HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-08-01, Page 3It Makes a Nicer Coot Drink
SET By Jackson Gregory
Barry pondered, "I'd reckon
;that makes you anyhow a hall'
Haveril," he said.
Thereafter they galled each
other Cousin Jesse and Cousin
Barry, until Jesse took to calling
Barry just plain Sundown.
"I'd like to hear about the
bandits that chased you up here,
Cousin Jesse," said Barry one
"I ain't finished with them
hombres, Sundown," Jesse said
angrily. "Shore, PR tell you
about 'em."
He told his tale forcefully and
clearly, and Barry Haveril be-
lieved every word of it. There
were six of them, said Jesse. They
were Bud Walters, a cowboy;
Bill and Tom Bedloe, ranchers
near Tylersville; Sans Johnson,
teamster and deputy sheriff and
all around crook; Jeff Cody, the
gambler; and Dan Hardy. Most
folks didn't suspect them for
what they were, they were that
crafty, -But Jesse Conroy knew'.
Hadnt he seen them when they
held up the Cold Springs stage;
they'd killed the driver and the
guard and got away with the
strong box. Then they had seen
Jesse Conroy, who just happened
to be cutting into the stage read
from a side trail, and they knew
it was all up with them unless
they rubbed him out.
"I'll get 'em some day, Cousin
Barry," Jesse went on, "Yuh see
if I don't. But for a while I better
go slow."
Presently a tliin smile touched
his lips as he said idly: "What'd
yuh think o' this, here six-gun o'
nine, Sundown?"
"I never saw one like that,"
breathed Barry almest reverent-
"Try a shot with it," offered
Jesse. 'P11 show yuh."
Barry tingled; he held the
weapon lovingly; he lowered it
and raised it just as Conroy had
been doing.
"Pll show yuh," said Conroy
Gun For A Gift
Barry sat humbly listening as
Jesse, leaning against the cabin
wall, explained and demonstrated.
Instantly he realized that his
cousin was as deadly with the
Colt as he himself was with his
Jesse said, "Here's some ca't-
ridges," and poured them into .
Barry's eager palm. And then he
said laughingly: "Yuh c'n have it,
Sundown. I'nl givin' it to yule."
Barry just stood there, shells
in one hand, gun in the other,
and gawked at him. He knew that
he had heard the words correct-
ly; it roust be that they meant
something else.
Jesse laughed again, his hand-
some Clark eyes flashing.
"Shore," he said. "I'm givin'
yuh my gun,eCousin Barry. It's
yore'n right this minute."
Barry looked at him with shin-
ing eyes. But that look was only
a fleeting one since in a flash
his eyes returned to the red -
butted revolver and lingered
a here Iike a lover's gaze. Then
his feet began shuffling in the
dead pine needles, He couldn't
think of anything to way.
As the days passed, young Con-
roy grew steady on his legs again
and his wounds healed and the
healthy tan came back into his
face. Barry could see the ,restles..-
ness surge up higher and higher
in him every day.
One morning in a still dine
bluish dawn Jesse Conroy slung
his buckskin bag to his belt,
shouldered his carbine and left.
"So long, Cousin Barry," he
"So long, Cousin Jesse," said
Barry watched him out of
sight, only vaguely wondering
where he was going. Then he
returned to his cabin and sat on
the sten and unholstered his
He began thinking of his folk,
especially of his sister, little
Lucy. He wondered too about
Zachary Blount; had the teach-
er—lawyer now in a long-tailed
coat and high hat—carried her
His Mother's Letter
He rolled his pack, closed his
door, shouldered his rifle, and
with the comfortable feel of a
heavy long barrel, bumping at his
hip, turned back toward his
father's place. He came within
sight of the clearing and% the
rock -and -log cabin toward the end
of the second day; the sun was
below the tops of the pines so
that already it was twilight all
about the house, and he heard the
call and saw the flickering wing -
dip of a first night hawk. Other-
wise all was very still. He ex-
perienced a queer, disturbing feel-
ing, a swift consciousness of de-
sertion. The track down to the
Lower meadow and the narrow
crooked path to the spring house
were weed -grown.
Then he found his mother's let-
ter. Over the fireplace, a wan
square in the dimness was a sheet
of paper on a nail. Barry took it
down and read it sitting on the
Where Was Robert?
The first words were, "To Rob-
ert or Baron, whichever conies
home first." Robert was Barry's
brother, the oldest of the three
sons. The rest of a hastily written
letter answered all Barry's quese
tions for him. First of all, Lucy
had married Zachary Blount and
the two were living in Tylers-
There's No Mistaking Their Nationality
The skating outfits carried by these tars easily identify
Canadians. These 'Ccnadian sailors in England with their ship
with the Royel Navy evidently hope for a spot of hoekey in
there, Its
for duty
off -d uty
villo; Zachary was practising law
and was essoeiated with a great
pian, Judge Parker Blue. Through
Zachary, Judge Blue had sent an
offer to Earry's father to go into
the cattle business with him; on
shares it was. So all the family
were moving down into the cow ,
country, Into one of the Judge's
several spreads. There was a
postscript: "Whiche-ver of you
boys read this first, let him leave
it here for the other,"
Well, his mother and father
and his brother Lute were on a
cattle canes now. And Robert
was sontewliere or other,
In the morning he decided to
go out of his way a bit in making
his return journey, That was be-
cause it dawned on Barry that he
alone of his family might guess
what Robert was up to.
"Anyhow "11 go past Tex
Humphrey's place," Barry decid-
Barry happened to know that
Robert was crazy about one of
the Humphreys girls.
So now, turning his back on
the old log home, he headed to-
ward the Humphrey's hoese ranch.
He meant just to drop in and say
"Howdy," and ask casually, "Seen
any o' my folks lately, Tex?" But
there was to be no such casual
talk that day.
At the foot of Black 1Vlounl:ain
in a peaceful and quiet little
whispering glen shut in by quiv-
ering aspens, he came suddenly,
all without warning, upon the
stark horror of a thing which
only a short time before, surely
not more than a day before, had
been Robert Haveril.
(To Be Continued)
Today's Brides
More Practical
Than Their Grandmothers --
Select Good Article But One
That Will Serve Many Pur-
The modern bride is just as
anxious to have her home ex-
quisite in every detail as her
' grandmother was, says a story in
the Christian Science Monitor.
But she is far more practical, ac-
cording to Miss Marie Coudert
Brennig, who has devoted her
career, for the past decade or
more, to advising brides on de-
tails of their homes.
"When the modern bride is buy-
ing a set of dinner dishes, for
instance," said - Miss Brennig,
"she will choose a set which is
just as expensive as her grand-
reother's.was; but one which she
can use for various occasions,
The heavy gold -encrusted dinner
service of our grandmothers' day
served only for formal occas-
"The modern bride likes to
prove to her husband how prac-
tical she can be," Miss Brennig
declares. "No matter from how
wealthy a family he might come,
er she Wright come, she is willing
to start on a shoestring, if only
to prove her husband's faith in
her practically. And she take;;
just as much pride in her home,
and in having every detail ex-
quiste, as her grandmother did."
The Truth About
Mother Hubbard
A long -forgotten manuscript
identified by the Bodleian Lib-
rary, Oxford, England, proves
that Mother Hubbard, of nursery -
rhyme fame, really did exist. Miss
May Stubbington calve across the
original manuscript of the fam-
ous nursery rhyme while going
over some old family papers. it
was written in 1804 by Miss Sarah
Martin, daughter -of Sir Henry
Martin, of Lockynge. So the
rhyme, which is world-famous and
thought by many to be centuries
old is quite young, The inspir-
ation of it was Mother Hubbard,
housekeeper to the famous old
West Country family of Bastard
—whose present representative is
Colonel Reginald Bastard, of Kit- 1
ley, Devon, She had a dog she
was fond of, and had gone to find
it a bone when Miss Martin ar-
rived. So the dog's unhappy dil-
emma was handed down to hie -
U. S. Passport Law
Plays Quer Tricks
Unjted Statespassport restr•i,.-
tions are keeping several Brock-
ville (Ont,) residents off their
own land. They bwn islands in
the St. Lawrence River on the
American side of the internation-
al boundary line but,. lacking pass-
ports, they are not allowed to
sot foot on them,
IVteantitue, to eliminate Were'
sity of Canadian delegate;; get-,
ti»g passports, t annual ae-
selnhly of Rotary District 170,
sehednled to be held in Ogden' -
burg, N. Y. July 22 and 28, was
tra ecrred to Beoc :vibe.
1 presentaLives cf 80 clubs in ,
Il eet:en' Ontario, Quoltcc- and 1
Now 'York State attended.
Being Fat Just
State of Mind
Alfred Hitchcock, .Famed er1-
tish Mouse _Director pecries
Mental Anguish Qccasioned
By Reducing Diet
Being fat is just a state of
mind, and losing weight is mainly
a mental process, says one of the
world's most famous fat men,
Alfred Hitchcock, the British
movie director,
Three tnonthe ago, Hitchcock
weighed 292 pounds, He now
weighs 250 pounds. And he hopes
In a year to be clown to a neat
He has accomplished this by
dieting—by eschewing two of his
three huge. meals a day and by
cutting the third meal down to a.
meagre normal: size.
But it isn't the lack of food
that has taken three inches off
his waistline he insists. It's the
mental anguish, the constant con-
sciousness of the food he's miss-
"It works," he says, "the same
way cooks get fat. It's mental.
People say, "Oh, they're always
tasting thugs . , .' But that isn't
the reason. You can't 'taste' a
steak you're preparing for some-
body else, can you?"
"Hitch" is as famous for his
food 'as for his unusual pictures
such as "The 30 Steps," based
on the book by the late Baron
Tweedsmuir; Governor General of
Canada. It is said that before be
was getting $800,000 for five
picures in Hollywood, he would
often borrow a pound (then $5)
and spent it all on a lunch,
Books of Straw
In normal times wood pulp and
esparto grass are the chief raw
materials used in making paper
in Great Britain. Both have -Co be
imported—the grass from Spain
and North Africa, the pulp from.
Scandinavia, Canada and New-
foundland. To lessen the demands
on British shipping in war -time
paper manufacturers over there
are looking for substitute raw
materials. Straw is a useful one,
and a paper mill in Kent has
adapted its plant to deal with
10,000 tons of straw annually.
With hundreds of thousands more
.acres of corn growing in Britain
this year, farriers 'will have a
substantial surplus of straw for
the paper -makers. So very soon
you may be hearing about books
and magazines of straw—and
receiving "straw letters."
Ice Cream
and Cantaloupe
How about ice cream and canta-
loupe for a porch supper during hot
weather? Make it something special
— cantaloupe a la mode, garnished
with fresh peaches and black-
berries for good measure.
The vanilla ice cream for which
we are giving you the recipe is
going ta . be one of the easiest,
nicest and most economical you
have ever made. Not too rich, but
smooth and full-bodied. Made with
only one part cream to three parts
milk, which is one-third to one-sixth
as much as most recipes cal] for --•
a feature that will delight your
household budget and prove a boon
to those of your family who love
ice cream but find it too fattening.
And using no eggs, so you can
guess how simple it is. .All this
because it is a rennet -custard ice
creast, and rennet has a way with
milk, as yon rennet -custard fans
already know, But why should we
tell you about it, when it's so easy
to try it for yourselves?
Vanilla Ice Cream in Cantaloupe
` 2 rennet tablets-
ablets2 tablespoons cold water
3 cups milk
1 cup heavy creast
1 cup sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla
Dissolve rennet tablets In raid
water. 'Warm the milk, cream,
sugar and flavoring to LUKE -
'WARM --- not hot, stirring con-
stantly. Remove from stove. Add
dissolved tablets, stir a tew
seconds; pour immediately into
freezer can and let set at room tem-
perature until firm and cool.
Freeze . in ice and salt mixture. 4
parts ice to 1 part too cream salt.
Turn freezer about 10 minutes, ite-
movo dasher. Repack with ice and
salt and let set until ready to sorvc.
Serve in halves of thoroughly'
ohillod enntnloupcs, with a garnish
of sugared sliced peeches'and fresh
blackberries, Serves 3.
"rl� ham✓
These cunning crocheted sun suits are easy and inexpensive t
create. The stitch is a new one and works up rapidly. Pattern No, 474
contains list of materials needed, illustration of stitches, and complete
instructions for making sizes 2 to 4 years.
To order this pattern, send 15 cents in coin or stamps to Carol
Armes, Room 421, 73 West Adelaide St., Toronto.
WAR -TIME FOODS (Continued)
Last week I discussed the book
"Food for Health" published by the
Canadian Medical Association as a
guide for all homemakers to pre-
pare for their families meals having
the necessary requirements for the
body's needs but at a minimum
Last week I gave you au outline
suggesting niei us for Breakfast
and luncheon or supper and this
week I should like to ooutiuue with
the outline for dinner menus and
then give you a few comments on
the rest of the book's suggestions.
Dinner Menus
Soup (if desired) Clear, with or
without vegetables.
Meat or fish -meat loaf, shepherd's
pie, Irish stew, pot roast or scal-
loped pink salmon.
Potatoes, mashed, scalloped or bak-
A second vegetable, cabbage, car-
rots, turnips, canoed tomatoes or
fresh fruit in season.
Bread. Whole wheat or white with
Dessert. Apple pie, baked rice pud-
ding, tapioca custard, blanc
mange or fruit in season, fresh or
Tea for adults, small glass of milk
for children.
Change your meals from day to
clay, but make sure that during the
week your family uses the amounts
of the various foods in your list.
Food Costs: The food lists in
this book are based on the follow-
ing prices:
Food Costs: The fond lists in
Vile book are basad on the follow-
ing prices:
Food Price Unit
Milk .12
Green vegetables
Root vegetables
Dried vegetables
Dried fruit
Fresh fruit
Meat or Fish
Bggs "A" med..
and Sweets .011
Quart -- 411 ounces
Bread --- 24 ounces
leck of Potatoes -- 15 lbs.
As we told you last week tar
daily cost per adult was 26 rents
a person; 24 cis, for 1 child. Below
is the diet for Dirt. adult. I..have just
one criticism of the outline: I have
been taught 1 pint of milk per day
per adult and 1 qt. for each child
was the minimum. "Food Fur
Health" specifies a little less, but
if your family is one which dors
not have tea and coffee regularly
you pcahaps could cut down and
siva en the tnlsceliantems list,
which we outlined last week tot
For 1 adult:
Fresh vegetables
Dried vegetables
Fresh Fruit
Dried licit:
.let(. per wk.
4 pts.
14 1b.
iii lir,
.50 p'r wet01:
4 lbs.
5 lbs.
2 lbs.
tk lb.
,50 per week
Meat or fish 1!a ibs.
It gge
.30 per week
F shi zf , Flashes
Soldier's blue woollen is fea-
tured for a one-piece dress with
narrow waistband, which add
gold buttons. The buttons are
worked in double file in the skirt
—a treatment that is being much
used for fall.
A three-piece suit, features the
long -fitted jacket that buttons up
to high club collar and has four
patch pockets. The topcoat is a
boxy one, the tweed fabric a
blend of wools, said to feature
camel hair.
As a college girl feature, the
long Bahama shirt is much fav-
ored. It is a man's type of shitt-
jacket of about knuckle -length,
boxy and casual. It comes in flan-
nel with contrasting flannel skirt.
Simply tailored flannel jacket
suits are highlighted too.
Pleats are nicely worked in
groups to give fullness without,
much flare. A shirred tunnel for
the belt is smartly used on one
casual jersey dress with big poc-
kets. Plain wool jerseys, corduroy
with jersey, cashmere blend jer-
sey, herringbone tweed and plaid
wool mixtures are accented.
One-piece dresses form a group
all their own, ranging front a
simple shirtwaist style that but-
tons all the way down one side
to a spectator dress in jersey
with high collarless neckline, back
buttons and below -elbow sleeves.
Off-centre closings lead fashion
news in slim autumn dress coats.
Washing Upholstery
Before washing upholstery (and
that is an easy way to clean it
when slightly soiled), remove all
dust with a stiff brush or vacuum
cleaner. Take off any stains or
spots with a cntn eeeetal spat re-
mover cleaner.
Then wash a small area at a
thee with warm water and mild
soap suds. .Rinse well with water
and pat as dry as possible with a
soft dry cloth. Keep in a well
aired room until -perfectly dry,
Bread 2 loaves
Flour and Cereal 1 lb.
.25 pr week
Other foods and
flavorings .:11) per week
Miss Chambers welcomes per«
sonal letters from interested
readers. She is pleased to receive
suggestions on toes for her
column, and is even ready to lis'
ten to your "pet peeves." Re.
quests for recipes or special
menus are in order. Address your
tetters to "Miss Sadie B. Chan*.
ers, 73 West Adelaide Street,
Toronto." Send stamped, ser£•
addressed envelope if you wish
a reply.
ISSUE 31—'40