HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-07-04, Page 8GE MGM' ZURICH HERALD ew LADIES DRESSES Ian Dotfle2i Swiss VI -Ales in �� prettyshades of Blue and Wine at $;1.50 each LADIES Silk DreN'�:."::, i.n new Styles, floral designs at 2,59 each. GIRLS' SLACKS in fast color, Zero shrunk cloth, Navy with white and wine tram. Priced from 1.19 to 1.69 pair. MEN S WEAR New Felt Hats, Fine Shirts, Work Shirts, Every- thing in Underwear; Fine Trousers; Made-to-Meas- u.te Suits, Sweater Coats, Straw Hats, Etc. GROCERY SPECIALS Sugar crisp corn flakes 3 for 20c Chocolate Cookies, per lb. 17c Jollo, 4. for 19c Sodas, 2 lbs. for Coffee, per lb 25c 30c Super Suds with bowl Cookies, per lb. Canned Corn, per tin .,..25c 15c 1 Oc We have seed corn, sorghum, Mangel and turnip seed for sale at lowest prices J. GASCHO &SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 RP II MO [III ,_ •_ iillliliiU! l] I ► u I I 1 1 111111111111111011111111111111111111111 moli111l `111111 ll010111111i►ilii Auto Insurance Rates ARE LOWER FOR 1940 Special Low Rates for Farmers Living " on Township Roads Special Advance Allowance for Storage on Farmers' Cars. Winter Rates and Partticulars Given without Obligation Andrew F. Hess, = Zurich Local Representative - Zurich 1$8410100060416•00.4148640114414011.***666080.2414.1101110114141611114 HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE W ire Fencing If you are thinking of doing any Fencing this year, be sure and consult Us. And be sure it is the famous Frost Fence! FROST FENCE .... for long life. Come in and see our stock of !sect Farm Fence .. the finest we've Ores had. Heavily galvanised b' epeeist Frost process. Wears for lifetime. We can quote you attractive prime. law .art . ,1i 1 !`.,. :t1e1�u`i'.1tir4II— W,'rr. WIs$ at'!ter+ 1111trawrr +r>am ..rte.._ • - IU" TIGHT ` '' LOCI ZINC BONDED as . dwM. FROST Men ire SAVES VOU MONIIY11 PAINTS! PAINTS! ,^ We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Sherwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes; Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes in all sizes s Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt ;and Marshall Mattresses . - ; -.: .,... Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- • ware always in stock. "' I STADE ...... o ZURICH — O T. QUALITY SERVICE - S+flE@G9�l�+wiai�uRdl.�`;rt� x 1 1 t Jif, (soap flakes with 2 fruit dashes) Lux Flakes, 1 pkg. and 3 Lux. soap Jell A. Milk pudding poyder 2 ukgs. Huskies, whole wheat flakes, 2 pkgs Picnic Pie plates, per dozen re 1Oc Lemons, large size, per dozen ........• .................•.30c Catsup falcon, 14 -oz bottle 10c Vegetable soup, 1 5 -oz can .....10c Menno Oesch Zurich EGGS WANTED. Phone 165 ill 11111 I111111111111I11I111Q1111111111111111111111M1111III111NIII11111111111111aI11111111IIIIIIIIl11111111111u1111111111111111111111111111111111111I111111111111111111u111111lial STEMS 01 LUt AL INMKtail Mr. and Mrs. Lee Willard were Monday visitors at Hensall. Mrs. Mary Miller was at Croderich for a week. Hay Council will hold its July me- eting on Monday evening July 8. Err. Claytus M•ittleholtz of London is spending a few days in town. Mrs. Hy. Magel of Detroit, is vis- iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Geiger. Mrs. Bryce of Winnipeg is visiting with her son, , D. and 'Mrs. W. D. Bryce of town: • Miss Beatrice Gerber of Hensall, spent the week -end with friends in. New Hamburg. The Misses Johnston attended the Memorial Services at Fair' Mount cemetetry, at Baden, on Sunday. -- Miss, Nora Balkwill of the Zurich teaching staff left for - her home ..at London. '!Miss Balkwill will not 'be back,. having resigned here. Mr. and Mrs. Earl' Snaith Ge. -De- troit were visitors with Mr: Smith's aunt, Mr. and Mrs. 'Josiah Geiger of town. • _air. and Mrs. Arthus Haugh ' and daughter of Dashwood were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrsr. .Sol. Zimmerman: • - • Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hess and fam- ily are spending a few days ,holiday - ;r r in their rolling home in the Pin- ery. • .Vass. Stoneman, Sr., of Chiselhurst; was a week's visitor with her grand- son, Mr. and. Mrs. Victor Dinnin of town. .Mrs. C. Fuss and son l5avid, Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Edkins and. family mot- ored to :Sl: th on Sunday to visit re- latives and friend_. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pitt and Miss Alma Pit`. of Hyde Park ;.,.ent the week -end with. 7"•.. and' Mrs. Elmore Thiel, near Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred -Westlake of Hayfield, accompanied by Mrsr. Jos- iah Geiger and daughter Elaine. of town• were week -end visitors with re - Misses Ruth and Gertruce Turk- heim of Montreal ,were visitor's 'at their home here the past -week. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Clausius and Mr. Harold and Bernice Thiel of Zurich spent the week -end with fri- ends in Kitchener.' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steinbach of town, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Steinbach and son Earl of London enjoyed a motor trip up the Bruce Peninsula, and Tubermory. Mr. and Mrs. Arlie Dieterich and Mr. Emery Rulby and son Burton of Kitchener were week -end visitors with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm S. Ruby.' Messrs. Ray Ortwein, Gordon Sur- erus, MVlelvin and Harrison .Schoch were recent 'visitor's with Leeland and Clare Surerus at Parry Sound. The boys report good fishing up north. • A large number of delegates and friends attended the +Sunday .School convention at Zurich Mennonite church over the week -end. Bishop Durstein ,of Kitchener was the . main speaker. . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Steinbach, Mr and Mrs+ Ted .Steinbach and Son Ed- gar enjoyed a motor trip to Holly, SViich., .where they visited the form- a•'s broL'ner, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Steinbach. Died at Elkton, Mich. ' Word was received here on Mon- day of the passing of one ofZurich'e former elder residents in the person of Mr. John Gallman who passed a- way on that day at the ho -::s of his •,,aughter Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Her- ford, near Eikton,'°•Mich. Mr. Gall- man, who was in his 91st year wad only 20 days away from his 91st o'riith.day, and has been ill for ac:ne time, while his bereaved wiouw is a few years younger, is enjoying. quite good health. The publisher of tie Herald as well as many other' frieds in Zurich cherish fond memor- ies •of this fine aged couple and it is with syrnpalthetic thorn,hts }hal' wr make these few remarks. The funer- al will. be held 'Thursday at Elkton. 1 LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter, creamery 25 Butter, dairy 24 Eggs 17, 15, 12 Wheat, bushel 60 Oats, bush 33 'Barley, bush 45 Buckwheat, bush. ...... _ . _ . _ 45 Flour, cwt. ' 2.60'13%00 Potatoes„, ew• ----------,.... 5 --ms. 25 Live Hags, cwt.. ..._._._..... .9'.00 THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING Visit Our Salon for your MID -SUMMER SPECIALS Let us quote you on the wiry, hest and latest Permanents, that are pleas- ing.. satisfactory and that, will give you personality. Hairdressing Salon at rear of Store. For appoint- ments call us by phone 102, Zurich. MRS. FRED THIELE, Proprietress No Holidays .A large number of our .subscribers are asking us where we were on our holiday week, last week. Well the fact is we had no "pep" to take any holidays this year and stayed at home making a few improvements.• With present unsettled conditions, our country at war and other irregu- ldtities, we felt much better' at home. L. P. 5. SCHOOL REPORT According to regulations• which came into force in 1939, pupils _ who are successful in completing the work ef Grade 9 and of Grade 10, may receive Intermediate Certificates. The subjects for Grade 9 are.: , English (including spelling), social studies, (History and Geography), Health ed- ucation, mathematics, general science or agricultural science, French, bus- iness practice and writing, shop work or hoarse economics, music and art or music of ant. For grade 10, English, sbcial studies, and health education are, obligatory subjects,. and niathem- atisc, science of • agriculture,: shop work or home . econotni•cs, commercial work or German or •Greek, music or music or art, Latin and French are optional subjects. The pupil may sel- ect !four or more of the optional sub- jects. The following pupils of grade 10 have successfully completed work in the subjects indicated: Dagg, 1VI. Eng. Social Studies, health, mathematcis, agriculture, shop work, Latin, french Music; •Dieterich, I— Eng. Social studies, health, math., agric., shop wrk,, lapin, french; Ducharme, C.— Eng., So.c. studies, health, main., agr. shop wrk, music; Geiger,. R.—Eng., social studies', ` ' health, math., agr., home economics, music„ Gingerich,D. —Eng., social studies, health, maths, agric., home econ, latin, french, music Haberer, F. -Eng.,. social studies) health, maths, agric, home econ, latin french Hoffman, T.—Eng.,social studies, health, maths., agric., home Poon, latin, .french, music; ' Mouss- eau, N.—Eng., social studios, health, maths, agric, Name econ, music; 0' Brien, D. --Eng, social 'studies, health, maths, agric, home econ, music; O'Dwyer, P.—Eng, social • •studies, health, maths, agric, home econ, latin french, music; ' Oesch, R.—Eng. so sial studies, health, maths, agric, shop The following pupils of 'grade 9 have satisfactorily completed the work in the ,lulbjects indicated: Flax- bard, W.—health, maths, agric, bus.: iness practice, music and art, shop work, ; Gin.ge.rich, Della—Eng.; soc- ial studies, health, maths, agric sci- ence, french, business practice and writing, home econ, music, and art; iMittleholtz, P.—Eng., social studies, health, maths, french, business prac- tice andwriting, home econ, music and art; . Thiel, M.—,Eng,, social st- udies, health, maths, agric science, french, home econ, music and art, iatin'; Tuerkheim, H. Eng:; socicall studied. health, inath s„ ''usiness prac- ticd and writing, shop work, art. work, music. eao $r + 4. 4 2 + + + + + 4 : SLIGHTLY :USED FURNITURE ti For the more conseftrative purchaser we can save + you many a dollar as 'we Piave a fine assortment of • Slightly Used tFurniture that will give you big value for your Money. Drop in and look these over and get our 4 Remarkable Low Prices - 4. 4 Thui'sda., 1.44 r srj YOUR SEASON'S REQUIREMENTS We Always Carry a Furl Line of the Best of both Shelf and Heavy Stanle Hardware: Stoves. Furnaces, and all Heating Equipments. Let Us Offer You Good Suggestions along this Line. Some Good Used Heaters at Very Reasonable Prices FURNITURE See Our Studio Couches and Dinnette Suite* A Full Line of all the Home Requirements Always keep`a Good Stock of New and the very Latest, in Furniture at Very Reasonabl e Prices, quality Con- sidered. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Mattress, Dining Room Suites, Occasional Chairs Rockers. Etc. j9thistonezlialbfleisch-: 4 � ardware 8c.. Furniture... Phone `63• Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD.. ++it444+i'i'i•+++++++++++*+++b7 ++4 +++++++++++++++++44+++41 Why Pay 2 Renu 1 Let Us Discuss with you the New Way of • ; Ow nim, Your Own Home on Easy Monthly' ` Payments. Call in. and' see uor new type of BLOCK FLOOR At a Very Low Price. C. KALBili_ISC: 4 4 ZURICH a+++++++++++++++++4++4+•: ++ iv+++++•Sr+++•i•4.4.•i•.+++ F •l� i• •f •F i•+4 • RICH IN CARBOHYDRATES, bread is the best and cheapest source of human fuel+ 11 actually supplies one fourth of the food energy of the people of the Dominion. And, made with the usual modern milk formula, bread is an important source of protein, equal to meat in muscle building and repair. If your tasks call for quick or sustained energy, be sure to eat plenty of bread. Your baker makes an appetizing, nutri- tious loaf that will help you meet life's emergencies today. YOUR BAKER'S SKILL, scien- tific equip- ment—and the finest ingre- dients — give you a loaf apt- surpassed nsurpassed lint wholesome- ness and de. 1kiouffi 'flavor., Na : tX1 5 al aaaa