HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1940-06-20, Page 5'1:'humIaYa'i Ilene Z011e, t'J.MOE. BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL ZURICH HERALD Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc, Ads. in this Column TF'IE DEW - DROP - INN '''i RRISTER, SOLICITOR, s NOT. QUICK AND LIGHT LUNCHES ARY PPUIILIC, ETC. Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Soft Drinks, 'OFFICE—At Court ](:louse Tobaccos, Cigarettes, Cigars, Etc. GODL+'RIOHI -- ONTARIO specit4 Attention to Courtce] and Court Work. Hohnes may be consulted at Goderiph by Phone,. and Phone charges reversed. '4.11.04,414441,4464444444444414444.1.11.11 I.V,4'414N[444RGLW(74.414d144.444teg144444.444 DENTAL Dr, W. D. BRYCE • L. D. S, D, D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK-.-ZU1t1CH very 'Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HA,RTLEIB' S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday atnd Wednesday. LICENSED POOL ROOM HAROLD OVERHOLT "'aa.aa'aaae NOTICE In future 7 would request all ac- counts owing me to Settle with :me •personally. • W.. H. Hoffman, Zurich. NKA nig Order Coal Noir! Owing to boats being used for other purposes, there will `likely be shortage of :pace foe coal. So 4:e advice the public, to put in c:ierr nes:: winter's supply early and avoid di: appoonrtament. OrcI'r Now: Stade & Weido, Zurich. FOR QUICK SALE PLANTS FOR SALE. 'Three oar-• V E T E R 1 N A R 1 A.ltiir;iva calnbage plant,, also Tomato Y air+io er and celery plants for sale. {t��'�_�- '] COXON, B.V. Leibold,-Babylon ]the,, flay. Osco �7f le. B. COXON, �1!•.Sc. ••'••• •n•'-•^�^�'�•+�•+'v,�+.+.-�mT aiSc-,uutzuu.wnwracsan_^a. VETERINARY SURGEON Office witlpaResidence, Main ,Street, (apatite Drug Store Phone— (i. Litrich inpbell, V.S;.I3.V Sc. •Geaduate of Ontario Veterinary A barn frame 24x32fee 'College, University ,of Toronto. Allt, very diseases of domestic animals trea.ee cheap. Apply to Herald Office. FOR SALE Oliver Bean.Ptiller end Souffle:' eombirted, in good condition. Apply r.o Bruce Koehler, Ileiisall. . FOR QUICK SALE ley the most modern: ,lirinciplee, ^C.t'arges reasonable Day ornight alis promptly attended to. Alae Bre. e er of Scot -that terriers.• dinverness :Hennels. Office on Main Street, ?eppoeite Town Hall. Phone 116. H1,lN ti ALL. LICENSED AUCT:f. h .,�. :r Huron and. • Middlesex , AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sala, regardless' as to size or article to sell. I solicit' !our business, and if not satisfied Will Ii;na''ke no charges for Services Ren- iaerh,. • : . ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Piihone 13-57 PRODUCE Farm Pro &ce H1ZHEST CASH PRICES --FOR-- C EAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. O'Brien porir 1' ;,w, Res. 94, Zurich CHERS m chs' Popular J .AT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very'Choice of Fresh and, ;Cur- ed :Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on 'hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins , Yunghlut & .Son INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. 4,;), OF WOCDSTOCI WE_ L : tGF••asT RM : RVE BAL- liar OF ANY ,CANADIAN lblUT- AL COMPANY DOING ].3USINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 81st, 1936, $22,391,527.00 ec Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $273,613.47. 'es ---$4.50 per $1,000 for 8 Years L OPP•'' -.BITCH t, also Dealer in Lightn- s and all kinds of Fire insurance FOR SALE . YES! WE AGAIN have Healthy, Husky WHITE LEGHORN CHICKS for you. Phone f9:1 r 17. Bruce J. Klapp. tf41 A^ PRODUCE WANTED We pay Highest Cash Prices for ggs and Poultry. Give us a trial! P,'IEYERi PIODUCE, Phone .116 Zurich.. pt4'39 irsammextalvo WANTED CASH for Dead Animals and Fox Iirses. Phone 47r15, Reverse all charges. jack Williams, Dashwood, R.R.S. •-50,39 Automobile Insurance Tariff and non -tariff rates gladly quoted without obligation. Special Tates to all farmers plus 20% dis- count (advance winter storage rates) Except residents on paved, highways Farmers' preferred risks 5-10 P. L. 1-M. rate $9. yearly. Let the insur- ance Company do the worrying should you be unfortunate enough to be in- volved in a liability claim. Do not wait until you have had an accident. . J. W. HABERER, Zurich. .. Zurich Garage Come and purchase your Aut- omotive Requirements from ?urich's oldest Established garage and Service Station. We can supply all your needs. Expert Automobile repairing, with the latest testing instrum- nts, Acytelene Welding Tires 3atteries, Oils, Greasces and; tepairs. B -A Gasoline in three Grades Give Us a -Call! H. MOUSSEAU Phone: Day 103. Night, 47 PRICES MAY BE CUT Obtawa—Warnings went out from rwe Government agencies to Canada farmers not to ex,pect immediate higher prices for hogs, ,butter and eggs merely because Danrs'h prod- ucts no longer reach United King- dom markets. The Bacon Board, beaded by J. G. Taggart, indicated in a. statement that bacon prices eheatlet will be (lowered to ,Canadian consumers'.• CONTRACT AWARDED The contract for construction of Sky Harbor Airport, Goder'ich, has been awarded to the Sandy Contract- ing. and Machine 'Co., of Goderich, actio+.•ding to information available. Anion; other .things, the contract dalle fele reeenvel of rlfr 000 tarri:r of e°, .r ' ➢ e ee by ^. i Bene-i,•e' orchard, erection of 1,000 rods of forte;, rind 1irl'arnratif1t of three 3,000 Tee' i•:zneTy. Eneineer Whiteley. of lai it'ston, is the Gco .eluent ni.in it, glltti',O�''K 5 . ; r ra 1 •rw•,iti g � r':r .,. .....via c°@.�x'xA,�J.a.,:.rL.u�Wi�!i,,etti.';.�'...4' .:....�•.. .. . .NI Mrs,, C. Furber, Mrs. Flossie Brown Mr. and 11Ire. C. L. Smith motored to, London on Thursday. • Mrs; W. F. FFihllibeiner and 'daugh- ter Miss .Hazel of Stratford wer week -end visitors at the hoarse of and Mrs. W. H. Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Faust and s Harold of Mitchell were Smcrt,/, itors at the home of Mr. and M W. 1-1. flofi'rnan. The Stylists Say:— . rnte )Shoes FOR SUMMER have a fine seleetion of White to choose :Prom, all smartly and rightly prieed Iron Men grid Children. rk and Crepe -Soled' Sport our lir airs and two toned colors. Coyne ani';ee: them! n.a'= 17ic1 you (chow that we have installed a new Cementing Maehinea, and are in a position to do` a .first class job on your fine shoes?»--No'nails to contend with, and soles stay soft an 1 flexible Give us a try. Casatele 1 leather used for all our .i:epal' work and prices to suit evlryhody,; MEN'S HALF' SOLES (Grade 1) NAILED 90c CEMENTED $L00 EWN $1.00 Wf"NI TAT"S,, NAILED .. 70c CEMENTED ... " 83c 1 We Appreciate Your Patronage It7ATARS Reliable *.I:"ootwear and Shoe Repaiv ing, Trunks, Club Bags, &c Suitcase:,. Me. andalai. la E. Weide; Mr. and Mrs. Bohn Gellman motored • to Elkton, Minh., on Sunday where they called on Mr. Gellman's' uncle, Mr. John Gallman, Sr,, who is confined to his bed. Mrs. Roy Lamont and daughter Nri's Merlrarct and 1lr* ,Tine Lamont motored to Forest on Sunday. The 1”'i1”'itra. .Miss Jane ,remaining over for the week with her sister, Mrs. Wrn. S'. Begun. '11,1 07 Storm sweat over ti' ; ` ., ee on Wedrealay night. A i' •,,,'•*' fail of rain was evident an! thee' o^ con. i'l o'rb!e li,p•laf,aino; and In some places the fall, wheat crop is `sadly down as a re' u1t. R t-zJN7daa' I1FL?) The annual Teoyr:r re -::pion ldenie r was held at .To:7etL's (i''. Ree, Thiyitelil on Se;:erday, June 't%i with silo i' 50 present•. 1"i.i,,.'' : ,were pi (Tient from Det, ort, in a'l, l'rigden• Hf -email, i,c-aforth and areena.• A !fie progiem of spouts was run ,of, and next year'; picnic will be •held at tine. sestet piece on Jeuse '.'aa. The conm4ttee is, president, ('ordon Tro;r er, eeeretary. Loretto 13&1, trrssmver Lorne Lawson, and the directors. :STB PETER'S ivange ncal I..utheretn Church • ZURICH — ONT. A Changeless Christ for a Chan ug World. Friday, 8h --Luther League. Thursd ay—Cli *le Pra ,tire. SUNDAY SERVICES. 10 a. m.—Divine Worship 11.15 a rn.-Sunday Sebool. 11!1111111111$11111111111g111aellltlliselIetll euei it eee' lei searflriPoUirliwwro+ra,k„ ele111111II1111111111111111111111111111111111111111f111111111111!!11!Ilii! 1111111111111111111111E IIHIO r hy„ IS TI -JE TIME TO ODER Your Stove Wood. Good • 4 -toot Boy WOOd Very Reasonably Priced Let U:; kial'e y eu Order! We also carry a Stock of Ncw Mick ills ['ile Let Us • Supply Your Wants in these Iiinest IIESB, lipair di n r t lm .: nc,i r ' a q! e: ;!Ut(p 9 ti Iplts 11911!IIII!i!Ill'.N1:19;,I,i IIi IiItilit Iflll!Ilgllifll IIIIIJIIIII!IIIltlllllilllilillli!II{Ilililll!9111!Ilitlll!III(ir,l1.•1llbd,,!ililrai.. ,u �•• �,, :r! � �' , , s,. ?, .,•.�,,.,,,. •.I„ L, .. � . I ! , M Iry GENUINE M. -H. PARTS' 'e t r' gg or .'� •1." L . .'�li^ . plemen'ts... Mower an Finder Knives Sam ciund while you wait. rAi.:11 ca-Ma:i• u'#ectr?l cqFPHxa`s'.nt. Guaranteed Pette "ie:s rt $4.49 1' year battery no,:it,. ce 6.8 2 year battery gu :r rc*,-. , 17 -plate 7.95 Guaranteed 440-21 A` brit the r.:i ,t End Service Sta.ti ice at Zurich p - ,;. Cara and greased with :..,testiY = a: clic r ... (2;',A6 _OIL .Po_XD isilikr City Serv- 4 " properly t- cepeYlY equipment. GREASE M13� 3 Res, 67 el. Shop 149 U. ,`;a ANNUAL SYNOD 7:10 p. m.—.tivine Worship, • "° very o y'W elcome to all Services. The 7fth annual convention of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Can- ada, in se.:sion at Stratford hist wee!, ea-ae .Y' ti. i:•- :t t '1 i; • birthday o:'.', Thursday by dispatching the follow- in c: eie ';:a His Majesty: "May it e'''ae,e Your r4Ia ' ay, ep =en i • ., or t'. c . r i )l A3 Lutheran F ..red of ('n..a'a, in zeteee, al convention in `": r'o:vl, On, l lo'. -tend our sirs[ !,.'s ec . -i1:'`.ion. t 'You.r. Majesty on this day o_' the cel4 ?'ration of your birth. We assure,. `I o :.r Ma -e +y of our ons- -fLinn t'lta fit ori to yorr z)^':on led loyalty to your rule, and pray God m His mercy lo g' ant that you may one reign over tis that victory for thr right :nay al- ways attend your arms and that the r.lessings :of health and peace may firing joy to yourself, your home ane. .in ire. May we extend greetings to your beloved wife, our most gracious Queen, and to your lovely daughters. (signed) J: H. Reble,-lsresiarnt se Addresses were -given by Rev. Dr. E. A. Teppert, New York, sect/ of the Board of American Missions; Rev. Calvin Stickles, Detroit of the ,Mich— igan Lutheran Synod. Rev. line° L. Dressler of Buffalo, • •brougl:4 greet- ings from New York Lutheran Syn. od, who said "We are also iightine. with you under the banner or' tl.0. Prince of Peace. May God bines you in your work, and in yoo°ar trials and heartaches during this time of war." I The statistical report stated the num., ber of Lutherans arriving in Mont real from Way 1, 1939, to April 31 1040, was 1,254, including 591 Ger- mans, 236 Scandinavians, 121 Finns, and 306 of other nationalities. The report of the treasurer showed total receipts as $39,229.07 and the total disbursements as $33,105.33. Included in the receipts are the stuns of $16,297.89 from the seminary, $1,560.24 from the social n.ssion, $3,166.21 from the home mission, $4,449.56 from the gen. ral expense fund and others. Rev, W. A. Mehl- eneaacher, Hamilton, announced his retirement as editor of the church pariodical, The Canadian Lutheran, .ec' ate, given a standing vote of ap- preciation and thanks. Memorial ser- vices were held for three churca welt' E b•1 E. TUER yHEIMM, Pastor. set EEMIVI:Ak UEL CAL CHURCE C. k I ler k :ndcirn, Minister. Mr's. H. G. Hess, Organist. 0.45 a.m.-Same-tent of the Leets Supper • a.rli.—Sa�:i.'Lh c[ o.11, i �F.1• lain. -A leoe en Pelee 2 l' A Spr ial Message for ilea. • t^ging ••;:h••••r::. "The Church calls you to C _• ' God calls you to Church—.ave l Bete in God." l iz,C':1;IFS IRON LUNGS Through the generosity or Lord es ,s ,i* ;'i i .t- otou-aseeenaase'the Clinton hose tal can now boast pos- session of an Iron Lung for u•e i- treatment of in antile'paralysi_,. .Tei - new ilei^",it;or2 to the (hospital's wed - ern equipment has arrived and • :5;' he avai;;:',le if and °when require 1. WHAT 100 YEARS HAVE DONE FOR YOUR FEET Tr. Joseph Lelyvelt, director of National Foot Health Council. tells of the torture caused by fakee arches, bunions, and other foot ail- ments, but how oone now can be , foot -happy, if he follows the rules- 1 Read the .article about feet in. The American Weekly, the world's gre- atest 'weekly reatest'weekly magazine, with the June 23 issue: of The.. Detroit Sunday T.inies. MUST HAVE PASSPORTS The United States state departm- nt,. endeavoring to erect a barrier against possible inflow of Fifth -Col- umn aliens, issued; stringent regulati- ons requiring passports teem niany new cases of foreigners, including Canadians. Previously, Canadian: and persons of various other nation- alities were exempted from passport and visa requirements when they en - 'kers who passed away dining the tered the country temporarily.. On year; Rev. Paul M. Mueller, Hamil- and after July 1st all Canadian cit - ton; E. Winkler, Hanover, and Rev. H. A. Sperling, Ph.D., Kitchener, The discussion of minister's pensions was discussed, as in the past the sy- stem provides for a yearly pension of $300 to retired ministers and $200 annually to minister's widows. iq i 1 • JN izens over sixteen years of age, enter - Mg the U.S.A. must furnish a pass- port which will be supplied by the Canadian Government and we under- stand will cost five dollars. This ,will somewhat curtail the annual tourist influx to the U.S.A.e KIOPP'S ONE-STOP SERVICE ARTHN GAS A Gas known to every motorist. Why take chances in inferior Gas when you can buy Good Gas'at Regular Pr ices.' Engineered Lubrication At Klopp's you get Guaranteed Indian Lu'iar:cation, using 7 kinds Q Grease. We invite you to watch us Lubricate your Car and see .,.,,,,, how Trained Attendants Grease Cars Expert Repairing We use the KING AN ALYSER to peopemly Tune Up your Motor. CLEAR GAS FOR YOUR LAMPSt.Al;1D STOVES at 25c. Gallon Batteries, Accessories3;:$ Goodyear Tires Cleat; and 'Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most Up-to••clate G Iral;e and aeevice Station. Drive in and X ':,. i .� a , , lin" your Celt" for xatorr .v; ::bD':.1 to b2" horei the wanner �rlc.,�i..i . � ... ` ; . p, LESSEE C. Fritz & Son lead tar 1',ot, in Connection alt -Wt: 11,09159=4.,.M'.ttlrrn, App 44' w•, a s%vklkaAflMANAA.Ntli N4XMx.199174,9:. 1409...T:k.Y1Ns*SC.,r4 *.C«.. 1 41,09•914.1110•111.1a TT) wf i i Deliver your Cream to Zurk.hCreamery enzl o. Mails coy ect weight, tett /3,7.1 Flighesi: Market Price. ,•t pay 2 cents premium per butterfat for all Crzata de- livered to the plant. We also buy and pay cash for your Eggs and Pouitry according to •rade. We are Loc -.l Agents for the Viking Separatcr. Let us Demonstrate this high quality Separator for you! THE ZURICH CREAMERY • • se c5a A9 `l- High quality. bowl ---closet/ skim.. fiinJ 1ioepprofit. 2 Perfect ret hiering .t- assuring yo r:. eat dui.er ';;yrs service. of the mechanism. 3 Proven durubiii';r. .4 Hlghiy endorsed by thousands of users. Durable materials, expert work- manship orkrnanship and sturdy construction are featured in the Viking Separ- ator. We make sure that every machine sold co?rtiizites to give satisfaction, Seven Models --Ona Quality SWEDISH SEPARATOR CO., LIMITED Arlon real 11 all;_Iliialliallallilli111111111111U1ll1llatll11 silig 1ilialiaglais filaall IIi'I tri.i!1,ail f' ae )tit !V ti Iilllrill11i1pa I e'11.1i!i ri� !� i; I + 11 .111111pfl llfllplll�l)1I( I �4 ri I l e r� .Is: Zurkth..Drur,•to Stationery QUALITY DRUGS School Supplies This Year's Stock of Formaldehyde 16 -oz. 25c. S o.. i5c SHIPPING FEVER VACINE 10 Doses 75c. An Assortment of Toilet Articles at 10c. and 15c. Excellent Assoi•tnnent: Diamond Dyes, Putman Dyes, Sunset Soap Dyes, and Tintex for Tinting and Dying. EVERYTHING 1N SCHOOL SUPPL7E3 .Kt ti