HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-08-01, Page 4r � r •k "r* HOUR STEPHEN COUNCL 1e Ccaun'cll of the Twp. of Step leen met ill the Town 1i 11, Creditors eon Tidy 2nd at 1 p.m. with all mein +heirs present, The minutes of the pr- .revious meeting were read and ad- opted. That By-law No. 546 to appoint John Stewart a constable for the Twp .Stephen for a period of one year • without remuneration having been read three times, be passed and sign- ed . ign-ed. The Treasurer submitted rlis semi• annual report of the Twp's finance,$ land ai 'budget on this year's expenclit ears. That the tax rate for the 1940 gen- aral municipal and highway expendi- ture be 2 mills on the dollar and the grant to Police Vilages this year be Bone mill, according to the assessment of the rateable property of each Pol- ice Village. The. following correspondence was read and filed: 1. From Unemployment Relief Branch, Toronto, with reference to relief being granted to Enemy Ali - lens and Agitators or Sympathizers. 2. Froin the General Manager of. F The Haig Farm asking that the Aux' .Salable River be cleaned out and not- ify the Council of the Twp. of Ste- phen they woul be held responsible for damage done to their crops by the hoods of the river. 3. From the Department of Muni- ipal Affainrs asking for suggestions to improve the present methods of preparing Municipal Voters- ;eases and 'conducting Municipal Elections. The folowing vouchers ??ee passed: Pay roll No. (i $597.37; Cora Ge- iser milk, 6.30; Anna Gill, rent $3; Munk. Worly, supplies .88; Can. Bak of Commerce cashing cheques .80; H IC. Silber, part salary as Clark and Areas. $125; Ed. Charnoeze burying ,dog e1. SPECIAL MEETING A ep:eial meeting of the Council •xlf the Township of Stephen was held in the Clerk's office on the eve. of July 13 at 8 .p.m. All were present. 1 W. C. Attridge of the Dominion Road Machinery Co.., Goderich, was i present and interviewed the Council 'elai:ive to .settlement of the Power a nain.aiuer bought from said firm, Motion that the Treasurer be auth- orized to issue a cheque payable to the said Company for $5300. in set- tlement of the purchase price of the 'maintainer and that we borrow $5,- 1100 5;1300 from the Crediton Bank to meet such expenditure. W. T. Co1w11i and Otto• Brown 'waited on the Council and filed a let- ter complaining of the present 'con- eli'tion of The Centralia Municipal Drain and asked the Council to take ration in having drain prepaired, Motion, that George Eillber, Twp. Inspector of Municipal Drains, make am examination of said drain and anake his report to the Council. The Council adjourned to meet a- gain on Tuesday, the 6th day of Aug lust 1940 at 1 p.m. instead or Mon- • lay Aug. 5th, which is e, Civic Holi- H. K. Ei'i'ber, Township .Clerk DASHWOOD The Red Cross Unit will be closed enuring the month of August, Mr. and Mrs, Archie Bender of "Toronto spent a few days last week 'with his parents, Mir, and Mrs. Ezra 43ender. Mr. •and Maze, George lIoulton and family of Belmont were Sunday vis- itors with Mr. Jonas Hartleib and liavad,a. Miss Waldie leaf Go&iiich spent the eweek-end with Mr. -and Mrs. A. E. 'estreicher. Miss Dorothy :Mack ,of Detroit is %pending her vacation 'vwtth Mr. :and Vries. D. n'I.es;iennir. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kellerman Lave retained ±frrf,m their ,han'eym'oon; trip and are .now l•;sisy gtltfsirlg settled: Miss Hall. of Toronto is visiting 'with her si;tgr, Ale:rs. :Rev:. 'ii. E. Itoppel. ii4r. Lobi: bloreve Is spending a: •am,onth h,o:li:8ca'nig :at Narrow Pay. Word was receive here of °.the edeath of Mr.. Joilli Eidt formerly Visa Mary Stade at Nom, Hle n!burg on Saturday. Quite a :rusne e:r of reletiv= •des from here attended the funeral. "which was held on :1Vlon } r. The community of Daslswo'od hare Leen busy doing ;ite r 'bit in trying;. to provide necessities for allose who; Lave suffered through the War and a.- 'recent ,'recent shipment contained: 30 pair •teicltc, three quilts, two sweeten, sev- 'en ,.eyj.alnas, three ibedgowns, girl's altit, two girls' sweaters, .bath towel two bn'ey's nightgowns, one bag of Carpet ekes, The total shipments of ,.., tree organization to date are: 275. :pair socks, 48 sweaters, 15 be gowns.. •tej "'1t ho,:pital gowns, 52 pair pyjam- lIee, v) built:,, 21 pair wristleae, twc • emir br•oatleaea. wristlets, eight surg i`f)ri ,•r.i,,, (llia,t� eee rw n ' capC. reee t., 2".4wee Collis, 10 lest !e• . , i 1. 'Twee eL'.,'') :! reeetio e, I-1°,44 .iel fw. Mg. ( s n°..r . alt r our Ctt .• y;araay_ eon? r;r , v ,1ti rti , •A'Aikree girls' sweaters, one i,riv s punts, veils ATI IVA Z .'RICH HERALD sT KIN Thum/ay, y, , ai*u t 1st, 1940 CANADA CALLS upon all her citizens, regardless of nationality, male and female, over 16 years of age, to register on August 19th, 20th, or 21st, Registration offices will be open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. The object of this registration is to ascertain the human resources of the nation so that they may be mobilized to enable Canada to make her maximum effort in the defence of this country and towards the successful prosecution of the war. Here are the questions you will be ask.ed to answer. The card for women will be similar but subject to certain necessary variations. Study the :^,estions carefully now so' that you may be ready to give full and complete answers to the registration oi:icer. qGF j/1•�' �. 1,V ex t t1 j 4(��]' �' 917 7 .N L'4 71 •,j p ' .: .f!•. t3. 1 L'�60 m's W",I r:7 "'a'«,?J' R -4...i .YY a thg, 20th and � J�•i.,F1.C. 11E wISTRATI4ON DATE OF REGISTRATION 11940 Month Day Year ELECTORAL DISTRICT t No. — POLLING DIVISION 3$0 Name Name. iteny 9 NO. 1. Surname Given Names (Print in block letters) 2, Permanent Postal Address (if away from usual residence when filling in card give name of usual residence) Street and Number Rural Route and Post Office i,•wn ..r City 3. Age last birthday Date of birth Year 2,i. nth 'Jay 4. Conjugal conditions: Single Married Widowed Di'•erced 5. Of what dependents (if any) are you the sole support:— (a) Father (b) Mother (c) (d) Number of cT:i:::en under 16 years (e) Number of other dependents (0 Do you contribute partial support to any one 6. Country ( (a) Yourself "'ac birthof 1 Cb) Your father fleet 11 of `(c' Ynrir mother Piave 7. Nationality or country of allegiance. l3ritish subject (a) by birth? (h) by naturalizatio^' (c) Foreign citizen? If nntaralizcd, in what year? (e) In what place? (f) if not British subject, to what country do you owe allegiance? (g) If an immigrant, in what year did you enter Canada? 8. Racial origin 9. Language or tangua;rs: (a) Do you speak English? French? (c) Wt -.at other language can you.speak, read and write? 10. Education: (a) Primary only (b) Primary and S•xcr: +nry Training (Business College, Technical High School) (d) College or University Degree? (c) V,oatirnal 11. Ls your general health (a) good? (b) fair? (c) bad? 12. If blind, deaf, dumb. crippled or otherwise physically disabled, state nature of disability If permanently disabled, are you in receipt of a pension? In respect of War Service?... — „. RTonkmea's Compensation? Old :-ye or Blind? Other? rSperify, 13. Class of occupation: (a). Are you an employer of labour other than domestic?. _ _ _. •_ „...._.. _ If so, state business_ ....„...._.... _ _ _ „.„........_._...(b).'§reyo3nvm'lcingoeown account, but not employing labour? • -If so, state business. ^-- (r) Are you an.employee? (1) working at ust:al occupation.— ..... -....—. f2) working at other than usual occupation (3) unemployed „„. (tri. Networking because pensioner, dependent, retired, independer means.._.. 14. Ocenpatien or Craft:— f( (a) Present occupation? .... ............. •-•...«..-•-••--.-._..-..7 (a) (:) '.hat is your regular occupation?....._ _ (b) 'fears of.expericnr•e in (e) What other work can' yea do well? .__„ (d) If en emploYec; who is your present employer? Nome... ._..._ _......._..,_..._....„. „ _._„ „.„........„.„..... Address .„... Nature of business where employed? (state pre 4seiy) - .-...„.,.._ (e) I•f experienced in a skilled industrial occupation or profession, describe specifically the type or types of :week in which. you are specik:Iy equipped by training or experience..__ .. _ ___„...... 15. Unemployment: (a) How many creels did you work In the past 12 months?._.._._ (b) If out of work now, state number of weeks since 1ast:.employed Many occttpstion.ether than work performed in return for direct relief.„. ...(c) .Are you totally incapacitated for employment?... 15. (al) Were you brought up tm. £:rnn?. „. _.. _. :.. _....(a2) Until vrhataba?.„..„ „.(bl) hive yuu worked on a £arm?.......„„„._,.J02) Hoer lorug...__ _„.. „...(b3) Ii^Nrhat;provintesor (el) Can you handle horses?'..._ „ Y _„_„.(:2`, Drive a tractrer?.....`.......___. 4e8)Use farm machinery? ic4) Can yen .... Are you a.1.: to do other Cat= week?.,. ..... ....... ......... 17. Is there any particular occupation fn which you would like to be:apeciat tta4aed? _ „......„..., 18. Defence Services: (1) Have you pre:mustysarved ha any Naval, Militaryor.tiirForces? Ifso, state: (a) Forces of what country_._...._....._._......„ ...... „_._.._._„ (b) Approximate dates between which services performed (c) Unit ____. _ ...„.(d) Rank held...„...._.... _.._ _ _ _ (2) If retired or discharged, give reasons therefor__„.. •. — __„_ _^- -- - - (3) Ilave you beer. rejected.far military service is he•present m;rr?..._ (al Why? . _..._ (b) Where?. This is Your Opportunity to & ^ •pia The National ffor' .a To keep the east of this registration at a minimum the Government is asking the co-operation of all public -minded citizens in the work of registration. You c. help .by getting in touch with your local registration officials and offering your services. WHEEZE TO REGISTER Registration offices are being set up by electoral districts in the same stunner its in the last Dominion election. Registrants are required to register in the regular polling subdivisions of their .own constituencies. J3ut should a registrant be in some other province'or district out of the regular polling subdivision on Registration Days, he or she may register at any registration office convenient, upon satisfactory explanation to the local deputy registrar. Your I e istrat1on Certificate t xT To every person answering the questionnaire fully and satisfactorily a certificate of registration will be issued by the local deputy registrar. This is a small card which must be carried on the person at all tines. Penalty for Non -Registration —Failure to register will make any male or female, married or single, over the age of 16 years, liable to a fine not exceeding Two hundred dollars, or to irprisotunent for a term not exceeding Three months, or to both such fine and imprisonment, and moreover to a further penalty not exceeding Ten dollars for each day, after the day upon which he should have registered, during which he shall continue to be unregistered. Published under the authority of MOM, JAMES G. GA DI ER Minister of National War Services A shower for refugees was held, at which the following was donated: Three boys' shirts, 14 men's shirts, •211 ladies' dresses, two child's coats, seven woolen's nightgowns, 24 towels five boys' pants, E. wash cloths, 11 pier ladies hose, five women's vests, throe women's s .ips,,,,two woniem:'.s drawers, 11 infant vests, 14 girls dralwe te, 10 pillow slips, chj'ld's sle- eFpe ', ,Five unders)ritts, three naen'.,s drawers, 11 pair loon's socks, 34 palir:,t;.il i renes stockings, :21 pair knee socks, a girl's dress, 5 jersey sweat- ers, three wool sweaters ;apron, five handkelchkefs, eight' pair elves, four boys' •eu1tee, pair bootees, mat. Cash etreetributio•rrs amounted to approxi- 1nolely $•50I. Two quilts were. donate 9(1 `ke ;tale Exeeeir branch for dlseeneal. mother Mrs. Alex. Buchanan. Mr. and Mrs. Won. Blackwell and family of Lansing, Mich., ware vis- itors with the former's mother, Mrs. Win. Blackwell. „Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Traquair and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mitchell spent a Week -end at Toibermory. Miss Dora -thy Munn has accepted a position in Sam Rennie's store. Morris Tudor, of this village, prom- inent as a baseball player, and son of Mr. and Mrs. Stan, Tudor, has 'enlisted with Vete R.A.F. at London. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Cook of Tor- onto spent the "iveek-end with the fortaer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cor. Cools, John Craig and akin Hannah Craig accompanied by Miss eelurray le.fit last Tuesday for Toronto ;where they:will spend -a tflt•w days on t'1l,vir way tothe West where they will visit for some with the foiimer's parents, Mr. and iMrs. George Grain. Miss Shirley Twitchell left for London where she has accepted a position. Mr. Leonard Sparks of the West is -visiting with his father Mr. Archie Sparks. - Mr. and Mrs, James Mac: Martin of Barrie and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. White IA London were, recent guests of Mrs R. Bonthron and Mrs. Lou 'Simpson. Dies Suddenly Mrs. Catharine Luker, widow of Augustus Luker, died suddenly on July 24th at the home of her daugh- ter, MTs. Lava.nnah Hodgins, Biddlr6lah Township. She was hi her 80th yeas Surviving are her daughter, Mrs, �► t Hodgins and one son, Lorne Luker, of Hay Townshp..Mrs. Luker was the former Miss •Catharine O'Brien. The funeral was held on Friday from Mr;;. 'Weeteott, of Hamilton, is vis- weeks. ;the hone of tier daughteti in haddulph :ting with Mrs,Dinsdcle, Mirs. Sim- 'Kiss Kay Drysdale frulbetin boli- with Rev. Mr. Harris offci'afing'. In - mons and Mrs. Murdotn, laying with Mr. and Mee. PSeetehmee 1 torment was made in Exeter Cr'met Sergeant Harold Redden of Lon- t at Bayfield. I ery. ae. F. recent : 't`ieitf3Y ;t .':lie home! t Miss Ruth .i'1Cilde-mic.. wee 14 t'11C..1- Former Rt..^.iderle rei".:•..t*e ' ill;; ti ,ole seed t'oe' es in 1''i•t iia e i:<:tie l A. teener 1'e , , .. or. i';l HENSALL BILL, i! LIKE ITS LOOKS, SO SIMPLE COMPARED NI OTHERS, SO COMPACT FOR A SiX FOOTER AND SO EASY 7t? OPERATE,TOO.. YOU KNOW, JOHN, WHAT I SAVE ON 'TWINE AND LABOR WILL PAY FOR IT AE Sttaight— l DPaler--ALV N RAU1 ,e4 1 s. $ CO mBIN, au>a ith, Phone 98r6', •.wuuw+.vuaw,u�nxwac�aw.•.ww.w„w.:w..'+.*�a!ee,.r.-r.ww.nwMnw.wwnao-�r-x,.nwew.re, ti ;!, el . -:1 !I :' ,1 e, ,ij fr i,;rl eh-•.�-.,1 t 1•.., .r l.l' t r>° . Ur' t .., e 1 J • ' l ere ...•. �I'af. l'il td,r� p. , �rr'�15 `lltllnn' 11I£it” a t '' t t r ,n T ,1l't tr. 'Sill .. i.• w,lutl (et.' eele,ee„ett aril Miss 'tt s.,.,eeet, Ienc male of •t ..a:i 1"j :.t (i l: iii?f ..vt )lie; i• .i t•i: .i `., :tt. ... .:31 ., r':. - ? ,. e.. itw1nl .,, 'C .i'v'iP>sri,.. tat iii,. it', { r . r it.z1F• .ail "r 1 3) t t't'i l •f I rx 4. 1'v in • •ix i' C,a, in a� . , ' �• Ir andAlt ' f1� 11.. 5 s � i s i.( is t, g, teed as aas i s tan'i: t ';arils•" alt illi• t , t • h"� ' (• '•, ,•: 1!1 ee i' on j(roiiwnuation acnoo! here. 1+ Montinv' last. The decea,i (1 underwent moving here when !Viral. 1'llafllf. tree, the ministry in Toronto axle one r#ct•. i n )y.l .y )ti " r. ,. r . I operation last r , . came .- , , 1Y11. and l 1 lI'y (ilaln of a sxloutx opex l t fall in Tor -1 n Continuation School 1 3 fat '4 1' ',,, 11A11, T 1, c < 1 0 I`9al4lAi t . r : ?1', al KM Of ” 010171:0 v «w i6iCltyllf?Ir >�cillXiC;tia ii l"i (1 a1"iY1i ar(t' vi tiflg 'with their . alisil.lf;, IVIie .t Spent the Week-ent' (Ate and has IGeil Ill. "declining ileal�tli i Suevivil>g ie Miee leile1111 two 5011.: tr R 4Fa,S diel' to flora. COM. ,te?l.',y.