that it would be a big improve - anent if this wh::' : 'toad was treated lin this manner, as the heavy and fart !traffic cr the summer months soon Iten. on the .gl _..- .'.:ads, as they soon become quite choppy regardless of how much work is done tnereon• The old trick P man's sum,lnel supply •meed out recently on + 4 Funitur 4,„ SEASON'S REQUIREMENTS We Always Carry a Full Line of the Best of 4. • both Shelf and Heavy Staesle Hardware: $coves. tFurnaces, and all Heating Equipments. Let Us + Offer You Good Suggestions along this Line. 4' Some Good Used Heaters at Very Reasonable Prices 4. FURNITURE •, ;; • See Our Studio Couches and Dinnette Suites I + A Full Line of all the Home Requirements , ! Always keep a Good Stock of New and the very Latest .1 in Furniture at Very Reasonabl e Prices, quality Con sidered. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Mattress, 4 Dining Roorn Suites, Occasional Chairs Rockers, Etc. I SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE For the more conservative purchaser we can save + you many a dollar as we have a fine assortment of Slightly Used tFurniture that will give you big value for Z { your Money. Drop in and look these over and get our g Remarkable Low Prices- f } Johnsto�.8c Kali�fleisch Hardware '"i.r Pone 63{ - ++•t+•+ae•.3••i'•I'++++++++•I•+•F•�l•'i4,444+ i•i i•+i•+•1 ++++:•F•++4•++++4"I'• 4 Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cook of Kit- chener are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Brenner this week. Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Smith and dau- ghters Marjorie and Meriam of Ham- ilton who were '.staying the past week At the cottage of C. O. Smith near St. Joseph were Sunday guest at the �.ome of the former's hrotl-er, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith of town. The •%-d1h family 'of iLlamilton, are spen- ding this week at Bayfield. .TOURIST BUSINESS GROWS • There has been some increase in recent 'drays in the number. of Amer- ican tourists reaching Godenich but it is ati11 far below that of last year. With the hot spell, however, C.anad-- tan tourist business has picked •up greatly, hotels and cabins operators report. The largest influx is from the Toronto district. the k of swiping another of cured meats •has been •car farm of Mr. A. Mel'ick just north of 'to•wn. The supply of meat had been �Ishored in the granary and a consid- ete;')le amount was taken. It seems a very small piece of business to go and steal another man's eaaaules'and especially meat, and only a-low•type of citizen wiuld indulge in such an act. O HARDWARE — SEEDS IW ire Fencing are If you If are thinking of doing any Fencing this year, be sure and consult Us. And be sure it is the famous Frost Fence! PAINTS! PAINTS! and FURNITURE FROST FENCE . for long fife, Come in and see our stock of From Farre Fence , . the finest we've ave had. Heavily galvanized by spar -:et Frost process. Wears for • lifetime. We can quote you attractive prime. . tnightleitroadllii N itSiS•1•�i•# "MN a. ssomor ”rya• _g�1a a TIGHT est LOCK ZINC BONDED an exchni a FROST hewn lee SAVES YOU MONEYS, • • 1 We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, s Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax I Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes all sizes S and Beds. Felt and Marshall I Mattresses '••t" ••5'+f, : fP1zZbdng, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- i iiig our Specialty, Full line .;,f heavy and shelf Hard- 04 t • • 1 Dead and eigaWWed AnA=italc REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. PATENTS ON 'CHICKENS Most Effic'ent Man -Made Machine An article in The American Week- ly with the August 4th issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. tells of eff- orts to protect the outstanding hens einee scientific human , brains have 1- -v1i them. up from n measly 1`? to 15 egg a year to about one a clay --- and points out that hens' brains had -iothing to do with it because the dumlbest hen can lay the most eggs. Be sure to get The Detroit Sunday Times. It Was Hot! Teerday broke up the big hot wave which swept over this part of Canada and the U.S.A..Monday being the climax when it soured around the 92 maik. However, serverai days last week led up to Monday as the hottest in many a day. But on Tuesday the cool winds worked down the lakes and today, Wednesday it is about right. in Furniture, Springs ware always in stock. ,J RiCH QUALITY — PRIG 'S° ••••••••fllffl*••a i..' qyzmi 1.0 r . SERVICE Shot in the Arm We regret to report that accident which befell Miss Doreen Gingerich, daughter of Mr. and (Mrs. Sol. Gin- ;rerich of the Goshen Line south, on Saturday last. Doreen was in the garden at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. W, Witmer at Heapleer in the Kit- chener district, and was struck in the right arm 'with a strayed bullet Which was discharged by some boys who were Shooting target practice in a gravel pit at •the en ; of the town limits. Medical attention was at once summoned and the patient is improving nicely. Doreen was a pupil in• Znrieh Continuation School the past year. Returned from Fishing Trip Messrs. Gideon Koehler and Ford. Haiberer of town, accompantecl by Mr. Ulric Snell of Exeter returned ned on Frlday evrnin eft„r having a most enjoyable fishing, tour up noi'.;h '.'hey head ex:'rllent fi,sl•,ing u,l in thin 1s „y icj f"l? t'il•'.13 rl '"'+'. ht, •" inti ,i r it,' a? ' of van- 1..;.r 'ea Rev. a'‘)-1 ?.T:. , Ti ur r•., .• •rrvi'l:rfl+ li on this great o; 1 i n r lav t.rol s. ••0161.• at ' i .' I 1• v"i",-tet e7'.'tr • ,lig '1 .ilamt Till' .lse`.',, a large; On Augu-+t 19, :'.fd ,rr'• i 't great. I tea Bound 1',ke trout, • Fish were' ai,my of f`a,rlii,ii:a,, ' cr11 thosr' Why Pay Rent! Let Us. Discuss with you the New Way of Owning Your Own Home on Easy Monthly Payments. Call in and see uor new type of BLOCK FLOOR At a Very Low Price. C. PHONE 60 LBYLEISC ZURICH t 4 ,1r It.+4+.g 4•fr.i•.i-.t.•F..E•.y 4-4,•6..f 4.1 +.4»k•F-+++4•d-+++++++•E••il 4+++.0+•h+•h•5••3 ++.044 •I$ HAD GALA NiGHT Hensall was a gala night last Wed- nrsd.ay evening for the annual Band Tattoo. Between two and three tho- usandpeople attended. The Pressy Transport Band of Sarnia was the di'ghlight of the evening and present- ed a very attractive appearance. Other smart bands included the fife band, L.L.L., Woodham, Wingham, Parkhill and Hensall Citizens' band and headed by attractive Joyce Brod- erick. Bingo in charge of the mem- bers of the Exeter-Hensall branch of the •Canadiam Legion did a landslide (business and a number of young lad- ies from Hensall and district acted as taggers for Red Cross. efiCe e4p Ila® Siedef reeili i®+iFQrMelfi 3• ,•OSOIS8OSNOSSI 9t'iOfflSIIHA•••••• i 1, • 1 a • • LEG FRACTURED Fred Statton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Statton, of Exeter, had his ght leg fractvred at Grand Bend when it was caught in the wheel of a milk wagon. Fred, (who delivered the morning newspapers at Grand need. avas •sitting on his bicycle with his foot resting, on the wheel of the wagon. When the driver of the 've,`on came out from a house in front of the horse, the horse moved pfr. and Fred's leg went„throagh the -.,- • .re; of the wheel and he was tur- ned • around with ,the wheel, The leg , the wheel and Cie lnrl was dragged for some ciistanee before the k...., rrns sti'i1'Sedl. 1;;^. 'l •l0'", oi, Dashwood, was celled '7'aq rar10v,'d to I•o„'1n„ fr,r X-ray •'''tt r-ii'1ii!''' l,r , ;i. t ,1..,, t.,. e..-; 11O11r.. i T r 114 .1” iq : plentiful incl the tourist fish- I Y erre or female, ov. r sae e of .1'0 move out to the points of regis- cr.Ynrin not so maal as soe y years v Salt! S it! We are in a position, to supply.. all Farmers with Salt, in the various forms... Bring your bags ..and have theta filled with good quality Salt... Also the block salt for your stock on. hand. . BINDER TWINE --Let us supply you with the best of Binder Twine at lowest prices. g PURINA, ROWE and PIONEER FEED 2 A Guaranteen Product that will greatly help your Stock and Poultry to Vigor and Production, which is t will mean greater Profits. Try it! 1 • 9 i ••.Schilbe ®n 1 • • •' i�0e•••••••11 I 1 effeimmememenmememewesorelocW, tratnon and fill in the cards contain- to be farank about it ---pay i no c tax- i'' x - i«9• o nuni;',er of ones;iona Wier is es. Then it is necessary hat outs this registration taking place? This -young, men shosald be trained far sr country is at war. 1't const put forth brief period of intensive military tra-• the utmost potzs'hle ofTort to acconip- ining. 'Yes, v'e are ,t °"„-. Ile` ;teat 1' ,, it.;; ,"Ti3O '. ';'il,:;. p••••r1i0+'.'• is i,h • ton means simply, organization for 1 I i r,o' bac ser effort --for victory. " etit:st,�i" i clr�f:'t• of t1 ; pi,: my. 1:t, oi� " t this it 1055 1 11e ' '1.21 ill, r,il • ,• 6 ,1lv. To answer the question• t.ilaa" �' tilss 1' 11,,, ,nittn-4111 the human, mural, ()oil, a few minu1S.:i' work if you im•i• Tal and :lei .,itual forces o; :,an•• come prepared to 'nw`-r. Reod°then', adv. ''here ran •bs.. no slaei:in V, <1Ti;•:.tions in t• i paper munition' answers you hnvo t•n n l.e bet'o•.• '`D21 T1er'St mar,- plane. tanks, rims go to rogistor. whe •-e so many musli• To p, odu:ce them We need lnorr, :�l,'� , imen materials, money. The nation , give their all you w 111 not hesit0.fe. in women, * d slams your part. . must produce more, speared 'less',