HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-08-01, Page 2T H B WAR -WEE K—Commentary on Current *Events Britain Sc . rns Hitler Peace; ie C st", Declares Berlin Adolf Hitler's failure last week to induce Britain to accept hie "final" peace offer left him. with but one alternative — to make good his threat to "annihilate" England, at whatever cost to Ger many. But as the zero hour approach- ed, in the war's forty-fifth week, it was still a matter of guess- work how Hitler would go about breaking the power of Britain, :Would he attempt it through a wi olesaleoinvasion of the British Isles? Or would he try to bring the country to its knees by pul- verizing it with mass air attacks, at the same time imposing a star- vation blockade by destruction of British shipping? -DOUBLE-HEADER ASSAULT Would the attack on Britain •be coupled with a simultaneous blow in the Mediterranean? Many ex- erts last week expressed that belief. The Battle of Britain could not be a simple, straight- forward affair. The conflict would have to be divided into two interlocking phases the direct German assault on England, and the Battle of the Mediterranean (Mussolini's affair) — for from the Axis standpoint, Britain's hold on the Mediterranean would have to be broken before victory could be achieved. One factor during the week was seen as likely to postpone the new German offensive for the time being, and that was the sit- uation in the Balkans, Russia's thrusting of a finger into the Rumanian political pot at a mo- ment so inopportune to Germany might be causing Hitler serious worry and giving him occasion for pause. THE ANSWER BRITAIN: Britain's answer to Hitler's "last chance" peace pro- posal came promptly, in the deeds of British air forces blasting anew at German targets; in the staggering new war budget which demanded that Britain give up almost 70 per cent of the nation- al income to finance the war; and in the words of Viscount Halifax, British Foreign Minister, re- affirming the will to fight on. During the week, the Govern- ment announced its formal re- cognition of the Czecho-Slovak National Committee in Uxi1e, headed by former Czech Presi- dent Dr. Eduard Belies, as the 1 legal government of the German- 1,otrl nation Pl-img Minister Guarchiil told the House d Com- mons that he did not believe in the exodus of children to Can- ada and the United States; he thought the movement entirely unwarranted . the Admiralty announced the loss of the famous submarine 1`Saimon" (w h i c h sighted the "Bremen" last Dec- ember) . . . German air attacks covered practically the whole is- land, ranging from Scotland to the Channel and from the North. Ea Co the Trish Sea. Aircraft and munitions factories were bombed, railroads and other com- munications, troop concentra- tions, coastal defense works, port facilities . TO GERMANY VIA SPAIN SPAIN: Britain's second big- gest worry of the week, next to actual invasion, was the Spanish situation. General Franco had Just finished declaring that it was his duty to fulfill the desire of Queen Isabella and return Gib- raltar to Spain, and that he had an army of 2,000,000 men ready to back up his contention. It was anticipated that he would make a move against the Rock, aided by German guns across the Bay from Gibraltar (which had been there since the time of the Span- ish Civil War) . . . American citizens returning on the liner "Manhattan" reported German soldiers overrunning Spain. SPAIN AND THE AXIS By last week everybody knew that Germany was getting oil sup- plies from the western hemi- sphere -via Spain. The moment appeared to be at hand when Britain would have to clamp down with a blockade trough which Spain would be permitted to receive only such imports as are not classified as contraband. Such a move, necessary since Bri- tish victory depends to a great extent on the ability' to prevent Germany from receiving essential supplies from the western world, might draw Spain into the war on the side of the Axis powers. * * * FRANCE: The Fascist regime of Marshal Henri Philippe Petain last week ordered the arrest and trial of former high French Gov- ernment leaders, including. ex- Peemier Edouard Daladier, be. cause of their roles hi "declaring and continuing the war" against Germany. The trial will be 'part of a new "domestic moral purge's Of France by retain's new auth- oritarian regime. At the same time all Frenchmen, including Daladier, who fled from Franco after May 10, were ordered de- prived of citizenship, their pro- perty and fortunes to be con- fiscated . DOESN'T FEAR GERMANY RUSSIA: Comforting word came from Moscow last week, Through diplomatic channels Jo- sef V. Stalin informed Great. Britain that Russia will keep out of the European war and sees no Russia , .. In the Rumanian cap- ital, Russian quarters indicated they felt the Soviet had become a Balkan power since acquisition of Bessarabia and therefore ex- pected to be consulted on further political or economic plans in- volving Balkan countries; while rumors ran that Russia had sent a note to Rumania stressing the desirability of a "popular gov- ernment" at Bucharest... CHINA WON'T QUIT FAR EAST: The closing of the Burma Road and the Hong Dong route into China left Chiang-kai- shek's Central Chinese govern- ment with but one hope of secur- ing supplies from the outside world—over the Old Silk Road threading up through the inacces- sible, unknown Northwest into Russia. Nevertheless, undaunted, Generalissimo Chiang -declared the domestic field there would be a gradual intensification of the trend toward totalitarianism, without any immediate drastic steps. The Japaneso Government' appeared to realize that, in the end, it will stand or fall on gen- eral public opinion and hence will not follow blindly any line of action recommended by the extreme militarists, (One thing the Government knows without shadow of doubt and that is that the people want the China war stopped as soon as possible, and t will concentrate' every effort to that end). NEW DEAL IS DOMINANT UNITED STATES: With the acceptance by President Roose- velt of a third -term nomination and the naming of Henry A, Wal- lace as his running -nate, the New Deal carne back into control of the Democratic Tarty in the Un - and :Cuba's strong suggestion that a pan -American protectorate be established over all foreign-owned ..islands off North or South Amer- ica. Disruptive forces were at work at the conference, and touches of the Nazi hand were seen in more than one diplomatic manoeuvre on the part of the Latin-American republics. U.S. CONSCRIPTION PROGRAM In Washington, the U. S. Jus- tice and State Departments an- nounced changes in immigration regulations to facilitate entry of "child guests" from abroad under 16 years ... the Department of Justice ruled that United States citizens in Great Britain could enlist in the Royal Air Force without losing their citizenship, providing they did not take the British oath of allegiance . the National Defence Advisory Commission reported that the Royal Canadian Navy On Active Service In British Waters • These pictures of the Royal Canadian Navy were taken in British waters where units of the Canadian naval forces have already disting- uished themselves in action and have suffered a grievous loss in the sinking of the destroyer Fraser. H.M.C.S. Skeena, first Canadian ship to arrive in English waters, is pictured TOP LEFT, and LOWER RIGHT two of the Canadian warships are shown tied to a dock in an English port. The Canadian officers at TOP RIGHT are Lt. -Comm. H. G. De Wolf, Lt: Comm. H. N. Lay and Lt. -Comm. J. C. Hibberd. Some of the rawny Canadian tars manning the ships are pictured LOWER LEFT a s they went ashore on a brief leave. The pictures were released by the British ministry of information. reason td fear .q,941.141g domina- tion of Esrope reliable s`oiirces drsclosed. The gussian leader was reported to have said that the possibility of German domination of Europe presented no problem /or Russia, because he refused to believe it would come about. According to indications, last week Russia was following up the incorporation of the three Baltic States (Lithuania, Latvia and Esthonia) into the Soviet Union with efforts to arrive at further clarification of her relations with Finland . . . Better feeling be- tween Russia and Turkey was evidenced when the Turkish press made a clear-cut proposal for an alliance with Russia . . TOWARD THE AXIS BALKANS: A pro -Axis trend among the small countries of southeastern Europe was evident in many quarters last week. Ru- mania, which had been going more and more pro -Nazi for some time past, moved to confi- scate the largest British oil com- pany in Rumania; sent some of its chief ministers to confer with Ribbentrop on Balkan politics. To Berlin went Bulgarian govern- ment representatives, hoping to gain back the Dobruja from Ru- mania with the blessing of Hit- ler. Hungary appeared to think that Germany would shortly help her get part of Transylvania from Rumania. Would Germany seek to "strengthen" the Balkans by a peaceful settlement now, of these revisionist claims? Curiously enough, the only country which seemed ready to support Rumania against the claims of Hungary was Soviet that the far eastern war would int by jtortened by t e closing - off of those tr'vo important arte"r- ies. "No third power can shake China's determination to resist until her territorial and sovereign integrity is attained," Chiang as- serted. SHARING THE WORLD In Japan, the minister of home affairs in the new Konoye gov- ernment said: "We cannot doubt that the day soon will come when Japan can share the world with Germany and Italy." But other- wise the new regime appeared to be proceeding cautiously in all fields. Prince Konoye in a radio address to the nation declared that the government would assid- uously keep open the door for the closest relations with Germany, Italy and Russia but would not close it against any friendly overtures that might be made by the U. S. and Britain. From this same address diplo- mats drew the conclusion that in ited States, says the Christian Sieg. ce Monitor. Seven years aft- er Mr. Roosevelt took office, it is his men who are in import- ant managerial positions and his lieutenantn who guided the Demo- cratic convention and will guide the election campaign. Those who lost control •of the Party were Janes A. Farley, Vice -President Garner and certain Senators wi:h Republican leanings. Next in interest to the Ameri- can public last week was the con- ference in Havana on Pan-Ameri- can Defense attended by the ' For- eign Ministers of the 21 Ameri- can republics (Canada ostensibly was not invited). Principal prob- lems on the agenda were econ- omic and military defense of the western hemisphere and disposi. tion of European -owned New World colonies. Under fire even before the conference were sera eral roposals, chief among them the TT. S. -sponsored trade -cartel plan for this whole hemisphere; country had obtained or will ob- tain all the supplies necessary for America's armament program . . the Senate Military Committee approved a revised bill providing for registration of 42,000,000 men, of whom 1,500,000 would DOUBLE 'BOOK ET be drafted in the first year, It was the first peace -time com- pulsory military training program in the history of the United - States . CANADA': The war, unemploy- ment insurance, the grain prob.. lem. Each of these would be en- ough to keep the Parliament of Canada going for a whole session. But last wee::, the hottest and most uncomfortable of the sum- mer, the House had to deal with all three. Opposition to the passing. of the b i 11 providing for unemployment insurance contin- used to accumulate. Unanimously approved in principle when it came before the House for sec- ond reading, strong pressure against it was applied in special committee by representatives of the Canadian Manufacturers' As- sociation. It was also expected to be opposed in the Senate. but labor groups were all for the measure. WHAT TO DO ABOUT WHEAT Three prairie wheat pools last week made several suggestions to Federal authorities on how to re- lieve the anticipated storage con- gestion when delivery of this summer's prairie grain harvest starts The four main points sub- mitted by the pool organizations to the Government were: That the Canadian Wheat Board should handle all the wheat; that some method be worked out for fin- ancing wheat stored on the farm; that farmers be protected against past indebtedness as present pric- es are too low to leave any sure plus after paying current taxes and family living expenses; that a domestic price be set for wheat which could be used to meet all or a portion of the •Government's loss on wheat when the final was less than the initial price. PUBLICITY FROM HITLER An army shake-up took place in the Dominion last week which saw younger men placed in top positions. The new key man of the army in Canada is now Major- General H. D. G. Crerar, chief of the general staff ... Hen. J. 0. Gardiner, minister of war ser- vices;°'and Hon. Angus L. Mac- donald, nlinster of national de- fense for naval services, were both added to the war committee of the Cabinet . Canada achieved public Omen - ton in a new quarter last week: Hitler referred to the Dominion in two different passages of his "last -chance -for peace" speech. He spoke of British leaders carry- ing on the war from Canada should Britain itself tie conquer- ed by Germany .. . LIFE'S LIKE THAT MRS PIP'`; DIARY. By Fred Neher fl) 4007 v . • �,jt / y f j//N ��iT I ytli���hY lr ����"�i/Y ,`. 11:1 91�Yr Bo 1898 by Fred Moh"r rl .. _ "l'il caddy for you for nothing, Mrs. Pip, just for the laughs." REG'LAR FELLERS—Zero THAT Nu7H1N'! WELL, JUS' POKE YOUR HAND A LUL FURTHER BACK IN THE DRAWER AN' YOU'LL FIND IT IN THAT BOX WI-IERE, MY CANDY 1ii47°A► at By GENE B YRNE S