HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-07-04, Page 1z. .• • • ••••••••*.a.^••••••••,••••••••••• Forty -First 'Year ZURICH& THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 4, 1940. .•••••••••••••• 1 'COMFORTABLE GLASSES At • REASONABLE PREC1ES C. E. Zlii4rigg ,R.O. OP7'0IVIETRIST at EXETE• Th� R Newest. Approve& kfethad of Opei every Week Day Except 'ffeifewsslar. •••••••••••••••0•1 .Rates: in, Canada, in advalle4 $1,50 in U.S.A., in advancer: CHESTER L. SM.IT11, Publisher. id ublisli your Summer Visits and Visitors ••••••• •.•••• ••• • Grand Bend Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L COLE, R. O. OPTOMETRIST SC OPTICIAN GODERICH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices BETTYANN'E BEAUTY SHOP SEASON'S SPECIALS Get Your Special irilow! All Permanents Guaranteed. Croquinole waves; a Spedialty. Our main Special, a Eugene, with a deeper wave rata a tighter our/ regular $7.50 for $5.00. Morning special only, free shampoo with •every finger wave. Be sure to call 159 for appointment and amid being disappointed. • Phone 159 Zwick for Appointments. MRS. ED. GASCHO, Prop. •••••••••••iNMP.Irf•04141.~••••••••••••••••000.1•••••••••••••••........0," • a Used Cars Clean Up SALE Getting Read'sr Ear The 1941 Dodge 1932 PLNAKHIPM COACH VERY CHOICE 1934 . CHENlike.X.EX COACH!. , • REFINISHED DARK 35WE CREAM, WFIEFT '5, 'i:939CHEVROLET COACH BLAr-lca LOOKS AND RUNS LIKE NEW 1936 VS COACH. BLACK, WITH HEATER ONE OWNER . , . 1937' DODGE DE LOX • COACH LOW MILEAGE 1931 CHEV. COACH 1930 CHEV. COACH 1930 FORD COUPE 1929 CHEV. SEDAN 1930 FORD COACH 1937 DODGE COUPE Many' Others to Choose From WARD FRITZ. ••••••••1111 itor ," WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursdax, Friday and Saturday Kellogg's. Corn Flakes, 2 pkgs. .......... ......... ..... 15c axwell House coffee I -lb, tin Quaker puffed li,kvheat 3 pkgs. Corn„ garden haptam per tin Break: 0Morn Coffee, 1-1b. pkg. Heinz baked beans Med. 2 tins Salmon, Cascade I -lb. tin Cocoa r tini Rinso, Iarge pkg..— Golden Texas grape fruit juices 20 -oz. Infants Delight soap 3 cakes Vanilla ext. 8 -oz.. bottle. Kovah idly Maker, pkg. . — .14c Certo, per bottle 27c 41c .21c 35c .25 c 17c 25c 24c 113c 17c ... ... . Childrens ankle socks . ..... 15c and 25c Childrens printed and Plain Dresses Ladies House Dresses .. ...1.00 j 11•••••Eam • 146 NIGHTLY WILLIS 'TIPPING AND HIS Cascade Rhythm Orchestra - 11 Musicians. Nickel bancing Amateurs Look! Contest Every Monday Except Holi- days! 1st and 2nd Prize winners •enter final Aug. 26th. Cash prizes 1st and 2nd every Monday. See New Surf Shop at the Casino! Smart new swim Suits and Sports- wear CONCERT EVERY SUNDAY EVE. At 9 p.m. Sunday July Mi—Park- hill Brass Band. CARD OF THANKS The bereft relatives or the late John Flaxbird wish to take this med- ia= in greatly thanking the neigh- bors and friends who so nobly gave of their assistance and sympathy dur- ing the illness and departure of the departed. OBITUARY , Late John Flaxbird There passed away to -his eternal reward in Zurieh on Friday' June 21, John Flaxbird after an illness Of a- bout- 10 months, aged, 67 years, 10 months and 9 days. Deceased who was born in the &nigh district, had when a young man 'gone. -to ;Stanley Township where he stayed for forty' ye -ars, returning to Zurich hout years ago staying with his relatives, and for the past ttwo years made his home with his sister, Mrs. Michael Meidinger, where he also passed on. He was of a very dependable, quiet and peaceable disposition, and had macre many friends (hiring his life- time. Deceased was unmarried and leaves the following to mourn his loss: five sisters, Mrs. L. Kraft, Mrs. F. C. Kalbfleisela Mrs. C. Hey, Mrs. M. Meidinger and a brother, Mr. Henry Flazbard, all. of Zurich. The funeral was held on Sunday, June 23rd from the home of Mr -and Mrs. M. Meidinges, interment followed in Ila/field cemetery. Rev. E. Turk- heim, :of Zurich officiated. Presentation On Monday evening, June 24th, fr ends :and neighbours gathered at th :home of Miss Lenora Haberer, bride elect, and presented her with a mis cellatte:ous shower. The bride-elec was the recipient of many ,beautifu and lase -al gifts. The guests were ei tertained to a. mock -wedding, wit Mrs. C. Haberer and Mrs. K. West lake as the bridal couple; Mrs. Cha Thiel the officiating clergyman, Mis Mildred Ha-berer bridesmaid, and Mr Earl Thiel as train bearer, whit created a great deal -of amusement... dainty lunch was served in buffo style. The following address wa read: Dear Lenora—We, as members o St. Peter's Luthern Church relataive and friends have gathered to :brim you honor in the step you are t make, namely, Holy Matrimonial. You have always proved yoursel willing worker in the church as wel as hi other organizations, and w feel we dare not let this opportunit go by without sharing some littl tokens. Therefore we ask you to ac cept these gifts as a remembrance o those present. you and John travel life' High -ways, may these fond- recollect fens bring you much cheer and hap pinesi. As you go along this path d not forget to take out Almighty Goc as your Comforter, Guide and Direct or. He will bless your lune which you are about to establish. 'With your cheerful disposition and the smiles of your companion, you wfl continue to be a blessing to the folks you meet. May you both be spared to enjoy a long wedded life With much. Health and Hap -pines are the wishes from your many relat- ives. and friends. - •Mias Lenora responded in a very pleasing manner thanking all for their many aseful gifts, and express- er tvpxoolation, e t h s. s t s f 0 f1 y f Miss Dorothy O'Brien has left for Grand Bend where she has a position Mr. Leo Mittleholtz of Kitchener, Was a week -end visitor with his bro- ther led in town. a: Miss Jane Lamont has returned home after visiting in Forest for a while. Wm. Dumart of Kitchener was a, holiday visitor with the Yungblut 14111Miti.Y. 'Stanley Ohler of Goderich was a:visitor to the home of Mrs. C. Eng land on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. George Farwell and daughter Helena motored to Kitch- ener over the weelaend. , Mr. Allan Gascho has accepted a position for the summer months in Len's store at Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jeffrey, Mr. and Mrs. ;Walter Jeffrey of Detroit, were holiday visitors with their mother, Mrs. C. Ayotte of town. Mr. Clayton Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs Clarence Hoffman and, Bibbie of Galt were holiday visitors with their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Caris. Swartzentrub er and family, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund •Swartzentruber of the Bronson att- ended the Swartzentru,ber reunion at Tavistock on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thiel and dau- ghter Carol, .Miss Alice Thiel of Zur- iclaand Miss Vera Decker of E.xeter, siatnt the week -end with relatives and frieilds'at Detreit. • A Community Strawberry Supper in aid of the local Red Cross will be held on the Evangelical church shed on Thursday evening July 4th. The public are invited to attend. DECORATION DAY A Decoration Day and Memorial Service will be held on the cemetery of St. Peter's Luther Church, Goshen Line, -on Sunday, July 7th, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The prea- cher will be Rev. A. Lot z of Ottawa and the Dashwood Band will.be in attendance. In case of rain the ,ser- vice will be held in the church. The. public is cordially invited. HYMENEAL Tuerkheirn—Haberer The chancel of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zinich, was beautifully dec- orated with standerds of peonies, basketof roses•and ferns on Thurs- day, June 27th, when Rev. al. Tuerk- neam united in Holy Weddiock miss Lenora Kathleen Haberer, only daugater of air. and 'qrs. kid, ward Hawerea and J onn Mark Tuerk- neim, son of Rev. and Mrs. E. auerkheim, both of Zurich. Soft bridal music was played during the ceremony with mr, W. R. Goulding of Exeter presiding at the argan.The bride entered the churcn on the arm of her father to the straiix, of the Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin. Miss, Men Tuerkheim of Stratford, sister of the groom, was the bride's only attendant, while Mr. Allbeaa Deichert assisted the groom, and Misses Arlene ano Betty Ann Gaseao made charming little flo\ver girls.' During the signing of the register Miss, Ger- trude Tuerkheim of Montreal, an- other sister of the groom, sang "Because." The bride, who was attractively gowned in a floor length gown of white net over satin, with a finger tip veil, which was held by a halo of orange bloss-oms, carried. a bouquet of Briar Cliff roses. The bridesmaid wore a gown of seafoam blue chiffon, with matching jacket, and carried a bou- quet ofdusky rose carnations. The lovely little flower girls were dainty in blue and • pink argandy frocks, ashioned on Victorian lines. bollowing the ceremony a recept- ,oa was held at the home of the '.aide's parents, at which approxim- ately fifty guests were present. Later in the day the young couple left a- mid .showers of coufetti on a motor trip to Northern Ontario, late brida wearing a navy sheer chiffon !- with rose accessories and a beigf:,-.coat On their return IVIr, and Mrs.„ heim, will 3T81de111 Zurich, latat:re PHONE YOUR 0 • BRIDAL WREATH 5 perfect diamonds of flashing brilliance in exquisite hand. carved setting, A. G. HESS • • • • • • • • • 4 • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • For positive identification at the World's Finest Anthracils ak for BLUE COAL Also Rosedale Alberta,, Semet-Solvay Coke Miller Creek. Glen Rodger's Briquets. - The Roe Farms Milling Cat Feeds. Highest Cash Prices paid fait .Eggs on a graded basis. W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 - Hensall ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••***: Summer Suits NEW SAMPLES JUST IN QUANTITIES LIMITED AY" DON'T WAIT BE WISE AND SAVE! W. IL I-loth:naziazBon t • ot. • • EMBALMERS -AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS • 41* e******4141640•104140.************•••••••••••41111•4044,q SUMMER GOODS YOU NOW REQUIRE OUR SPECIA.LS 1 box Jiff and 2 Sweedish fruit nappies 25c 35c 19c 29c 1 large box Lux Flakes, 3 cakes toilet soap 2 20 -oz Libby's pork and beans tins 5 String Brooms, at. Feed Concentrate Chick and Pig Starters, Oil Cake, Electric Fences and Fence Supplies nBider Twine and Ropes. .. Climax Bug Killer. THE 111LAK Edmund Swartzentruher, Prop. .VS3=AMI.OVAMMISM s Phone:, 11.97 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .4 , • ,