HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-07-18, Page 4Atobor, POUR
ZURIC11• 141:BALD, •
,14,11, e'tr, ,
$AL.E Johnston & Ealbfleisch - Zurich.
17 OR
• --4,,,,:,..7-Twv77.5777.7.mwr,.. jel •Im IgirmfRAITIOAER.
. We aye in a position to supply.. all Farmers with
Salt, in the various fonts— Bring your bags ,.and
have them filled with good quality Salt... Also the
block salt for your stoch on hand. ..-
BINDER TWINE—Let us supply you with the best
of Binder Twine at lowest prices.
A Guaranteen Product that will greatly help your
Stock and Poultry to. Vigor and Production, which
will mean greater Profits. Try itl
t.,:.-,..Gt-,,,saaeczeoot ONIZOCtOGGS000
Sr., at St. -Joseph on Monday. .•
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Atridge of God-
erich spat the week -end with her
mother, :qrs. E. Clarke, and son Will.
La ts Mrs. Mary E. Donadas
This week we have tho sad duty
to cionicie the passing of one -of our
most highly est:lei-mid residents in
the perscra ot3.1rs. Mary Ellen Dou-
glas who at the home of her
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heard
of the Bronson line neorth of 'here,
on 'Wednesday, July 10th in her
73rd year. Mrs. Douglas has been a
resident of Blake for many years,
and undoutedly there was no woman
far and near who was so well known
and so highly esteemed with her
plety;ing and friendly disposition and
:ier honesty and uprightness, she has
,.-on many friends. For many years
Mrs. Douglas and her departed hus-
band, the late P.obert N. Douglas,
who pasiled on last August, they ser-
ved the public in the Blake store -to
the sells 'ae.tion of the public at large
"Me late Mi 4. Douglas was ill only a
short time and died of heart weak-
ness, and was laid to rest in the Bay-
field cemetery on Friday, Rev.- 3. R.
Peters of Varna, officiating. Surviv-
ing are two daughters: (Gladys) Mrs
Russell Heard of Stanley; (Margaret)
:qrs. Donald Turner of London; ,A
brother, George Dick of Hensan..
also John Dick of Orillio; three sis-
ters: Mrs. Bell of Hensalll, Mrs. 'Car•
horpe of Tavistock and another sis-
er in Toronto. The community ,is
rreatly grieved at the passing of
R. N. Douglas, as sheas best
''t11 ti
3 aut ,of 4 Prizewinning Experts
'Use CERTO Regularly
M. Ilta!S. Simpson of Oxford, N.S. — Prize-
winner at Oxford Exhibition %trim,: "1 have used
Certo dor several years and finil
it a gra? ,aid it, snaking iciiins
and ) a411 5 sr have taken several.
Prizes at:recent exhibitions. and
cannot grcdiseZerto too highly.'
OVICKER---EASIER--With Cello you
need hal (only a minute to two eniau tes
.1.• for jana•—,ji half -minute to a malwa,te
for jelly..
little juice can boil away in this
sbott time, you get up oo half
.again more jam or jelly..
shorter boil the !fresh natural taste
and colour renMiig unspoiled and
SURE RKULTS—If you follom the
tested Cvrto xecipes exaclip ,you fj
never neefear results.
071{TO is erwrentritted FRUIT f!ECTIN
Ai% natural jellifying substane* ,exiracted
• from fruit. E170
Wtr. and 1:',11s. Aaroy Erll; and
'Mrs. 'Gordon 147) and lar,wy
;trowel) spent Sunday at Seaforth.
IVfiss 14.;lva Hoy, at Micro,is
7:titaluding her Summer holidays at he
Vtioaroate hero,
wuR CUM ilEmE 80012:e
Filo Book of 73
for jams and
inHies with every
bet* of CERTO
The Ladies Aid of .the Evangelical
church ate having a sale homemade
baking and ice cream in. Ilemans
furniture -store on Saturday, jury 27
with proceeds in aid of the Red Cross
The Glee Club of 'Naperville, Ill will
present a program in the Evangelical
church on Friday evening, July 19th.
Don't miss this.
Mr. R. J. Armstrong and Miss Lot-
tie. Armstrong, Mrs. Howard Pierce
and Mr. Herson Armstrong and fri-
end, all of London, were Sunday vis-
itors with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Restain-
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hartleib of
London were Sunday visitors with
friends were.
Hubert Retemeyer of London, sp-
ent the week -end with his 'parents.
Mrs. Pope and daughter of Toronto
called on friends here on Tuesday.
Miss Margaret Meerburg of Port
Frank visited with Mi. Jonas. Hart-
leib and Lavade on Saturday.
Onieda Re-teme.ei it. N. ,of
London • is spending her vacation
with her parents. . •
Mr. and Mrs. Homebrook of Tor-
onto, Miss Selina Eifert of Detroit,
and Mrs. Willoughby and daughter
of Arkansas were week -end visitors.
with Mrs. Mary Schroeder,N
Late Mrs. Henry Schroeder
The death occurred on Wednesday
:July 10, of Harriett (Hattie) Snider
beloved vire of Henry Schroeder at •".
her reddence here in her 66th yar,
following an illnsss of about 9,''wks,
She was hoin in Clambourg, York Co:,
and lived in Stephen Twp., for .26
years and for the last 16 year's 're-
sided in the village. She was a very
effici.ent worker of the .church of God.
on the B Line, Stephen. Is survived:
by her husband, art adopted son How-
ard Schroeder who is in active Ser-
vice, and a brother, Duncan Snider
of Hay ToWnsliip, a10 six grandchil-
dren. The funeral was -held on Sat-
urday afternoon from her late resi-
dence to the Evangelical church,in-
terment followed in•the Exeter Cem-
etery. • • • -t •
' „1. - •
Mr„ Harold EC Stoll, and .7q.iss Lor-
etta Bender of TKitchener; M:7,. Dar -
ban, Bender and :ion Clayton of Tav-
istock were Sunday'visitors with Mr,
, !
The many friends of Miss Irene
Douglas etre pleased to learn. -mat she
lilts been able to return from , Scott.
Memorial floWtail, Seaforth after
her recent operation.
Misses Mac and Jessie MoMorran
and Mr. Wilf. Anderson of Chicago,
attended the funeral of the latter's
sister, the late Mrs, Geo. Di& on Tu-
esday last. About three hun •lred rel a tives and
Mr. and ,Mrs, N. E. Cook and fam- friends gatlieted at the Daynetl pay,
ily have returned home after a pleas- Rion in honor of Mr, and Mrs. Alex.
and Mrs. Edniund Swartzentvulior. , who were' married roeengy
ant holiday at Wasaga BefiLC:.t.
Haxald Shepherd of 'iioronto was a and presented them' With two occasi-
A number of people here atterida, visitor with relatives hero„ Ile was onal chairs and a table., The address
-1,40 funeral cif the late, two Jeffrey, itopornpattied hone by mv,,, ghophord Nvaa read by W. IlVicKentiP, &awing:
Thursdays July 18th, 1940
It is none too soon to begin to provide funds for paying your
necessarily increased income tax when it falls due next April.
Here is a practical plan:
An INCOME TAX Stallings Account
Open immediately at the Bank a special savings
account just for income tax purposes, and deposit
each week, each fortnight or each month enough of
your income to accumulate by next April the full
amount of your tax. By faithfully following this
plan you will be fully prepared and will avoid
The Bank of Montreal is glad to offer this special service to
make it somewhat easier for you to meet your tax obligation to
help our country.
szumnammentrnsanswesnmsrassnommximmars• rstrassmosawastmess
.7.4: rAint iri
6 go &its etst&
Zurich BI:anch: E. M. DAGG, Manager
.alr.S=EIZENZZSZ,17=SZW3,17,...." .
Able Bodied Men...Milling to Work on Farms
for Two or Three Months . . are Available for
Haying, Harvesting ancl General. Farm Work
The Government of Ontario is ready and willing to help Fanners
who need extra workers. Realizing that farm crops are vital to Canada's
war effort, the Ontario Department of Labour has formulated a plan
to register workers who will be available to harvest these crops.
In view of the fact that there is a scarcity of farm help we ask for
your co-operation. Many willing workers have registered for work
with the Ontario Department of Labour and are now ready for
immediate employment. Farmers who need extra help should apply
to the nearest Ontario Employment Office. • or write direct to
A. MacLaren, Director Farm Training, Department of Labour, Parlia-
ment Buildings, Toronto.
HON. N. 0. HIM
Minister of Labour
hr sPent a week with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Sini1Iie.•
-Miss Olive Walker, 1 N, Who has
Creon holidaying with her parents,Mr.
and Mrs. ,Geo. Walker, left' for her
home in Albany, New Tork.•
tiFs Donna McEwen returned
home otter a pleasant visit with re-
latives lin Toronto.
Couple Honored
was enjoyed to the strains of Mur -
dock's orchestra with Win, Hayter as
floor manager.
. Mrs. Peter Murray
Mrs. Peter Murray passed away at
her home 2.nd con., Hay on Friday
last n her 69th year. The deceased
was formerly Mary C. IVIeShinray and
had been in ill health for some time.'
Surviving is her beareaved husband;
two sons, Jack of t)etroit and Wm.
of the West; four daughters, of which
ano, the,
is at home. A public fun-
ei al hold from the residence with
Rev. WM. Weir of Efensal officiating,
br.turrnerst in Exeter tenn.Aery.
Mrs. George Dick, formerly Miss
Nellie Anderson passed away In her
sixtieth, year., She was a daughter of
the late Mr. and Mrs. David Ander-.
son of .Chicago and grandaughter of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell or
Hensall. IMrs, Dick who was in fait -,
,health for some time, was unithal
fin marriage to her bereaved husband'
29 years ago in Chicago and has re•.
sided at her late residence west sof
the village ever since.. She was a
kindly woman and will .be greatly rni,a
sed by her family and friends, Sul--
, wi-ving is her husband, two sons,Fairk
tand Eiwin of 'ClUseihurst and alas,
, La,tet lam Egcfc, itor Aaughterv.