HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-07-04, Page 4e rOXItt
r• 4Ith, 1"944'
3 out of 4 Jam and Jelly
Champions use CERTO
Mrs. J. S. Wardner of l3elleville, Ont.
--Prizewinner at Shannonville and
Tweed Fairs, says: "I always keep a
bottle of 'Certo on any pantry shelf , ..
I appreciate the confidence Certo gives
me in making prize-winning jams and
So quick—So easy—With Certo you
only boil a minute to two minutes
for jam —a half -minute
to a minute for jelly.
More Jam or Jelly --In this short boil so
little juice boils away that you get up
xo half again more, jam or jelly.
Lovely Taste and Colour—Again--in
this very short boil the fresh natural
taste and colour remain unchanged
and unspoiled.
Results Sure You'll always get good re- --1Fj---
sults if you follow the Certo recipes'
Certo is concentrated FRUIT
PECTIN ...the natural jellifying
substance extracted from fruit.
Free taook of 73 Recipes
for jams and jellies with
every bottle of Certo.
OUR RR too/
There are no spectators in
this war_... we ie all in it,.
No freedom .... , no happiness no contentment
is possible for :any one of us until this evil
thing . . this :w:orship of brute force is wiped
forever from :'ire face of the earth. Not every-
veone is priveleged '.to wear the King's uniform,
but we can all make some contribution to :our
common -erase, Use •can all buy WAR SAVINGS
CERTIFICATES this Jmonth . . next month . .
every month„ •gas long as the war lasts.
The opportunity to tblzy. WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES
is the privilege 'of 111 'Canadians . the privilege of
helping to win :fhe war.
War Savings c xt faisates are sold as follows:
For mr $ $ Certificate you pay $ 4
For a ;$ LO ,Certificate you pay $ 8
For a $ 25 Certificate you pay $20
For a $ 50 ace tificate you pay $40
For a $108 (Certificate you Pay $$0
Apply at any !S ai , Rost .Office or -other Authorized
War Savings Stamps esaat 25c each and are sold every.
where. 16 Stamps entitle you to one $5 Certificate,
Every dollar you invest In War Savings Certificates
is an investment its eeenrity . for you . . ° for
your children.
Buy them regularly orrery month. R is your continuing
Serveby saving
every month
Don't forget the trig picnic in Nee.
xench Settlement -March grounds an
aurcday, July 4th, Don dinner
nd supper will be . r 1•,*E•d,
?/••' rim 't :t,
gg �Y
mq1.r. Mee,.
. Julius Thiel. f and ,
Week -end visitors at the home '
�W and
M .
Moeller were.
405, and Mrs„ ftalpll Snider and ;sent
Alio ;Miss Edith ii; 11, Mr. and Mrs'
Burray !Hall all of Toronto; Mr. and
Mrs, M, L. Weber Of Elmira; M•r.
arid' ;M1,6. Peri Burn of lfilvea•tora.
Week -end visitors at the home of
Mr, a,ifl Mrs. Jacob Orievel J were:
Ory r
Crest. ,-. (;orar*i1i,41ai+a-
l �
. '+, assts trap, .
Jia'. Carl. 'ere
Walker- Hein -':A aaifl ,i?9�n iJ of Dew-
e —:trnr Mr. Kind Mrs. !Jerry Andersort
and family ofFreelton and ivlr, and
Mrs, Milton DietZ and aTony' p guar.
fah. �...
L. A. PRANG .and SON
SOLD BY: General Repairing and Used Car Sales
Leather Goods and Harness General Store
In Magistrate's Court son
Goderich—A. Garen, of -Clinton,
was committed for trial on an indict-
able charge of reckless driving aris-
ing out of a motor accident on high-
way No. 4, just south of Clinton, on
March 23 last, in which Frank Fing-
land, K.C., Clinton lawyer, was ser-
iously injured. Garan, who Pleaded'
trial by judge and jury, was bailed
in the sum of 81,000. The case had
been hanging fire pending recovery
of 111r. I ingland, who entered court
on crutches and gave his evidence
seated on a chair. He suffered a brok-
en leg and other injuries. Larne J.
Brown, also of Clinton, charged with
careless driving in 'connection with
the same accident, had his case dis-
:missed. --Seven Indians, all named
Dockstetter, were acquitted of char-
-Mr:- and Mrs. Wm. Davidson atten-
ded the Salter—Davidson wedding in
Stratford on Saturday.
(Intended for last week)
Wedding .bellls have been ringing
again in this vicinity, when they
rang loudly for Mr, Cooper Forrest
on Thursday evening last, The many
friends of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest ex-
tend to them hearty congratulations
for a Iong and happy jeurney over
the matrimonial sea.
Quite a number from this,. commun-
ity attended the Love re -union at
Grand. Bend on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. David Davidson and
sen. Dalton of Stratford; MissGrace
Cxovrine of irlc nallan and Mr. Troy
froodv,art of Meordllyd visstt;d Sun-
.gee of theft of tools, axes and cross- ,dal" +r,rsZh Mr, and Tr; . Wm. T.J'avid-
cait saws valued at 830, from the sfin.
otierich :Mfg, Co. far which firm
they had been cutting wood in Stan- 'DASHWOOD
lley 'Twp. Spokesman for the Indians
said tthe gang had received no cash ' The shipment . f hitting alyso in-
-in the three weeks they had worked, arched 41 far•,*tt:iz4;, f3 eweati,r,- t air
only'lood, some clothes and the tools serf. tlette and 0 bed gowns:. Red t';roag'
for which they considered they had reee,tangl ere lArlrtg rtr id every 'I'Fiune
paid in labor. Six vagrants, gathered ` day afternoon jai the li ertr alt o -f. the
in from ' a.il parts of Huron County Evangelical rlln.rah until further not -
and who had .spent from ane to four ice All iari.ix e of the emu—nuttily are
weeks in jxti1, were given two years. requested tocorttis to th4lX mootirags.
suspended .sentence and told to -'tear
.clear out'of ,the county f'orth\.vith on Mr anrl fr.,s. lsorn": 1 hlt: tai ]3t
penalty of a�lain being locked up, trait sptxit the wr,�l ental will: lt+fr,
When told thele was plenty of week
anti Mrs, Slayton. I'iilri.
and et get going, some of tluean grin- Mrs. L, e`VIcisaac and MTS. O. Res-
raed, temeyer• said sin Donald are sZirind-
1N1 I L L S R" E N ing a few i$ays with friene In De -
Mie John Baker and iv1i Cooper Mr, and Mts. Wm, Schultz of Mt,
of tie London )toad, made a business Clemens, ,Mich,, sprintr n ftiw days
tap to Sarnia recently, with Mr: and Ales, L, ivarlinor.
The manly Friends of Disc. Peggy s
Fuss will tm ;lafl to knew that pia.,
s recover a r- i.
ire after ly r. ,,
. .a' � i�r .i•
.,.a 1 "t
on In tliJit•,, li,i•��eal.
Miss Grace Hayter of Windsor, is
eptrirditle her vacation nit). her par-
ta "-
.m, Air. •:i l is;rs. ��o.s. � !•e,P ..-
1. o lh,*•J, *i er.ii .°.. i,10
\•inn are t5,..ay to 1.,.1:011, "4Si i '7 S:•!id 1n i?'e i"r'7.i .. - '.
.•oniric had the 1,
at mi:sfa>rtun+, to in'ui•.' The Dashwood Red Ca'o.ts i:a'ttr b.F
his knee while attending the sch,iol dontratelaatf••i on the fine shipment I
prcnie amt 13aetield. w;aic;ia vitas sent to Exeter for the'
5 {
r* John hili parolee' a o
y� f St.�Y
a r ti"
a ora month f 1'J,un4.,An
d and o app -gal for blare
ds,txgliters Edyth and Phyllis are vis- kt,'ts was made and the Members of
•tr rth • r
i .n� �' , X11,, arid .Maps, Wim, favid- the ,I;ili�•ttQitA'xl' eo?rgr�tgutiata �•<�l ttod
Salt! Salt! �
All Farmers requiring Salt should leave their orders
with us no later than May 20th. Bring your empty
bags, or leave your order before the proposed Tax
is put on Salt.... Act Now!
We have an up-to-date Seed Cleaning Equipment
that we use for Custom Cleaning, and invity the it
Farmers who have seed to dean to arrange with us
for this Work
A Guaranteen Product that will greatly help yotzr
Stock and Poultry to Vigor and Production, which
will mean greater Profits. Try itl
! L.' Schil ._ .
Crow workers held a refuge shower The following organizations an*
which netted the following: 3 .boys' S.S. Classes donated blankets: Evan ,
shirt% 14 men's gowns, 24 -towels, 0 elical Ladies' Aid 2 blankets; .Lutes -
waeh cloths, 5 ,boy's pants, 11 pair eran Ladies' Aid. and League, 2 bran •
ladles hose, 5 ladies vests, 3 ladies get', Il'enrieh Memorial Band, 2 blare
Alps,. 2 adk'.t drawers, 11 infant's 1 t+.s: Sewing Circle,
+ •.
1; Da
rests, 14 gills drawers, 10 rllowiJldinin�•1II 1; iicrIlstor Cate:2@r1,r, f „I+laL° :itt#fr � t 4H`r/ai`Seldieee of the Ore C- l,4k'aae
•n f 8 ! ,e's :ewe G ,a;^a.; ; raacw 11:!{•, .l,l tat.
.1.* t`; �
. .r r it ill P ,•. re ,..:t IR pr. <; , ri-o. hilt's, q ;
pr. children .sto�;rci1tgu,' 21 pr. rail*t: class 5 night gowns. 2 re fm -v, l; jn,},
soc:ke, 1 girl slip, girl's -dress, pr.'soaks, 1 apron, 1 dregs. YIDS, Gera,.
,iaeeties, 5 5ersey sweaters, .1 wool Link .also donated 2 beautiful quilte
sates apron, a
s a.� -.on. itn t 5 hssradlzerc'hi-
tothe Dashwood Unitto I4 given
torefs, . quilts, 8 pr.
short 5 toys suits the :I;:retor branch to sell, the mono*
3 px;, iboo to ,sataSe ILO V toward the Red Gra,'s.