HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-06-20, Page 8A ZURICH HERALD nolveisl, PAM lgle‘ W••••••••,,r, 110W101.11•11,011101*0.1.111100*114.001.41044***/.00•1•110111111041110/110140 . A.rrva1s '..)17.."'S DSS h1 5, -.'ss VniTes pretty eil;m1eD of Blue mid 't:inea $1.S0 each ILAID17,5ZLkD1033a., in new 5".ylzs, floral designs at 2.59 each. GDRLT SLACX5 in fast ccw,Zero shrunk cloth, Nvy wit'a white a Ifina Priz..(13 rr.za 2.19 to 1.(":".9 pair, v" • ,-,,u1.93 A TN) Ytti .1111A IN New Felt Hats, Fine Shirts, Work Shim, Every - ening in UnclerNvear; Fine Trousers; Made-to.IVIeas- u.e Suits, Sweater Coats, Sbaw Hats, Etc. GROCERY SPECIALS Sugar crisp corn flakes fo. Chocolate C:3.7.,H1+s, per lb. 4 nod • 3 forik20c I 7c .19c Sodas, 2 lbs. for Coffee, per lb. Super Suds with bowl Cookies, per lb. Canned Corn, per tin 75c 30c 15e 10'C' We have seed corn, sorghum, Mangel and turnip 'Seed for sale at lowest prices - PRODUCE WANTED • ereterreeeee .„ far$431,523MEW +1•40.4441404..04i.+ 4.*i.teoe.o.e.e4.44444.44+1401444•0,•: • „rail tore • Jif; (soap flakes: f.,Ali.t:11.1 fiuit dishes) ,.,.,„. ..... ,,„Z5c Lux ; Flukes, 1 pkg.. and 3 Lux soap .35c jell A. Milk pudding poyder 2 ukgs. Sc • Huskies, Whole wheat flakes, Z pkgs 1 4c Oc 30:c offej Catsup falcon,. 14 -oz bottle 10c Vegetable soup, 15 -oz can i Oc. . Zurich Phone 165 Picnic Pie lelates, per dozen Lemons, large size, per dozen Menno Ciezc EGGS WANTp. *MN 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111)111111111111 1111111 1111111111D11111111111M111111111111111B111111111 III ITEMS fo' i'LAL OftEtitS1 Mrs. R. F. Stade was at London on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Swartz and Eunice of Detroit were Sunday vis - Mrs. F. Schiele sebringvine is visng at the home of Mrs. J. Eng- land. Mr. William BechIer of the Bron- son line attended the Roth -Roth nup- tials at Tavistock recently. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sippel of Mil- -erten were week -end visitors at the Elhome of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smitlr, also visited other relatives. I} Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Gingericli and PHONE 59 j Mrs. Dan. Gingerich of the Bronson lire. were recent visitors at ';,Iefew Hamburg. Anniversary services are beingheed 7v92/911iglassrmalwailtils;mir"Igt4Imsmir in the Goshen United church next Sunday. In the evening serVices the Harmony Four will render speCiel. numbers. rather 1 th session of t Mr. MM. mr, _Lath Insurance Rates ARE LOWER FOR 1940 'Special Low Rates for Farmers Living Township Roads on Special Advance Allowance for Winter Storage on Farmers' Cars. Rates and Partticulars Given without Obligation Andrew F. Hess, -Zurid Local Representative - Zurich eeeee.. oaKEEM:e seetOv}sessv1Fekoalmesommea ems efon,3canec,rAits.,334*. a a 3 If you are thinking of doing any Fencing this HARDWARE - SEEDS and ;al • U '.1 •.,4711,1;, li, P g iiil We 14 le — Al is s year, be sure and consult Ili 41, Us. And be sure it is the famous Frost Fence! FURNITURE how - FRO -ST FENCE . for long life. Come in and see our stock of Prot Farm Fence .. the finest we've ever had. Heavily gelvanizecl-bY .1101% -al Frost procest. Wears for a lifetime. We can quote you attractive prices. TIGHT t LOOt ZINC BONDED an ...doom FROST hkiem eki SAVES YOU MONITII, PAINTS! PAINTS! A eng y Tenth Division Court was held 44 e the Town Hall, Zurich on IvIonday.e Judge T. M. Costello of Gocterich, Miss,. Peaxi ItarpoIe of London} 'gave like friend, Miss Cora Steeets,e. presided, and there were about five lawvers from the vicinity present flying visit 0,,n. .8unday evening. 1 LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter, dairy 26 13 -utter, creamery' 27 Eggs ET, 15, 12 Wheat, bushel ., 60 Oats, bush 33 Parley, bush ,Backwheat, tine& 45 45 Floue, cwt. ..... 2.0013.00 Potatoes, 75:16. liar 75c Lie MAP; ewt: 8.90 THIEL -S HAIRDRESSING Visit Our -Salon for your MID -SUMMER SPECIALS Let us quote you on the very best and latest Permanents, that are pleas- ing anet satisfactory and that will give you: personality, Hairdressing Salon at rear of Store. For appoint- mente callus by phone 102, Zurich. MOM. MIME, Proprietress z 9 • • • • • • 8 • We carry a full line of the Well Known and Tried and Proved Shetwin-Williams Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Also Quick Drying Enamels and Varnishes; Floor wax Goodyear Balloon and Cord Tires and Tubes • in all sizes I Furniture, Springs and Beds. Felt and Marshall Mattresses' Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing out Specialty. Full line heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in etock. DE & WEIDO ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY - PRICE SERVICE 101 ,41111111'1 1 14, • 1 - •04.4••••••***••••••••••••m•ageoetigaimipe44.0•4••••••4•00•1 • Only two cases were argueu out and only one a decision was given. MONSTER RALLY 'Plans have been completed by the members of Huron County Council Rev.. and Mre. H. L. Troyer of Toronto were week -end visitors with the Horner ,family here. Rev. Teeyer preached in .the Evangelical church on Sunday morning and alstt .took and the various Legion ba.-anches to Part in the afternoon services„, complete plans for a monster patri- Ntr. and Mrs. Stanley Extr and otic rally to be held in' Recreation daughter Edith a Winnipeg are vis - Clinton on Sunday afternoon, iting at the home of Mrs. 5,England June 23, at 2.30 o'clock. The Clinton Legion and Boy %Scouts are detailed to secure and make pecessary prepar- ations alt the pee.k in conjunction crop, with plenty of moisture all a - the CClinton. 'Town Council.long the way. at present. They made the trip east by auto and advise that 41 along the way things are looking for a bumper NATION5 TO BUY CANADIAN' PAPER Lieut -Gov. E. Vve Hamber of Brit, e • ish Cohmebia and Mrs. Hamber have Leslie Burgin, minister or supply donated $100,000 as a gift to the of England, hal approved a prelim. Canadian government for war purpe .anary ;plan to import.huge duantitit-s oses, Prime IVIdnister King announced An Ottawa woman also gave $1,000. COMBINED AGE 186 The combined ages .of two gentle- men pictured last week in the Clinton Neees-Record, standing- together is 186 years. David Caatelon, the old apple king who will be 93 in Novena - ba and William Livingston, a native of Hullett tv.7p.. who recently return- ed. from California after 40 years ab- s...rce will be 94 in October, FACES DRIVlIelCi CHARGE Goderich—In le than four hours after he had allegeely sitlesvelped the cur of Oscar Milier, Dashwood, late on Saturday night, Ben Dietaidb was taken into custody ii a Mount Carmel garage' on a charge of fail- ing to return to the scene of an aet cident. On Monday morning he ap- peared before. Thos. Gundry, J.P., and was admitted to bail to appear on Thureeay for trial. Dieterich was having a damaged feeder pounded out in the garage when apprehended by Traffic Officer Lever and • County r ongsAle John erguson, of Exeter; Mr. Miller received painful guts and alsions when his car was damaged to the extent of $100, AIR TRAINING „SCHOOL Goderieh,---An'expencliture of more than $1,000eto establish an air navigators' school under the air tram - Mg scheme at Port Albert, on Lake eluron, 10 miles north of hee, was ~nnounced by Air Minister Power in :le House of COMMOTIE. In addition, Mouse of Conn/ions •jt Ottawe, ,n addition, $42,100 hasbe e0 aside for develo,pment of t*.Hut County airport, just north dol 'eh for military purposes. :ort Albert site, $304,800 has provided for the esbablishreent f the •air field and $700,000 allotted for the buildings and equipment there. It was learned that the air training oard selk.,cted 800 acres in Ashfield TownShip, niear the lakeside village. er Port Albert as the site of the new school. This level piece of property of the war situation the council da- is now occepied by eight ferrite and eeala eo cancel he annual picnic for s under option to the Government, this year. efenewsprint from Canada to stave dff- a threatened paper famine in the United Kingdom. Heretofore Retain bals obtained most her paper supply from Scandinavia. BUY WAR CERTIFICATES The,„ Doninion Government is call- ing oiall Canadians to loan t heir savings at a reasonable rate of in- terest, through the purchase of the War Savings Certificates which mat- in seven and a half years, blit t,hich are being sold at four-fifths of face value. Never wns more urgent need to "Serve by Saving" than to- day. Honourable 5. L. Ralston, Min- ister of Finance, in appealing to Can adians to put their resources behind the Dominion War effort by invest- ing in War, Savings Certificates stat- es in part: "Whether you count your savings in dollars or in quart- ers, dimes or nickles, you can help by purchasing War Savings Certific- ates or War Savixigs Stamps. But do it regularly—It takes a lot of money to carry out the ;job, the biggest Canada has ever undertaken, of keep- ing•this country and the world a fit Place to live in." Huron County Council At the Huron County Council in session last week it was announced that the County tax rate for 1940 w,elebe 3:75 Mills to raise in round figures, $250000. This is an increase of half a mill which council voted for war purposes, this would bring in about $27,000, about $10,000 was e. -marked for the county elementary flying school, $10,000 for the Red Cross and the balance $7,000, to as- sist recruiting and incidental expen- eolivis. teereeell,Reeve Geo, Armstrong od -Rthat oy Township, announced Dr. A. Moir had made offer to turn Ovate hospital, located neer Hensall, to be used as a shelte" Lor War refugee chile:bee. Ile also off- ered his services as a physician. "1 am too old to fight, but not too old to make some contribution to Can- ada's was effort" the veteran (loot - tor was quoted as saying. On account 9 9 94 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 AF t-ou R'CA 40 wo foA 111.1 451 ri, ii ailyrolma as ) OLIII .00 mi. '-‘. YOUR SEASON'S REQUIREMENTS We Always Carry a Fral Line of the Best of both Shelf and Heavy male Hardware: Stoves,. Furnaces, and all Heating. Equipments. Let U Offer You Good Suggestions along this Line. Some Good Used Heaters at Very Reasonable Prices FURNITURE Sea: Our Studio Couches and Dirmette Suites A Full Litmof all the Home Requirements Always keep a Good Sock of New and the very Latest $ in furniture at Very Reasonable Prices, quality Coa- t sidered, Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Mattress, Thrum -Room Suites, OccasionaLchairs Rockers, Etc. 1. .7.- 4 4. 9 4. SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE at For the more. conservative- purchaser we can sae, 41 yoturnany a dollar as we have a fine assortment of Slighit` ly Used tFurniture that will give you big value ffor, your Money. 1:1 -op in and look these over, and get env Remarkable Low Prices. Johnston Hard are & Furnitrare. •Phone 63 i4++ + + +.0++ .04.4..g.0004+04,'-.17+4.0+++4444. eizzaeutasszemeeeresemeeeeeeemazemmmeeeetrecenzeteemeeeeareeeve Bead siod 11151:bed.Afilmals: REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone.- Collect: Exeter 235, Seafordi. IS DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTIX . Axarsommasomszeirzarceovirurarzionsaparert f.++44.14+4.+4.444.4.+4.4.+44,4414.4^4.:1 t Why ay ent Let Us Discuss with you the New Way o Owning Yoz:m Own Florae on Easy Monthly Payments. Call in and see uor 4, • At • 4' PHONE +++9+4++ 44*.POO++++++++++94 new type of BLOCK FLOOR a Very Low Price. 69 ;I% CANADA'S HEALTH RECORD is high among the nations of the world. And bread, more than any other single item on the Dominion's diet, has helped to achieve this. Bread is not only a valuable source of carbohydrates. Made with milk, as it usually is today, bread is also an important source of protein, equal to meat in its power to build and repair nauscular energy. Bread shosdd and does sapply one-qaarter of the food energy of Canadians. Eat severai slices every day and keep fist YOUR OAKES'S SKILL, scientific equipment—and the finest ingredients—give you a loaf unsur- passed in wholesonatnese and delicious flavor. • • • s f.• '