Zurich Herald, 1940-06-20, Page 4Imo* 000R,
1dugSa'Love spent a day in
'Oa recently. '
and. Mrs, Earl Love and fam-
1US.r. and Mrs. Harold Reichert,
:nd Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Reichert and
Tana visited Sunday with frionds in.
, Atibuen and Blyth,
The anniversary of the HillSgreen
United Church was held on Sunday
,evening last, Rev. R. A. Brook of
Bewail gave n, vets iiisp]zing ad -
;dress to a,large congregation.
Mt . A. E. Jones of Moose Jaw,
Sask., is visiting at the homey of
lax sister,Mr. and Mrs. Wm. David-
Mr, and 'Mrs, Win. Davidson visit-.
ed Sunday, last at the home of the
latter's parents near Listowell.
Forme, Councillor leas: �•.
Joseph Hood, highly r,a,'u,., 1 ;'r•• i
dent of Stanley Tov •hi et
way at his hn is in his 77,1:
was born in P cls:,ring Tee nee:
Toronto and et ivied in ,:zneil y fc
74 years, Pe served a, a r suneilloi
Tor six years, and assessor for 10
years. 'Si : iving are his wi,'ow,
Milton, at home three denghteie
Mrs. Peter 14Icr:enaie, of Iillo'aa
Miss Norma McRinvite, nurse -in -
,'training at Vietorie .loris tai., Lon-
don, and Miss Anna liee'„, " here •
two alalia, J. Harvey', '1:'gine
and Miss Annie-'}•lood, :tl'c.nra ll. Ph:
funeral Iva, held on. Situs lay .at
'c':clock. Rev. E. Ti'. C'h lndh r, of Trip.
Ten Unit' ' Char eh °F'ic3:1tt,.1 Pitrial
taking nkee Ilaii'd'` Cele
..-L i!�' l? v •� .l'
..�. 11:. e.�. 141, nese-
steer L J
at Alma; 'Wellington eeantia•, in 1865,
and was married to Miss M&y C,
Crothel's ill 185 ', He was ordained,
in I;,•rl4 and five years ppipf to that
time was a missionary .m Nbrtheen
Ontario. 1Ie was pastor at Pinkerton
and St. Paul's Chureh, Chatlianl,prior;
to coining to Bayfield in Tune 1926.
•114 was a. Masan and a inelnber of
the Orainge Lodge. Surviving are his
widow four sone and two daughters.
The funeral service was held in St.
Andrew's Church, Bayfield, on Thugs
day morning, with interment follow-
ing in Elora Cemetery. The funeral;
ri TIN,' was conducted by Rev, V. T.
Mooney of Windsor, president of the
i.c,nt en t. v, s Brener •ot' the .United,
Church, assisted by Rev, W. A, Bre-
mner, formerly of P''ueefield,, .and,
now of l!:gmondvi1., ;retired, who' le
Been taking charge of Mr. Gale';
1VIr,. and..Mrs. A. bald of Kitchener
spent Sunday with their daughter,
Rerl and 11's. Luft. k;•t;
Mrs, Alleang and daughters • of
'Clemens were Sunday visiitoes
with 112r. and Mrs. Edgar Resteinexer
Decoration Day will be held o
Goshen Line on Sunday June
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scott of Bow
?a,il]:• ati4:n'-week-end visitors wits.
and Mrs. r'r
�' r;. W .t;Yei. .III Iilel l
:tI e. rel ; ia.;, Vim. Schroeder ;And'.
lenity ,zad deugheer Mrs. Hintz . of
, e1:ioit :;pent •<a few ""elaye wren. her
Mrs, Hamacher.
K ee a,'ednesday, :,,. ane 26th open
or, the strawberry Social on the Ev-
angelical church las4n1A program
by local talent assisted by Dashwood
i.- lliol:al hand will be in attendance.
Miss Ella 'M ar tin.oar of . linira,.
spent the week -end' with 141H„ a ` 1iTrs
A. E. Oeet etiehel•,
'Ir. and.11re. Sydlier.„Balte , Nies.
R. Baker Mrs. A. Fished and` li'fxss
t'rs,- 4:u1ernther. spent th "veela-eii,d
;with friends in Detroit.. .
There will.. 'be no: eeivice in the
Lutheran •church ' on'Sunday owing
to Rev. T. T:i r't being a guest speak-
er in Port Cali :rely.
old. a K.1'4. Pet e?4 ee ee v i=itr.'tl
1- ugh then. daugkter in Landau laet.
• t..la, week.
LIZ1 ' :i
qua merits
ulz t earaa
UNN1NG water under pressure to all parts of your
. house will snake possible the installation of those
Modern conveniences so necessary to the health and
• enjoyment of your family and increase their pride in
their ;home.
A •.woman spends a good part of each day in the
kitchen..It.should be Turco equipped throughout to lessen
• her work and snake it a pleasure instead of drudgery..
For .the health of your family a modern 1iathrooin
is ;necessary. One.fittecl entirely with Elrico Fittings and
- Fixtures will give; y ou most pleasure, service and value.
Twallowanstallation of these improvements a
spr area Supply System
will piermp, under pressure, all the water needed. In
r2lrtlau iit.lwan be piped to barns and any other aeed'ed
outlet. • ,
UIVI•0O1products are very reasonably priced.
The Snow-white 20” x 42" Enamelled Sink,
illustrated saliaerste, inclu' cliu faucet ready for
4 �
installation, acG?Sis nes $ 32:50!
Sink and "'tatrinst wtt.i/.'esker.
Greer,. ipe and fittings extra 'iib ,t;
The Duro $rieoial,Pump has a capacity of 250
gals. per aloin,; ;i6 !supplied with a 25 gal. tank
and 25 or ,cyle :anOtor. It costs only ..$ 86.00
Selma Monthly Payments
The Govetrtzneut Home ,Improvement
Loan Act ;or Moo Piflaan'teePlall enables
you to purchase; Jasuso :fix7.rrires, fittings
and Duro Pinney, Atli •tlie nesnthly pay-
ment plan over 2l period .of ilrk;ee years.
Enquiries given prompt a,ttefitiion and
estimates supplied wiebeut kel axee.
London' Hamil+on Toronto Sudbury
Winnipeg Vancouver
The Mission Circle have
the; Men's Glee Club of
College for July 19th, l
in 'mind.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank
> z (t spent the wveek'm a
and kis, Milan Watts,
Complinenting.:.a recent ;aride -,aa
slumber of ladies of_Dasliwood gath-
ered at the home of -Mr.'‘ and Mrs,
Lorne Genttner 1 honor*:: their ie -
cent marriage .the •.evening Was
,pent in progressf lbuneo and eoil
tests after which the gifts :were pre-
sented in a large decorated .basket.
The bride made a very suitable reply
thanking every one for their many
lovely gifts. A very dainty lunch Was
served at the close,
The Ladies' Aide
The Ladies Aid and W :VLS. 'of the.
Evangelical church held Aheir mon
thly meeting' in the b t.,aaneti of the
church last Thursday evening with
Mrs. 13. E. Roppeie, group inchat Vie.
The devotional past a,( this},pror;s tern
*sill 1Vtx.
was co'tdueted by the Jr. f ea ' l
with Joyce England •oceupv r„ ;diel
chair, This consisted' of a choru;,�,
readings by'Betty Geiser and Georg
'Tiernan, solo by Shirley Sni th, : dia-
logue by Shirley •Gnanther and Mar-
ion Smith, piano solo by 'Nancy Tie-
rnan. •Mrs. Koppel ,;gave the chapter
in the : t :aiy book. The president
G. Wild oug' presided for the busin-
ess. It was .decided to donate a p.
of woollen blankets to the Red Cross
The parsonage committee repotted
considerable work done en the 'paar
.onage, 35 sick visits, 15 bouquets,
and one dainty were zeported., ;The
next mse ing will be in char& , ol
'Mrs. R. 1i Taylor', 'group The eile
dig wee closed with; the 1+?atOtial
The district Annual Meeting of the
South Huron Women's Institute; war
held'on Tuesday, June 4th in the. -Hen
sail 'United Church.with Bensail+-
branch 'aet:ng as 'hostess to 100 wo-
men of the district. The .church wa
beautifully decorated With flowers,
The district president, Mrs. W. E
Walker presided. The meeting coin•
ineneed. at 10 a.in. with apening; ex-
ereises. An address of welcome was
given by Feti. Mr. 13rook, pastor of
eln rch. This was replied to b,,.
Miss L. M. Jeekell of Etketet.
- The minutes of the Inet i xln:lal pie
i tintg ,ere read and apps oved, ale
tin':ie. el r: ports were given by th
di. tris' treci"'ta y treasurer, Mrs. Em-.
finery k ahlner Crediton Mis. F. W
Morle of ceesd:iton peesented the:
Auditor's report. Mrs. Walker, re-
tiring i,'. - ^t. ;ave a lnief report.
and thanked the In, Vitae for their
splendid co-, i, otiee the part ye,
and hoped for contain:, ;
goodwill in tizri, ell : ti %.re en.
turinoil The secretaries gave the,:
report;: as follows: Gie:litan, Lxoter,
t;c ii�al1 Hus'ondale, Ri.r c'n he;:
;is .. ye
.., n•=,
;eery inteee eines lc :; i t . eTese For
., r 0 `l'i of Duesseneoe
F.• W. ,efai Belt eed Miss Lela I1oll
ard of Ca-al:ten favored with a mei.
rendered.- p:ano deist. At the close
oe: e ,..1 i t : ion tee ladies re-
eeire"t to :,'i.• eenent of the •eine e'°
=where dice • ,.,se -Ned from table;
Mede very . ; v idl steline.
Phe elft ,ere'' .i svee
With es,nl-iner 'i^�r;,ii:g led by Mrs.
1' (RC1 ling ait'll e, 1 rio* 01
�n.. ,:a„ co'Ai ai'ti.ci. ,k,t ;- Yttr:
(hail., Supt. of Wo,n 1.':• lnstitntc:rs
, 0 +aa O7t, T'H9 i t lloir1 'alt'a o'
ire as presented by Aire. J. Fley.
ve:s .I: e':,'. '::d: Honorary Tet; 'id. nt
�lr•. ! I undle, Exe t.. "r t ! « art";r.
Mil^ 3' ilii MaCI,P . xi' 1--;11,,n I 1`.t.
l'3co-1'''cs., 'Mrs. Wilson lil'G'f"•Barn
Sc atee le ; 2nd Vice, -Aire. Re rue
lita,o lei:alt hC1 V.:4:0, iV c n
no OC_ch, enrich; Se't .ytree..-
M s. 3i1u,iler; Fet..i •ne1, C,'e Dian;
Secs,, i'_eas , 'iii;. Le NS'rt inc t •e� ill
C'eh ttn� x1. 711 '
z.,cile i, -; y ,
W. Telftr, t .caii.oit
Audi, Mrs, 3d TC Jail:. a.T;
' C"NU;r:,il. •Coria eners 0
e roe: m tt, ns; Education.
3.1re, "- -Croii' r Seafortb l' , nic
l e• , . Mrs. M. I'ecklei, iluran-
drle el.h and child Welfare, Mr'
Zurich; A'gricnitore an•'i
e.l.;,-etiee.Mrs. A. ;.s o"gen.
I egisiation, ."la. H. Cal-
i reon • '}Betsy -ie.; r+'search
nt erente, Miss L. M. Jeck-
`r; Communit;, activities and
is iii'.. Wilson J3roadfeet, Sea-
pier arc'. away for. two weeks at J'l.ke''' :Tai"' Fiiucrtion and Internet -
Bay. f leeel relationship, Mrs. Archie Hog.
Mrs. F. Weis' of. (1oderich visite,! `lyyanstoi,xr�uncl]ieity, :Miss Beat -
at the home of her son, Rot..
Weir. Miss
M. Clakr., one of the guest
Pte. Verne Smith' of C. amp_ a
and Mrs, Srnith of Exeter 'wet
itoi's with 4 the latter's inothea,
Annie Saaanelercock.
B0111—In Canton. Hospital in
11th to Mr. and ;::as. Claus•.. 1:lorre-il
Lien gall, a daughter.
Mrs, Kate Contelon and :lees, Parl-
Lloyd Pa aroreof Delhi vis tued i susakers aethh afternoon
ernoon session, al-
--estelesleis-rscelee. earan=r•eees e lrterh1 Gme L.cO1G1iC3. PreSor4"at-
oCeae ussse se. pee_
e -
mother, Mrs. Passmore, who is ill in ion -of fruit was. chosen as the. Iocal:
London Hospital.. leader project, to be held at Henall
Miss Mavis Spencer of Toronto Hcae in. the suinnier or .early fall.
a visitor with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. Spencer.
Ray Patterson of Toronto Was a
week -end visitor at his home lere,.
,firs, J. W. L'onthron returned af-
f tel• spending a few weeks with her
mother, Mrs. Yungblut in Kitchener Lanunie of Bewail favored the audi-'
r ince with a violin solo "The. OTd Re -
loin' which was much enjoyed, Mrs
A=, Fraser, F.W.I. representative ofTi;deron brought greetings from the
federation board and gave a report
on -.,the hoard's activities: l!rs. Gus.
Campbell of Mt. Brydg;es was also
present and spoke briefly. A question
daeyer was conducted by Miss CIarke
Mi.'s. 1I. Calclivell, Kippen present -
:4 the following .resolution:
"That t hearty_ vote of thanhs be
extended to the Hensall branch for
their; fine hospitality. The official
board of _Heneall United Church for
the u'se f their lovely church, the
guest speakers for their, splendid ad-
dresses; the conveners for their good
reports and all those who have con-
tributed to our successful' District
Annual was brought to a dose by
the singing of. the. National Anthems
A letter from Mrs. R. Golding was
head inviting the Distrist Annual to
convene in Exeter next year. This
invitation was gratefully accepted.
Mrs. E. Curran of Sarnia, convention
area chairman brought greetings and
gave a splendid address. Miss Greta
who is 311.
Miss Hattie Sutherland returned
home after ti pleasant visit in Lori
Sorry to report that Mrse John
Passmore, who is in London iiospital
continues quite M.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Smillie of Tor
onto are visiting at the hoose of their
son Dr. 1. G. Smillie.
Passes Final `Exams.
Norman Sinclair has completed his
course in Toronto University In Hon,
French and Latin, 'having passed his
final exams with honors, whidh qual-
ifies him for standing as a specialist
in French and Latin. Ile has -receiv-
ed his degree •af Bachelor of Arts in
Toronto at Cenvoeation. Norman is
just 21 years -oaf 'age and is to be
congratulated upon his fine success
in all four years.Blyth Standard.
A pretty wedding was 'solemnized
at the home of Mr. and 1V);rs. A. E.
Rumball, Clinton, on June 8, -When
their daughter, Helen 'Elizabeth, was
united in marriage 'to John Arthur,
son of M•'. and Mrs. Arthur Ander-,
son of near •Henshall, Rev. G. Buitoni
officiating. The beide ' was given liar
marriage by her father. Mr. Sam,
Rennie of. Hensel! played 'the Tedd -i
big march. Mrs. Sarre "Rennie, 'sister::
of the bride, was matron e'konorp
while Mr. Edison MacLean ;of Kipp-
en was best man. During the signing,
of the register, Mr. Sats Rennie.eang
"At Daw;,ning."'
A pretty wedding was solemnized
at high noon, June 8th at the 'United'
Church manse, Hensall.when Rev.it;.
A. Brook united in ina ridge Beatrice'
Ada Etheleen, only daughter of Mr.
and ;Mrs. Thos, Drover. of Hibbert,;
and john Clifford Munn, son of Mr.;
and -Mts. ' Robt. ;Mann, •Flensall, Miss
Dorothy Munn, jister of the „room,
was bridesmaid and Mr. Earl Dire,'.
ver, brother of the bride, was best
man, Following a wedding w'eceptioil;
was held at the bride's home, SVtrs.'
Drover and airs, Munn received. The
bride's table Weis centred with . the
wedding. cake :Ind decorated with
bride] r•rf .tt1: inial. etc: Serving 'wt')4
The Council of the Township of
Stephen. met in the Town Hall, Cred
iton, on May 6th at 1 o'click, all' me-
mbers present, The minutes of the
previous regular meeting of Apr'iT.1,
and special meetings held on the 8t1i,
1317h and 30th of the month were-ad-
opted on motion
'The Clerk reported he had received
the 1940 Assessment Roll from the
Assessor. Motion that the loll'be
accepted and the Assessor's account
amounting to $119.45 be paid and
that the 'Court of Revision to hear
and determine appeals be held in the
Town Hall, Crediton, on May 27.
'That thy-lla.•w No. 544 appointing
Geo. Westlake a Constable for tbe
Township of Stephen for a period of
12 months without remuneration hav-
ing 'beea read three times be finally
That the following payment 'vouch-
er and Orders be passed.
Voucher, ;Pay Roll No. 4, Dom. Rd
Why. grader blades $275.35; Cane,
National Railways, freight .501 T. H.
Wla(ti, 'Compensation Insurance $50.
'c tr•'s---L. Lochner, conveyance to
it .
$4; Anna, Gill, rent re Jackson- }
A ,ll $3, A. G. Webb, grect-ries-Dav .June :led at 1 o'clock, p.m.
$7i; E. s r'm an . ct. S„ I. K. F:ilbor1,. fClerk.J'nevkson 15.2,5; 4, 0. , ,�.;i,
/KT.. 1)1111atl err i.i ilei '1 nee
T 1u'r'sday, Juno 2011, 1940
of 4 Jam and Jelly Cholgralloions use CERTO
.r.,+c„: �eO.,swWWa6rd'�imfie':�
Mrs. R. J. Lunn of Oxford, N.S..—Prize-
winner at o e.'erd I:rilibition --w iter•: "1
feel, when nu.kMg lams or jellies with Certo,
that 1 am sure of good results. The shorter
boiling keeps the fresh jr;eii / ru•'.r 4i -id col-
our. Severe:! times 1 have taiku the Speriel
Prize for the most points in this class at our
county fair."
is nae
enoetotelcseC--•Very little infra can boil
away: in such n. short boil o e :s. get up
to half sepsin as touch je n or jelly
C)ifiCK AND EAST ---Witt Certo you
need. hail only a minute to two min-
utes for lem —a half -minute to a.
rniuute for jelly. - -
Under the label cE
every bottle of Carta
is a book of 72 tested
recipes for ietms and
reifies, Be sure to
follow the= exactly.
R71.71. N�
•t j'
of the short boil all the fresh, nate, al
fruit taste and colour is retained.
S J s :' e—'Wi6:h Certo you get easy-
toefe "locv recipes that give sure
C'f;IrT'O is- concentrated 1FRIT3T
i21;1.71'E1*i'-,.tries cttsarsral jellifying
sal,mance extrfseted from fruir.
Only 2 gear's in entire nvethine
2. Flexible coupiing /alms cave of all sees positions
3. Eccentric ring cotnkols tooth angle
4. Centrifuged lubrication from reel arm reservoirs
.. Tooldt-pairs independently snounted—easily
6. Lifts more—kicks less—makes higher, looser
windrows •
See the CASEand See the ZlFFEf3tRIOE
Local Dealer--ALVIN RAU, Zurich, Phone 98r6.
1@9))131; teilag*•A1•er***9Cit®*034/a@11yl0,p***se•sd...sooseease es
911460MrlP1#71110• 111i066.tfst "le,+ rnee,0n { •••104••►NM•
and D. M. Elliott, do; Municipals tely gutted and 'content; ,burned% with.'
World supplies 2.60; Bank of Coin- a loss estimated at about $60,0001.
inerce, cashing rd, cheques 2.75; C. The fire, which is believed to halm -
Geiser mulk 're:Jacksoso n 6.3023 Birthdays in 9$' Years
Tho Council adjurnecl to :exact a-
enin for their regular business meet- To have lived 92 .years and to have •
ing iVt the Tewn Hall, Crediton, on had only 23 birthdays is thetot of
Alex. Graham, venerable Huron Twp,
pieneet', who begins his 93rd year:
Born on Feb. 29tH., 1348. -.ear ,:in 5-'
sten, he came with his ir.::1 •T;t'.,
All Farmers requiring Salt should leave their ora
with us no later than May 20th. Paring .your empty
bags, or leave your order before the proposed Tax
is put on Salt... Act Now!
We have an up-to-date Seed Cleaning Equipment `'
that we use for Custom Cleaning, and invity the. _ 'Z
Farmers who . have seed to clean to arrange rhe; ith us. f
for this Work.
A Guaranteen Product that will greatly help your
Stock and Poultry to Vigor and Production„ which
will meati greater Profits. Try it!
,.'Schilb & Son
e ill`• n ol'E? ;3111O31f; tho E a 'a.;rfi ' 1.!'":1'!,A,tt1 "
] fi
, :l.a l . 'f AYnlrl �4trYY*, , i,KTwl,.p` l.s i�,7 l
r nr^, ,, ,ile; t '; ;les re,a hers. )ripen al'' 'n'ira ;::;an. fe+•••E., re Lochs' Illee liZetoesnl United Chutar, ()Meet journey from Kingston
in Ca(Irriclu
('ynoon tiers to New York, and up nes $15; IL C. heaver, salary a•, and largest church in that town, was, was :made by- -boat and •ti.', r. ,.k',
th i, i '1- 4 e they Will ra ^ide
vii the '1V:erfsor,anrl potas°c 10.45;L. Bich• r:c,,lnplaLt+ly dt'Strtryerl by fire recently'The trip into the iiww,y Op;;' l�,is i>i
. re)r%i,i's farra On til( . Boundary. art? "fonceyiew(,r fees $i2; Eli' :Kin, lin lar, tr 'brriarc 'ltuiWdi11 t✓tai temple- ^t. tall:'
S' : 1^ i:. 1 l' ,, the chore of tt:h.' lel-